if (!empty($post->id)) { $blog = $post->blog; } else { if (!empty($_GET["blogId"])) { $blog = new Blog($_GET["blogId"]); } } if (!empty($blog->id)) { // Include language include scriptPath . "/" . folderBlog . "/include/language/" . $blog->language . "/general.php"; // Get the post list $items = array(); $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,moduleContentId FROM " . commentTableName . " WHERE moduleId=" . $dbi->quote(blogModuleId) . " AND moduleContentTypeId=" . $dbi->quote(blogPostContentId) . " AND spam='0' AND " . (!empty($post->id) ? "moduleContentId=" . $dbi->quote($post->id) : "moduleContentId IN(SELECT Id FROM " . blogPostTableName . " WHERE blogId=" . $dbi->quote($blog->id) . " AND draft=0)") . " ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 15"); for ($i = 0; list($id, $postId) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) { $comment = new Comment($id); // Get name of user $name = ""; if (!empty($comment->userId)) { $user = new User($comment->userId); $name = $user->name; } else { $name = $comment->name; } // Create new item $item = new RSSItem($comment->id, $name, array(), "", "", scriptUrl . "/" . folderBlog . "/" . fileBlogPost . "?postId=" . $postId . "#comments", $comment->message, "", $comment->posted, $comment->subject); $items[] = $item; } // Print feed $rss = new RSS($blog->title . " - " . $lComment["Header"], $blog->description, $blog->getBlogLink(), scriptUrl . "/" . folderBlog . "/" . fileBlogCommentRSS . "?blogId=" . $blog->id, $items); $rss->printRSSFeed(); }