function testsperengine() { global $tests; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "perform generic bean manipulation"; $ok = 1; $bean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("note"); $bean->message = "hai"; $bean->color = 3; $bean->date = time(); $bean->special = 'n'; $bean->state = 90; RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $bean2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("note", 1); if ($bean2->state != 90 || $bean2->special != 'n' || $bean2->message != 'hai') { $ok = 0; SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bean->message = "lorem ipsum"; RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $bean->message = 1; $bean->color = "green"; $bean->date = str_repeat("BLABLA", 100); RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $note = $bean; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->age = 50; $person->name = "Bob"; $person->gender = "m"; RedBean_OODB::set($person); RedBean_OODB::associate($person, $note); $memo = RedBean_OODB::getById("note", 1); $authors = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($memo, "person"); if (count($authors) !== 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } RedBean_OODB::trash($authors[1]); $authors = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($memo, "person"); if (count($authors) > 0) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //unit tests //drop the note table SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "dispense an RedBean_OODB Bean"; $oBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense(); if (!$oBean instanceof OODBBean) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "put a bean in the database"; $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->name = "John"; $person->age = 35; $person->gender = "m"; $person->hasJob = true; $id = RedBean_OODB::set($person); $johnid = $id; $person2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $id); if ($person2->age != $person->age) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } $person2->anotherprop = 2; RedBean_OODB::set($person2); $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->name = "Bob"; $person->age = 50; $person->gender = "m"; $person->hasJob = false; $bobid = RedBean_OODB::set($person); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "find records on basis of similarity"; $ids = RedBean_OODB::getBySQL("`gender`={gender} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m"), "person"); if (count($ids) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $ids = RedBean_OODB::getBySQL("`gender`={gender} OR `color`={clr} ", array("gender" => "m", "clr" => "red"), "person"); if (count($ids) != 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $ids = RedBean_OODB::getBySQL("`gender`={gender} AND `color`={clr} ", array("gender" => "m", "clr" => "red"), "person"); if (count($ids) != 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); R::gen("Person"); $dummy = new Person(); $dummy->age = 40; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => ">"))), 1); $dummy->age = 20; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => ">"))), 2); $dummy->age = 100; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => ">"))), 0); $dummy->age = 100; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("age" => "<="))), 2); $dummy->name = "ob"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("name" => "LIKE"))), 1); $dummy->name = "o"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("name" => "LIKE"))), 2); $dummy->gender = "m"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("gender" => "="))), 2); $dummy->gender = "f"; SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::find($dummy, array("gender" => "="))), 0); SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::listAll()), 2); SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::listAll(0, 1)), 1); SmartTest::instance()->test(count(Person::listAll(1)), 1); $can = Person::where("`gender`={gender} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m"), "person"); //test array access foreach ($can as $item) { if ($item->getName() == "Bob" || $item->getName() == "John") { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { SmartTest::failedTest(); } } //test array access $bean = $can[0]; if ($bean->name == "Bob") { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { SmartTest::failedTest(); } if ($can->count() != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $can->rewind(); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->key(), 0); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->valid(), true); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->current()->getName(), "Bob"); $can->next(); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->key(), 1); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->valid(), false); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->current()->getName(), "John"); $can->seek(0); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->key(), 0); $beans = $can->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //test slicing $can->slice(0, 1); $can->rewind(); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->current()->getName(), "Bob"); SmartTest::instance()->test($can->count(), 1); $b1 = array_shift($beans); if ($b1->name != "Bob") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //basic functionality where() $beans = Person::where("`gender`={gender} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m"), "person")->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //without backticks should still work $beans = Person::where("gender={person} order by `name` asc", array("person" => "m"), "person")->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //like comparing should still work $beans = Person::where("gender={gender} and `name` LIKE {name} order by `name` asc", array("gender" => "m", "name" => "B%"), "person")->getBeans(); if (count($beans) != 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->gender = "m"; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "associate beans with eachother?"; $app = RedBean_OODB::dispense("appointment"); $app->kind = "dentist"; RedBean_OODB::set($app); RedBean_OODB::associate($person2, $app); $appforbob = array_shift(RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($person2, "appointment")); if (!