default: $rss_channel['title'] = sprintf(__('Posts in %s', 'mywords'), $xoopsConfig['sitename']); $rss_channel['link'] = XOOPS_URL . ($config->permalinks ? $config->basepath : '/modules/mywords'); $rss_channel['description'] = __('All recent published posts', 'mywords'); $rss_channel['lastbuild'] = formatTimestamp(time(), 'rss'); $rss_channel['webmaster'] = checkEmail($xoopsConfig['adminmail'], true); $rss_channel['editor'] = checkEmail($xoopsConfig['adminmail'], true); $rss_channel['category'] = 'Blog'; $rss_channel['generator'] = 'Common Utilities'; $rss_channel['language'] = RMCLANG; // Get posts $posts = MWFunctions::get_posts(0, 10); $rss_items = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $item = array(); $item['title'] = $post->getVar('title'); $item['link'] = $post->permalink(); $img = new RMImage(); $img->load_from_params($post->getVar('image', 'e')); if (!$img->isNew()) { $image = '<img src="' . $img->url() . '" alt="' . $post->getVar('title') . '" /><br />'; } else { $image = ''; } $item['description'] = XoopsLocal::convert_encoding(htmlspecialchars($image . $post->content(true), ENT_QUOTES)); $item['pubdate'] = formatTimestamp($post->getVar('pubdate'), 'rss'); $item['guid'] = $post->permalink(); $rss_items[] = $item; } break; }
function dt_block_items($options) { global $db, $xoopsModule; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/dtransport/class/dtsoftware.class.php'; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/dtransport/class/dtfunctions.class.php'; $tpl = RMTemplate::get(); $tpl->add_xoops_style('blocks.css', 'dtransport'); $dtfunc = new DTFunctions(); $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); $tbls = $db->prefix("dtrans_software"); $tblc = $db->prefix("dtrans_catsoft"); if ($options[1] > 0) { $sql = "SELECT s.* FROM {$tbls} as s, {$tblc} as c WHERE'" . $options[1] . "' AND s.id_soft=c.soft AND s.approved=1 AND s.`delete`=0"; } else { $sql = "SELECT s.* FROM {$tbls} as s WHERE s.`approved`=1 AND s.`delete`=0 "; } if (trim($options[10]) > 0) { $user = new RMUser(trim($options[10])); if ($user->isNew()) { return; } $sql .= " AND s.uid='" . $user->id() . "' "; } if ($options[11] > 0) { $sql .= "AND id_cat='{$options['11']}'"; } switch ($options[0]) { case 'all': $sql .= ' ORDER BY RAND() '; break; case 'recent': $sql .= " ORDER BY s.modified DESC, created DESC "; break; case 'popular': $sql .= " ORDER BY s.hits DESC "; break; case 'rated': $sql .= " ORDER BY s.`rating`/s.`votes` DESC "; break; case 'featured': $sql .= " AND featured=1 ORDER BY RAND() "; break; case 'daily': $sql = " AND daily=1 ORDER BY RAND() "; break; } $options[2] = $options[2] > 0 ? $options[2] : 5; $sql .= " LIMIT 0, {$options['2']}"; $result = $db->query($sql); $block = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $item = new DTSoftware(); $item->assignVars($row); $rtn = array(); $rtn['name'] = $item->getVar('name'); $rtn['version'] = $item->getVar('version'); if ($options[3]) { $img = new RMImage(); $img->load_from_params($item->getVar('image')); $rtn['image'] = $img->get_version($options[11]); } if ($options[4]) { $rtn['description'] = $item->getVar('shortdesc'); } if ($options[5]) { $rtn['hits'] = sprintf(__('Downloaded %s times.', 'dtransport'), '<strong>' . $item->getVar('hits') . '</strong>'); } if ($options[6]) { $rtn['urate'] = @number_format($item->getVar('rate') / $item->getVar('votes'), 1); } if ($options[7]) { $rtn['siterate'] = DTFunctions::ratingStars($item->getVar('siterate')); } $rtn['link'] = $item->permalink(); $rtn['metas'] = $dtfunc->get_metas('down', $item->id()); if ($options[9]) { $rtn['author'] = array('name' => $item->getVar('author_name'), 'url' => $item->getVar('author_url')); } $block['downs'][] = $rtn; } $block['showbutton'] = $options[8]; $block['downlang'] = __('Download', 'dtransport'); $block['lang_urate'] = __('User rating: %s', 'dtransport'); $block['lang_author'] = __('Author: %s', 'dtransport'); $block['langhits'] = _BK_DT_HITSTEXT; $block['langurate'] = _BK_DT_URATETEXT; $block['languser'] = _BK_DT_USERBY; return $block; }
