예제 #1
 public function add(RadioButton $button)
     $this->buttons[] = $button;
     return $this;
예제 #2
  * dbCheckBox::dbCheckBox()
  * Public constructor: create a new db RadioButton object
  * @param object &$oForm: the form where the datefield is located on
  * @param string $sName: the name of the datefield
  * @param object $oDb: object of the database handler
  * @param string $sTable: the table to get the fields from
  * @param mixed $mFields: array of string with the names of the fields which data we should get
  * @param string $sExtraSQL: extra SQL statements
  * @return dbRadioButton
  * @access public
  * @author Johan Wiegel
 function dbRadioButton(&$oForm, $sName, &$oDb, $sTable, $mFields, $sExtraSQL = null, $sMask = null)
     // call the constructor of the selectfield
     parent::RadioButton($oForm, $sName, '');
     // make sure that the fields are set in an array
     $aFields = !is_array($mFields) ? array($mFields) : $mFields;
     $this->useArrayKeyAsValue(sizeof($aFields) == 2);
     // generate the query to retrieve the records
     $sQuery = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $aFields) . ' FROM ' . $oDb->quote($sTable) . ' ' . $sExtraSQL;
     // get the records and load the options
     //$this->_aOptions = is_array($aMergeArray) ? $aMergeArray : array();
     // execute the query
     $sql = $oDb->query($sQuery);
     // query succeeded
     if ($sql) {
         while ($row = $oDb->getRecord($sql)) {
             if (sizeof($row) == 1) {
                 $this->_aOptions[] = array_shift($row);
             } else {
                 $this->_aOptions[array_shift($row)] = array_shift($row);
     } else {
         trigger_error("Error, could not retrieve records.<br '. FH_XHTML_CLOSE .'>\n" . "Error message: " . $oDb->getError() . "<br '. FH_XHTML_CLOSE .'>\n" . "Query: " . $sQuery, E_USER_WARNING);
예제 #3
 protected function renderContent()
     $name = $this->getAttribute('name');
     $value = $this->getAttribute('value');
     $flags = $this->getAttribute('flags');
     $content = '';
     if ($flags & \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::FIELDSETSWITCH_CHECKBOX) {
         $chooser = new CheckBox($this->view);
         if ($this->hasAttribute('uncheckedValue')) {
             $chooser->setAttribute('uncheckedValue', $this->getAttribute('uncheckedValue'));
     } else {
         $chooser = new RadioButton($this->view);
     $chooser->setAttribute('name', $name)->setAttribute('value', $value)->setAttribute('flags', $flags);
     if ($this->hasAttribute('label')) {
         $chooser->setAttribute('label', $this->getAttribute('label'));
     if ($this->hasAttribute('labelSource')) {
         $chooser->setAttribute('labelSource', $this->getAttribute('labelSource'));
     $className = 'FieldsetSwitch';
     if ($flags & \Nethgui\Renderer\WidgetFactoryInterface::FIELDSETSWITCH_EXPANDABLE) {
         $className .= ' expandable';
     if ($this->hasAttribute('class')) {
         $className .= ' ' . trim($this->getAttribute('class'));
     $content .= $this->openTag('div', array('class' => $className));
     $content .= $chooser->renderContent();
     $content .= $this->openTag('fieldset', array('class' => 'FieldsetSwitchPanel'));
     $content .= $this->renderChildren();
     $content .= $this->closeTag('fieldset');
     $content .= $this->closeTag('div');
     return $content;
예제 #4
  * FormHandler::radioButton()
  * Create a radioButton on the form
  * @param string $title: The title of the field
  * @param string $name: The name of the field
  * @param array $options: The options used for the field
  * @param string $validator: The validator which should be used to validate the value of the field
  * @param boolean $useArrayKeyAsValue: If the array key's are the values for the options in the field
  * @param string $extra: CSS, Javascript or other which are inserted into the HTML tag
  * @param string $mask: if more the 1 options are given, glue the fields together with this mask
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @author Teye Heimans
 function radioButton($title, $name, $options, $validator = null, $useArrayKeyAsValue = null, $extra = null, $mask = null)
     require_once FH_INCLUDE_DIR . 'fields/class.RadioButton.php';
     // value has to be an array
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         trigger_error("You have to give an array as value with the radiobutton '{$name}'", E_USER_WARNING);
     // create a new checkbox
     $fld = new RadioButton($this, $name, $options);
     if (!empty($validator)) {
     if (!is_null($useArrayKeyAsValue)) {
     if (!empty($extra)) {
     if (!empty($mask)) {
     // register the field
     $this->_registerField($name, $fld, $title);
예제 #5
  * RadioButton constructor.