$appforbob || $appforbob->kind != "dentist") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "delete a bean?"; $person = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $bobid); RedBean_OODB::trash($person); try { $person = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $bobid); $ok = 0; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = true; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "unassociate two beans?"; $john = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $johnid); //hmmmmmm gaat mis bij innodb $app = RedBean_OODB::getById("appointment", 1); RedBean_OODB::unassociate($john, $app); $john2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $johnid); $appsforjohn = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john2, "appointment"); if (count($appsforjohn) > 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "unassociate by deleting a bean?"; $anotherdrink = RedBean_OODB::dispense("whisky"); $anotherdrink->name = "bowmore"; $anotherdrink->age = 18; $anotherdrink->singlemalt = 'y'; RedBean_OODB::set($anotherdrink); RedBean_OODB::associate($anotherdrink, $john); $hisdrinks = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john, "whisky"); if (count($hisdrinks) !== 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } RedBean_OODB::trash($anotherdrink); $hisdrinks = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john, "whisky"); if (count($hisdrinks) !== 0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "create parent child relationships?"; $pete = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $pete->age = 48; $pete->gender = "m"; $pete->name = "Pete"; $peteid = RedBean_OODB::set($pete); $rob = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $rob->age = 19; $rob->name = "Rob"; $rob->gender = "m"; $saskia = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $saskia->age = 20; $saskia->name = "Saskia"; $saskia->gender = "f"; RedBean_OODB::set($saskia); RedBean_OODB::set($rob); RedBean_OODB::addChild($pete, $rob); RedBean_OODB::addChild($pete, $saskia); $children = RedBean_OODB::getChildren($pete); $names = 0; if (is_array($children) && count($children) === 2) { foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->name === "Rob") { $names++; } if ($child->name === "Saskia") { $names++; } } } if (!$names) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } $daddies = RedBean_OODB::getParent($saskia); $daddy = array_pop($daddies); if ($daddy->name === "Pete") { $ok = 1; } else { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "remove a child from a parent-child tree?"; RedBean_OODB::removeChild($daddy, $saskia); $children = RedBean_OODB::getChildren($pete); $ok = 0; if (count($children) === 1) { $only = array_pop($children); if ($only->name === "Rob") { $ok = 1; } } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "save on the fly while associating?"; $food = RedBean_OODB::dispense("dish"); $food->name = "pizza"; RedBean_OODB::associate($food, $pete); $petesfood = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($pete, "food"); if (is_array($petesfood) && count($petesfood) === 1) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //some extra tests... quick without further notice. $food = RedBean_OODB::dispense("dish"); $food->name = "spaghetti"; RedBean_OODB::trash($food); //test aggregation functions //insert stat table $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 1; RedBean_OODB::set($s); $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 2; RedBean_OODB::set($s); $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 3; RedBean_OODB::set($s); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "can we use aggr functions using Redbean?"; if (RedBean_OODB::numberof("stattest") != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::maxof("stattest", "amount") != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::minof("stattest", "amount") != 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::avgof("stattest", "amount") != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::sumof("stattest", "amount") != 6) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::distinct("stattest", "amount")) != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } RedBean_OODB::setLocking(true); $i = 3; SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "generate only valid classes?"; try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen(""); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //nothing try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("."); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //illegal chars try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen(","); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //illegal chars try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("null"); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //keywords try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("Exception"); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //reserved SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "generate classes using Redbean?"; if (!class_exists("Bug")) { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("Bug"); if ($i !== 4) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } } else { if ($i !== 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } } if (!class_exists("Bug")) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "use getters and setters"; $bug = new Bug(); $bug->setSomething(sha1("abc")); if ($bug->getSomething() != sha1("abc")) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //can we use non existing props? --triggers fatal.. $bug->getHappy(); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Use boolean values and retrieve them with is()?"; if ($bug->isHappy()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bug->setHappy(true); $bug->save(); $bug = new Bug(1); if (!