public function batch_relate() { if (!$this->check_power('interview_question_manage')) { return; } $back_url = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? 'admin/interview_question/index' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $ids = $this->input->post('ids'); if (empty($ids) or !is_array($ids)) { message('请选择要关联的项目!'); return; } // 检查被关联试题 $relate_ques_id = intval($this->input->post('relate_ques_id')); $relate_ques_id && ($relate_ques = QuestionModel::get_question($relate_ques_id)); if (empty($relate_ques)) { message('被关联试题不存在。'); return; } // 如果被关联试题无分组,则:创建分组,并把该试题加入关联 $group_id = $relate_ques['group_id']; if (empty($group_id)) { $this->db->insert('relate_group', array('group_name' => $relate_ques_id)); $group_id = $this->db->insert_id(); $this->db->update('question', array('group_id' => $group_id), array('ques_id' => $relate_ques_id)); } $success = $fail = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { $num = $this->_relate($id, $group_id); if ($num > 0) { $success += $num; } else { $fail++; } } message('批量操作完成,成功关联:' . $success . ' 个,失败:' . $fail . ' 个。', $back_url); }
public function validate_related() { $related = $this->input->post('related'); $question = QuestionModel::get_question($related); $result = $question && $question['is_original'] == '2' ? 'true' : 'false'; die($result); }
/** * 学生答题详情 * * @author TCG * @param int $uid 用户ID * @param int $etp_id 考场-试卷-学生关联表 * @return void */ public function detail($uid = 0, $etp_id = 0) { $sql = "select subject_id,exam_id from {pre}exam_test_paper where etp_id='{$uid}' "; $res = $this->db->query($sql)->row_array(); $subject_id = $res['subject_id']; $exam_id = $res['exam_id']; $exam = $this->db->select('exam_id, subject_id, grade_id, class_id, total_score, qtype_score')->get_where('exam', array('exam_id' => $exam_id), 1)->row_array(); $sql = "SELECT q.type,etr.ques_id,etr.answer,etr.ques_subindex,etr.full_score,etr.test_score,etr.sub_ques_id \n from {pre}exam_test_result etr\n LEFT JOIN {pre}relate_class rc ON rc.ques_id=etr.ques_id AND rc.grade_id='{$exam['grade_id']}' AND rc.class_id='{$exam['class_id']}'\n LEFT JOIn {pre}question q ON etr.ques_id = q.ques_id \n where etp_id = ? and uid = ? order by rc.difficulty DESC,etr.ques_id ASC, q.sort ASC, etr.sub_ques_id"; $query = $this->db->query($sql, array($uid, $etp_id)); $sql = "SELECT paper_id FROM {pre}exam_test_paper WHERE etp_id='{$uid}' "; $res = $this->db->query($sql)->row_array(); $paper_id = $res['paper_id']; $paper = PaperModel::get_paper_by_id($paper_id); $questions_arr = json_decode($paper['question_sort'], true); $questions_score = json_decode($paper['question_score'], true); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $sort = array(); /* 重新排序 */ if (is_array($questions_arr)) { foreach ($questions_arr as $v) { foreach ($query->result_array() as $value) { if ($v == $value['ques_id']) { $sort[] = $value; } } } } else { $sort = $query->result_array(); } $result = array(); $result1 = array(); foreach ($sort as $key => $row) { if ($row['sub_ques_id'] > 0) { $result[$row['ques_id']][$row['sub_ques_id']]['answer'] = $row['answer']; $result[$row['ques_id']][$row['sub_ques_id']]['full_score'] = $row['full_score']; $result[$row['ques_id']][$row['sub_ques_id']]['test_score'] = $row['test_score']; } else { $result[$row['ques_id']]['answer'] = $row['answer']; $result[$row['ques_id']]['full_score'] = $row['full_score']; $result[$row['ques_id']]['test_score'] = $row['test_score']; } } // 试题类型 foreach ($result as $ques_id => $value) { $question['type'] = QuestionModel::get_question($ques_id, 'type'); $result[$ques_id]['type'] = $question['type']; if (in_array($question['type'], array(1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 10, 14))) { if (in_array($question['type'], array(1, 2, 7, 14))) { $answer = explode(',', $value['answer']); $tmp_answer = array(); foreach ($answer as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { continue; } $option = QuestionModel::get_option($v); if ($option) { $tmp_answer[$k] = '<span>' . $option['option_name'] . '</span>'; if ($option['picture']) { $tmp_answer[$k] .