public function GetKeywordsAndBrandsByItsGroups($group_id, $type) { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); if ($type == 'keyword') { $return = $this->ranking_model->getTermsIdsByGroupId($group_id); } else { if ($type == 'brand') { $return = $this->ranking_model->getRankingBrandsByGroupId($group_id); } else { $return = false; } } $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($return)); }
/** * @param $new_summary_data_array * @param $siteIds * @param $dates * @param $terms * @param $brandIds * @param $plistIds * * @return mixed */ private function populateShareOfShelfData(&$new_summary_data_array, $siteIds, $dates, $terms, $brandIds, $plistIds) { $termIds = []; foreach ($terms as $term) { $termIds[] = $term->id; if (!in_array($term->id, $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body']['search_terms_list'])) { $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body']['search_terms_list'][] = $term; } } foreach ($siteIds as $site) { $all_results_for_body = array(); $data_prepared = $this->ranking_model->getProductsByTerm($site, $dates, $termIds, 'rsri.ranking', 'asc', $brandIds, 0, false, $plistIds); $new_summary_data_array['curr_group_terms_count'] += Ranking_model::get_ofp_total_count($data_prepared, $all_results_for_body); foreach (['terms', 'brands', 'brand_terms'] as $fieldKey) { if (!empty($all_results_for_body[$fieldKey])) { foreach ($all_results_for_body[$fieldKey] as $key => $arfb) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body'][$fieldKey])) { $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body'][$fieldKey][$key] = 0; } $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body'][$fieldKey][$key] += $arfb; } } } foreach ($terms as $cur_term) { $group_name = !empty($cur_term->title) ? $cur_term->title : ''; $ofp_count = $this->ranking_model->getOfpCountByTerm($site, $dates, $cur_term->id, array(), $plistIds); if (!array_key_exists($group_name, $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'])) { $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'][$group_name] = 0; } $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'][$group_name] += $ofp_count; $new_summary_data_array['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp']['summary_ofp_count'] += $ofp_count; } } return $new_summary_data_array; }
private function calculate_findable_score($params) { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $findable = 0; $all_results_for_body = array(); $data_prepared = $this->ranking_model->getProductsByTerm($params['rank_sites'], $params['rank_date'], $params['rank_terms'], 'rsri.ranking', 'asc', $params['rank_brand']); $summary_data = Ranking_model::get_ofp_total_count($data_prepared, $all_results_for_body); $possible_spot = 0; foreach ($params['rank_sites'] as $site) { foreach ($params['rank_terms'] as $cur_term) { $possible_spot += $this->ranking_model->getOfpCountByTerm($site, $params['rank_date'], $cur_term, array()); } } if (!empty($possible_spot)) { $findable = round($summary_data / $possible_spot * 100); } return $findable; }
protected function amazon_urls_unification() { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $time_started = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $time_total_begin = microtime(true); $stats = array('rsri_urls_limit' => 0, 'rsri_urls_selected' => 0, 'rsri_urls_selected_unique' => 0, 'product_urls_exists' => 0, 'rsri_urls_updated' => 0, 'time_started' => $time_started, 'time_select_rsri' => 0, 'time_select_product_url' => 0, 'time_update_rsri' => 0, 'time_total' => 0); $settings = $this->db->where('key', 'amazon_urls_unification_limit')->get('settings')->row(); $rsri_urls_limit = 1000; if (!empty($settings->id)) { $rsri_urls_limit = intval($settings->description); } else { $this->db->insert('settings', array('key' => 'amazon_urls_unification_limit', 'description' => $rsri_urls_limit)); } $stats['rsri_urls_limit'] = $rsri_urls_limit; $result = array(); if ($rsri_urls_limit > 0) { $time_begin = microtime(true); $result = $this->db->select('id, url')->from('ranking_search_results_items')->where("url ~ 'https?://(?:www\\.)?amazon\\.c(?:om|o\\.uk|a)/(?:.*?/)?dp/.+?/.*'")->limit($rsri_urls_limit)->get()->result(); $stats['time_select_rsri'] = number_format(microtime(true) - $time_begin, 2); $stats['rsri_urls_selected'] = count($result); $urls = array(); foreach ($result as $rsri) { $good_url = MY_Model::unifyAmazonUrl($rsri->url); if (!empty($good_url)) { if (!array_key_exists($good_url, $urls)) { $urls[$good_url] = array('rsri_ids' => array(), 'product_url_id' => null); } $urls[$good_url]['rsri_ids'][] = $rsri->id; } } $stats['rsri_urls_selected_unique'] = count($urls); // get product_url ids for $good_urls $product_urls_exists = 0; if (!empty($urls)) { $time_begin = microtime(true); $result = $this->db->select('id, url')->from('product_url')->where_in('url', array_keys($urls))->get()->result(); $stats['time_select_product_url'] = number_format(microtime(true) - $time_begin, 2); foreach ($result as $product_url) { if (array_key_exists($product_url->url, $urls) && empty($urls[$product_url->url]['product_url_id'])) { $urls[$product_url->url]['product_url_id'] = $product_url->id; $product_urls_exists++; } } } $stats['product_urls_exists'] = $product_urls_exists; // update ranking_search_results_items $rsri_urls_updated = 0; $time_begin = microtime(true); foreach ($urls as $good_url => $url_data) { if (!empty($good_url)) { if (empty($url_data['product_url_id'])) { // create product_url $product_url_data = array('url' => $good_url); $url_data['product_url_id'] = $this->ranking_model->create_('product_url', $product_url_data); } if (!empty($url_data['product_url_id']) && !empty($url_data['rsri_ids'])) { $rsri_data = array('url' => $good_url, 'url_id' => $url_data['product_url_id']); $rsri_where = array('id' => $url_data['rsri_ids']); if ($result = $this->ranking_model->update_('ranking_search_results_items', $rsri_data, $rsri_where)) { $rsri_urls_updated++; } } } } $stats['rsri_urls_updated'] = $rsri_urls_updated; $stats['time_update_rsri'] = number_format(microtime(true) - $time_begin, 2); $stats['time_total'] = number_format(microtime(true) - $time_total_begin, 2); // save stats $settings = $this->db->where('key', 'amazon_urls_unification_stats')->get('settings')->row(); $settings_id = null; if (!empty($settings->id)) { $settings_id = $settings->id; } else { $this->db->insert('settings', array('key' => 'amazon_urls_unification_stats', 'description' => '')); $settings_id = $this->db->insert_id(); } if (!empty($settings_id)) { $data = array('setting_id' => $settings_id, 'user_id' => -1, 'value' => json_encode($stats)); $this->db->insert('setting_values', $data); } } }
/** * Import ranking data received from scraper * @param array $ranking_data Ranking data (array of json encoded items) * @param object $ranking_data_job ranking_data_jobs record * @return bool result */ public function import_ranking_data($ranking_data, $ranking_data_job) { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $this->load->model('sites_model'); $this->load->library('price'); $this->load->library('variant'); $this->load->library('SalesEstimator/AmazonFba'); $this->load->library('reseller'); $find_entity = function (&$entites, $by) { if (is_array($entites)) { foreach ($entites as $entity) { $it_is = null; foreach ($by as $key => $value) { $hit = false; if (property_exists($entity, $key)) { $hit = is_null($value) ? $entity->{$key} === $value : $entity->{$key} == $value; } $it_is = (is_null($it_is) ? true : $it_is) && $hit; } if ($it_is) { return $entity; } } } return null; }; $imported_count = 0; // json decode results $is_single_result = false; $ranking_data = array_values(array_filter(array_map(function ($ranking_data_item) use(&$is_single_result, $ranking_data_job) { $result = null; if (!empty($ranking_data_item)) { $result = $ranking_data_item; if (empty($result->brand)) { // see $result->brand = "No brand"; } if (empty($result->title) || empty($result->brand)) { $result = null; } elseif (empty($result->is_single_result) && (empty($result->url) || empty($ranking_data_job->search_term))) { // not is_single_result $result = null; } else { foreach ($result as $key => &$result_val) { if (is_string($result_val)) { $result_val = trim($result_val); } if ($key === 'url') { $result_val = Ranking_model::unifyAmazonUrl($result_val); } } $is_single_result = !empty($result->is_single_result); } } return $result; }, $ranking_data))); $is_single_result = $is_single_result && count($ranking_data) === 1; if (count($ranking_data) === 0) { return $imported_count; } $site_id = $ranking_data_job->site_id; $date_of_upload = empty($ranking_data_job->created_at) ? gmdate('Y-m-d') : date('Y-m-d', strtotime($ranking_data_job->created_at)); $brand_names = array(); $urls = array(); $prices = array(); foreach ($ranking_data as $product_key => &$results_item) { if (!empty($results_item->brand) && !in_array($results_item->brand, $brand_names)) { $brand_names[] = $results_item->brand; } if ($is_single_result) { $results_item->url = $ranking_data_job->url; } if (!empty($results_item->url) && !in_array($results_item->url, $urls)) { $urls[] = $results_item->url; } if (empty($site_id)) { if (!empty($results_item->site) || !empty($results_item->url)) { // get id of site by site name from current item. example: "site": "" or "url": "" $url_to_use = empty($results_item->site) ? $results_item->url : $results_item->site; $name_fragment = empty($results_item->is_mobile_agent) ? null : 'iphone'; // @to-do: remove 'iphone' hardcode $site_id = $this->sites_model->get_id_by_url_new($url_to_use, $name_fragment); } } if (!$is_single_result && !empty($results_item->price)) { $price_arr = $this->price->parsePrice($results_item->price); if (!empty($price_arr['price'])) { $prices[$product_key] = array('price' => (double) $price_arr['price'], 'ranking' => (int) empty($results_item->ranking) ? 999 : $results_item->ranking); } } } // sort by price & ranking uasort($prices, function ($a, $b) { if (!empty($a['price']) && !empty($a['ranking']) && !empty($b['price']) && !empty($b['ranking'])) { if ($a['price'] != $b['price']) { return $a['price'] > $b['price'] ? 1 : -1; } elseif ($a['ranking'] != $b['ranking']) { return $a['ranking'] > $b['ranking'] ? 