/** * Muestra los controles para lanzar el administrador de imágenes * desde cualqueir punto * @param string Element name for inputs */ public function image_manager($name, $default = '') { if ($default != '') { $img = new RMImage(); $img->load_from_params($default); } $ret = '<div id="' . $name . '-container" class="rmimage_container">'; $ret .= '<div class="thumbnail">'; if ($default != '' && !$img->isNew()) { $ret .= '<a href="' . $img->url() . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $img->get_smallest() . '" /></a>'; $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '" value="' . $default . '" />'; $ret .= '<br /><a href="#" class="removeButton removeButton-' . $name . '">' . __('Remove Image', 'rmcommon') . '</a>'; } else { $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '" value="" />'; } $ret .= '</div>'; $ret .= '<span class="image_manager_launcher button buttonGreen">' . __('Image manager...', 'rmcommon') . '</span>'; $ret .= '</div>'; $tpl = RMTemplate::get(); $tpl->add_head_script('var imgmgr_title = "' . __('Image Manager', 'rmcommon') . '"' . "\n" . 'var mgrURL = "' . RMCURL . '/include/tiny-images.php";'); $tpl->add_local_script('image_mgr_launcher.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); return $ret; }
} // Comprobamos los límites if ($item->getVar('limits') > 0) { if ($item->downloadsCount() >= $item->getVar('limits')) { redirect_header($item->permalink(), 1, __('You have reached your download limit for this file!', 'dtransport')); } } // Verificamos si la descarga se debe realizar $token = isset($_SESSION['dttoken']) ? $_SESSION['dttoken'] : ''; if ($token == '' || !$xoopsSecurity->validateToken($token)) { $_SESSION['dttoken'] = $xoopsSecurity->createToken(); $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'dtrans_getfile.html'; $xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'getfile'; include 'header.php'; $img = new RMImage(); $img->load_from_params($item->getVar('image')); $xoopsTpl->assign('item', array('title' => $item->getVar('name'), 'image' => $img->get_smallest(), 'link' => $item->permalink())); $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_message', sprintf(__('Your %s download will start shortly...', 'dtransport'), '<a href="' . $item->permalink() . '">' . $item->getVar('name') . '</a>')); $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_problems', sprintf(__('Problems with the download? Please %s to download immediately.', 'dtransport'), '<a href="' . $file->permalink() . '">' . __('use this link', 'dtransport') . '</a>')); $tpl->add_style('main.css', 'dtransport'); $tpl->add_local_script('main.js', 'dtransport'); $tpl->add_head_script('var down_message = "' . sprintf(__('Your %s download will start in {x} seconds...', 'dtransport'), '<a href=\'' . $item->permalink() . '\'>' . $item->getVar('name') . '</a>') . '";'); $tpl->add_head_script('var timeCounter = ' . $mc['pause'] . ";\nvar dlink = '" . $file->permalink() . "';"); $dtfunc->makeHeader(); include 'footer.php'; die; } // Comprobamos si el archivo es seguro o no if (!$item->getVar('secure')) { // Comprobamos si es un archivo remoto o uno local if ($file->remote()) {