= '<br/><img src="' . __IMG_ROOT_URL__ . $option['picture'] . '" />'; } } } $result[$ques_id]['answer'] = $tmp_answer; } else { if (in_array($question['type'], array(3, 9))) { $result[$ques_id]['answer'] = explode("\n", $value['answer']); } } } else { foreach ($value as $sub_ques_id => $item) { $sub_question['type'] = QuestionModel::get_question($sub_ques_id, 'type'); if (in_array($sub_question['type'], array(1, 2))) { $answer = explode(',', $item['answer']); $tmp_answer = array(); foreach ($answer as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { continue; } $option = QuestionModel::get_option($v); if ($option) { $tmp_answer[$k] = '<span>' . $option['option_name'] . '</span>'; if ($option['picture']) { $tmp_answer[$k] .= '<br/><img src="' . __IMG_ROOT_URL__ . $option['picture'] . '" />'; } } } $result[$ques_id][$sub_ques_id]['answer'] = $tmp_answer; } else { if ($sub_question['type'] == 3) { $result[$ques_id][$sub_ques_id]['answer'] = explode("\n", $item['answer']); } } } } $groups[$question['type']]['list'][$ques_id] = $result[$ques_id]; } $data['result'] = $groups; } else { die('暂无考生考试信息!'); } $data['group_index'] = array('一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二', '十三', '十四'); $this->load->view('exam_student_result/detail', $data); }
/** * 批量取消审核 * * @return void */ public function batch_unshenhe() { $ids = $this->input->post('ids'); if (empty($ids) or !is_array($ids)) { message('请选择要取消审核的题目!'); } $success = $fail = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { $be_tested = QuestionModel::question_has_test_action($id); $question = QuestionModel::get_question($id); if ($be_tested || !$this->has_question_check($question) || $question['is_original'] != 1 || $question['check'] != 1) { $fail++; continue; } $sql = "update {pre}question set `check`=0 where ques_id='{$id}'"; $return = $this->db->query($sql); if ($return === true) { $liyo = 'unexamine'; admin_log($liyo, 'question', $id); $success++; } else { $fail++; } } $back_url = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'admin/question_audit/index'; message('批量操作完成,成功取消审核:' . $success . ' 个,失败:' . $fail . ' 个。', $back_url); }
public function setexamrelatequestion($erq_examid, $erq_zmoss_examid) { $erq_examid = intval($erq_examid); $erq_zmoss_examid = intval($erq_zmoss_examid); $paper_id = intval(Fn::getParam('er_paperid')); $exam = ExamModel::get_exam($erq_examid); if (!$exam['exam_pid']) { message('请指定需要设置试题对应的考试学科!'); } $examrelate = ZmossModel::examRelateInfo($erq_examid, $erq_zmoss_examid); if (!$examrelate) { message('此考试学科没有对应关系,无法设置试题关系!'); } $zmossquestion = ZmossModel::examQuestionList($examrelate['er_zmoss_examid']); if (!$zmossquestion) { message('此考试学科对应阅卷系统的考试没有试题,无法设置试题关系!'); } $paperlist = ExamPaperModel::examSubjectPaperList($erq_examid); if (!$paperlist) { message('此考试学科没有设置考试试卷,无法设置试题关系!'); } if ($paper_id) { $paper = $paperlist[$paper_id]; } if (!$paper) { $paper = current($paperlist); } /* $paperquestion = ExamPaperModel::examPaperQuestion( $paper['paper_id'], 'q.ques_id, q.parent_id, q.type, IFNULL(pq.type, q.type) AS p_type', 'AND q.is_parent = 0', 'ORDER BY p_type ASC, q.parent_id ASC, q.ques_id ASC'); */ $question = json_decode($paper['question_sort'], true); $paperquestion = array(); foreach ($question as $k => $ques_id) { $info = QuestionModel::get_question($ques_id); $list = QuestionModel::get_children($ques_id); if ($list) { foreach ($list as $key => $val) { $paperquestion[$val['ques_id']] = array('ques_id' => $val['ques_id'], 'type' => $info['type'], 'parent_id' => $ques_id); } } else { $paperquestion[$ques_id] = array('ques_id' => $ques_id, 'type' => $info['type']); } } $examrelatequestion = ZmossModel::examRelateQuestionInfo($erq_examid, $erq_zmoss_examid, $paper['paper_id']); $erq_relate_data = array(); if ($examrelatequestion) { $erq_relate_data = json_decode($examrelatequestion['erq_relate_data'], true); } $data['examrelatequestion'] = $erq_relate_data; $data['examrelate'] = $examrelate; $data['paperquestion'] = $paperquestion; $data['zmossquestion'] = $zmossquestion; $data['qtype'] = C('qtype'); $data['paperlist'] = $paperlist; $this->load->view('zmoss/setexamrelatequestion', $data); }
/** * 一键更新试题缓存 * * @author TCG * @param int $exam_id 考试期次科目id * @return mixed 返回成功及失败提示 */ public function update_questions_cache($exam_id) { $exam_id = (int) $exam_id; $exam = Fn::db()->fetchRow("SELECT exam_id, exam_pid, subject_id, grade_id, class_id, total_score, qtype_score FROM rd_exam WHERE exam_id=?", $exam_id); if (empty($exam)) { return false; } $is_mini_test = ExamModel::is_mini_test($exam['exam_pid']); /** 载入缓存功能 */ if ($is_mini_test) { $this->load->driver('cache'); /** 缓存时间 单位second 默认缓存30天 */ $cache_time = 24 * 3600 * 20; } else { $cache = Fn::factory('File'); } /** 写入缓存 */ $is_mini_test && $this->cache->file->save('get_paper_question_detail_p_exam_' . $exam_id, $exam, $cache_time); $sql = "SELECT paper_id FROM rd_exam_paper WHERE exam_id={$exam_id}"; $rows = Fn::db()->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($rows as $row) { /** 写入缓存 */ $is_mini_test && $this->cache->file->save('get_paper_question_detail_p_exam_id_' . $row['paper_id'], $exam_id, $cache_time); $question_sort = Fn::db()->fetchOne('SELECT question_sort FROM rd_exam_paper WHERE paper_id = ?', array($row[paper_id])); $question_sort = json_decode($question_sort, true); $sql = <<<EOT SELECT q.ques_id,q.type,q.title,q.score_factor,rc.difficulty FROM rd_exam_question eq LEFT JOIN rd_question q ON eq.ques_id=q.ques_id LEFT JOIN rd_relate_class rc ON rc.ques_id = q.ques_id AND rc.grade_id = ? AND rc.class_id = ? WHERE eq.paper_id = ? ORDER BY rc.difficulty DESC,q.ques_id ASC EOT; if ($question_sort) { $res = Fn::db()->fetchAssoc($sql, array($exam['grade_id'], $exam['class_id'], $row['paper_id'])); $sort = explode(',', $question_sort); $result = array(); foreach ($question_sort as $ques_id) { $result[] = $res[$ques_id]; unset($res[$ques_id]); } } else { $result = Fn::db()->fetchAll($sql, array($exam[grade_id], $exam[class_id], $row[paper_id])); } $key = 'get_paper_question_detail_p_' . $exam[grade_id] . '_' . $exam[class_id] . '_' . $row[paper_id]; !$is_mini_test && $cache->save('/zmexam/' . $key, $result); /** 写入缓存 */ $is_mini_test && $this->cache->file->save($key, $result, $cache_time); } //$domain=C('memcache_pre'); /** 获取考试期次所有试题 */ $sql = "SELECT ques_id FROM {pre}exam_question WHERE exam_id={$exam_id}"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $rows = $query->result_array(); /** 生成缓存 (执行时间可能过长) */ if (count($rows) > 0 && !empty($rows)) { $questions = array(); /** 获取试题数据 */ foreach ($rows as $key => $value) { $question = QuestionModel::get_question($value['ques_id'], 'ques_id, type, title, picture, parent_id,subject_id'); if (!$question) { continue; } /** 题组 */ if (in_array($question['type'], array(0, 4, 5, 6, 8))) { $pid = $question['ques_id']; $sql = "SELECT ques_id,type,title,picture,parent_id,subject_id FROM {pre}question WHERE parent_id={$pid}"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $group_rows = $query->result_array(); /** 写入题组子题 */ $question['children'] = $group_rows; /** 子题加入缓存列表 */ $questions = array_merge($questions, $group_rows); } $questions[] = $question; } foreach ($questions as $key => &$question) { /** 样式修正 */ $question['title'] && $this->_format_question_content($question['ques_id'], $question['title'], in_array($question['type'], array(3, 9))); /** 获取试题选项数据(选择题) */ if (in_array($question['type'], array(1, 2, 7, 14))) { $question['options'] = QuestionModel::get_options($question['ques_id']); } /** 获取题组子题选项 */ if (in_array($question['type'], array(0, 4, 5, 6, 8)) && !empty($question['children'])) { foreach ($question['children'] as $k => &$v) { $v['title'] && $this->_format_question_content($v['ques_id'], $v['title'], $v['type'] == 3); $question['children'][$k]['options'] = QuestionModel::get_options($v['ques_id']); } } !