1 : -1; } } return 0; }); // get ranking_by_price per each product (product_key => ranking_by_price) $ranking_by_price = array(); $ranking_by_price_key = 1; foreach ($prices as $product_key => $price_and_ranking) { $ranking_by_price[$ranking_by_price_key++] = $product_key; // ranking_by_price => product_key } $ranking_by_price = array_flip($ranking_by_price); ksort($ranking_by_price); $search_terms = array(); if (!empty($ranking_data_job->search_term) && !empty($ranking_data_job->search_term_group_id)) { $search_terms = $this->ranking_model->get_('search_terms', array('title' => $ranking_data_job->search_term, 'group_id' => $ranking_data_job->search_term_group_id)); } $search_term_ids = array_map(function ($search_term) { return $search_term->id; }, $search_terms); $ranking_brands = array(); if (!empty($brand_names)) { $ranking_brands = $this->ranking_model->get_('ranking_brands', array('name' => $brand_names)); } $ranking_brand_ids = array_map(function ($ranking_brand) { return $ranking_brand->id; }, $ranking_brands); $search_terms_brands_relations = array(); if (($is_single_result || !empty($search_term_ids)) && !empty($ranking_brand_ids)) { $search_terms_brands_relations_where = array(); if (!$is_single_result) { $search_terms_brands_relations_where['search_term_id'] = $search_term_ids; } else { $search_terms_brands_relations_where['search_term_id IS NULL'] = null; } $search_terms_brands_relations_where['brand_id'] = $ranking_brand_ids; $search_terms_brands_relations = $this->ranking_model->get_('search_terms_brands_relation', $search_terms_brands_relations_where); } $search_terms_brands_relation_ids = array_map(function ($search_terms_brands_relation) { return $search_terms_brands_relation->id; }, $search_terms_brands_relations); $product_urls = array(); if (!empty($urls)) { $product_urls_result = $this->ranking_model->get_('product_url', array('url' => $urls)); foreach ($product_urls_result as $product_url_result) { $product_urls[$product_url_result->url] = $product_url_result->id; // url => id } } $ranking_search_results_items_summary_where = array_filter(array('site_id' => $site_id, 'search_items_brands_relation_id' => $search_terms_brands_relation_ids, 'date_of_upload' => $date_of_upload)); $ranking_search_results_items_summary = $this->ranking_model->get_('ranking_search_results_items_summary', $ranking_search_results_items_summary_where); $ranking_search_results_items_where = array_filter(array('site_id' => $site_id, 'search_items_brands_relation_id' => $search_terms_brands_relation_ids, 'date_of_upload' => $date_of_upload, 'url_id' => array_values($product_urls))); $ranking_search_results_items = $this->ranking_model->get_('ranking_search_results_items', $ranking_search_results_items_where); $ranking_search_results_items_ids = array_map(function ($ranking_search_results_item) { return $ranking_search_results_item->id; }, $ranking_search_results_items); $ranking_buyers_reviews = array(); if (!empty($ranking_search_results_items_ids)) { $ranking_buyers_reviews = $this->ranking_model->get_('ranking_buyers_review_info', array('rsri_id' => $ranking_search_results_items_ids)); } $total_results = 0; $brand_results = array(); $on_first_page = array(); $results_per_page = array(); foreach ($ranking_data as $product_key => $ranking_data_item) { if (empty($ranking_data_item->title) || empty($ranking_data_item->brand) || empty($site_id) || empty($ranking_data_item->url)) { continue; } if (!$is_single_result && empty($ranking_data_job->search_term)) { // not is_single_result continue; } // get search_term_id $search_term_id = null; if (!$is_single_result) { if ($search_term = $find_entity($search_terms, array('title' => $ranking_data_job->search_term))) { $search_term_id = $search_term->id; } // we don't need to create new search term if (empty($search_term_id)) { continue; } } // get brand_id $brand_id = null; if ($brand = $find_entity($ranking_brands, array('name' => $ranking_data_item->brand))) { $brand_id = $brand->id; } else { // create new ranking_brand $new_ranking_brand_data = array('name' => $ranking_data_item->brand); $brand_id = $this->ranking_model->create_('ranking_brands', $new_ranking_brand_data); if ($brand_id) { $ranking_brands[] = (object) array_merge(array('id' => $brand_id), $new_ranking_brand_data); } } if (empty($brand_id)) { continue; } // search_items_brands_relation_id $search_terms_brands_relation_id = null; $search_terms_brands_relation_data = array('search_term_id' => $search_term_id, 'brand_id' => $brand_id); $search_terms_brands_relation = $find_entity($search_terms_brands_relations, $search_terms_brands_relation_data); if (!empty($search_terms_brands_relation)) { $search_terms_brands_relation_id = $search_terms_brands_relation->id; } else { // create new search_terms_brands_relation $search_terms_brands_relation_id = $this->ranking_model->create_('search_terms_brands_relation', $search_terms_brands_relation_data); if ($search_terms_brands_relation_id) { $search_terms_brands_relations[] = (object) array_merge(array('id' => $search_terms_brands_relation_id), $search_terms_brands_relation_data); } } if (empty($search_terms_brands_relation_id)) { continue; } if (empty($product_urls[$ranking_data_item->url])) { $productId = $this->reseller->getProductIdOrCreateByResellerIdAndSiteId($this->reseller->getIdFromUrl($ranking_data_item->url), $site_id); $product_url_id = $this->ranking_model->create_('product_url', array('url' => $ranking_data_item->url, 'product_id' => $productId)); if ($product_url_id) { $product_urls[$ranking_data_item->url] = $product_url_id; } } $url_id = empty($product_urls[$ranking_data_item->url]) ? null : $product_urls[$ranking_data_item->url]; if (empty($url_id)) { continue; } // compose $new_rsri_data $description = null; if (!empty($ranking_data_item->description)) { $description = is_array($ranking_data_item->description) ? reset($ranking_data_item->description) : $ranking_data_item->description; $description = html_entity_decode($description); } $search_term_in_title = null; if (!empty($ranking_data_item->search_term_in_title_exactly)) { $search_term_in_title = 'exact'; } elseif (!empty($ranking_data_item->search_term_in_title_interleaved)) { $search_term_in_title = 'interleaved'; } elseif (!empty($ranking_data_item->search_term_in_title_partial)) { $search_term_in_title = 'partial'; } $price = $this->price->parsePrice(empty($ranking_data_item->price) ? '' : $ranking_data_item->price); // Tomorrow Jun 10 2015 scrapper will be refactored expected values (Bool) // and this code should be replaced with one line $shipping = null; if (isset($ranking_data_item->shipping)) { if (!empty($ranking_data_item->shipping)) { if (in_array($ranking_data_item->shipping, array('Available', 'Not Available'))) { $shipping = $ranking_data_item->shipping == 'Available' ? 't' : 'f'; } else { $shipping = 't'; } } else { $shipping = 'f'; } } $new_rsri_data = array('site_id' => $site_id, 'search_items_brands_relation_id' => $search_terms_brands_relation_id, 'ranking' => empty($ranking_data_item->ranking) ? null : $ranking_data_item->ranking, 'url' => $ranking_data_item->url, 'image_url' => empty($ranking_data_item->image_url) ? null : $ranking_data_item->image_url, 'title' => html_entity_decode($ranking_data_item->title), 'description' => $description, 'model' => empty($ranking_data_item->model) ? null : $ranking_data_item->model, 'upc' => empty($ranking_data_item->upc) ? null : $ranking_data_item->upc, 'locale' => empty($ranking_data_item->locale) ? null : $ranking_data_item->locale, 'date_of_upload' => $date_of_upload, 'best_seller_ranking' => !empty($ranking_data_item->best_seller_ranking) ? (int) $ranking_data_item->best_seller_ranking : (!empty($ranking_data_item->bestseller_rank) ? (int) $ranking_data_item->bestseller_rank : null), 'search_term_in_title' => $search_term_in_title, 'is_out_of_stock' => empty($ranking_data_item->is_out_of_stock) ? 'f' : 't', 'is_in_store_only' => empty($ranking_data_item->is_in_store_only) ? 'f' : 't', 'price' => empty($price['price']) ? null : number_format($price['price'], 2, '.', ''), 'currency' => $price['priceCurrency'], 'search_term' => empty($ranking_data_job->search_term) ? null : $ranking_data_job->search_term, 'results_per_page' => empty($ranking_data_item->results_per_page) ? null : (int) $ranking_data_item->results_per_page, 'url_id' => $url_id, 'ranking_by_price' => empty($ranking_by_price[$product_key]) ? null : $ranking_by_price[$product_key], 'prime' => !empty($ranking_data_item->prime) && in_array($ranking_data_item->prime, array('Prime', 'PrimePantry')) ? $ranking_data_item->prime : null, 'seller_category_id' => empty($ranking_data_item->department) ? null : $this->amazonfba->getCategoryIdByName($ranking_data_item->department), 'pickup_only' => empty($ranking_data_item->is_pickup_only) ? 'f' : 't', 'shipping' => $shipping); $this->setQuestionAnswer($ranking_data_item, $url_id); // check whether product exists already, if so - update it, otherwise - insert $rsri_search_keys = array('site_id', 'search_items_brands_relation_id', 'date_of_upload', 'url_id'); $rsri_where = array_intersect_key($new_rsri_data, array_flip($rsri_search_keys)); if ($ranking_search_results_item = $find_entity($ranking_search_results_items, $rsri_where)) { // update $ranking_search_results_item $rsri_id = $ranking_search_results_item->id; $update_rsri_data = array_diff_assoc($new_rsri_data, (array) $ranking_search_results_item); if (!empty($update_rsri_data)) { $this->ranking_model->update_('ranking_search_results_items', $update_rsri_data, array('id' => $rsri_id)); } } else { // insert into ranking_search_results_items $rsri_id = $this->ranking_model->create_('ranking_search_results_items', $new_rsri_data); $ranking_search_results_items[] = (object) array_merge(array('id' => $rsri_id), $new_rsri_data); } $imported_count++; // no matter insert or update - we count it as imported // Market Place if (!empty($ranking_data_item->marketplace)) { $insertMarketplaceBatch = array(); // Prepare Insert Batch foreach ($ranking_data_item->marketplace as $marketplace) { $insertMarketplaceBatch[] = array('rsri_id' => $rsri_id, 'name' => !empty($marketplace->name) ? $marketplace->name : null, 'price' => !empty($marketplace->price) ? $marketplace->price : null, 'currency' => !empty($marketplace->currency) ? $marketplace->currency : null); } if (!empty($insertMarketplaceBatch)) { $this->ranking_model->create_batch_('product_marketplace', $insertMarketplaceBatch); } } // Save Variants if (!empty($ranking_data_item->variants)) { $this->variant->save($ranking_data_item->variants, $rsri_id, $url_id); } // Save Google Shopping Sellers if (!empty($ranking_data_item->google_source_site)) { $sellersArray = json_decode($ranking_data_item->google_source_site); $jsonError = json_last_error(); if (!