  * @param string $true
  * @param string $false
 public function __construct($true = "Yes", $false = "No")
     parent::__construct([1 => $true, 0 => $false]);
 function CreateControls()
     /* @var $team Team */
     /* @var $comp Competition */
     $season = $this->GetDataObject();
     /* @var $season Season */
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/form-part.class.php';
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/textbox.class.php';
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/radio-button.class.php';
     require_once 'xhtml/forms/checkbox.class.php';
     # Show fewer options for a new season than when editing, beacause a new season gets settings copied from last year to save time
     $b_is_new_season = !(bool) $season->GetId();
     # Add competition
     $comp = $season->GetCompetition();
     $competition = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'competition', $comp->GetId());
     # Make current short URL available, because then it can match the suggested one and be left alone
     $short_url = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'ShortUrl', $season->GetShortUrl());
     # add years
     $start_box = new TextBox('start', is_null($season->GetStartYear()) ? Date::Year(gmdate('U')) : $season->GetStartYear(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     $start_box->AddAttribute('maxlength', 4);
     $start = new FormPart('Year season starts', $start_box);
     $summer = new RadioButton('summer', 'when', 'Summer season', 0);
     $winter = new RadioButton('winter', 'when', 'Winter season', 1);
     if ($season->GetEndYear() > $season->GetStartYear()) {
     } else {
     $when = new XhtmlElement('div', $summer);
     $when_legend = new XhtmlElement('legend', 'Time of year');
     $when_fs = new XhtmlElement('fieldset', $when_legend);
     # add intro
     $intro_box = new TextBox('intro', $season->GetIntro(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
     $intro = new FormPart('Introduction', $intro_box);
     if (!$b_is_new_season) {
         # add types of matches
         if (!$this->IsPostback() or $this->b_saving_new and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
             foreach ($season->MatchTypes()->GetItems() as $i_type) {
                 $this->match_types_editor->DataObjects()->Add(new IdValue($i_type, ucfirst(MatchType::Text($i_type))));
         $this->AddControl(new FormPart('Match types', $this->match_types_editor));
         # add results
         $result_container = new XhtmlElement('div');
         $result_box = new TextBox('results', $season->GetResults(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
         $result = new FormPart('Results', $result_container);
         $result->GetLabel()->AddAttribute('for', $result_box->GetXhtmlId());
         # Add rules table
         $rules = new XhtmlTable();
         $rules->SetCaption('Points for each result');
         $header = new XhtmlRow(array('Result', 'Points for home team', 'Points for away team'));
         foreach ($this->result_types as $result) {
             /* @var $result MatchResult */
             # Shouldn't ever need to assign points to a postponed match
             if ($result->GetResultType() == MatchResult::POSTPONED) {
             # Populate result with points from season rule
             while ($season->PossibleResults()->MoveNext()) {
                 if ($season->PossibleResults()->GetItem()->GetResultType() == $result->GetResultType()) {
             # Create table row
             $home_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Result' . $result->GetResultType() . 'Home', $result->GetHomePoints(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $away_box = new TextBox($this->GetNamingPrefix() . 'Result' . $result->GetResultType() . 'Away', $result->GetAwayPoints(), $this->IsValidSubmit());
             $home_box->AddAttribute('class', 'pointsBox');
             $away_box->AddAttribute('class', 'pointsBox');
             $result_row = new XhtmlRow(array(MatchResult::Text($result->GetResultType()), $home_box, $away_box));
         # Add points adjustments
         if (!$this->IsPostback() or $this->b_saving_new and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
         # Show league table?
         $table = new CheckBox('showTable', 'Show results table', 1, $season->GetShowTable());
         $this->AddControl(new CheckBox('runsScored', 'Include runs scored', 1, $season->GetShowTableRunsScored()));
         $this->AddControl(new CheckBox('runsConceded', 'Include runs conceded', 1, $season->GetShowTableRunsConceded()));
         # add teams
         if (!$this->IsPostback() or $this->b_saving_new and $this->IsValidSubmit()) {
             $teams_in_season = array();
             foreach ($season->GetTeams() as $team) {
                 $teams_in_season[] = new TeamInSeason($team, $season, is_object($season->TeamsWithdrawnFromLeague()->GetItemByProperty('GetId', $team->GetId())));
         $this->AddControl(new FormPart('Teams', $this->teams_editor));
예제 #7
 public function listaRadioFiltro($opcionBusqueda, $radio, $disabled)
     $arrayRadio = array("0006" => "IMAGENES", "0003" => "EMERGENCIA", "0001" => "CONSULTA", "" => "TODOS");
     $o_Radio = new RadioButton($arrayRadio);
     //$row_ochg = "buscar_filtro_sede()";
     $row_ochg = "buscar_filtro_actividad()";
     $radioHTML_01 = $o_Radio->getOptionsHTML($radio, $row_ochg, 'Grupo');
     return $radioHTML_01;
예제 #8

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Radio Button!");
$mainTable = new Table();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$radio_button = new RadioButton();
$radio_button->setTitle("Where are you from?");
$button = new Button();
$button->setCaption("Click me!");
$mainTable->addControl($radio_button, 1, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($button, 5, 1);
function clickme()
    if ($radio_button->getValue() == "1") {
        echo "You are from Uruguay!";
    if ($radio_button->getValue() == "2") {
        echo "You are from US!";
예제 #9
  * Enter description here ...
  * @param string $name
  * @param int $value
 public function __construct($name, $value = '')
     parent::__construct($name, array('Ja' => 1, 'Nee' => 0), $value);
예제 #10
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getRadioButtons()
     return $this->hasMany(RadioButton::className(), ['Question_id' => 'id']);