public function __construct($fd = -1, $length = 0, $offset = 0, $whence = self::SEEK_START, $oprType = 0, $KeyValPair_PI = null)
     if ($fd == -1) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("fd must be > -1");
     if ($offset < 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("offset must be non negative");
     if ($length < 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("length must be greater than or equal to  zero");
     if ($oprType < 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("oprtType must be greater than zero");
     if ($whence >= self::SEEK_START && $whence <= self::SEEK_END) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("invalid whence value");
     if (!isset($KeyValPair_PI)) {
         $KeyValPair_PI = new RP_KeyValPair();
     $packlets = array("l1descInx" => $fd, "len" => $length, "whence" => $whence, "oprType" => $oprType, "offset" => $offset, "bytesWritten" => 0, 'KeyValPair_PI' => $KeyValPair_PI);
     parent::__construct("OpenedDataObjInp_PI", $packlets);
예제 #2
 public function __construct($collName = "", RP_KeyValPair $KeyValPair_PI = NULL)
     if (!isset($KeyValPair_PI)) {
         $KeyValPair_PI = new RP_KeyValPair();
     $packlets = array("collName" => $collName, "flags" => "0", "oprType" => "0", 'KeyValPair_PI' => $KeyValPair_PI);
     parent::__construct("CollInpNew_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($objPath = "", $createMode = 0, $openFlags = 0, $offset = 0, $dataSize = -1, $numThreads = 0, $oprType = 0, RP_KeyValPair $KeyValPair_PI = NULL)
     if (!isset($KeyValPair_PI)) {
         $KeyValPair_PI = new RP_KeyValPair();
     $packlets = array("objPath" => $objPath, 'createMode' => $createMode, 'openFlags' => $openFlags, 'offset' => $offset, "dataSize" => $dataSize, "numThreads" => $numThreads, "oprType" => $oprType, 'KeyValPair_PI' => $KeyValPair_PI);
     parent::__construct("DataObjInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($ssLen = 0, array $keyWord = array(), array $svalue = array())
     if ($ssLen < 1) {
         $keyWord = NULL;
         $svalue = NULL;
     $packlets = array("ssLen" => $ssLen, 'keyWord' => $keyWord, 'svalue' => $svalue);
     parent::__construct("KeyValPair_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($label = '', RODSPacket $inOutStruct = null, RP_BinBytesBuf $BinBytesBuf_PI = null)
     if (!isset($BinBytesBuf_PI)) {
         $BinBytesBuf_PI = new RP_BinBytesBuf();
     if (!isset($inOutStruct)) {
         $inOutStruct = new RODSPacket();
     $packlets = array("label" => $label, "type" => $inOutStruct->type, $inOutStruct->type => $inOutStruct, "BinBytesBuf_PI" => $BinBytesBuf_PI);
     parent::__construct("MsParam_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct(RP_DataObjInp $src = NULL, RP_DataObjInp $dest = NULL)
     if (!isset($src)) {
         $src = new RP_DataObjInp();
     if (!isset($dest)) {
         $dest = new RP_DataObjInp();
     $packlets = array("src" => $src, 'dest' => $dest);
     parent::__construct("DataObjCopyInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($myRule = '', RP_RHostAddr $RHostAddr_PI = null, RP_KeyValPair $KeyValPair_PI = null, $outParamDesc = '', RP_MsParamArray $MsParamArray_PI = null)
     if (!isset($RHostAddr_PI)) {
         $RHostAddr_PI = new RP_RHostAddr();
     if (!isset($KeyValPair_PI)) {
         $KeyValPair_PI = new RP_KeyValPair();
     if (!isset($MsParamArray_PI)) {
         $MsParamArray_PI = new RP_MsParamArray();
     $packlets = array("myRule" => $myRule, "RHostAddr_PI" => $RHostAddr_PI, "KeyValPair_PI" => $KeyValPair_PI, "outParamDesc" => $outParamDesc, "MsParamArray_PI" => $MsParamArray_PI);
     parent::__construct("ExecMyRuleInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($maxRows = 500, $continueInx = 0, RP_KeyValPair $KeyValPair_PI = NULL, RP_InxIvalPair $InxIvalPair_PI = NULL, RP_InxValPair $InxValPair_PI = NULL, $options = 0, $partialStartIndex = 0)
     if (!isset($KeyValPair_PI)) {
         $KeyValPair_PI = new RP_KeyValPair();
     if (!isset($InxIvalPair_PI)) {
         $InxIvalPair_PI = new RP_InxIvalPair();
     if (!isset($InxValPair_PI)) {
         $InxValPair_PI = new RP_InxValPair();
     $packlets = array("maxRows" => $maxRows, 'continueInx' => $continueInx, 'partialStartIndex' => $partialStartIndex, 'options' => $options, 'KeyValPair_PI' => $KeyValPair_PI, 'InxIvalPair_PI' => $InxIvalPair_PI, 'InxValPair_PI' => $InxValPair_PI);
     parent::__construct("GenQueryInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($pamUser = "", $pamPassword = "", $timeToLive = -1)
     // iRODS 3.3.1 does not accept negative TTL values. If a value of -1 is
     // passed to the server, it will return an invalid temporary password
     // string (in binary, rendering it invalid for the XML parser).
     // On later requests, a "PAM_AUTH_PASSWORD_INVALID_TTL" error may be
     // returned.
     if ($timeToLive === -1) {
         // The closest one can get to an infinite TTL (which I assume is meant
         // by '-1') using iRODS 3.3.1 seems to be two weeks.