$jsonError) { $insertSellersBatch = array(); // Prepare Insert Batch foreach ($sellersArray as $sellerName => $seller) { if (empty($sellerName)) { continue; } $insertSellersBatch[] = array('rsri_id' => $rsri_id, 'seller_name' => !empty($sellerName) ? $sellerName : null, 'price' => !empty($seller->price) ? $seller->price : null, 'currency' => !empty($seller->currency) ? $seller->currency : null); } $this->ranking_model->create_batch_('google_shopping_sellers', $insertSellersBatch); } } // save buyer reviews if (!empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews) && (is_array($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews) || is_object($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews))) { $buyer_reviews_data = array(); if (is_array($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews)) { $buyer_reviews_data['total_count'] = empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews[0]) ? 0 : (int) $ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews[0]; $buyer_reviews_data['average_num'] = empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews[1]) ? 0 : (double) $ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews[1]; $raitings_by_stars = empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews[2]) ? new stdClass() : $ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews[2]; } else { $buyer_reviews_data['total_count'] = empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews->num_of_reviews) ? 0 : (int) $ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews->num_of_reviews; $buyer_reviews_data['average_num'] = empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews->average_rating) ? 0 : (double) $ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews->average_rating; $raitings_by_stars = empty($ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews->rating_by_star) ? new stdClass() : $ranking_data_item->buyer_reviews->rating_by_star; } $buyer_reviews_data['one_star'] = empty($raitings_by_stars->{1}) ? 0 : $raitings_by_stars->{1}; $buyer_reviews_data['two_star'] = empty($raitings_by_stars->{2}) ? 0 : $raitings_by_stars->{2}; $buyer_reviews_data['three_star'] = empty($raitings_by_stars->{3}) ? 0 : $raitings_by_stars->{3}; $buyer_reviews_data['four_star'] = empty($raitings_by_stars->{4}) ? 0 : $raitings_by_stars->{4}; $buyer_reviews_data['five_star'] = empty($raitings_by_stars->{5}) ? 0 : $raitings_by_stars->{5}; if (($ranking_buyers_review = $find_entity($ranking_buyers_reviews, array('rsri_id' => $rsri_id))) && !empty($ranking_buyers_review->id)) { $update_buyer_reviews = array_diff_assoc($buyer_reviews_data, (array) $ranking_buyers_review); if (!empty($update_buyer_reviews)) { $this->ranking_model->update_('ranking_buyers_review_info', $update_buyer_reviews, array('id' => $ranking_buyers_review->id)); } } else { $buyer_reviews_data['rsri_id'] = $rsri_id; $ranking_buyers_review_info_id = $this->ranking_model->create_('ranking_buyers_review_info', $buyer_reviews_data); $ranking_buyers_reviews[] = (object) array_merge(array('id' => $ranking_buyers_review_info_id), $buyer_reviews_data); } } // Save Sponsored Links if (!empty($ranking_data_item->sponsored_links)) { $insertSponsoredLinksBatch = array(); foreach ($ranking_data_item->sponsored_links as $link) { $insertSponsoredLinksBatch[] = array('product_id' => $rsri_id, 'ad_title' => $link->ad_title, 'ad_text' => $link->ad_text, 'visible_url' => $link->visible_url, 'actual_url' => $link->actual_url); } $this->ranking_model->create_batch_('product_sponsored_links', $insertSponsoredLinksBatch); } // collect data for ranking_search_results_items_summary if ($total_results === 0 && !empty($ranking_data_item->total_matches)) { $total_results = $ranking_data_item->total_matches; } if (!array_key_exists($search_terms_brands_relation_id, $brand_results)) { $brand_results[$search_terms_brands_relation_id] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists($search_terms_brands_relation_id, $on_first_page)) { $on_first_page[$search_terms_brands_relation_id] = 0; } if (!array_key_exists($search_terms_brands_relation_id, $results_per_page)) { $results_per_page[$search_terms_brands_relation_id] = 0; } if (!empty($ranking_data_item->ranking)) { $brand_results[$search_terms_brands_relation_id]++; if (!empty($ranking_data_item->results_per_page)) { if ((int) $ranking_data_item->ranking <= (int) $ranking_data_item->results_per_page) { $on_first_page[$search_terms_brands_relation_id]++; } $results_per_page[$search_terms_brands_relation_id] = $ranking_data_item->results_per_page; } } } // foreach ($ranking_data as $ranking_data_item) if (!empty($urls)) { $this->ranking_model->updateAndGetUniqueProductUrls($urls, $product_urls); } // create or update summary data in ranking_search_results_items_summary table foreach ($brand_results as $stbr_id => $brand_result) { // compose on_first_page string as number_of_res_on_1st_page/results_per_page $on_first_page_str = empty($on_first_page[$stbr_id]) ? 0 : $on_first_page[$stbr_id]; $on_first_page_str .= empty($results_per_page[$stbr_id]) ? '' : "/{$results_per_page[$stbr_id]}"; $new_rsris_data = array('site_id' => $site_id, 'total_results' => $total_results, 'brand_results' => $brand_result, 'search_items_brands_relation_id' => $stbr_id, 'date_of_upload' => $date_of_upload, 'on_first_page' => $on_first_page_str); $rsris_search_keys = array('site_id', 'search_items_brands_relation_id', 'date_of_upload'); $rsris_where = array_intersect_key($new_rsris_data, array_flip($rsris_search_keys)); if ($rsris = $find_entity($ranking_search_results_items_summary, $rsris_where)) { $update_rsris_data = array_diff_assoc($new_rsris_data, (array) $rsris); if (!empty($update_rsris_data)) { $this->ranking_model->update_('ranking_search_results_items_summary', $update_rsris_data, array('id' => $rsris->id)); } } else { // create new ranking_search_results_items_summary $rsris_id = $this->ranking_model->create_('ranking_search_results_items_summary', $new_rsris_data); if ($rsris_id) { $ranking_search_results_items_summary[] = (object) array_merge(array('id' => $rsris_id), $new_rsris_data); } } } return $imported_count; }
private function get_brands_ofp_string($data, $sorting = 0, &$num_ofp = 0) { $brands_ofp = array(); $sum_ofp = 0; if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $product) { if (!empty($product) && !empty($product->ofp_by_ranking) && $product->ofp_by_ranking == 't') { $brand = strip_slashes($product->brand_name); if (array_key_exists($brand, $brands_ofp)) { ++$brands_ofp[$brand]; } else { $brands_ofp[$brand] = 1; } ++$sum_ofp; } } } if ($sorting == 1) { $sorting = '<span class="brand-ofp-sorting-ico-down"></span>'; arsort($brands_ofp); } elseif ($sorting == 2) { $sorting = '<span class="brand-ofp-sorting-ico-up"></span>'; asort($brands_ofp); } else { $sorting = '<span class="brand-ofp-sorting-ico-down"></span>'; ksort($brands_ofp); } $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $brand_id = $this->input->post('brand_id'); $all_checked_brand_checkboxes = $this->input->post('all_checked_brand_checkboxes'); $brand_id = Ranking_model::getBrandIdsFromSelectedGroups($brand_id, $all_checked_brand_checkboxes); if (empty($brand_id) || !is_array($brand_id) || count($brand_id) != 1) { $brands_str = 'First Page Rankings: <span class="all-brands-sorting">All Selected Brands - ' . $sum_ofp . ' ' . $sorting . '</span>'; foreach ($brands_ofp as $key => $value) { $brands_str .= ' | ' . $key . ' - ' . $value; } } else { $brands_str = 'First Page Rankings: ' . $sum_ofp; } $num_ofp = $sum_ofp; return $brands_str; }
protected function getSummaryResultsTable($alert, $dashboard = false) { $site_id = !empty($this->options['rank_site']) ? $this->options['rank_site'] : array(); $brand_id = !empty($this->options['rank_brand']) ? $this->options['rank_brand'] : array(); $term_id = !empty($this->options['rank_term']) ? $this->options['rank_term'] : array(); $productList = !empty($alert->options_array['product_list']) ? $alert->options_array['product_list'] : false; $date_of_upload = is_array($this->getDateNew()) ? $this->getDateNew() : array($this->getDateNew()); // DashBoard if ($dashboard) { $date_of_upload = $this->date_from; } $tbl_body = ''; if (!empty($site_id) && !empty($brand_id) && !empty($term_id)) { $all_brands = $this->getRankingModel()->getBrandByIdsArray($brand_id); $summary_data = array('curr_group_terms_count' => 0, 'curr_group_terms' => array(), 'all_results_for_body' => array('brands' => array(), 'terms' => array(), 'brand_terms' => array())); $summary_data['curr_group_terms'] = $this->getRankingModel()->getKeywordsNamesByIds($term_id); foreach ($site_id as $site) { $all_results_for_body = array(); $data_prepared = $this->getRankingModel()->getProductsByTerm($site, $date_of_upload, $term_id, 'rsri.ranking', 'asc', $brand_id, 0, false, $productList); $summary_data['curr_group_terms_count'] += \Ranking_model::get_ofp_total_count($data_prepared, $all_results_for_body); if (!empty($all_results_for_body['terms'])) { foreach ($all_results_for_body['terms'] as $key => $arfb) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['terms'])) { $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['terms'][$key] = 0; } $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['terms'][$key] += $arfb; } } if (!empty($all_results_for_body['brands'])) { foreach ($all_results_for_body['brands'] as $key => $arfb) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brands'])) { $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brands'][$key] = 0; } $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brands'][$key] += $arfb; } } if (!empty($all_results_for_body['brand_terms'])) { foreach ($all_results_for_body['brand_terms'] as $key => $arfb) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brand_terms'])) { $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brand_terms'][$key] = 0; } $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brand_terms'][$key] += $arfb; } } } //selected brand $new_all_brands = array(); if (!empty($all_brands)) { $selected_key = -1; foreach ($all_brands as $key => $brand) { if (isset($alert->selected_brand) && $alert->selected_brand == $brand->id) { $selected_key = $key; $new_all_brands[] = $brand; break; } } if ($selected_key == -1) { $new_all_brands[] = $all_brands[0]; $selected_key = 0; } unset($all_brands[$selected_key]); } //get compare brand if (!empty($all_brands) && !empty($all_results_for_body['brands'])) { $max_percent_brand = 0; foreach ($all_brands as $key => $brand) { if (!empty($all_results_for_body['brands'][$brand->name])) { if (empty($all_brands[$max_percent_brand]) || empty($all_results_for_body['brands'][$all_brands[$max_percent_brand]->name]) || $all_results_for_body['brands'][$all_brands[$max_percent_brand]->name] < $all_results_for_body['brands'][$brand->name]) { $max_percent_brand = $key; } } } if (isset($all_brands[$max_percent_brand])) { $new_all_brands[] = $all_brands[$max_percent_brand]; } } $this->getCI()->load->library('RankingTable'); // mobile friendly alert templates issue#6157 //$columns = array('Search Terms'=>'true', 'Pg1 Results'=>'true', 'Brand Name'=>'true', 'Other'=>'true'); $columns = array('Search Terms' => 'true'); if (!empty($summary_data['curr_group_terms'])) { $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['search_terms_list'] = $summary_data['curr_group_terms']; // mobile friendly alert templates issue#6157 //$tbl_body .