$is_mini_test && $cache->save('/zmexam/question_' . $question['ques_id'], $question); /** 写入缓存 */ $is_mini_test && $this->cache->file->save($question['ques_id'], $question, $cache_time); } /** 成功提示页面 */ message('生成成功.', 'admin/exam/index'); } else { /** 失败提示页面 */ message('生成失败!!!请尝试从新输入!', 'admin/exam/index'); } /** $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); */ }
public function update_combination() { if (!$this->check_power('question_manage')) { return; } $act = $this->input->post('act'); $act = $act == 'add' ? $act : 'edit'; if ($act == 'edit') { $ques_id = $this->input->post('ques_id'); if (!QuestionModel::check_question_power($ques_id, 'w')) { return; } $ques_id && ($old_question = QuestionModel::get_question($ques_id)); if (empty($old_question)) { message('题组不存在'); return; } $be_tested = QuestionModel::question_has_test_action($ques_id); if ($be_tested) { message('该试题已经被考生考过 或者 正在被考, 无法操作'); } } // 题目基本信息 $class_ids = $this->input->post('class_id'); $skill_ids = $this->input->post('skill_id'); $knowledge_ids = $this->input->post('knowledge_id'); $difficulty = $this->input->post('difficulty'); $subject_types = $this->input->post('subject_type'); $question['type'] = 15; $question['test_way'] = array_sum($this->input->post('test_way')); $question['subject_id'] = intval($this->input->post('subject_id')); $question['start_grade'] = intval($this->input->post('start_grade')); $question['end_grade'] = intval($this->input->post('end_grade')); $question['title'] = trim($this->input->post('title')); $question['is_original'] = intval($this->input->post('is_original')); $question['exam_year'] = intval($this->input->post('exam_year')); $question['remark'] = trim($this->input->post('remark')); $question['related'] = intval($this->input->post('related')); $question['simulation'] = trim($this->input->post('simulation')); $file_save_path = $this->input->post('file_save_path'); if ($question['subject_id'] == 11) { $question['subject_id_str'] = ',' . implode(',', $this->input->post('subject_str')) . ','; } else { $question['subject_id_str'] = ',' . $question['subject_id'] . ','; } $extends = array('difficulty' => &$difficulty, 'class_ids' => &$class_ids, 'skill_ids' => &$skill_ids, 'knowledge_ids' => &$knowledge_ids, 'subject_types' => &$subject_types); $message = $this->_check_question($question, $extends, false, false); if ($message) { // 删除已上传试题图片 if (!empty($question['picture'])) { @unlink(_UPLOAD_ROOT_PATH_ . $question['picture']); } message(implode('<br/>', $message), null, null, 10); return; } if ($act == 'add') { $extends['group_id'] = intval($this->input->post('relate_group')); $extends['relate_ques_id'] = intval($this->input->post('relate_ques_id')); $ques_result = QuestionModel::add_group($question, $extends); } else { $question['ques_id'] = $ques_id; $ques_result = QuestionModel::update_group($question, $extends); } //清理试题文件 $ques_id = $ques_result['ques_id']; $this->clear_question_file($ques_id, $file_save_path); if ($ques_result['success'] == TRUE) { message('试题题编辑成功。', 'admin/question/combination/' . $ques_result['ques_id']); return; } else { message($ques_result['msg']); return; } }