$bug->isHappy()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bug->setHappy(false); if ($bug->isHappy()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "avoid race-conditions by locking?"; RedBean_OODB::gen("Cheese,Wine"); $cheese = new Cheese(); $cheese->setName('Brie'); $cheese->save(); $cheese = new Cheese(1); //try to mess with the locking system... $oldkey = RedBean_OODB::$pkey; RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 1234; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bordeaux = new Wine(); $bordeaux->setRegion("Bordeaux"); try { $bordeaux->add($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->attach($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->add(new Wine()); $ok = 1; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); RedBean_OODB::$pkey = $oldkey; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); $ok = 1; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 999; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(0); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 123; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(100); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar2"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 42; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(0); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar3"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } //test value ranges SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(-1); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(1.5); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime("aaa"); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(null); SmartTest::failedTest(); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //test convenient tree functions SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "convient tree functions"; if (!class_exists("Person")) { RedBean_OODB::gen("person"); } $donald = new Person(); $donald->setName("Donald"); $donald->save(); $kwik = new Person(); $kwik->setName("Kwik"); $kwik->save(); $kwek = new Person(); $kwek->setName("Kwek"); $kwek->save(); $kwak = new Person(); $kwak->setName("Kwak"); $kwak->save(); $donald->attach($kwik); $donald->attach($kwek); $donald->attach($kwak); if (count($donald->children()) != 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count($kwik->siblings()) != 2) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //todo if ($kwik->hasParent($donald) != true) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasParent($kwak) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasChild($kwak) != true) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasChild($donald) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasChild($kwik) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($kwek) != true) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($kwak) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($donald) != false) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //copy SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "copy functions"; $kwak2 = $kwak->copy(); $id = $kwak2->save(); $kwak2 = new Person($id); if ($kwak->getName() != $kwak2->getName()) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "countRelated"; R::gen("Blog,Comment"); $blog = new Blog(); $blog2 = new Blog(); $blog->setTitle("blog1"); $blog2->setTitle("blog2"); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setText("comment no. {$i} "); $blog->add($comment); } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setText("comment no. {$i} "); $blog2->add($comment); } if ($blog->numofComment() !== 5) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($blog2->numofComment() !== 3) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "associate tables of the same name"; $blog = new Blog(); $blogb = new Blog(); $blog->title = 'blog a'; $blogb->title = 'blog b'; $blog->add($blogb); $b = $blog->getRelatedBlog(); if (count($b) !== 1) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $b = array_pop($b); if ($b->title != 'blog b') { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "inferTypeII patch"; $blog->rating = 4294967295.0; $blog->save(); $id = $blog->getID(); $blog2->rating = -1; $blog2->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if ($blog->getRating() != 4294967295.0) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Longtext column type"; $blog->message = str_repeat("x", 65535); $blog->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if (strlen($blog->message) != 65535) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $rows = RedBean_OODB::$db->get("describe blog"); if ($rows[3]["Type"] != "text") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $blog->message = str_repeat("x", 65536); $blog->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if (strlen($blog->message) != 65536) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $rows = RedBean_OODB::$db->get("describe blog"); if ($rows[3]["Type"] != "longtext") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } Redbean_OODB::clean(); SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Export"; RedBean_OODB::gen("justabean"); $oBean = new JustABean(); $oBean->setA("a"); $oOtherBean = new OODBBean(); $oOtherBean->a = "b"; $oBean2 = new OODBBean(); $oBean->exportTo($oBean2); if ($oBean2->a !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $oBean2 = $oBean->exportTo($oBean2); if ($oBean2->a !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $oBean->exportTo($oBean2, $oOtherBean); if ($oBean2->a !== "b") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $arr = array(); $oBean->exportTo($arr); if ($arr["a"] !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $arr = array(); $arr = $oBean->exportTo($arr); if ($arr["a"] !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $arr = $oBean->exportTo($arr, $oOtherBean); if ($arr["a"] !== "b") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "Export Array"; $oBean->a = "a"; $oInnerBean = new JustABean(); $oInnerBean->setID(123); $oBean->innerbean = $oInnerBean; $arr = $oBean->exportAsArr(); if (!is_array($arr)) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($arr["innerbean"] !== 123) { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($arr["a"] !== "a") { SmartTest::failedTest(); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //test 1-to-n SmartTest::instance()->testPack = "1-to-n relations"; R::gen("Track,Disc"); $cd1 = new Disc(); $cd1->name = 'first'; $cd1->save(); $cd2 = new Disc(); $cd2->name = 'second'; $cd2->save(); $track = new Track(); $track->title = "song 1"; $track->belongsTo($cd1); $discs = $track->getRelatedDisc(); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($discs), 1); $track->belongsTo($cd2); $discs = $track->getRelatedDisc(); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($discs), 1); $track2 = new Track(); $track2->title = "song 2"; $cd1->exclusiveAdd($track2); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($track->getRelatedDisc()), 1); $cd2->exclusiveAdd($track2); SmartTest::instance()->test(count($track->getRelatedDisc()), 1); }
