예제 #1
 function datepickerAction()
     $unitID = $this->_getParam('unit_id', null);
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $unit = $unitModel->get($unitID);
     $reservationModel = new RM_Reservations();
     $reservations = $reservationModel->fetchAllForUnitCalendar($unit);
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $RMdate = new RM_Date();
     $jsonDisabledPeriods = new stdClass();
     $jsonDisabledPeriods->start = array();
     $jsonDisabledPeriods->end = array();
     foreach ($reservations as $period) {
         $jsonPeriod = new stdClass();
         $jsonPeriod->start = $config->convertDates($period->start_datetime, RM_Config::JS_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT);
         $jsonPeriod->end = $config->convertDates($period->end_datetime, RM_Config::JS_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT);
         // store the start date picker blocked periods
         $jsonDisabledPeriods->start[] = clone $jsonPeriod;
         $jsonPeriod->start = $RMdate->dateAdd($config->convertDates($period->start_datetime, RM_Config::JS_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT), 1);
         $jsonPeriod->end = $RMdate->dateAdd($config->convertDates($period->end_datetime, RM_Config::JS_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT), 1);
         $jsonDisabledPeriods->end[] = clone $jsonPeriod;
     $json = Zend_Json::encode($jsonDisabledPeriods);
     $this->view->calendardata = $json;
     $this->view->unit_id = $unitID;
     echo $this->view->render('DailyPrices/datepicker.phtml');
예제 #2
  * Gets the calendar Data
  * @return JSON
 private function _getdata($startRange = false, $endRange = false)
     if (!$startRange || !$endRange) {
         $startRange = date("Y-m-d");
         $endRange = date("Y-m-d");
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $units = $unitModel->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria());
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $reservationModel = new RM_Reservations();
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $evtsArray = array();
     // add 6 months to either side of the reservation
     $RMDate = new RM_Date();
     $start = $RMDate->dateSub($startRange, 180);
     $end = $RMDate->dateAdd($endRange, 180);
     $filter = array();
     $filter['data']['type'] = 'date';
     $filter['field'] = 'start_datetime';
     $filter['data']['comparison'] = 'gt';
     $filter['data']['value'] = $start;
     $filterArray[] = $filter;
     $filter = array();
     $filter['data']['type'] = 'date';
     $filter['field'] = 'end_datetime';
     $filter['data']['comparison'] = 'lt';
     $filter['data']['value'] = $end;
     $filterArray[] = $filter;
     $filter = array();
     $filter['data']['type'] = 'numeric';
     $filter['field'] = 'in_progress';
     $filter['data']['comparison'] = 'eq';
     $filter['data']['value'] = 0;
     $filterArray[] = $filter;
     foreach ($units as $unit) {
         $unit = $unitModel->get($unit->id);
         $reservations = $reservationModel->fetchAllByUnit($unit, $filterArray);
         foreach ($reservations as $period) {
             $idArray = explode("-", $period->id);
             $id = (int) $idArray[1];
             // check time
             $ad = true;
             // all day
             $starttime = explode(" ", $period->start_datetime);
             if ($starttime[1] !== "00:00:00") {
                 $ad = false;
             $endtime = explode(" ", $period->end_datetime);
             if ($endtime[1] !== "23:30:00") {
                 $ad = false;
             $evtsArray[] = array("id" => $id, "cid" => $unit->id, "uid" => (int) $period->user_id, "title" => "<span style='text-align:center;width:70%;'>" . $period->id . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $unit->name . "(" . $unit->id . ")</span>", "start" => $period->start_datetime, "end" => $period->end_datetime, "ad" => $ad);
     return array("success" => true, "message" => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN)->_('Admin.Reservation.Edit', "LoadedData"), "data" => $evtsArray);
예제 #3
  * Return price for one day. Based on weekday rate or weekend rate or week price (substracting by 7)
  * @param RM_Date $day
  * @param int $daysNumber Total number of days for reservation
  * @param Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract $unit Unit that belong to reservation
  * @param int $persons Number of persons that will live in unit
  * @param date $startdatetime   the startdate of the reservation (date object)
  * @return float
 public function getDayPrice($day, $daysNumber, $unit, $persons, $startdatetime = null)
     $model = $this->_unitPricesModel;
     $priceRow = $model->getByDay($unit, $day, $persons);
     if ($priceRow == null) {
         return 0;
     // min stay == max stay
     if ((int) $priceRow->min_stay !== 0 && (int) $priceRow->max_stay !== 0 && (int) $priceRow->min_stay === (int) $priceRow->max_stay) {
         if ($daysNumber > (int) $priceRow->max_stay || $daysNumber < (int) $priceRow->min_stay) {
             $msg = str_replace("[XX]", $priceRow->max_stay, $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'DaysRetrictedTo'));
             throw new RM_Exception($msg);
     // min stay check
     if ($daysNumber < (int) $priceRow->min_stay) {
         $msg = str_replace("[XX]", $priceRow->min_stay, $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'DaysNumberIsSmallerThanMin'));
         throw new RM_Exception($msg);
     // max stay check
     if ((int) $priceRow->max_stay !== 0 && ((int) $priceRow->max_stay >= (int) $priceRow->min_stay && $daysNumber > (int) $priceRow->max_stay)) {
         $msg = str_replace("[XX]", $priceRow->max_stay, $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'DaysNumberIsGreaterThanMax'));
         throw new RM_Exception($msg);
     // period restrictions
     if ((int) $priceRow->period_restriction !== 0 && !is_int($daysNumber / (int) $priceRow->period_restriction)) {
         $msg = str_replace("[XX]", $priceRow->period_restriction, $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'PeriodRestrictionMsg'));
         throw new RM_Exception($msg);
     // handle if an object or string is passed for the date.