public function index() { if (!$this->check_power('question_difficulty_list')) { return; } $page = intval($this->input->get('page')); $per_page = intval($this->input->get('per_page')); $id = intval($this->input->get('id')); $ques_id = intval($this->input->get('ques_id')); $grade_id = intval($this->input->get('grade_id')); $class_id = $this->input->get('class_id'); $subject_type = $this->input->get('subject_type'); $from_question_list = intval($this->input->get('from_question_list')); $difficulty_start = intval($this->input->get('difficulty_start')); $difficulty_end = intval($this->input->get('difficulty_end')); $copy_difficulty_start = intval($this->input->get('copy_difficulty_start')); $copy_difficulty_end = intval($this->input->get('copy_difficulty_end')); // 查询条件 $query = array(); $param = array(); $search = array('id' => '', 'ques_id' => '', 'grade_id' => '', 'subject_type' => '', 'class_id' => array(), 'difficulty_start' => '', 'difficulty_end' => '', 'copy_difficulty_start' => '', 'copy_difficulty_end' => ''); $grades = C('grades'); $subjects = CpUserModel::get_allowed_subjects(); $qtypes = C('qtype'); $subject_types = C('subject_type'); $class_list = ClassModel::get_class_list(); $data['grades'] = $grades; $data['subjects'] = $subjects; $data['qtypes'] = $qtypes; $data['subject_types'] = $subject_types; $data['class_list'] = $class_list; if ($id) { $query['id'] = $id; $param[] = "id={$id}"; $search['id'] = $id; } if ($ques_id) { $query['ques_id'] = $ques_id; $param[] = "ques_id={$ques_id}"; $search['ques_id'] = $ques_id; } if ($grade_id) { $query['grade_id'] = $grade_id; $param[] = "grade_id={$grade_id}"; $search['grade_id'] = $grade_id; } if (is_numeric($subject_type)) { $query['subject_type'] = $subject_type; $param[] = "subject_type={$subject_type}"; $search['subject_type'] = $subject_type; } if (is_array($class_id)) { $class_id = my_intval($class_id); if (count($class_id) == 1) { $query['class_id'] = $class_id[0]; } else { $query['class_id'] = $class_id; } $param[] = implode('&class_id[]=', $search['class_id']); $search['class_id'] = $class_id; } if ($difficulty_start) { $query['difficulty']['>='] = $difficulty_start; $param[] = "difficulty_start={$difficulty_start}"; $search['difficulty_start'] = $difficulty_start; } if ($difficulty_end) { $query['difficulty']['<='] = $difficulty_end; $param[] = "difficulty_end={$difficulty_end}"; $search['difficulty_end'] = $difficulty_end; } if ($copy_difficulty_start) { $query['copy_difficulty']['>='] = $copy_difficulty_start; $param[] = "copy_difficulty_start={$copy_difficulty_start}"; $search['copy_difficulty_start'] = $copy_difficulty_start; } if ($copy_difficulty_end) { $query['copy_difficulty']['<='] = $copy_difficulty_end; $param[] = "copy_difficulty_end={$copy_difficulty_end}"; $search['copy_difficulty_end'] = $copy_difficulty_end; } if ($from_question_list) { $param[] = "from_question_list={$from_question_list}"; $search['from_question_list'] = $from_question_list; } else { $search['from_question_list'] = '0'; } //限制只能查看所属学科 if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_subject_user() && !CpUserModel::is_action_type_all('question', 'r') && CpUserModel::is_action_type_subject('question', 'r')) { $c_subject_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('subject_id'), ','); if ($c_subject_id != '') { $c_subject_id = explode(',', $c_subject_id); $c_subject_id = array_values(array_filter($c_subject_id)); $c_subject_id = implode(',', $c_subject_id); $where0 = " q.subject_id in({$c_subject_id})"; } else { $where0 = " 1=1"; } } else { $where0 = " 1=1"; } //限制只能查看所属年级 if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_grade_user()) { $c_grade_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('grade_id'), ','); if ($c_grade_id != '') { $c_grade_id = explode(',', $c_grade_id); $c_grade_id = array_values(array_filter($c_grade_id)); $c_grade_id = implode(',', $c_grade_id); $where1 = " rc.grade_id in ({$c_grade_id})"; } else { $where1 = " 1=1"; } } else { $where1 = " 1=1"; } //限制只能查看所属类型 if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_q_type_user()) { $c_q_type_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('q_type_id'), ','); if ($c_q_type_id != '') { $c_q_type_id = explode(',', $c_q_type_id); $c_q_type_id = array_values(array_filter($c_q_type_id)); $c_q_type_id = implode(',', $c_q_type_id); $where2 = " rc.class_id in ({$c_q_type_id})"; } else { $where2 = " 1=1"; } } else { $where2 = " 1=1"; } $where = $where0 . ' and (' . $where1 . ' and ' . $where2 . ')'; $select_what = 'rc.