= '<tr>' . $this->getCI()->rankingtable->getHeader($columns, '1ssv', $date_of_upload, '', '', '', $new_all_brands, $summary_data['all_results_for_body'], true) . '</tr>'; $i = 0; $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'] = array('summary_ofp_count' => 0); foreach ($site_id as $site) { foreach ($summary_data['curr_group_terms'] as $cur_term) { if (in_array($cur_term->id, $term_id)) { $group_name = !empty($cur_term->title) ? $cur_term->title : ''; $ofp_count = $this->getCI()->ranking_model->getOfpCountByTerm($site, $date_of_upload, $cur_term->id, array()); if (!array_key_exists($group_name, $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'])) { $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'][$group_name] = 0; } $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp'][$group_name] += $ofp_count; $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp']['summary_ofp_count'] += $ofp_count; } } } $possible_spot = $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['serch_terms_ofp']['summary_ofp_count']; foreach ($new_all_brands as $key => &$value) { if (!empty($summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brands'])) { if (array_key_exists($value->name, $summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brands'])) { $res = round($summary_data['all_results_for_body']['brands'][$value->name] / $possible_spot * 100); } else { $res = 0; } } else { $res = 0; } $value->percent = $res; } // DashBoard if ($dashboard) { return $summary_data; } foreach ($summary_data['curr_group_terms'] as $cur_term) { if (in_array($cur_term->id, $term_id)) { $get_add_row = !$i; ++$i; $group_name = !empty($cur_term->title) ? $cur_term->title : ''; $row = $this->getCI()->rankingtable->getBody($columns, '1ssv', array(), $site_id, '', $date_of_upload, '', '', '', '', '', count($brand_id), $summary_data['all_results_for_body'], $group_name, $new_all_brands, $cur_term->id, true, $get_add_row); $tbl_body .= $row; } } } } return array('table' => $tbl_body, 'brands' => $new_all_brands); }
public function getPricingReportChartData() { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $this->load->model('product_model'); $data = array(); $sites = $this->input->get('sites'); $terms = $this->input->get('searchTerms'); $brands = $this->input->get('brands'); $dates = $this->input->get('dates'); $productList = $this->input->get('productList'); $graphItUrlIds = $this->input->get('graphItUrlIds'); $sitesCount = count($sites); foreach (array_reverse($dates) as $date) { $dateObj = new \DateTime($date); $data['daysRange'][] = $dateObj->format('F d'); } $filters = ['product_lists' => $productList, 'urlIds' => $graphItUrlIds, 'site_id' => $sites, 'brand_id' => $brands, 'term_id' => $terms, 'date_of_upload' => $dates]; $dataResult = $this->ranking_model->getPricingReport($filters); $total = count($dataResult); $products = []; // Update Selected Variants, run each time because variants selection could be changed during the day. $this->product_model->updateVariantsForSelectedProducts($filters); // Get Available variants by filter, later this variants are attached to products. $variants = $this->product_model->getVariantsByParams($filters); foreach ($dataResult as $items) { $product = (object) $items; if (!empty($variants[$product->product_id])) { foreach ($variants[$product->product_id] as $variant) { if (!empty($variant['variant_price']) && $variant['variant_selected'] == 't') { $product->price = $variant['variant_price']; } } } $associatedProducts = $this->ranking_model->getAssociatedProducts($product); foreach ($associatedProducts as $product) { $product = (array) $product; $site = ucfirst($product['site']); $logo = ($logo = Ranking_model::getSiteLogoByName($product['site'])) ? '/img/site_logos/' . $logo : null; foreach ($variants[$product['product_id']] as $variant) { if (!empty($variant['variant_price']) && $variant['variant_selected'] == 't') { $product['price'] = $variant['variant_price']; } } if (false === in_array($product['site_id'], $sites)) { continue; } $products[$site][$product['title']] = ['image' => $product['image_url'], 'currency' => '$']; if (false === isset($pData[$site]['products'][$product['url_id']][$product['date_of_upload']])) { $pData[$site]['products'][$product['url_id']][$product['date_of_upload']] = true; $data['output'][$site]['products'][$product['url_id']]['productName'] = $product['title']; $data['output'][$site]['products'][$product['url_id']]['image_url'] = $product['image_url']; $data['output'][$site]['products'][$product['url_id']]['logo'] = $logo; $data['output'][$site]['products'][$product['url_id']]['pricing'][$product['date_of_upload']] = empty($product['price']) ? null : (double) $product['price']; } $sites[$site] = ['name' => $site, 'logo' => $logo]; } } foreach ($data['output'] as $retailerName => $retailer) { $data['retailers'][] = $retailerName; foreach ($retailer['products'] as $productDetails) { foreach ($dates as $date) { if (empty($productDetails['pricing'][$date])) { $productDetails['pricing'][$date] = null; } } ksort($productDetails['pricing']); $productDetails['pricing'] = array_values($productDetails['pricing']); $name = count($graphItUrlIds) == 1 && $sitesCount > 1 ? $retailerName : $productDetails['productName']; $data['series'][$retailerName][] = ['name' => $name, 'data' => $productDetails['pricing'], 'product_name' => $productDetails['productName'], 'image_url' => $productDetails['image_url'], 'logo' => !empty($productDetails['logo']) ? base_url() . $productDetails['logo'] : null]; } } $data['sites'] = $sites; $data['products'] = $products; $data['sitesCount'] = $sitesCount; $data['graphItUrlIds'] = $graphItUrlIds; return $this->jsonResponse(array('data' => $data, 'date_of_upload' => $dates, 'total' => $total)); }
/** * Return alert edit form with data * @return json * @author Pavel Klyagin */ public function edit() { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $this->load->model('alert_model'); $this->lang->load('alert'); $alert_id = $this->input->post('id'); $user_id = $this->ion_auth->get_user_id(); $brands_selected = array(); $all_checked_brand_checkboxes = array(); $errors = array(); if ($alert_id && $user_id) { $types = array(); if ($types = $this->input->post('type')) { $types = is_array($types) ? $types : explode('|', $types); } if ($this->ion_auth->is_admin()) { $data = $this->alert_model->getAlertByIdAndUserId($alert_id, null); } else { $data = $this->alert_model->getAlertByIdAndUserId($alert_id, $user_id); } if ($data) { if (isset($data->options)) { $options = unserialize($data->options); if (isset($options['rank_brand']) && isset($options['rank_brand']['rank_brand'])) { $brands_selected = $options['rank_brand']['rank_brand']; } if (isset($options['rank_brand']) && isset($options['rank_brand']['all_checked_brand_checkboxes'])) { $all_checked_brand_checkboxes = $options['rank_brand']['all_checked_brand_checkboxes']; } $brands_selected = Ranking_model::getBrandIdsFromSelectedGroups($brands_selected, $all_checked_brand_checkboxes); } // get alert associated data (sites, brands, keywords), format it for output $data->associated = array(); if (isset($options['rank_site'], $options['rank_site']['rank_site_text'])) { $data->associated['sites'] = $options['rank_site']['rank_site_text']; } if (isset($options['rank_brand'], $options['rank_brand']['rank_brand_text'])) { $data->associated['brands_text'] = $options['rank_brand']['rank_brand_text']; } if (isset($options['rank_term'], $options['rank_term']['all_checked_checkboxes']) && is_array($options['rank_term']['all_checked_checkboxes'])) { $data->associated['keywords'] = array(); foreach ($options['rank_term']['all_checked_checkboxes'] as $checked_checkbox) { if (isset($checked_checkbox['selected_keywords_array']) && is_array($checked_checkbox['selected_keywords_array'])) { $data->associated['keywords'] = array_merge($data->associated['keywords'], $checked_checkbox['selected_keywords_array']); } } $data->associated['keywords'] = array_map('trim', array_values($data->associated['keywords'])); } $data->associated = array_filter($data->associated); } else { $errors[] = 'Wrong Alert ID: ' . $alert_id; } $user = $this->ion_auth->get_user_data(); $this->_checkUserInRecipientsList(); $user_email = ''; if (!empty($user['email'])) { $user_email = $user['email']; } $alert_recipients = $this->_getRecipientsListByRole(); $alert_recipients_groups = $this->_getRecipientGroupsListByRole(); $selected_recipients = $this->alert_model->getRecipientsByAlertId($alert_id); $selected_recipients_ids = array(); if (!empty($selected_recipients)) { foreach ($selected_recipients as $recipient) { $selected_recipients_ids[] = $recipient->id; } } $selectedGroups = []; $selectedGroupsArray = $this->alert_model->getGroupsByAlertId($alert_id); foreach ($selectedGroupsArray as $group) { $selectedGroups[] = $group->group_id; } $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array('result' => !empty($data) ? 1 : 0, 'errors' => $errors, 'html' => $this->load->view('alert/add-form-new', array('brand_options' => Alert_model::getBrandsOptions($brands_selected), 'edit_mode' => true, 'data' => $data, 'type_options' => Alert_model::getTypeOptions('scorecard'), 'frequency_options' => Alert_model::getFrequencyOptions(true), 'weekday_options' => Alert_model::getWeekdaysOptions(), 'monthday_options' => Alert_model::getMonthDaysOptions(), 'hour_options' => $this->alert_model->getHoursOptions(), 'hourly_options' => $this->alert_model->getHourlyOptions(), 'user_email' => $user_email, 'alert_recipients' => $alert_recipients, 'selectedGroups' => $selectedGroups, 'alert_recipients_groups' => $alert_recipients_groups, 'selected_recipients_ids' => $selected_recipients_ids), true)))); } }
