/** * Initialize the plugin */ private function init() { // Setup the autoloader self::setup_autoloader(); // Load plugin text domain load_plugin_textdomain('related-posts-for-wp', false, dirname(plugin_basename(RP4WP_PLUGIN_FILE)) . '/languages/'); // Check if we need to run the installer if (is_admin() && get_site_option(RP4WP_Constants::OPTION_DO_INSTALL, false)) { // Delete do install site option delete_site_option(RP4WP_Constants::OPTION_DO_INSTALL); // Redirect to installation wizard wp_redirect(admin_url() . '?page=rp4wp_install', 307); exit; } if (is_admin()) { // Check if we need to display an 'is installing' notice $is_installing_notice = new RP4WP_Is_Installing_Notice(); $is_installing_notice->check(); } // Setup settings add_action('init', array($this, 'setup_settings')); // Filters $manager_filter = new RP4WP_Manager_Filter(plugin_dir_path(RP4WP_PLUGIN_FILE) . 'classes/filters/'); $manager_filter->load_filters(); // Hooks $manager_hook = new RP4WP_Manager_Hook(plugin_dir_path(RP4WP_PLUGIN_FILE) . 'classes/hooks/'); $manager_hook->load_hooks(); // Include template functions if (!is_admin()) { require_once plugin_dir_path(self::get_plugin_file()) . '/includes/template-functions.php'; } // Setup the nag if (is_admin()) { $nag_manager = new RP4WP_Nag_Manager(); $nag_manager->setup(); } }
/** * Initialize the plugin */ private function init() { // Load plugin text domain load_plugin_textdomain('related-posts-for-wp', false, dirname(plugin_basename(RP4WP_PLUGIN_FILE)) . '/languages/'); // Check for multisite, we don't support that if (is_multisite() && (is_admin() || is_network_admin())) { add_action('admin_notices', array('RP4WP_Multisite_Notice', 'display')); add_action('network_admin_notices', array('RP4WP_Multisite_Notice', 'display')); return; } // Check if we need to run the installer if (is_admin() && get_option(RP4WP_Constants::OPTION_DO_INSTALL, false)) { // Delete do install site option delete_option(RP4WP_Constants::OPTION_DO_INSTALL); // Redirect to installation wizard wp_redirect(admin_url() . '?page=rp4wp_install&rp4wp_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce(RP4WP_Constants::NONCE_INSTALL), 307); exit; } if (is_admin()) { // Check if we need to display an 'is installing' notice $is_installing_notice = new RP4WP_Is_Installing_Notice(); $is_installing_notice->check(); } // Setup settings add_action('init', array($this, 'setup_settings')); // Filters $filters = (include dirname(RP4WP_PLUGIN_FILE) . '/includes/filters.php'); $manager_filter = new RP4WP_Manager_Filter($filters); $manager_filter->load_filters(); // Hooks $actions = (include dirname(RP4WP_PLUGIN_FILE) . '/includes/actions.php'); $manager_hook = new RP4WP_Manager_Hook($actions); $manager_hook->load_hooks(); // Include template functions if (!is_admin()) { require_once plugin_dir_path(self::get_plugin_file()) . '/includes/template-functions.php'; } // Setup the nag if (is_admin()) { $nag_manager = new RP4WP_Nag_Manager(); $nag_manager->setup(); } }