function testsperengine() { global $tests; SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "perform generic bean manipulation"; $ok = 1; $bean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("note"); $bean->message = "hai"; $bean->color = 3; $bean->date = time(); $bean->special = 'n'; $bean->state = 90; RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $bean2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("note", 1); if ($bean2->state != 90 || $bean2->special != 'n' || $bean2->message != 'hai') { $ok = 0; die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bean->message = "lorem ipsum"; RedBean_OODB::set($bean); $bean->message = 1; $bean->color = "green"; $bean->date = str_repeat("BLABLA", 100); RedBean_OODB::set($bean); unset($bean); $bean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("note"); $bean->color = "green"; //print_r($bean); $bean3 = RedBean_OODB::find($bean, array("color" => "=")); if (count($bean3) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT1:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } unset($bean); $bean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("note"); $bean->state = 80; $bean3 = RedBean_OODB::find($bean, array("state" => ">")); if (count($bean3) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bla = RedBean_OODB::find($bean, array("undefined" => ">")); } catch (Exception $e) { //dont fail if prop does not exist die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT3:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $note = $bean3[1]; $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->age = 50; $person->name = "Bob"; $person->gender = "m"; RedBean_OODB::set($person); RedBean_OODB::associate($person, $note); $memo = RedBean_OODB::getById("note", 1); $authors = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($memo, "person"); if (count($authors) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT4:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } RedBean_OODB::trash($authors[1]); //$ok=false; //try{ $authors = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($memo, "person"); if (count($authors) > 0) { $ok = 0; } //} //catch(Exception $e){ // $ok=1; //} if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //unit tests //drop the note table SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "dispense an RedBean_OODB Bean"; $oBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense(); if (!$oBean instanceof OODBBean) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "put a bean in the database"; $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->name = "John"; $person->age = 35; $person->gender = "m"; $person->hasJob = true; $id = RedBean_OODB::set($person); $johnid = $id; //echo "--->$id"; $person2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $id); if ($person2->age != $person->age) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } $person2->anotherprop = 2; RedBean_OODB::set($person2); $person = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $person->name = "Bob"; $person->age = 50; $person->gender = "m"; $person->hasJob = false; $bobid = RedBean_OODB::set($person); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "find records on basis of similarity"; //RedBean_OODB::closeAllBeansOfType("person"); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->gender = "m"; $persons = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean, array("gender" => "=")); if (count($persons) != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //RedBean_OODB::closeAllBeansOfType("person"); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->name = "John"; $persons = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean, array("name" => "LIKE")); if (count($persons) != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } $searchBean2 = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean2->name = "John"; $searchBean2->gender = "m"; $persons2 = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean2, array("gender" => "=")); if (count($persons2) != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //test limits (start end etc..) $searchBean2 = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean2->name = "John"; $searchBean2->gender = "m"; $persons2 = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean2, array("gender" => "="), 1); if (count($persons2) != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $persons2 = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean2, array("gender" => "="), 0, 1); if (count($persons2) != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $persons2 = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean2, array("gender" => "="), 0, 1, "age ASC"); if (count($persons2) == 1) { $who = array_pop($persons2); if ($who->name != "John") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $persons2 = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean2, array("gender" => "="), 0, 1, "age DESC"); if (count($persons2) == 1) { $who = array_pop($persons2); if ($who->name != "Bob") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //test extra sql $persons2 = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean2, array("gender" => "="), 0, 1, "age DESC", "order by age ASC limit 1"); if (count($persons2) == 1) { $who = array_pop($persons2); if ($who->name != "John") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->age = "20"; $searchBean->gender = "m"; $persons = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean, array("age" => ">")); if (count($persons) != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->age = "20"; $searchBean->gender = "v"; $persons = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean, array("age" => ">", "gender" => "=")); if (count($persons) != 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $searchBean->age = "50"; $searchBean->name = "Bob"; $searchBean->gender = "m"; $persons = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean, array("age" => "=", "name" => "LIKE", "gender" => "=")); if (count($persons) != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } $whisky = RedBean_OODB::dispense("whisky"); $whisky->name = "Glen Old"; $whisky->age = 50; RedBean_OODB::set($whisky); $searchBean = RedBean_OODB::dispense("whisky"); $searchBean->age = "12"; $drinks = RedBean_OODB::find($searchBean, array("age" => ">")); if (count($drinks) != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "associate beans with eachother?"; $app = RedBean_OODB::dispense("appointment"); $app->kind = "dentist"; RedBean_OODB::set($app); RedBean_OODB::associate($person2, $app); $appforbob = array_shift(RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($person2, "appointment")); if (!$appforbob || $appforbob->kind != "dentist") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "delete a bean?"; $person = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $bobid); RedBean_OODB::trash($person); try { $person = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $bobid); $ok = 0; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = true; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "unassociate two beans?"; $john = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $johnid); //hmmmmmm gaat mis bij innodb /* SELECT * FROM `person` WHERE id = 2 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ExceptionFailedAccessBean' with message 'bean not found' in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/cms/oodb.php:1161 Stack trace: #0 /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/cms/test.php(275): RedBean_OODB::getById('person', 2) #1 {main} thrown in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/cms/oodb.php on line 1161 */ $app = RedBean_OODB::getById("appointment", 1); RedBean_OODB::unassociate($john, $app); $john2 = RedBean_OODB::getById("person", $johnid); $appsforjohn = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john2, "appointment"); if (count($appsforjohn) > 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "unassociate by deleting a bean?"; $anotherdrink = RedBean_OODB::dispense("whisky"); $anotherdrink->name = "bowmore"; $anotherdrink->age = 18; $anotherdrink->singlemalt = 'y'; RedBean_OODB::set($anotherdrink); RedBean_OODB::associate($anotherdrink, $john); $hisdrinks = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john, "whisky"); if (count($hisdrinks) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } RedBean_OODB::trash($anotherdrink); $hisdrinks = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($john, "whisky"); if (count($hisdrinks) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "create parent child relationships?"; $pete = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $pete->age = 48; $pete->gender = "m"; $pete->name = "Pete"; $peteid = RedBean_OODB::set($pete); $rob = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $rob->age = 19; $rob->name = "Rob"; $rob->gender = "m"; $saskia = RedBean_OODB::dispense("person"); $saskia->age = 20; $saskia->name = "Saskia"; $saskia->gender = "f"; RedBean_OODB::set($saskia); RedBean_OODB::set($rob); RedBean_OODB::addChild($pete, $rob); RedBean_OODB::addChild($pete, $saskia); $children = RedBean_OODB::getChildren($pete); $names = 0; if (is_array($children) && count($children) === 2) { foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->name === "Rob") { $names++; } if ($child->name === "Saskia") { $names++; } } } if (!$names) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT1:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } $daddies = RedBean_OODB::getParent($saskia); $daddy = array_pop($daddies); if ($daddy->name === "Pete") { $ok = 1; } else { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "remove a child from a parent-child tree?"; RedBean_OODB::removeChild($daddy, $saskia); $children = RedBean_OODB::getChildren($pete); $ok = 0; if (count($children) === 1) { $only = array_pop($children); if ($only->name === "Rob") { $ok = 1; } } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //test exceptions $ok = 0; try { RedBean_OODB::addChild($daddy, $whisky); } catch (ExceptionInvalidParentChildCombination $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } $ok = 0; try { RedBean_OODB::removeChild($daddy, $whisky); } catch (ExceptionInvalidParentChildCombination $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "save on the fly while associating?"; $food = RedBean_OODB::dispense("dish"); $food->name = "pizza"; RedBean_OODB::associate($food, $pete); $petesfood = RedBean_OODB::getAssoc($pete, "food"); if (is_array($petesfood) && count($petesfood) === 1) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //some extra tests... quick without further notice. $food = RedBean_OODB::dispense("dish"); $food->name = "spaghetti"; RedBean_OODB::trash($food); //test aggregation functions //insert stat table $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 1; RedBean_OODB::set($s); $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 2; RedBean_OODB::set($s); $s = RedBean_OODB::dispense("stattest"); $s->amount = 3; RedBean_OODB::set($s); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "can we use aggr functions using Redbean?"; if (RedBean_OODB::numberof("stattest") != 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::maxof("stattest", "amount") != 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::minof("stattest", "amount") != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::avgof("stattest", "amount") != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::sumof("stattest", "amount") != 6) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::distinct("stattest", "amount")) != 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //test list function SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "can we use list functions using Redbean?"; if (count(RedBean_OODB::listAll("stattest")) != 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::listAll("stattest", 1)) != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::listAll("stattest", 1, 1)) != 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::listAll("stattest", 1, 2)) != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count(RedBean_OODB::listAll("stattest", 1, 1, "", " limit 100 ")) != 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //now test with decorator ======================================= RedBean_OODB::setLocking(true); $i = 3; SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "generate only valid classes?"; try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen(""); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //nothing try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("."); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //illegal chars try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen(","); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //illegal chars try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("null"); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //keywords try { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("Exception"); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //reserved SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "generate classes using Redbean?"; if (!class_exists("Bug")) { $i += RedBean_OODB::gen("Bug"); if ($i !== 4) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT {$i}:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } else { if ($i !== 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT {$i}:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } if (!class_exists("Bug")) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "use getters and setters"; $bug = new Bug(); $bug->setSomething(sha1("abc")); if ($bug->getSomething() != sha1("abc")) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //can we use non existing props? --triggers fatal.. $bug->getHappy(); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "use oget and oset?"; RedBean_OODB::gen("Project"); $proj = new Project(); $proj->setName("zomaar"); $bug->osetProject($proj); $bug->save(); $oldbug = new Bug(1); $oldproj = $oldbug->ogetProject(); if ($oldproj->getName() != "zomaar") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "Use boolean values and retrieve them with is()?"; if ($bug->isHappy()) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bug->setHappy(true); $bug->save(); $bug = new Bug(1); if (!$bug->isHappy()) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bug->setHappy(false); if ($bug->isHappy()) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "break oget/oset assoc?"; $bug->osetProject(null); $bug->save(); $bug = null; $bug = new Bug(1); $proj = $bug->ogetProject(); if ($proj->getID() > 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "Use the decorator to associate items?"; $bug = null; $bug1 = new Bug(); $bug2 = new Bug(); $bug1->setName("b1"); $bug2->setName("b2"); $p = new Project(); $p->setProjectNum(42); $p->add($bug1); $p->add($bug2); $p = null; $b = new Project(); $b->setProjectNum(42); //also fck up case... $arr = RedBean_Decorator::find($b, array("PRoJECTnuM" => "=")); $proj = array_pop($arr); $bugs = $proj->getRelatedBug(); if (count($bugs) !== 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "use hierarchies?"; $sub1 = new Project(); $sub2 = new Project(); $sub3 = new Project(); $sub1->setName("a"); $sub2->setName("b"); $sub2->setDate(time()); $sub3->setName("c"); $sub2->attach($sub3); $proj->attach($sub1)->attach($sub2); $arr = RedBean_Decorator::find($b, array("PRoJECTnuM" => "=")); $proj = array_pop($arr); $c = $proj->children(); foreach ($c as $c1) { if ($c1->getName() == "b") { break; } } $c2 = $c1->children(); $sub3 = array_pop($c2); if ($sub3->getName() != "c") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "make our own models"; if (!class_exists("Customer")) { class Customer extends RedBean_Decorator { public function __construct($id = 0) { parent::__construct("Customer", $id); } //each customer may only have one project public function setProject(Project $project) { $this->clearRelatedProject(); $this->command("add", array($project)); } public function add($what) { if ($what instanceof Project) { return false; } $this->command("add", array($what)); } } } $p2 = new Project(); $p2->setName("hihi"); $cust = new Customer(); $cust->setProject($p2); $cust->add($p2); $cust->setProject($proj); $ps = $cust->getRelatedProject(); if (count($ps) > 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT1:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $p = array_pop($ps); if ($p->getName() == "hihi") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "delete all assoc"; $cust->clearAllRelations(); $ps = $cust->getRelatedProject(); if (count($ps) > 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT1:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "not mess with redbean"; $bla = new Customer(); Redbean_Decorator::find($bla, array()); $ok = 0; try { Redbean_Decorator::find($bla, array("bkaa" => "q=")); } catch (ExceptionInvalidFindOperator $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "manipulate hierarchies"; $cust2 = new Customer(); $cust->attach($cust2); $c = $cust->children(); if (count($c) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT1:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cust->remove($cust2); $c = $cust->children(); if (count($c) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cust->attach($cust2); Customer::delete($cust2); $c = $cust->children(); if (count($c) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT3:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "remove associations"; $cust3 = new Customer(); $cust4 = new