/** * Return header column string * @param string $view * @param string $column * @param array $dates_of_upload * @param string $sort_dir * @param string $sort_by * @param string $site * @param int $columns_count * @param array $brand_arr * @param array $data * @param int $sort_by_num * @return string * @author Ruslan Ushakov */ protected function get_column_header($view, $column, $dates_of_upload = array(), $sort_dir = '', $sort_by = '', $site = '', $columns_count = 0, $brand_arr = array(), $data = array(), $sort_by_num = -1) { $res = ''; $dateformat = 1; if (isset($this->CI->session->userdata['dateformat'])) { $dateformat = $this->CI->session->userdata['dateformat']; } if ($view == '1s1b') { switch ($column) { case 'Brand': $res = '<th style="width: 16%; min-width:160px" class="brand-image" ><strong>Brand</strong></th>'; break; case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by" data-sort="title"><strong>Search Terms</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'stq.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Total Results': $res = '<th style="width: 13%" class="sort-table-by" data-sort="total_results"><strong>Total Results</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.total_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Brand Results': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by" data-sort="brand_results"><strong>Brand Results</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.brand_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case '#SKUs on First Page': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by" data-sort="on_first_page"><strong>#SKUs on First Page</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.on_first_page' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Rankings': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by" data-sort="number_in_results"><strong>Rankings</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'r.number_in_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '2s1b') { switch ($column) { case 'Brand': $res = '<th class="brand-image columns_2s1b"><strong>Brand</strong></th>'; break; case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by text-left" data-sort="title" style="width: 20%"><nobr><strong>Search Terms</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'stq.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></nobr></th>'; break; case 'Total Results': $res = '<th colspan="2" class="columns_2s1b sort-table-by" data-sort="total_results"><strong>Total Results</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.total_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Brand Results': $res = '<th colspan="2" class="columns_2s1b sort-table-by" data-sort="brand_results"><strong>Brand Results</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.brand_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case '#SKUs on First Page': $res = '<th colspan="2" class="columns_2s1b sort-table-by" data-sort="on_first_page"><strong>#SKUs on First Page</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.on_first_page' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Rankings': $res = '<th colspan="2" class="columns_2s1b sort-table-by" data-sort="number_in_results"><strong>Rankings</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'r.number_in_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1ssv') { switch ($column) { case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th style="' . (count($brand_arr) > 3 ? 'width:60%;' : '') . '">Search Terms</th>'; break; case 'Total Page 1 Results': $res = '<th style="width: 16%; min-width: 100px;">Total Page 1 Results</th>'; break; case 'Other': if (true == $this->CI->reportsettings->getSetting($view . '_sort', 'isEnabledOther')) { $res = '<th style="width: 16%; min-width: 100px;">Other</th>'; } break; case 'Brand Name': if (count($brand_arr) < 4) { foreach ($brand_arr as $key => $value) { $res .= '<th style="text-align: center !important; min-width:100px;"><nobr>' . $value->name . '</nobr></th>'; } } else { $rowspan = !empty($data['search_terms_list']) ? count($data['search_terms_list']) + 3 : 1; $res = '<th rowspan="' . $rowspan . '" style="padding: 0;border-top:0;border-left:0;"> <div style="position: relative"> <div class="scroll-pane" id="scroll-summary"> <table class="inner-table" style="border-top:0;"> <tr style="height:38px;border-top:0;" class="dark-row" >'; foreach ($brand_arr as $key => $value) { $res .= '<th style="text-align: center !important;border-top:0; min-width:160px;"><nobr>' . $value->name . '</nobr></th>'; } $res .= '</tr>'; $possible_spot = !empty($data['serch_terms_ofp']['summary_ofp_count']) ? $data['serch_terms_ofp']['summary_ofp_count'] : 0; $res .= '<tr class="blue-row" style="height: 60px">'; foreach ($brand_arr as $key => $value) { if (!empty($data['brands'])) { if (array_key_exists($value->name, $data['brands'])) { $percent = round($data['brands'][$value->name] / $possible_spot * 100, 0); $percent_width = 140 * $percent / 100; /*if($percent>40){ $res .= '<td class="" ><div class="indicator-div"><div class="indicator-div-left" style="width: ' .$percent_width . 'px;"> <span>'.$percent .' %</span></div><div class="indicator-div-right" style="width: ' .(140 - $percent_width ). 'px;"> </div></div></td>'; }else{ $res .= '<td class="" ><div class="indicator-div"><div class="indicator-div-left" style="width: ' .$percent_width . 'px;"> </div><div class="indicator-div-right" style="width: ' .(140 - $percent_width ). 'px;"> <span>'.$percent .' %</span></div></div></td>'; }*/ $res .= '<td class="" ><div class="indicator-div"><div class="indicator-div-left" style="width: ' . $percent_width . 'px;"> </div><div class="indicator-div-right" style="width: ' . (140 - $percent_width) . 'px;"> </div><div class="indicator-text">' . $percent . '%</div></div></td>'; } else { $res .= '<td><div class="indicator-div"><div class="indicator-div-right" style="width:140px;"> </div><div class="indicator-text">0%</div></div></td>'; } } else { $res .= '<td><div class="indicator-div"><div class="indicator-div-right" style="width:140px;"> </div><div class="indicator-text">0%</div></div></td>'; } } $res .= '</tr>'; $rowcount_for_1ssv = 0; foreach ($data['search_terms_list'] as $search_term) { $group_name = !empty($search_term->title) ? $search_term->title : ''; $ofp_count = !empty($data['serch_terms_ofp'][$group_name]) ? $data['serch_terms_ofp'][$group_name] : 0; $tr_class = ''; if ($rowcount_for_1ssv % 2 == 1) { $tr_class = 'trhover'; } ++$rowcount_for_1ssv; $res .= '<tr style="height: 40px;" class="' . $tr_class . '">'; foreach ($brand_arr as $key => $value) { if (!empty($data['brand_terms'])) { if (array_key_exists($group_name . '_' . $value->name, $data['brand_terms'])) { $res .= '<td class="summary-brand-term-results" data-term="' . $search_term->id . '" data-brand="' . $value->id . '">' . $data['brand_terms'][$group_name . '_' . $value->name] . '</td>'; } else { $res .= '<td>0</td>'; } } else { $res .= '<td>0</td>'; } } $res .= '</tr>'; } $res .= '<tr height="30" style="height: 30px;background-color: #fff;">'; foreach ($brand_arr as $key => $value) { $res .= '<td style="border: 0;border-top: 1px solid #ddd;height:30px;border-left:0;" ></td>'; } $res .= '</tr>'; $res .= '</table> <script> setTimeout(function(){ var border_height = $(".compr-border-shadow").css("height", "100%").height(); $(".compr-border-shadow").height(border_height - 47); var jspElement = $("#scroll-summary").bind( "jsp-scroll-x", function(event, scrollPositionX, isAtLeft, isAtRight) { if(isAtLeft){ $(".compr-border-shadow").addClass("hidden"); }else{ $(".compr-border-shadow").removeClass("hidden"); } } ).jScrollPane() }, 1000); </script> </div> <div class="compr-border-shadow hidden"></div> <div class="border-right-hidden"></div> </div> </th>'; } break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == 'ComPr') { switch ($column) { case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="text-left rating-table-title" style="width: 50%;min-width:200px;height: 50px;"><strong>Product Name</strong></th>'; break; case 'Sites': if (!empty($site)) { $col_count = count($dates_of_upload) * count($site); if ($col_count < 5) { $sites_list = $this->sites_model->getSitesByIds($site); $res = ''; $date_count = 0; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { $site_count = 0; foreach ($sites_list as $s_obj) { $site_logo = Ranking_model::getSiteLogoByName($s_obj->name); if (!empty($site_logo)) { $res .= '<th style="width:115px;" class="' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? 'sort-table-by' : '') . ' ' . ($sort_by == 'price' && isset($sort_by_num['site']) && $sort_by_num['site'] == $site_count && isset($sort_by_num['date']) && $sort_by_num['date'] == $date_count ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="price ' . $site_count . ' ' . $date_count . '"><img style="min-width:90px;max-height: 30px;max-width: 90px;" src="' . base_url('/img/site_logos/' . $site_logo) . '" />' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? '<span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'price' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span>' : '') . '</th>'; } else { $site_name = $s_obj->name; if (strlen($site_name) > 10) { $site_name = substr($site_name, 0, 7) . '...'; } $res .= '<th style="width:115px;max-width:115px;" class="inline-text ' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? 'sort-table-by' : '') . ' ' . ($sort_by == 'price' && isset($sort_by_num['site']) && $sort_by_num['site'] == $site_count && isset($sort_by_num['date']) && $sort_by_num['date'] == $date_count ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="price ' . $site_count . ' ' . $date_count . '"><strong title="' . ucfirst($s_obj->name) . '">' . ucfirst($site_name) . '</strong>' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? '<span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'price' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span>' : '') . '</th>'; } ++$site_count; } ++$date_count; } } else { $i = 0; $res = '<th rowspan="18" style="padding: 0;border-left: 0;border-bottom: 0;"> <div style="position: relative"> <div class="scroll-pane" style="max-width: 549px;overflow: hidden;height: 100%;"> <table> <tr style="height: 48px;">'; $sites_list = $this->sites_model->getSitesByIds($site); $date_count = 0; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { $site_count = 0; foreach ($sites_list as $s_obj) { $site_logo = Ranking_model::getSiteLogoByName($s_obj->name); if (!empty($site_logo)) { $res .