예제 #1
  * 计算经销商推荐收益
  * 每个月1号执行一次, 或者每隔1个月执行一次
  * @param unknown $args
 public function run($args)
     Yii::log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] start", 'info', 'command');
     echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] start \n";
     $beginmoth = strtotime('-1 month');
     $year = date('Y', $beginmoth);
     $month = date('m', $beginmoth);
     $beginmoth = date('Y-m', $beginmoth);
     $beginmoth = strtotime($beginmoth);
     $endmoth = date('Y-m');
     $endmoth = strtotime($endmoth);
     $Time = date('Y-m', time());
     $Time = strtotime($Time);
     Yii::log('beginmoth:' . $beginmoth, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('beginyear:' . $year, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('beginmoth:' . $beginmoth, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('endmoth:' . $endmoth, 'info', 'command');
     Yii::log('time:' . $Time, 'info', 'command');
     $discountRate = Settings::getValue("discountRate");
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = 'userID';
     $criteria->distinct = true;
     $criteria->order = 'userID desc';
     $sql_find = 'select ID from jpd_organ where Identity=2';
     $dealers = Yii::app()->jpdb->createcommand($sql_find)->queryAll();
     if (!empty($dealers)) {
         foreach ($dealers as $deakey => $deaval) {
             $IncomeID = '';
             $exit = RecommendIncome::model()->find('OrganID=:OrganID and Month=:Month and Year=:Year', array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID'], ':Month' => $month, ':Year' => $year));
             if ($exit) {
                 $IncomeID = $exit->ID;
             } else {
                 $model = new RecommendIncome();
                 $model->EffectTime = time();
                 $model->OrganID = $deaval['ID'];
                 $model->IsAccount = 0;
                 $model->Month = $month;
                 $model->Year = $year;
                 $IncomeID = Yii::app()->jpdb->getLastInsertID();
             $serviceID = '';
             $lastmonthtotal = 0;
             $Record_all = RecommendRecord::model()->findAll('DealerID=:OrganID ', array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID']));
             if ($Record_all) {
                 foreach ($Record_all as $app2) {
                     if (!empty($app2)) {
                         if ($app2->ServiceID) {
                             $serviceID[] = $app2->ServiceID;
                             $app4 = PapOrder::model()->findAll('BuyerID=:BuyerID and Status=:Status and SellerID!=:SellerID and ReceiptTime<:endmoth and ReceiptTime>=:beginmoth', array(':BuyerID' => $app2->ServiceID, ':Status' => 9, ':SellerID' => $deaval['ID'], ':endmoth' => $endmoth, ':beginmoth' => $beginmoth));
                             if (!empty($app4)) {
                                 $month1 = 0;
                                 foreach ($app4 as $ke => $valu) {
                                     $discountAmount = $valu['RealPrice'] * $discountRate;
                                     //                                        $payAmount = is_float($discountAmount) ? substr_replace($discountAmount, '', strpos($discountAmount, '.') + 3) : $discountAmount . '.00';
                                     $payAmount = round($discountAmount, 2);
                                     $month1 += $payAmount;
                                     $lastmonthtotal += $payAmount;
                                 $detail = RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->find("OrganID=:OrganID and ServiceID=:ServiceID and incomeID=:incomeID", array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID'], ":ServiceID" => $app2->ServiceID, ':incomeID' => $IncomeID));
                                 if (!empty($detail)) {
                                     RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->updateByPK($detail->ID, array('income' => $month1));
                                 } else {
                                     $income = new RecommendIncomeDetail();
                                     $income->RecomID = $app2->RecomID;
                                     $income->RecomTime = time();
                                     //                                        $income->IncomeAccount = 0;
                                     $income->IncomeTime = time();
                                     $income->isAccount = 0;
                                     $income->BeFormalTime = 0;
                                     $income->income = $month1;
                                     $income->OrganID = $deaval['ID'];
                                     $income->ServiceID = $app2->ServiceID;
                                     $income->incomeID = $IncomeID;
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->select = 'BuyerID';
             $criteria->distinct = true;
             $criteria->addCondition("ReceiptTime<" . $endmoth);
             $criteria->addCondition("ReceiptTime>=" . $beginmoth);
             $criteria->addCondition("SellerID=" . $deaval['ID']);
             if (!empty($serviceID)) {
                 $criteria->addNotInCondition('BuyerID', $serviceID);
             $criteria->order = 'BuyerID desc';
             $payservicers = PapOrder::model()->findAll($criteria);
             if (!empty($payservicers)) {
                 foreach ($payservicers as $paykey => $payval) {
                     $record = RecommendRecord::model()->find('ServiceID=:ServiceID', array(":ServiceID" => $payval->BuyerID));
                     if (!empty($record)) {
                         $month2 = 0;
                         $paysers = PapOrder::model()->findAll('BuyerID=:BuyerID and Status=:Status and SellerID=:SellerID and ReceiptTime<:endmoth and ReceiptTime>=:beginmonth', array(':BuyerID' => $payval->BuyerID, ':Status' => 9, ':SellerID' => $deaval['ID'], ':endmoth' => $endmoth, ':beginmonth' => $beginmoth));
                         foreach ($paysers as $Skey => $Sval) {
                             $discountAmount = $Sval['RealPrice'] * $discountRate;
                             //                                $payAmount = is_float($discountAmount) ? substr_replace($discountAmount, '', strpos($discountAmount, '.') + 3) : $discountAmount . '.00';