Customer(); $cust3->add($cust4); $c = $cust3->getRelatedCustomer(); if (count($c) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT1:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cust3->remove($cust4); $c = $cust3->getRelatedCustomer(); if (count($c) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cust3 = new Customer(); $cust4 = new Customer(); $cust3->add($cust4); $cust3->add($cust4); //also test multiple assoc $c = $cust3->getRelatedCustomer(); if (count($c) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT3:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cust4->remove($cust3); $c = $cust3->getRelatedCustomer(); if (count($c) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT4:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cust3 = new Customer(); $cust4 = new Customer(); $cust3->add($cust4); $cust3->add($cust4); //also test multiple assoc $c = $cust3->getRelatedCustomer(); if (count($c) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT5:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); Customer::delete($cust4); $c = $cust3->getRelatedCustomer(); if (count($c) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT6:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "import from post"; $_POST["hallo"] = 123; $_POST["there"] = 456; $_POST["nope"] = 789; $cust = new Customer(); $cust->importFromPost(array("hallo", "there")); if ($cust->getHallo() == 123 && $cust->getThere() == 456 && !$cust->getNope()) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } foreach ($cust->problems() as $p) { if ($p) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $_POST["hallo"] = 123; $_POST["there"] = 456; $_POST["nope"] = 789; $cust = new Customer(); $cust->importFromPost("hallo,there"); if ($cust->getHallo() == 123 && $cust->getThere() == 456 && !$cust->getNope()) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } foreach ($cust->problems() as $p) { if ($p) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT3:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $_POST["hallo"] = 123; $_POST["there"] = 456; $_POST["nope"] = 789; $cust = new Customer(); $cust->importFromPost(); if ($cust->getHallo() == 123 && $cust->getThere() == 456 && $cust->getNope()) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } foreach ($cust->problems() as $p) { if ($p) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (!class_exists("Trick")) { class Trick extends RedBean_Decorator { public function __construct($id = 0) { parent::__construct("Customer", $id); } public function setHallo() { return "hallodaar"; } } } $trick = new Trick(); $trick->importFromPost(array("hallo", "there")); $message = array_shift($trick->problems()); if ($message === "hallodaar") { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); exit; } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "avoid race-conditions by locking?"; RedBean_OODB::gen("Cheese,Wine"); $cheese = new Cheese(); $cheese->setName('Brie'); $cheese->save(); $cheese = new Cheese(1); //try to mess with the locking system... $oldkey = RedBean_OODB::$pkey; RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 1234; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $bordeaux = new Wine(); $bordeaux->setRegion("Bordeaux"); try { $bordeaux->add($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->attach($cheese); } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 1; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { $bordeaux->add(new Wine()); $ok = 1; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); RedBean_OODB::$pkey = $oldkey; $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Camembert"); $ok = 0; try { $cheese->save(); $ok = 1; } catch (ExceptionFailedAccessBean $e) { $ok = 0; } if (!$ok) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 999; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(0); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 123; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(100); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar2"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT-C:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } catch (Exception $e) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } try { RedBean_OODB::$pkey = 42; RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(0); $cheese = new Cheese(1); $cheese->setName("Cheddar3"); $cheese->save(); RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(10); SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } //test value ranges SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(-1); die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(1.5); die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime("aaa"); die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "protect inner state of RedBean"; try { RedBean_OODB::setLockingTime(null); die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } catch (ExceptionInvalidArgument $e) { } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //can we reset logs SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "reset the logs?"; $logs = RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs(); //are the logs working? if (is_array($logs) && count($logs) > 0) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } RedBean_DBAdapter::resetLogs(); $logs = RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs(); if (is_array($logs) && count($logs) === 0) { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } else { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "freeze the database?"; RedBean_OODB::freeze(); $joop = new Project(); $joop->setName("Joop"); $joopid = $joop->save(); if (!is_numeric($joopid) || $joopid < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $joop->setBlaaataap("toppiedoe"); $joop->save(); $joop2 = new Project($joopid); $name = $joop2->getName(); $blaataap = $joop2->getBlaataap(); if ($name !== "Joop") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (!is_null($blaataap)) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); try { RedBean_OODB::gen("haas"); $haas = new Haas(); $haas->setHat("redhat"); $id = $haas->save(); if ($id !