function update_payment_gateways_quickbooks($GatewayName = 'paytabs') { /* include dirname(__FILE__).'/php-qb/quickbooks-php-master/docs/partner_platform/example_app_ipp_v3/config.php';*/ include '../php-qb/quickbooks-php-master/docs/partner_platform/example_app_ipp_v3-dev/config.php'; date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Dubai'); echo "<br>"; if ($GatewayName == 'paytabs') { $OrderNumber = $_REQUEST['reference_id'] . '-' . rand(); $TotalAmount = $_REQUEST['amount']; $Currency = $_REQUEST['currency']; $customer_telephone = $_REQUEST['phone_num']; $shipping_city = $_REQUEST['shipping_city']; $shipping_region = $_REQUEST['shipping_state']; $shipping_street = $_REQUEST['shipping_address']; $shipping_country = $_REQUEST['shipping_country']; $order_currency_code = $_REQUEST['currency']; /* GETTING CUSTOMER INFO*/ $customer_fullname = $_REQUEST['customer_name'] . rand(); $customer_fullname = explode(' ', $customer_fullname); $customer_firstname = $customer_fullname[0]; $customer_lastname = $customer_fullname[1]; $customer_email = $_REQUEST['email']; $order_number = $_REQUEST['reference_id']; } //END IF PAYTABS $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($order_number, 'increment_id'); //CHECK THIS CUSTOMER ALREADY IN QB OR NO $db->where("DisplayName", "{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}"); $user = $db->getOne("qb_example_customer"); echo $db->getLastQuery(); if ($db->count > 0) { $count_customr = $db->count; $qb_customer_id = $user['ListID']; /////if customer found then check his existing currency from qb if its diffrent from orderd currency //IF ORDERD CURRENCY IS DIFFERENT FROM CUTOMER CURRENCY CHECK THIS CUSTOMER IN QB OR NO if ($user['Currency'] != $order_currency_code) { //CHECK THIS CUSIMER EXIST WITH CURRNCY PREFIX $db->where("DisplayName", "{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}-{$order_currency_code}"); $user = $db->getOne("qb_customers"); $count_customr = $db->count; if ($db->count > 0) { $qb_customer_id = $user['qb_customer_id']; $data = array('CustomerId' => $order['customer_id'], "Currency" => $order_currency_code); $db->where('ListID', $qb_customer_id); $db->update('qb_example_customer', $data); } } else { $data = array('CustomerId' => $order['customer_id'], "Currency" => $order_currency_code); $db->where('ListID', $qb_customer_id); $db->update('qb_example_customer', $data); } } else { //IF NOT FOUND IN OUR TABLE THEN WE HAVE TO DO CHECK SAME PERSON WITH CURRENCY IN DISPLAY NAME $db->where("DisplayName", "{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}-{$order_currency_code}"); $user = $db->getOne("qb_example_customer"); $count_customr = $db->count; if ($db->count > 0) { $qb_customer_id = $user['qb_customer_id']; $data = array('CustomerId' => $order['customer_id'], "Currency" => $order_currency_code); $db->where('ListID', $qb_customer_id); $db->update('qb_example_customer', $data); } } //if not found then insert in qb and in return insert id from qb to local database if ($count_customr == 0) { ////QICKBOOK ADD CUSTOMER $CustomerService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Customer(); $Customer = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Customer(); $Customer->setGivenName($customer_firstname); $Customer->setFamilyName($customer_lastname); $Customer->setDisplayName($customer_firstname . ' ' . $customer_lastname . '-' . $order_currency_code); // Phone # $PrimaryPhone = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryPhone(); $PrimaryPhone->setFreeFormNumber($customer_telephone); $Customer->setPrimaryPhone($PrimaryPhone); // Mobile # $Mobile = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Mobile(); $Mobile->setFreeFormNumber($customer_telephone); $Customer->setMobile($Mobile); // Fax # $Fax = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Fax(); $Fax->setFreeFormNumber($customer_telephone); $Customer->setFax($Fax); // Bill address $BillAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_BillAddr(); $BillAddr->setLine1($shipping_street); $BillAddr->setCity($shipping_city); $BillAddr->setCountrySubDivisionCode($shipping_country); $Customer->setBillAddr($BillAddr); $Customer->setCurrencyRef($order_currency_code); // Email $PrimaryEmailAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryEmailAddr(); $PrimaryEmailAddr->setAddress($customer_email); $Customer->setPrimaryEmailAddr($PrimaryEmailAddr); if ($resp = $CustomerService->add($Context, $realm, $Customer)) { $resp = str_replace('-', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('{', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('}', '', $resp); echo "<br>"; print 'Our new customer ID is: [' . $resp . '] (name "' . $Customer->getDisplayName() . '")'; $data = array("CustomerId" => $order['customer_id'], "ListID" => $resp, "FullName" => $customer_firstname . ' ' . $customer_lastname, "FirstName" => $customer_firstname, "LastName" => $customer_lastname, "Email" => $customer_email, "DisplayName" => $customer_firstname . ' ' . $customer_lastname . '-' . $order_currency_code, "Currency" => $order_currency_code); $id = $db->insert('qb_example_customer', $data); $qb_customer_id = $resp; } else { print $CustomerService->lastError($Context); } } if ($qb_customer_id != 0) { ////CREATING PAMENTS $total = $TotalAmount; $PaymentService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Payment(); // Create payment object $Payment = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Payment(); $Payment->setPaymentRefNum($OrderNumber); $Payment->setTxnDate(date('Y-m-d')); $Payment->setTotalAmt($total); //6 for paytabs $Payment->setPaymentMethodRef('6'); ///CHART OF ACCOUNT REF/// if ($GatewayName == 'paytabs') { /* ID=59 NAME="PT-Paytabs-SAR" ID=57 NAME="PT-Paytabs-AED" ID=55 NAME="PT-Paytabs-USD" */ if ($order_currency_code == 'USD') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('55'); } if ($order_currency_code == 'AED') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('57'); } if ($order_currency_code == 'SAR') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('59'); } } if ($GatewayName == 'paypal') { ///ID 58 NAME "PP-Paypal-USD" if ($order_currency_code == 'USD') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('58'); } } $Payment->setCustomerRef($qb_customer_id); // Send payment to QBO if ($resp = $PaymentService->add($Context, $realm, $Payment)) { print 'Our new Payment ID is: [' . $resp . ']'; } else { print $PaymentService->lastError(); } } }
if ($Context = $IPP->context()) { // Set the IPP version to v3 $IPP->version(QuickBooks_IPP_IDS::VERSION_3); $CustomerService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Customer(); $Customer = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Customer(); $Customer->setTitle('Ms'); $Customer->setGivenName('Shannon'); $Customer->setMiddleName('B'); $Customer->setFamilyName('Palmer'); $Customer->setDisplayName('Shannon B Palmer ' . mt_rand(0, 1000)); // Terms (e.g. Net 30, etc.) $Customer->setSalesTermRef(4); // Phone # $PrimaryPhone = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryPhone(); $PrimaryPhone->setFreeFormNumber('860-532-0089'); $Customer->setPrimaryPhone($PrimaryPhone); // Mobile # $Mobile = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Mobile(); $Mobile->setFreeFormNumber('860-532-0089'); $Customer->setMobile($Mobile); // Fax # $Fax = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Fax(); $Fax->setFreeFormNumber('860-532-0089'); $Customer->setFax($Fax); // Bill address $BillAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_BillAddr(); $BillAddr->setLine1('72 E Blue Grass Road'); $BillAddr->setLine2('Suite D'); $BillAddr->setCity('Mt Pleasant'); $BillAddr->setCountrySubDivisionCode('MI'); $BillAddr->setPostalCode('48858');