     if (is_object($startdatetime)) {
         $selectedStartDay = date("w", $startdatetime->toString("U"));
     } else {
         $selectedStartDay = date("w", strtotime($startdatetime));
     // $priceRow->week_startday = -1 means that weekday restriction is disabled
     if ($priceRow->week_startday != -1) {
         // get the day names into an array
         $translate = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN);
         $dayJson = $translate->_('Common.JSON', 'WeekDaysLongNumbered');
         $dayJson = str_replace(chr(39), chr(34), $dayJson);
         //Zend_Json::decode does not support single quotes so replace these with doubles
         $daysArray = Zend_Json::decode($dayJson);
         if ($priceRow->week_startday1 != -1) {
             if ($priceRow->week_startday == $selectedStartDay || $priceRow->week_startday1 == $selectedStartDay) {
                 // no code here
             } else {
                 $msg = str_replace("[DAY]", $daysArray[$priceRow->week_startday][1] . '/' . $daysArray[$priceRow->week_startday1][1], $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'StartDayNotAllowed'));
                 throw new RM_Exception($msg);
         } else {
             if ($priceRow->week_startday != $selectedStartDay) {
                 $msg = str_replace("[DAY]", $daysArray[$priceRow->week_startday][1], $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'StartDayNotAllowed'));
                 throw new RM_Exception($msg);
     // end day restriction...
     // $priceRow->week_startday = -1 means that weekday restriction is disabled
     if ($priceRow->week_endday != -1) {
         $rmDate = new RM_Date();
         $enddatetime = $rmDate->dateAdd(date("Y-m-d", $startdatetime->toString("U")), $daysNumber);
         $selectedEndDay = date("w", strtotime($enddatetime));
         // get the day names into an array
         $translate = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN);
         $dayJson = $translate->_('Common.JSON', 'WeekDaysLongNumbered');
         $dayJson = str_replace(chr(39), chr(34), $dayJson);
         //Zend_Json::decode does not support single quotes so replace these with doubles
         $daysArray = Zend_Json::decode($dayJson);
         if ($priceRow->week_endday1 != -1) {
             if ($priceRow->week_endday == $selectedEndDay || $priceRow->week_endday1 == $selectedEndDay) {
                 // no code here
             } else {
                 $msg = str_replace("[DAY]", $daysArray[$priceRow->week_endday][1] . '/' . $daysArray[$priceRow->week_endday1][1], $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'EndDayNotAllowed'));
                 throw new RM_Exception($msg);
         } else {
             if ($priceRow->week_endday != $selectedEndDay) {
                 $msg = str_replace("[DAY]", $daysArray[$priceRow->week_endday][1], $this->_translate->_('RM.Module.DailyPrices', 'EndDayNotAllowed'));
                 throw new RM_Exception($msg);
     // get config values
     $priceConfigModel = $this->_unitPricesConfigModel;
     $weekendPriceEnabled = (int) $priceConfigModel->fetchValueByUnit($unit->id, 'weekend_price_enabled');
     $dailyPriceEnabled = (int) $priceConfigModel->fetchValueByUnit($unit->id, 'daily_price_enabled');
     $monthlyPriceEnabled = (int) $priceConfigModel->fetchValueByUnit($unit->id, 'monthly_price_enabled');
     $midweekDays = explode(",", $priceConfigModel->fetchValueByUnit($unit->id, 'midweek_days'));
     $weekendDays = explode(",", $priceConfigModel->fetchValueByUnit($unit->id, 'weekend_days'));
     // perform the calculation rules...
     // the rules are cascaded starting from weekly price to daily...
     // if month or above...
     if ($monthlyPriceEnabled === 1 && $daysNumber >= 30) {
         $dayrate = $priceRow->monthly_rate / 30;
         return $dayrate;
     // if weekly or over
     if ($daysNumber >= 7) {
         $dayrate = $priceRow->weekly_rate / 7;
         return $dayrate;
     // if weekend
     if ($weekendPriceEnabled === 1 && RM_DailyPrices_Weekend::isWeekend($weekendDays, $day->toString('w'))) {
         return $priceRow->weekend_price;
     // if midweek days
     if ($midweekDays !== 0 && RM_DailyPrices_Midweek::isMidWeek($midweekDays, $day->toString('w'))) {
         return $priceRow->midweek_price;
     // if daily
     if ($dailyPriceEnabled) {
         return $priceRow->weekday_price;
     // fallback to weekly price if no other rule have caught this
     return $priceRow->weekly_rate / 7;