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); $cheese = new Cheese(); $cheese->setName("bluecheese"); $cheeseid = $cheese->save(); if (!$cheeseid) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } $anothercheese = new Cheese(); $cheese->add($anothercheese); $cheese->attach($anothercheese); $a1 = $cheese->getRelatedCheese(); $a2 = $cheese->children(); if (!is_array($a1) || is_array($a1) && count($a1) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (!is_array($a2) || is_array($a2) && count($a2) !== 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //now scan the logs for database modifications $logs = strtolower(implode(",", RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs())); if (strpos("alter", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (strpos("truncate", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (strpos("drop", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (strpos("change", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (strpos("show", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (strpos("describe", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); if (strpos("drop database", $logs) !== false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //should be unable to do gc() and optimize() and clean() and resetAll() RedBean_DBAdapter::resetLogs(); if (RedBean_OODB::gc() && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) > 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::optimizeIndexes() && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) > 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::clean() && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) > 0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::registerUpdate("cheese") && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (RedBean_OODB::registerSearch("cheese") && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "can we unfreeze the database"; try { RedBean_OODB::unfreeze(); } catch (Exception $e) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } SmartTest::instance()->progress(); //should be ABLE to do gc() and optimize() and clean() and resetAll() RedBean_DBAdapter::resetLogs(); if (!RedBean_OODB::gc() && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (!RedBean_OODB::optimizeIndexes() && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (!RedBean_OODB::clean() && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (!RedBean_OODB::registerUpdate("cheese") && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (!RedBean_OODB::registerSearch("cheese") && count(RedBean_DBAdapter::getLogs()) < 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //test convenient tree functions SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "convient tree functions"; if (!class_exists("Person")) { RedBean_OODB::gen("person"); } $donald = new Person(); $donald->setName("Donald"); $donald->save(); $kwik = new Person(); $kwik->setName("Kwik"); $kwik->save(); $kwek = new Person(); $kwek->setName("Kwek"); $kwek->save(); $kwak = new Person(); $kwak->setName("Kwak"); $kwak->save(); $donald->attach($kwik); $donald->attach($kwek); $donald->attach($kwak); if (count($donald->children()) != 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if (count($kwik->siblings()) != 2) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //todo if ($kwik->hasParent($donald) != true) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasParent($kwak) != false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT2:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasChild($kwak) != true) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($donald->hasChild($donald) != false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasChild($kwik) != false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($kwek) != true) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($kwak) != false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($kwak->hasSibling($donald) != false) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } //copy SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "copy functions"; $kwak2 = $kwak->copy(); $id = $kwak2->save(); $kwak2 = new Person($id); if ($kwak->getName() != $kwak2->getName()) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "countRelated"; R::gen("Blog,Comment"); $blog = new Blog(); $blog2 = new Blog(); $blog->setTitle("blog1"); $blog2->setTitle("blog2"); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setText("comment no. {$i} "); $blog->add($comment); } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setText("comment no. {$i} "); $blog2->add($comment); } if ($blog->numofComment() !== 5) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } if ($blog2->numofComment() !== 3) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "associate tables of the same name"; $blog = new Blog(); $blogb = new Blog(); $blog->title = 'blog a'; $blogb->title = 'blog b'; $blog->add($blogb); $b = $blog->getRelatedBlog(); if (count($b) !== 1) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $b = array_pop($b); if ($b->title != 'blog b') { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "inferTypeII patch"; $blog->rating = 4294967295.0; $blog->save(); $id = $blog->getID(); $blog2->rating = -1; $blog2->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if ($blog->getRating() != 4294967295.0) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } SmartTest::instance()->canwe = "Longtext column type"; $blog->message = str_repeat("x", 65535); $blog->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if (strlen($blog->message) != 65535) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $rows = RedBean_OODB::$db->get("describe blog"); if ($rows[3]["Type"] != "text") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $blog->message = str_repeat("x", 65536); $blog->save(); $blog = new Blog($id); if (strlen($blog->message) != 65536) { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } $rows = RedBean_OODB::$db->get("describe blog"); if ($rows[3]["Type"] != "longtext") { die("<b style='color:red'>Error CANNOT:" . SmartTest::instance()->canwe); } else { SmartTest::instance()->progress(); } Redbean_OODB::clean(); }