                             $payAmount = round($discountAmount, 2);
                             $month2 -= $payAmount;
                             $lastmonthtotal -= $payAmount;
                         $detail = RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->find("OrganID=:OrganID and ServiceID=:ServiceID and incomeID=:incomeID", array(':OrganID' => $deaval['ID'], ":ServiceID" => $payval->BuyerID, ':incomeID' => $IncomeID));
                         if (!empty($detail)) {
                             RecommendIncomeDetail::model()->updateByPK($detail->ID, array('income' => $month2));
                         } else {
                             $income = new RecommendIncomeDetail();
                             $income->RecomID = $record->RecomID;
                             $income->RecomTime = time();
                             $income->IncomeTime = time();
                             $income->isAccount = 0;
                             $income->BeFormalTime = 0;
                             $income->income = $month2;
                             $income->OrganID = $deaval['ID'];
                             $income->ServiceID = $payval->BuyerID;
                             $income->incomeID = $IncomeID;
             RecommendIncome::model()->updateByPK($IncomeID, array('MonthIncome' => $lastmonthtotal));
     Yii::log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] end \n", 'info', 'command');
     echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " [RecommendIncome] end \n";
예제 #2
 public function actionServicedetail()
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID();
     $photo = ServicePhoto::model()->findAll("userId=:userId", array(":userId" => $id));
     $model = Service::model()->find("userId=:userId", array(":userId" => $id));
     $main = ServiceMain::model()->find("OrganID=:ID", array(":ID" => $id))->attributes;
     $routines = ServiceMainRoutine::model()->findAll("MainID=:ID AND OrganType=:Type", array(":ID" => $main['ID'], ":Type" => $main['OrganType']));
     foreach ($routines as $rokey => $rovalue) {
         $routine[$rokey] = $rovalue->attributes;
     $diagnos = ServiceMainDiagnos::model()->findAll("MainID=:ID AND OrganType=:Type", array(":ID" => $main['ID'], ":Type" => $main['OrganType']));
     foreach ($diagnos as $dikey => $divalue) {
         $diagno[$dikey] = $divalue->attributes;
     $parts = ServiceMainWearparts::model()->findAll("MainID=:ID AND OrganType=:Type", array(":ID" => $main['ID'], ":Type" => $main['OrganType']));
     foreach ($parts as $pakey => $pavalue) {
         $part[$pakey] = $pavalue->attributes;
     $repairs = ServiceMainRepair::model()->findAll("MainID=:ID AND OrganType=:Type", array(":ID" => $main['ID'], ":Type" => $main['OrganType']));
     foreach ($repairs as $rekey => $revalue) {
         $repair[$rekey] = $revalue->attributes;
     $record = RecommendRecord::model()->find("DealerID=:DealerID and ServiceID=:ServiceID", array(":DealerID" => $organID, ":ServiceID" => $id));
     if (!empty($record)) {
         $users = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select("pro.truename,pro.phone")->from("tbl_user t")->join("tbl_profiles pro", "pro.user_id=t.id")->where("t.id!=:userid and t.OrganID=:userid", array(":userid" => $id))->queryAll();
     $this->render('servicerdetail', array('photo' => $photo, 'model' => $model, "main" => $main, "routine" => $routine, "diagno" => $diagno, "part" => $part, 'employs' => $users ? $users : array(), "repair" => $repair));
예제 #3
 public function actionShowDetail()
     //$endmoth = strtotime(date('Y-m'));
     $ServiceID = Yii::app()->request->getParam('ServiceID');
     $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID();
     //收益百分比   暂无
     $discountRate = Settings::getValue("discountRate");
     //$discountRate = 0.02;
     $record = RecommendRecord::model()->find("DealerID=:DealerID and ServiceID=:ServiceID", array(":DealerID" => $organID, ":ServiceID" => $ServiceID));
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = '*';
     $startdate = date('Y-m', time());
     $startdate = strtotime($startdate);
     $enddate = strtotime("-1 month", $startdate);
     $criteria->addBetweenCondition('ReceiptTime', $enddate, $startdate);
     //$criteria->addCondition("ReceiptTime<" . $endmoth);
     $criteria->addCondition("BuyerID=" . $ServiceID);
     if (empty($record)) {
         $criteria->addCondition("SellerID=" . $organID);
     } else {
         $criteria->addCondition("SellerID!=" . $organID);
     $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Order', array('criteria' => $criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => '10')));
     $data = $dataProvider->getData();
     //无法传值到表单中    暂时用PayStatus字段保存收益
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $data[$key]['PayStatus'] = round($data[$key]['RealPrice'] * $discountRate, 2);
         if ($data[$key]['SellerID'] == $organID) {
             $data[$key]['PayStatus'] = '-' . $data[$key]['PayStatus'];
     $this->render('showorderdetail', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider));
예제 #4
 public function AddRRecord($model, $lastUserID)
     $bool2 = RecommendList::model()->updateByPk($model['ID'], array('RecomStatus' => 1));
     if ($bool2) {
         $recrec = new RecommendRecord();
         // 推荐记录
         $recrec->RecomID = $model['ID'];
         $recrec->RecomMethod = '代注册推荐';
         $recrec->RecomTime = time();
         $recrec->BeFormalTime = 0;
         //            $recrec->UserID = $model['OrganID'];
         $recrec->DealerID = $model['OrganID'];
         $recrec->ServiceID = $lastUserID;
         //            $income = new RecommendIncomeDetail(); // 推荐收入
         //            $income->RecomID = $model['ID'];
         //            $income->RecomTime = time();
         //            $income->ServiceID = $lastUserID;
         //            $income->IncomeAccount = 0;
         //            $income->isAccount = 0;
         //            $income->RecomMethod = "代注册推荐";
         ////            $income->UserID = $model['UserID'];
         //            $income->OrganID = $model['OrganID'];
         //            $recrec->BeFormalTime = 0;
         //            $income->save();