예제 #1
require '../include/media.inc';
require_once '../classes/stateutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/folderutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/paperproperties.class.php';
require_once '../classes/textboxmarkingutils.class.php';
$state = $stateutil->getState();
$paperID = check_var('paperID', 'GET', true, false, true);
$q_id = check_var('q_id', 'GET', true, false, true);
$startdate = check_var('startdate', 'GET', true, false, true);
$enddate = check_var('enddate', 'GET', true, false, true);
$phase = check_var('phase', 'GET', true, false, true);
$properties = PaperProperties::get_paper_properties_by_id($paperID, $mysqli, $string);
$paper_type = $properties->get_paper_type();
$paper_title = $properties->get_paper_title();
// Check the question exists on the paper.
if (!QuestionUtils::question_exists_on_paper($q_id, $paperID, $mysqli)) {
    $msg = sprintf($string['furtherassistance'], $configObject->get('support_email'), $configObject->get('support_email'));
    $notice->display_notice_and_exit($mysqli, $string['pagenotfound'], $msg, $string['pagenotfound'], '../artwork/page_not_found.png', '#C00000', true, true);
function displayMarks($id, $default, $log_record_id, $log, $halfmarks, $tmp_username, $marks, $string)
    $html = '<select id="mark' . $id . '" name="mark' . $id . '" ><option value="NULL"></option>';
    $inc = 1;
    if ($halfmarks == true) {
        $inc = 0.5;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $marks; $i += $inc) {
        $display_i = $i;
        if ($i == 0.5) {
            $display_i = '&#189;';
        } elseif ($i - floor($i) > 0) {