function update_quickbooks($GatewayName = 'paytabs', $OrderNumber = '', $PaymentTotal = 0, $Currency = '', $PaymentOnly = true) { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/php-qb/quickbooks-php-master/docs/partner_platform/example_app_ipp_v3/config.php'; /* include '../php-qb/quickbooks-php-master/docs/partner_platform/example_app_ipp_v3/config.php';*/ date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Dubai'); $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($OrderNumber, 'increment_id'); $Invoice = 0; $estimate_id = 0; $qb_customer_id = 0; /* echo $OrderNumber='test-'.rand();*/ echo "<br>"; /* GETTING SHIPPING INFO*/ $shippingAddress = $order->getShippingAddress(); $country_id = $shippingAddress['country_id']; $countryName = Mage::getModel('directory/country')->load($country_id)->getName(); $customer_telephone = $shippingAddress['telephone']; $shipping_city = $shippingAddress['city']; $shipping_region = $shippingAddress['region']; $shipping_street = $shippingAddress['street']; $shipping_country = $countryName; $shipping_company = $shippingAddress['company']; /* GETTING CUSTOMER INFO*/ $customer_firstname = $order['customer_firstname']; $customer_lastname = $order['customer_lastname']; $customer_email = $order['customer_email']; //$order_currency_code = $order['order_currency_code']; $billingAddress = $order->getBillingAddress(); if ($order['customer_firstname'] == '') { $customer_firstname = $billingAddress->firstname; $customer_lastname = $billingAddress->lastname; $customer_email = $billingAddress->email; } $order_currency_code = $Currency; /*GETTING ORDER ITEMS*/ $items = $order->getAllVisibleItems(); //CHECK THIS CUSTOMER ALREADY IN QB OR NO $db->where("display_name", "{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}"); $user = $db->getOne("qb_customers"); if ($db->count > 0) { $count_customr = $db->count; $qb_customer_id = $user['qb_customer_id']; /////if customer found then check his existing currency from qb if its diffrent from orderd currency //IF ORDERD CURRENCY IS DIFFERENT FROM CUTOMER CURRENCY CHECK THIS CUSTOMER IN QB OR NO if ($user['currency'] != $order_currency_code) { //CHECK THIS CUSIMER EXIST WITH CURRNCY PREFIX $db->where("display_name", "{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}-{$order_currency_code}"); $user = $db->getOne("qb_customers"); $count_customr = $db->count; if ($db->count > 0) { $qb_customer_id = $user['qb_customer_id']; $data = array('customer_id' => $order['customer_id'], "currency" => $order_currency_code); $db->where('qb_customer_id', $qb_customer_id); $db->update('qb_customers', $data); } } else { $data = array('customer_id' => $order['customer_id'], "currency" => $order_currency_code); $db->where('qb_customer_id', $qb_customer_id); $db->update('qb_customers', $data); } } else { //IF NOT FOUND IN OUR TABLE THEN WE HAVE TO DO CHECK SAME PERSON WITH CURRENCY IN DISPLAY NAME $db->where("display_name", "{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}-{$order_currency_code}"); $user = $db->getOne("qb_customers"); $count_customr = $db->count; if ($db->count > 0) { $qb_customer_id = $user['qb_customer_id']; $data = array('customer_id' => $order['customer_id'], "currency" => $order_currency_code); $db->where('qb_customer_id', $qb_customer_id); $db->update('qb_customers', $data); } } //if not found then insert in qb and in return insert id from qb to local database if ($count_customr == 0) { ////QICKBOOK ADD CUSTOMER $CustomerService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Customer(); $Customer = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Customer(); $Customer->setGivenName($customer_firstname); $Customer->setFamilyName($customer_lastname); $Customer->setDisplayName($customer_firstname . ' ' . $customer_lastname . '-' . $order_currency_code); // Phone # $PrimaryPhone = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryPhone(); $PrimaryPhone->setFreeFormNumber($customer_telephone); $Customer->setPrimaryPhone($PrimaryPhone); // Mobile # $Mobile = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Mobile(); $Mobile->setFreeFormNumber($customer_telephone); $Customer->setMobile($Mobile); // Fax # $Fax = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Fax(); $Fax->setFreeFormNumber($customer_telephone); $Customer->setFax($Fax); // Bill address $BillAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_BillAddr(); $BillAddr->setLine1($shipping_street); $BillAddr->setCity($shipping_city); $BillAddr->setCountrySubDivisionCode($shipping_country); $Customer->setBillAddr($BillAddr); $Customer->setCurrencyRef($order_currency_code); // Email $PrimaryEmailAddr = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryEmailAddr(); $PrimaryEmailAddr->setAddress($customer_email); $Customer->setPrimaryEmailAddr($PrimaryEmailAddr); if ($resp = $CustomerService->add($Context, $realm, $Customer)) { $resp = str_replace('-', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('{', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('}', '', $resp); echo "<br>"; print 'Our new customer ID is: [' . $resp . '] (name "' . $Customer->getDisplayName() . '")'; $data = array("customer_id" => $order['customer_id'], "qb_customer_id" => $resp, "customer_firstname" => $customer_firstname, "customer_lastname" => $customer_lastname, "customer_email" => $customer_email, "display_name" => $customer_firstname . ' ' . $customer_lastname . '-' . $order_currency_code, "currency" => $order_currency_code); $id = $db->insert('qb_customers', $data); $qb_customer_id = $resp; } else { print $CustomerService->lastError($Context); } } //if not papal or paytabs else we just make direct payment if (!$PaymentOnly) { if ($qb_customer_id != 0) { //CREATING ESTIMATE/// $EstimateService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Estimate(); $Estimate = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Estimate(); $Estimate->setDocNumber($OrderNumber); $Estimate->setTxnDate(date('Y-m-d')); ///loop for each record for order items foreach ($items as $_item) { $newskus = $_item->getSku(); $newdescs = $_item->getName(); $sku = $_product["sku"]; $qty = $_item->getQtyOrdered(); $item_price = round($_item['price']); $sub_total = round($_item['row_total']); $OrderSkuArray = split('-', $newskus); if (count($OrderSkuArray) > 1) { $first_sku = $OrderSkuArray[0]; $d = $OrderSkuArray[1]; //this is the logic where we check if item buy with accessories foreach ($OrderSkuArray as $OrderSkuArrayKey => $OrderSkuArrayValue) { $skuq = "SELECT * FROM `catalog_product_entity` WHERE sku='{$OrderSkuArrayValue}'"; $squery = mysqli_query($kdbcon, $skuq); $squerycount = mysqli_num_rows($squery); if ($squerycount == 0) { unset($OrderSkuArray[0]); } } } $d = 0; //ADD ITEMS IN ESTIMATE IF ONE ORDER CONTAIN MULTIPLE SKUS FIRST SKU WILL ADD WITH PRICE foreach ($OrderSkuArray as $OrderSkuArrayKey => $OrderSkuArrayValue) { //CHECK THIS ITEM ALREADY IN QB OR NO $db->where("Name like '%{$OrderSkuArrayValue}%'"); $item_array = $db->getOne("qb_example_item"); if ($db->count > 0) { $qb_item_id = $item_array['ListID']; $qb_item_desc = $item_array['SalesDesc']; } else { $ItemService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Item(); $Item = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Item(); $Item->setName($OrderSkuArrayValue); $Item->setType('Inventory'); $Item->setSku($OrderSkuArrayValue); $Item->setAssetAccountRef('83'); //83 = Inventory Asset $Item->setInvStartDate(date('Y-m-d')); $Item->setQtyOnHand($qty); ///1 is sales account $Item->setIncomeAccountRef('1'); if ($resp = $ItemService->add($Context, $realm, $Item)) { $resp = str_replace('-', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('{', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('}', '', $resp); $data = array("ListID" => $resp, "Name" => $OrderSkuArrayValue, "FullName" => $OrderSkuArrayValue); $id = $db->insert('qb_example_item', $data); echo "<br>"; print 'Our new Item ID is: [' . $resp . ']'; $qb_item_id = $resp; } else { print $ItemService->lastError($Context); } $qb_item_desc = '--------------------'; } ///IF MULTIPLE SKUS IN ONE ITEM THEN WE WILL ADD PRICE WITH FIRST SKU IN ESTIMATE if ($d != 0) { $item_price = $sub_total = 0; } $qty = round($qty); echo "<br>"; echo "sku={$OrderSkuArrayValue}&amount={$item_price}&qty={$qty}&sub_total={$sub_total}&qb_item_desc={$qb_item_desc}<br>"; ///add EACH ITE $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setDetailType('SalesItemLineDetail'); $Line->setAmount($item_price * $qty); $Line->setDescription($qb_item_desc); $SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail(); $SalesItemLineDetail->setUnitPrice($item_price); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemRef($qb_item_id); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemName($OrderSkuArrayValue); $SalesItemLineDetail->setQty($qty); $Line->addSalesItemLineDetail($SalesItemLineDetail); $Estimate->addLine($Line); $d++; } } ///END FIRST ITEM LOOP FOR PRODUCTS ///DISCOUNT AND SHIPPING AND TAX WILL ADD AS ITEM IN ESTIMATE /// ITEM ID 1075 ITEM NAME SHIPPING & HANDLING if ($order['shipping_incl_tax'] > 0) { $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setDetailType('SalesItemLineDetail'); $Line->setAmount($order['shipping_incl_tax']); $SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail(); $SalesItemLineDetail->setUnitPrice($order['shipping_incl_tax']); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemRef('1075'); $SalesItemLineDetail->setQty('1'); $Line->addSalesItemLineDetail($SalesItemLineDetail); $Estimate->addLine($Line); } /// ITEM ID 1075 ITEM NAME SHIPPING & HANDLING if ($order['discount_invoiced'] > 0) { $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setDetailType('SalesItemLineDetail'); $Line->setAmount(-$order['discount_invoiced']); $SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail(); $SalesItemLineDetail->setUnitPrice(-$order['discount_invoiced']); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemRef('1076'); $SalesItemLineDetail->setQty('1'); $Line->addSalesItemLineDetail($SalesItemLineDetail); $Estimate->addLine($Line); } //ASSIGNING CUSTOMER TO ESTIMATE $Estimate->setCustomerRef($qb_customer_id); if ($resp = $EstimateService->add($Context, $realm, $Estimate)) { $resp = str_replace('-', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('{', '', $resp); $estimate_id = str_replace('}', '', $resp); echo "<br>"; print 'Our new Estimate ID is: [' . $resp . ']'; echo "<br>"; echo "Estimate Created in QuickBooks for Customer " . $customer_firstname . ' ' . $customer_lastname; } else { print $EstimateService->lastError(); } } if ($estimate_id != 0) { ////CREATE INVOICE/// $InvoiceService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Invoice(); $Invoice = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Invoice(); $Invoice->setDocNumber($OrderNumber); $Invoice->setTxnDate(date('Y-m-d')); ///loop for each record for order items foreach ($items as $_item) { $newskus = $_item->getSku(); $newdescs = $_item->getName(); $sku = $_product["sku"]; $qty = $_item->getQtyOrdered(); $item_price = round($_item['price']); $sub_total = round($_item['row_total']); $OrderSkuArray = split('-', $newskus); if (count($OrderSkuArray) > 1) { $first_sku = $OrderSkuArray[0]; $d = $OrderSkuArray[1]; //this is the logic where we check if item buy with accessories foreach ($OrderSkuArray as $OrderSkuArrayKey => $OrderSkuArrayValue) { $skuq = "SELECT * FROM `catalog_product_entity` WHERE sku='{$OrderSkuArrayValue}'"; $squery = mysqli_query($kdbcon, $skuq); $squerycount = mysqli_num_rows($squery); if ($squerycount == 0) { unset($OrderSkuArray[0]); } } } $d = 0; //ADD ITEMS IN ESTIMATE IF ONE ORDER CONTAIN MULTIPLE SKUS FIRST SKU WILL ADD WITH PRICE foreach ($OrderSkuArray as $OrderSkuArrayKey => $OrderSkuArrayValue) { //CHECK THIS ITEM ALREADY IN QB OR NO $db->where("Name like '%{$OrderSkuArrayValue}%'"); $item_array = $db->getOne("qb_example_item"); if ($db->count > 0) { $qb_item_id = $item_array['ListID']; } $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setDetailType('SalesItemLineDetail'); $Line->setAmount($item_price * $qty); $Line->setDescription($qb_item_desc); $SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail(); $SalesItemLineDetail->setUnitPrice($item_price); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemRef($qb_item_id); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemName($OrderSkuArrayValue); $SalesItemLineDetail->setQty($qty); $Line->addSalesItemLineDetail($SalesItemLineDetail); $Invoice->addLine($Line); } } ///DISCOUNT AND SHIPPING AND TAX WILL ADD AS ITEM IN ESTIMATE /// ITEM ID 1075 ITEM NAME SHIPPING & HANDLING if ($order['shipping_incl_tax'] > 0) { $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setDetailType('SalesItemLineDetail'); $Line->setAmount($order['shipping_incl_tax']); $SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail(); $SalesItemLineDetail->setUnitPrice($order['shipping_incl_tax']); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemRef('1075'); $SalesItemLineDetail->setQty('1'); $Line->addSalesItemLineDetail($SalesItemLineDetail); $Invoice->addLine($Line); } /// ITEM ID 1075 ITEM NAME SHIPPING & HANDLING if ($order['discount_invoiced'] > 0) { $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setDetailType('SalesItemLineDetail'); $Line->setAmount(-$order['discount_invoiced']); $SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail(); $SalesItemLineDetail->setUnitPrice(-$order['discount_invoiced']); $SalesItemLineDetail->setItemRef('1076'); $SalesItemLineDetail->setQty('1'); $Line->addSalesItemLineDetail($SalesItemLineDetail); $Invoice->addLine($Line); } $Invoice->setCustomerRef($qb_customer_id); if ($resp = $InvoiceService->add($Context, $realm, $Invoice)) { $resp = str_replace('-', '', $resp); $resp = str_replace('{', '', $resp); $invoice_id = str_replace('}', '', $resp); print 'Our new Invoice ID is: [' . $resp . ']'; } else { print $InvoiceService->lastError(); } } } if ($PaymentOnly || $invoice_id != 0) { ////CREATING PAMENTS $total = $order['shipping_incl_tax']; if (!$PaymentOnly) { ///loop for each record for order items foreach ($items as $_item) { $qty = $_item->getQtyOrdered(); $item_price = round($_item['price']); $total += $item_price * $qty; } $total = $total - $order['discount_invoiced']; } else { $total = $PaymentTotal; } $PaymentService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Payment(); // Create payment object $Payment = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Payment(); $Payment->setPaymentRefNum($OrderNumber); $Payment->setTxnDate(date('Y-m-d')); $Payment->setTotalAmt($total); if (!$PaymentOnly) { // Create line for payment (this details what it's applied to) $Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line(); $Line->setAmount($total); $Line->setDescription($qb_item_desc); // The line has a LinkedTxn node which links to the actual invoice $LinkedTxn = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_LinkedTxn(); $LinkedTxn->setTxnId($invoice_id); $LinkedTxn->setTxnType('Invoice'); $Line->setLinkedTxn($LinkedTxn); $Payment->addLine($Line); } $Payment->setPaymentMethodRef('6'); ///CHART OF ACCOUNT REF/// if ($GatewayName == 'paytabs') { ///name id 105 ///name PT-Paytabs-USD id 137 if ($order_currency_code == 'USD') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('137'); } if ($order_currency_code == 'AED' || $order_currency_code == 'SAR') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('105'); } } if ($GatewayName == 'paypal') { ///name PP-Paypal id 110 if ($order_currency_code == 'USD') { $Payment->setDepositToAccountRef('110'); } } $Payment->setCustomerRef($qb_customer_id); // Send payment to QBO if ($resp = $PaymentService->add($Context, $realm, $Payment)) { print 'Our new Payment ID is: [' . $resp . ']'; } else { print $PaymentService->lastError(); } } }