= '<th style="width:115px;" class="' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? 'sort-table-by' : '') . ' ' . ($sort_by == 'price' && isset($sort_by_num['site']) && $sort_by_num['site'] == $site_count && isset($sort_by_num['date']) && $sort_by_num['date'] == $date_count ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="price ' . $site_count . ' ' . $date_count . '"><img style="min-width:90px;max-height: 30px;max-width: 90px;" src="' . base_url('/img/site_logos/' . $site_logo) . '" />' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? '<span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'price' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span>' : '') . '</th>'; } else { $site_name = $s_obj->name; if (strlen($site_name) > 10) { $site_name = substr($site_name, 0, 7) . '...'; } $res .= '<th style="width:115px;max-width:115px;" class="inline-text ' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? 'sort-table-by' : '') . ' ' . ($sort_by == 'price' && isset($sort_by_num['site']) && $sort_by_num['site'] == $site_count && isset($sort_by_num['date']) && $sort_by_num['date'] == $date_count ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="price ' . $site_count . ' ' . $date_count . '"><strong title="' . ucfirst($s_obj->name) . '">' . ucfirst($site_name) . '</strong>' . (!empty($this->sites_products_count[$s_obj->id]) ? '<span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'price' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span>' : '') . '</th>'; } ++$site_count; } ++$date_count; } $res .= '</tr>'; //add row $res .= '<tr class="blue-row">'; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { //$date_formated = date($dateformat == 2 ? "d/m/Y" : "m/d/Y", strtotime($date)); $date_formated = date('M d, Y', strtotime($date)); $colspan = !empty($site) && count($site) > 1 ? 'colspan="' . count($site) . '"' : ''; $res .= '<td ' . $colspan . ' class="text-center" style="height: 60px;">' . $date_formated . '</td>'; } $res .= '</tr>'; $row_count = 0; foreach ($data as $item) { $tr_class = ''; if ($row_count % 2 == 1) { $tr_class = 'trhover'; } $res .= '<tr class="' . $tr_class . '" height="60" style="height: 60px;background-color: #fff;">'; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { if (!empty($item['prices'][$date])) { foreach ($sites_list as $s_obj) { if (!empty($item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name])) { $out_of_stock_class = ''; if (!empty($item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->out_of_stock) && $item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->out_of_stock == 't') { $out_of_stock_class = 'com-pr-out-of-stock-td ranking-tooltip-compr'; } if (!empty($item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->price)) { $price = $item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->price; if (!empty($item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->price_formatted)) { $price = $item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->price_formatted; } elseif ($item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->currency) { $price .= ' ' . $item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->currency; } $res .= '<td style="width:135px;min-width:135px;" class="' . $out_of_stock_class . '" ' . (!empty($out_of_stock_class) ? 'data-tooltip="Out of Stock"' : '') . '><div style="position:relative;"><a href="' . $item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->url . '" target="_blank">' . $price . '</a>' . (!empty($out_of_stock_class) ? '<span class="out-of-stock-td-ico"></span><br>out of stock' : '') . '</div></td>'; } else { $res .= '<td style="width:135px;min-width:135px;" class="' . $out_of_stock_class . '" ' . (!empty($out_of_stock_class) ? 'data-tooltip="Out of Stock"' : '') . '><div style="position:relative;"><a href="' . $item['prices'][$date][$s_obj->name]->url . '" target="_blank">' . (!empty($out_of_stock_class) ? 'out of stock<span class="out-of-stock-td-ico"></span><br>' : '') . 'Not Sold Online</a></div></td>'; } } else { $res .= '<td style="width:135px;min-width:135px;" ></td>'; } } } else { foreach ($sites_list as $s_obj) { $res .= '<td style="width:135px;min-width:135px;" ></td>'; } } } $res .= '</tr>'; ++$row_count; } $res .= '<tr height="30" style="height: 30px;background-color: #fff;">'; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { foreach ($sites_list as $s_obj) { $res .= '<td style="width:135px;min-width:135px;border: 0;" ></td>'; } } $res .= '</tr>'; $percent = 1; $col_position = $sort_by_num['site'] + count($site) * $sort_by_num['date']; if ($col_position) { $col_position++; } if ($col_position / (count($site) * count($dates_of_upload)) < 1 && $sort_by == 'price') { $percent = round($col_position / (count($site) * count($dates_of_upload)), 2); } $res .= '</table> <script> setTimeout(function(){ var border_height = $(".compr-border-shadow").height(); $(".compr-border-shadow").height(border_height - 30); var jspElement = $(".scroll-pane").bind( "jsp-scroll-x", function(event, scrollPositionX, isAtLeft, isAtRight) { if(isAtLeft){ $(".compr-border-shadow").addClass("hidden"); }else{ $(".compr-border-shadow").removeClass("hidden"); } } ).jScrollPane() var jspApi ="jsp"); jspApi.scrollToPercentX(' . $percent . ', false ); $(".jspHorizontalBar .jspDrag").addClass("ranking-tooltip-compr").attr("data-tooltip", "Scroll to the right to view all dates and retailers included in your report."); setComPrTooltips(); $(".jspHorizontalBar .jspDrag").qtip("show"); setTimeout(function(){ $(".jspHorizontalBar .jspDrag").qtip("hide"); },3000); }, 1000); </script> </div> <div class="compr-border-shadow"></div> </div> </th>'; } } else { $res = '<th class="no-width"><strong>Sites</strong></th>'; } break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1s1t') { switch ($column) { case 'Brand': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by text-left" data-sort="name"><strong>Brand</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == '' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Brand Results': $res = '<th style="width:120px" class="sort-table-by" data-sort="brand_results"><strong>Brand Results</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.brand_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case '#SKUs on First Page': $res = ' <th style="width:155px" class="sort-table-by" data-sort="on_first_page"><strong>#SKUs on First Page</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsris.on_first_page' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Best Match Rankings': $res = '<th style="width:25%" class="sort-table-by" data-sort="number_in_results"><strong>Best Match Rankings</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'r.number_in_results' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1srv' || $view == 'p2hp') { switch ($column) { case 'Best Match Rank': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by ' . ($sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="ranking" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>Best Match Rank</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'st.title' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="keyword" style="width: 20%;"><div><strong>Search Terms</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'st.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width text-left ' . ($sort_by == 'rsri.title' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="title"><div><strong>Product Name</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Best Seller Rank': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by ' . ($sort_by == 'rsri.best_seller_ranking' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" style="width: 10%;" data-sort="best_seller_ranking"><div><strong>Best Seller Rank</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.best_seller_ranking' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Site': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'site' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="site" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>Site</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'site' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'In Stock': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'out_of_stock' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="out_of_stock" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>In Stock</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'out_of_stock' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'In Store Only': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'in_store_only' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="in_store_only" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>In Store Only</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'in_store_only' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Price': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'price' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="price" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>Price</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'price' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Brand': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'brand_name' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="brand_name" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>Brand</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'brand_name' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Visits': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="page_visits" style="width: 10%;"><div><strong>Visits</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'page_visits' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></div></th>'; break; case 'Sales (One Day Avg)': $res = '<th><div><strong>Sales (One Day Avg)</strong></div></th>'; break; case 'Sales (30 Day Avg)': $res = '<th><div><strong>Sales (30 Day Avg)</strong></div></th>'; break; case 'Amazon Type': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by ' . ($sort_by == 'prime' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="prime"><div><strong>Amazon Type</strong></div><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'prime' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'UPC': $res = '<th><div><strong>UPC</strong></div></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1sro') { switch ($column) { case 'Product': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="title"><strong>Product</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Brand': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by width80" data-sort="brand_name"><strong>Brand</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'brand_name' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Site': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by width80" data-sort="site_name"><strong>Site</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'site_name' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case '5 stars': $avg = !empty($data[5]) ? "({$data['5']})" : ""; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="five_star"> <span class="star-ico five-star-ico"></span> <span style="white-space: nowrap">' . $avg . '</span> <span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'five_star' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span> </th>'; break; case '4 stars': $avg = !empty($data[4]) ? "({$data['4']})" : ""; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="four_star"> <span class="star-ico four-star-ico"></span> <span style="white-space: nowrap">' . $avg . '</span> <span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'four_star' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span> </th>'; break; case '3 stars': $avg = !empty($data[3]) ? "({$data['3']})" : ""; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="three_star"> <span class="star-ico three-star-ico"></span> <span style="white-space: nowrap">' . $avg . '</span> <span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'three_star' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span> </th>'; break; case '2 stars': $avg = !empty($data[2]) ? "({$data['2']})" : ""; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="two_star"> <span class="star-ico two-star-ico"></span> <span style="white-space: nowrap">' . $avg . '</span> <span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'two_star' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span> </th>'; break; case '1 star': $avg = !empty($data[1]) ? "({$data['1']})" : ""; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="one_star"> <span class="star-ico one-star-ico"></span> <span style="white-space: nowrap">' . $avg . '</span> <span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'one_star' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span> </th>'; break; case 'Average': $avg = !empty($data['average']) ? "(" . $data['average'] . ")" : ""; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width" data-sort="average_num"> <strong>Average</strong> <span style="white-space: nowrap">' . $avg . '</span> <span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'average_num' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span> </th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1srobp') { switch ($column) { case 'Rating': $res = '<th class="no-width">Rating</th>'; break; case 'Dates': foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { $res .= '<th class="date-title width71">' . $date . '</th>'; } break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1srvbs') { switch ($column) { case 'Product': $res = '<th style="width:245px;" >Product</th>'; break; case 'Search Term': $res = '<th style="min-width:86px;">Search Term</th>'; break; case 'Last Week': $res = '<th class="width71">Last Wk</th>'; break; case 'Yesterday': $res .= '<th class="width71">Yest</th>'; break; case 'Today': $res .= '<th class="width71">Today</th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1s1b1r') { switch ($column) { case 'Brand': $res = '<th class="brand-image text-left" style="width: 16%"><strong>Brand</strong></th>'; break; case 'Rank': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width text-left" data-sort="ranking" style="width: 7%;"><strong>Rank</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width text-left" data-sort="title" style="width:24%"><strong>Product Name</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Best Seller Rank': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by" data-sort="best_seller_ranking" style="width: 15%"><nobr><strong>Best Seller Rank</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.best_seller_ranking' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></nobr></th>'; break; case 'Search Term In Title': //<span data-content="<div style="font-weight: 400" id="popover_span_class">Exact: The exact search query appears in the name of the product.<br><br> Interleaved: All of the words from the search query appear in the product name.<br><br> Partial: Some words from the search query appear in the product name.</div>" data-html="true" data-original-title="<span id="popover_span_class">Explanation</span><a class="popover_close_btn" href="#" onclick="close_popover(this); return false;">X</a>" title="" data-placement="left" class="question_mark_brand_report_ranking"></span> //$res = '<th class="sort-table-by" data-sort="search_term_in_title"><strong>Search Term In Title</strong><span class="pull-right ' . ( $sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.search_term_in_title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up' ) . '"></span></th>'; $res = '<th class="sort-table-by min_width_last_tds" data-sort="search_term_in_title"><strong>Search Term In Title</strong><span data-content="<div style=\'font-weight: 400; text-align:left;\' id=\'popover_span_class\' >Exact Match: The exact search query appears in the product name.<br><br> Broad Match: Some of the search query words appear in the product name.<br><br> No Match: The search query words do not appear in the product name.</div>" data-html="true" data-original-title="<span id=\'popover_span_class\'>Explanation</span><a class=\'popover_close_btn\' href=\'#\' onclick=\'close_popover(this); return false;\'></a>" title="" data-placement="left" class="question_mark_brand_report_ranking"></span><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.search_term_in_title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Promo Opportunities': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by"><strong>Promo Opportunities</strong></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1s1b1r_md') { $col_width = $columns_count ? 98 / (int) $columns_count : 0; $col_px_width = $columns_count ? 990 / (int) $columns_count : 0; switch ($column) { case 'Brand': $res = '<th class="brand-image text-left" style="width: ' . $col_width . '%;"><strong>Brand</strong></th>'; break; case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width text-left" data-sort="title" style="width:' . $col_width . '%"><strong>Product Name</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == "desc" && $sort_by == "rsri.title" ? "sorting-ico-down" : "sorting-ico-up") . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Product Details': $res = '<th class="text-left" style="width: ' . $col_width . '%;"><strong>Product Details</strong></th>'; break; case 'Product Data': $res = ''; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { if ($dateformat == 1) { $date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($date)); } elseif ($dateformat == 2) { $date = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date)); } $res .= '<th style="width: ' . $col_width . '%;"><strong>' . $date . '</strong></th>'; } break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } if (!$this->rowcountrow) { $res .= '<style type="text/css"> #ranking-table .promo-opportunities p{ width: ' . ($col_px_width - 40) . 'px; } </style>'; } ++$this->rowcountrow; } elseif ($view == '1s1bpn') { switch ($column) { case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width text-left" data-sort="title"><strong>Product Name</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Site': $res = '<th class="no-width text-left" style="width:20%"><strong>Site</strong></th>'; break; case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th class="no-width text-left" style="width:20%"><strong>Search Term</strong></th>'; break; case 'Search Term In Title': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by min_width_last_tds" data-sort="search_term_in_title"><strong>Search Term In Title</strong><span data-content="<div style=\'font-weight: 400; text-align:left; color:black;\' id=\'popover_span_class\' >Exact Match: The exact search query appears in the product name.<br><br> Broad Match: Some of the search query words appear in the product name.<br><br> No Match: The search query words do not appear in the product name.</div>" data-html="true" data-original-title="<span id=\'popover_span_class\'>Explanation</span><a class=\'popover_close_btn\' href=\'#\' onclick=\'close_popover(this); return false;\'></a>" title="" data-placement="left" class="question_mark_brand_report_ranking"></span><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.search_term_in_title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1s1bpn_md') { switch ($column) { case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by no-width text-left" data-sort="title" style="width:20%"><strong>Product Name</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == "desc" && $sort_by == "rsri.title" ? "sorting-ico-down" : "sorting-ico-up") . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Site': $res = '<th class="no-width text-left" style="width:20%"><strong>Site</strong></th>'; break; case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th class="no-width text-left" style="width:20%"><strong>Search Term</strong></th>'; break; case 'Product Details': $res = '<th class="text-left"><strong>Product Details</strong></th>'; break; case 'Product Data': $res = ''; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { if ($dateformat == 1) { $date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($date)); } elseif ($dateformat == 2) { $date = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date)); } $res .= '<th><strong>' . $date . '</strong></th>'; } break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } elseif ($view == '1srv_md' || $view == 'p2hp_md') { switch ($column) { case 'Product Name': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by text-left ' . ($sort_by == 'rsri.title' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="title" style="width:48%"><strong>Product Name</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Best Match Rank': $columns_count = 7 - $this->visible_columns_count; if (count($dates_of_upload) <= $columns_count) { $i = 0; $res = ''; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { $timestamp = strtotime($date); $res .