/** * Muestra los controles para lanzar el administrador de imágenes * desde cualqueir punto * @param string $name Element name for inputs * @param string $id ID for this element * @param string $default Default value for field * @param array $data Array of data that will be inserted as data-{key} in HTML code * @return string */ public function image_manager($name, $id = '', $default = '', $data = array()) { $id = $id == '' ? $name : $id; if ($default != '') { $img = new RMImage(); $img->load_from_params($default); } $ret = '<div id="' . $id . '-container" class="rmimage_container"'; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $ret .= ' data-' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } $ret .= '>'; $ret .= '<div class="thumbnail">'; if ($default != '' && !$img->isNew()) { $ret .= '<a href="' . $img->url() . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $img->get_by_size(300) . '" /></a>'; $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '" value="' . $default . '" />'; $ret .= '<br /><a href="#" class="removeButton removeButton-' . $id . '">' . __('Remove Image', 'rmcommon') . '</a>'; } else { $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '" value="" />'; } $ret .= '</div>'; $ret .= '<span class="image_manager_launcher btn btn-success">' . __('Image manager...', 'rmcommon') . '</span>'; $ret .= '</div>'; $tpl = RMTemplate::get(); $tpl->add_head_script('var imgmgr_title = "' . __('Image Manager', 'rmcommon') . '"' . "\n" . 'var mgrURL = "' . RMCURL . '/include/tiny-images.php";'); $tpl->add_script('cu-image-mgr.js', 'rmcommon'); return $ret; }
/** * @desc Genera un array con los datos de un elemento específico * @param object {@link DTSoftware()} * @return array */ public function createItemData(DTSoftware &$item) { global $mc, $xoopsUser; if (!$mc) { $mc = RMUtilities::module_config('dtransport'); } $rmfunc = RMFunctions::get(); $data = array(); $data['link'] = $item->permalink(); // Vinculo para detalles $data['dlink'] = $item->permalink(0, 'download'); // Vinculo de descarga $data['id'] = $item->id(); $data['name'] = $item->getVar('name'); $data['description'] = $item->getVar('shortdesc'); $data['votes'] = $item->getVar('votes'); $data['comments'] = $item->getVar('comments'); $data['siterate'] = DTFunctions::ratingStars($item->getVar('siterate')); $data['rating'] = @number_format($item->getVar('rating') / $item->getVar('votes'), 1); $data['language'] = $item->getVar('langs'); // Image $img = new RMImage(); $img->load_from_params($item->getVar('image')); $data['image'] = $img->get_smallest(); $data['created'] = formatTimestamp($item->getVar('created'), 's'); if ($item->getVar('created') < $item->getVar('modified')) { $data['modified'] = formatTimestamp($item->getVar('modified'), 's'); } $data['is_new'] = $item->getVar('created') > time() - $mc['new'] * 86400; $data['is_updated'] = $data['is_new'] ? false : $item->getVar('modified') > time() - $mc['update'] * 86400; $data['approved'] = $item->getVar('approved'); $data['downs'] = $item->getVar('hits'); $data['screens'] = $item->getVar('screens'); $data['featured'] = $item->getVar('featured'); $data['nameid'] = $item->getVar('nameid'); $data['candownload'] = $item->canDownload($xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS); // Licencias $data['lics'] = ''; foreach ($item->licences(true) as $lic) { $data['lics'] .= $data['lics'] == '' ? '<a href="' . $lic->link() . '" target="_blank">' . $lic->name() . '</a>' : ', <a href="' . $lic->link() . '" target="_blank">' . $lic->name() . '</a>'; } // Plataformas $data['os'] = ''; foreach ($item->platforms(true) as $os) { $data['os'] .= $data['os'] == '' ? $os->name() : ', ' . $os->name(); } $data['metas'] = $this->get_metas('down', $item->id()); return $data; }