         $timeToLive = 14 * 24;
     $packlets = array("pamUser" => $pamUser, "pamPassword" => $pamPassword, "timeToLive" => $timeToLive);
     parent::__construct("pamAuthRequestInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($myStr = '')
     $packlets = array("myStr" => $myStr);
     parent::__construct("INT_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($objSize = 0, $objType = 0, $numCopies = 0, $dataId = -1, $chksum = NULL, $ownerName = NULL, $ownerZone = NULL, $createTime = NULL, $modifyTime = NULL)
     $packlets = array("objSize" => $objSize, 'objType' => $objType, 'numCopies' => $numCopies, 'dataId' => $dataId, "chksum" => $chksum, "ownerName" => $ownerName, "ownerZone" => $ownerZone, 'createTime' => $createTime, 'modifyTime' => $modifyTime);
     parent::__construct("RodsObjStat_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($l1descInx = -1, $len = 0)
     $packlets = array("l1descInx" => $l1descInx, 'len' => $len);
     parent::__construct("dataObjReadInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($dataObjInx = -1, $len = 0)
     $packlets = array("dataObjInx" => $dataObjInx, 'len' => $len);
     parent::__construct("dataObjWriteInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($attriInx = 0, $reslen = 0, array $value = array())
     $packlets = array("attriInx" => $attriInx, 'reslen' => $reslen, 'value' => $value);
     parent::__construct("SqlResult_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($user = "", $zone = "", $relVersion = RODS_REL_VERSION, $apiVersion = RODS_API_VERSION, $option = NULL)
     $packlets = array("irodsProt" => 1, "connectCnt" => 0, "proxyUser" => $user, "proxyRcatZone" => $zone, "clientUser" => $user, "clientRcatZone" => $zone, "relVersion" => $relVersion, "apiVersion" => $apiVersion, "option" => $option);
     parent::__construct("StartupPack_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($rowCnt = 0, $attriCnt = 0, $continueInx = 0, $totalRowCount = 0, array $SqlResult_PI = array())
     $this->array_rp_type = array("SqlResult_PI" => "RP_SqlResult");
     $packlets = array("rowCnt" => $rowCnt, 'attriCnt' => $attriCnt, 'continueInx' => $continueInx, 'totalRowCount' => $totalRowCount, 'SqlResult_PI' => $SqlResult_PI);
     parent::__construct("GenQueryOut_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($numThreads = 0, $bytesWritten = 0)
     $packlets = array("numThreads" => $numThreads, 'bytesWritten' => $bytesWritten);
     parent::__construct("TransStat_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($isLen = 0, array $inx = array(), array $svalue = array())
     $packlets = array("isLen" => $isLen, 'inx' => $inx, 'svalue' => $svalue);
     parent::__construct("InxValPair_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($arg0 = NULL, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL, $arg3 = NULL, $arg4 = NULL, $arg5 = NULL, $arg6 = NULL, $arg7 = NULL, $arg8 = NULL, $arg9 = NULL)
     $packlets = array("arg0" => $arg0, "arg1" => $arg1, "arg2" => $arg2, "arg3" => $arg3, "arg4" => $arg4, "arg5" => $arg5, "arg6" => $arg6, "arg7" => $arg7, "arg8" => $arg8, "arg9" => $arg9);
     parent::__construct("ModAVUMetadataInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($type = NULL, $msgLen = 0, $errorLen = 0, $bsLen = 0, $intInfo = 0)
     $packlets = array("type" => $type, "msgLen" => $msgLen, "errorLen" => $errorLen, "bsLen" => $bsLen, "intInfo" => $intInfo);
     parent::__construct("MsgHeader_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($filesCnt = 0, $totalFileCnt = 0, $bytesWritten = 0, $lastObjPath = '')
     $packlets = array("filesCnt" => $filesCnt, "totalFileCnt" => $totalFileCnt, 'bytesWritten' => $bytesWritten, 'lastObjPath' => $lastObjPath);
     parent::__construct("CollOprStat_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($l1descInx = -1, $bytesWritten = 0)
     $packlets = array("l1descInx" => $l1descInx, 'bytesWritten' => $bytesWritten);
     parent::__construct("dataObjCloseInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($serverType = 0, $relVersion = 0, $apiVersion = 0, $rodsZone = '')
     $packlets = array("serverType" => $serverType, 'relVersion' => $relVersion, 'apiVersion' => $apiVersion, 'rodsZone' => $rodsZone);
     parent::__construct("MiscSvrInfo_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($status = 0, $relVersion = 'rods0.5', $apiVersion = 'a')
     $packlets = array("status" => $status, "relVersion" => $relVersion, "apiVersion" => $apiVersion);
     parent::__construct("Version_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($response = "", $username = "")
     $packlets = array("response" => $response, "username" => $username);
     parent::__construct("authResponseInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($irodsPamPassword = "")
     $packlets = array("irodsPamPassword" => $irodsPamPassword);
     parent::__construct("pamAuthRequestOut_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($pamUser = "", $pamPassword = "", $timeToLive = -1)
     $packlets = array("pamUser" => $pamUser, "pamPassword" => $pamPassword, "timeToLive" => $timeToLive);
     parent::__construct("pamAuthRequestInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($challenge = "")
     $packlets = array("challenge" => $challenge);
     parent::__construct("authRequestOut_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($arg0 = "")
     $packlets = array("arg0" => $arg0);
     parent::__construct("sslStartInp_PI", $packlets);
 public function __construct($buflen = '', $buf = '')
     $packlets = array("buflen" => $buflen, "buf" => $buf);
     parent::__construct("BinBytesBuf_PI", $packlets);