= '<th class="text-center width100 sort-table-by ' . ($sort_by_num == $i && $sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="ranking ' . (int) $i . '" >' . date('M d/y', $timestamp) . '<span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' && $sort_by_num == $i ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; ++$i; } } else { $width = 115 * $columns_count; $i = 0; $res = '<th rowspan="' . (count($data) + 1) . '" style="padding: 0;"> <div class="scroll-pane" style="max-width: ' . $width . 'px;overflow: hidden;height: 100%;"> <table class="inner-table"> <tr>'; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { $timestamp = strtotime($date); $res .= '<th class="text-center width100 sort-table-by ' . ($sort_by_num == $i && $sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="ranking ' . (int) $i . '" >' . date('M d/y', $timestamp) . '<span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'rsri.ranking' && $sort_by_num == $i ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; ++$i; } $res .= '</tr>'; foreach ($data as $item) { $first_page_class = ''; $tr_class = ''; if (!empty($dates_of_upload[$sort_by_num]) && !empty($item[$dates_of_upload[$sort_by_num]]) && !empty($item[$dates_of_upload[$sort_by_num]]->ofp_by_ranking) && $item[$dates_of_upload[$sort_by_num]]->ofp_by_ranking == 't') { $tr_class = 'first-page-item-row'; $first_page_class = ' class="first-page-item"'; } $res .= '<tr class="' . $tr_class . '">'; $prev_value = 0; foreach ($dates_of_upload as $date) { $res .= '<td style="height:40px; " ' . $first_page_class . '>'; $res .= '<div class="text-center" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;display: inline-block;position: relative;">'; if (!empty($item[$date]) && !empty($item[$date]->ranking)) { if ($prev_value != '') { if ($prev_value > $item[$date]->ranking) { $dif = abs($item[$date]->ranking - $prev_value); $res .= '<div style="float: right;right: -33px;background-color: #e6f3d9;border-radius: 5px;padding-right: 5px;color:#4fb724;"><img src="' . base_url('img/percent-arrow-increase.png') . '" style="position: relative;left: -5px;bottom:2px;">' . $dif . '</div>'; } elseif ($prev_value < $item[$date]->ranking) { $dif = abs($item[$date]->ranking - $prev_value); $res .= '<div style="float: right;right: -33px;background-color: #f6d7d2;border-radius: 5px;padding-right: 5px;color:#f40000;"><img src="' . base_url('img/percent-arrow-decrease.png') . '" style="position: relative;left: -5px;bottom:2px;">' . $dif . '</div>'; } } $res .= '<span style="width: 40px; text-align: center;">' . $item[$date]->ranking . '</span>'; $prev_value = $item[$date]->ranking; } $res .= '</td>'; } $res .= '</tr>'; } $res .= '</table> <script> setTimeout(function(){ var jspElement = $(".scroll-pane").bind( "jsp-scroll-x", function(event, scrollPositionX, isAtLeft, isAtRight) { var sumAllDAy = 0; $(".date-tags").each(function(index) { var daynum = $(\'tbody tr.dark-row td[data-id="\' + $(this).text() + \'"]\').length; var scrollWidth = daynum*87; if(scrollPositionX >= sumAllDAy && scrollPositionX <= sumAllDAy + scrollWidth - 50) { $(this).css("left",scrollPositionX-sumAllDAy); } sumAllDAy += scrollWidth; }); //var dateTags = $(".date-tags"); //$(dateTags[0]).css("left",scrollPositionX); //$(".date-tags").css("left",scrollPositionX); } ).jScrollPane(); var jspApi ="jsp"); '; //scroll table to the right if ($sort_by_num >= count($dates_of_upload) - 2) { $res .= 'jspApi.scrollToPercentX(100, false );'; } $res .= '}, 1000); </script> </div> </th>'; } break; case 'Search Terms': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by text-left no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'st.title' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="keyword" style="width: 16%;min-width:130px;"><strong>Search Terms</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'st.title' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Site': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by text-left no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'site' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="site" style="width: 16%;min-width:100px;"><strong>Site</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'site' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; case 'Average Ranking': $res = '<th class="sort-table-by text-left no-width ' . ($sort_by == 'avg_ranking' ? 'sorting-column' : '') . '" data-sort="avg_ranking" style="width: 20%;min-width:100px;"><strong>Avg Ranking</strong><span class="pull-right sorting ' . ($sort_dir == 'desc' && $sort_by == 'avg_ranking' ? 'sorting-ico-down' : 'sorting-ico-up') . '"></span></th>'; break; default: $res = '<th></th>'; } } return $res; }
<div class="tip-content"> <div>LAST PRICE CHANGES</div> <table class="tbl" style="width:100%"> <thead> <tr> <td>Date</td> <td>Price</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($result as $item) : ?> <tr> <?php $date = new \DateTime($item['date_of_upload']); ?> <td><?php echo $date->format("F d, Y"); ?></td> <td><?php echo Ranking_model::getCurrencySymbol($item['currency']) . $item['price']; ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .tip-content { width:100%; font-size:14px; line-height:25px; padding:5px 7px; } .tbl, .tbl tbody { border-top: 1px solid #888888; } .tbl td {
/** * Return data for table view Price Sensitivity * @return json * @author Ruslan Ushakov */ public function getPriceSensitivity() { $this->load->model('ranking_model'); $this->load->model('sites_model'); $this->load->model('product_model'); $site_id = $this->input->post('site_id'); $term_id = $this->input->post('term_id'); $brand_id = $this->input->post('brand_id'); $date_of_upload = $this->input->post('date_of_upload'); $view = $this->input->post('view'); $sort_by = $this->input->post('sort_by'); $sort_dir = $this->input->post('sort_dir'); $all_checked_checkboxes = $this->input->post('all_checked_checkboxes'); $all_checked_brand_checkboxes = $this->input->post('all_checked_brand_checkboxes'); $brand_id = Ranking_model::getBrandIdsFromSelectedGroups($brand_id, $all_checked_brand_checkboxes); $data = array(); $product_lists = $this->input->post('product_lists'); $userId = $this->ion_auth->get_user_id(); $hasAssociations = $this->product_model->hasAssociations($userId); if ($hasAssociations && !empty($site_id) && (!empty($term_id) || !empty($product_lists)) && !empty($date_of_upload)) { if (is_array($date_of_upload)) { $date_of_upload = $date_of_upload[0]; } $data_prepared = array(); $titles_list = $this->ranking_model->getAssociatedProductsByParams($site_id, $date_of_upload, $term_id, $brand_id, $product_lists); foreach ($titles_list as $product) { $title = htmlspecialchars($product->title); $title_hash = sha1($title); if (!array_key_exists($title_hash, $data_prepared)) { $data_prepared[$title_hash] = array(); $data_prepared[$title_hash]['title'] = $title; $data_prepared[$title_hash]['image_url'] = $product->image_url; $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'] = array(); } if (!array_key_exists($product->site, $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'])) { $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'][$product->site] = array(); $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'][$product->site]['price'] = $product->price; $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'][$product->site]['currency'] = $product->currency; $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'][$product->site]['url'] = $product->url; $currency_symbol = Ranking_model::getCurrencySymbol($product->currency); if (!empty($currency_symbol)) { $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'][$product->site]['price_formatted'] = $currency_symbol . $product->price; } else { $data_prepared[$title_hash]['prices'][$product->site]['price_formatted'] = ''; } } } foreach ($data_prepared as $hash => $product) { if (!empty($product['prices'])) { $data[$hash] = $product; $price_arr = $product['prices']; $sum = 0; $product_currency = ''; foreach ($price_arr as $price_obj) { if (!empty($price_obj['price'])) { $sum += $price_obj['price']; } if (empty($product_currency)) { $product_currency = $price_obj['currency']; } } $average = number_format($sum / count($price_arr), 2, '.', ''); $price_arr['average'] = array(); $price_arr['average']['price'] = $average; $price_arr['average']['currency'] = $product_currency; $currency_symbol = Ranking_model::getCurrencySymbol($product_currency); if (!empty($currency_symbol)) { $price_arr['average']['price_formatted'] = $currency_symbol . $price_arr['average']['price']; } else { $price_arr['average']['price_formatted'] = ''; } uasort($price_arr, 'userSortByPriceDesc'); $data[$hash]['prices'] = $price_arr; } } $pager = $this->getPager(count($data), 8); $products = array_slice($data, $pager['offset'], $pager['length']); $pager_str = $this->load->view('elements/pager', array('pager' => $pager), true); $responseTemplate = $this->load->view('assess/scorecard/content/report-templates/PrSen.php', array('products' => $products), true); $table = utf8_encode($responseTemplate); } /*if (empty($products)) { $table = $this->load->view('assess/scorecard/content/report-templates/prod_association_req', array(), true); }*/ $this->jsonResponse(array('table' => $table, 'pager' => $pager_str, 'productCount' => count($products))); }
<?php endif;?> </th> <th rowspan="18" style="width:60%;padding: 0;border-left: 0;border-bottom: 0;"> <div style="position: relative"> <div class="google-scroll-pane" style="overflow: hidden;height: 100%;"> <table> <tr style="height: 48px;"> <?php foreach($searchTermArray['sellers'] as $sellerName => $sellerInfo) { ?> <th style="width:115px;" class="sort-table-by sorting-column" data-sort="price 0 0"><?php echo !empty($sellerName) ? $sellerName : '' ; ?></th> <?php } ?> </tr> <tr class="" height="60" style="height: 60px;background-color: #fff;"> <?php foreach($searchTermArray['sellers'] as $sellerName => $sellerInfo) { ?> <td style="width:135px;min-width:135px;" class=""> <div style="position:relative;"> <?php echo (!empty($sellerInfo->price)) ? $sellerInfo->price : ''; ?> <?php echo !empty($sellerInfo->currency) ? Ranking_model::getCurrencySymbol($sellerInfo->currency) : '';?> </div> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <div class="row-fluid ranking-pager-container" id="ranking-pager"></div> <script>