*'; $page = $page <= 0 ? 1 : $page; $per_page = $per_page <= 0 ? 10 : $per_page; $list = array(); if (!is_null($query)) { $list = RelateClassModel::get_relate_class_list($query, $page, $per_page, 'ques_id desc', $select_what, $group_by = null, $where); } //获取试题信息 $tmp_list = array(); foreach ($list as $k => $item) { $question = QuestionModel::get_question($item['ques_id'], 'title, subject_id, admin_id, addtime, type, is_parent'); if (!count($question)) { continue; } $admin = $this->db->query("SELECT a.realname FROM {pre}admin a where a.admin_id={$question['admin_id']}")->result_array(); $question['admin_name'] = count($admin) ? $admin[0]['realname'] : '--'; $question['subject_name'] = $subjects[$question['subject_id']]; $item['grade_name'] = $grades[$item['grade_id']]; $item['subject_type_name'] = $subject_types[$item['subject_type']]; $item['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $question['addtime']); $question['type'] = $qtypes[$question['type']]; //获取试题类型 $item['class_name'] = isset($class_list[$item['class_id']]) ? $class_list[$item['class_id']]['class_name'] : '--'; //学科/试题相关权限 $has_question_power = QuestionModel::check_question_power($item['ques_id'], 'w', false); $has_subject_power = true; $item['has_edit_power'] = $has_question_power && $has_subject_power; $tmp_list[$k] = array_merge($item, $question); } $data['list'] =& $tmp_list; $data['search'] =& $search; $data['flags'] =& $flags; //难易度更新全新 $data['priv_manage'] = $this->check_power('update_system_difficulty', FALSE); $data['priv_question_manage'] = $this->check_power('question_manage', FALSE); // 分页 $purl = site_url('admin/relate_class/index/') . (count($param) ? '?' . implode('&', $param) : ''); $total = RelateClassModel::count_list($query, $where); $data['pagination'] = multipage($total, $per_page, $page, $purl); $this->load->view('relate_class/index', $data); }
/** * 试卷中试题管理 * * @return void **/ public function question_manage($paper_id) { /* 查询试卷信息 */ $paper = PaperModel::get_paper_by_id($paper_id); $admin_info = $this->session->all_userdata(); if (empty($paper)) { message('参数错误,请重试!'); } if ($paper['admin_id'] != $admin_info['admin_id'] && !$admin_info['is_super']) { message('你没有该试卷的权限!'); } /* 查询试题信息 调取试题相关信息 */ $questions = array(); $qtypes = C('qtype'); $subjects = C('subject'); $question_sort = json_decode($paper['question_sort'], true); $question_score = json_decode($paper['question_score'], true); if (!empty($question_sort)) { foreach ($question_sort as $key => &$value) { /* $sql = "SELECT count(*) as 'c' FROM rd_exam_question WHERE ques_id=? AND paper_id=?"; $res = Fn::db()->fetchOne($sql,array($value,$paper_id)); if(!$res['c']) { unset($value); continue; } */ $questions[$key] = QuestionModel::get_question($value); $questions[$key]['title'] = strip_tags($questions[$key]['title']); $questions[$key]['qtype'] = isset($qtypes[$questions[$key]['type']]) ? $qtypes[$questions[$key]['type']] : ''; $questions[$key]['subject_name'] = isset($subjects[$questions[$key]['subject_id']]) ? $subjects[$questions[$key]['subject_id']] : ''; $questions[$key]['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $questions[$key]['addtime']); $questions[$key]['score'] = $question_score[$value]; /* 获取试题添加者信息 */ $admin_id = $questions[$key]['admin_id']; $sql = "select admin_id,admin_user,realname from {pre}admin where admin_id={$admin_id}"; $questions[$key]['admin_info'] = $this->db->query($sql)->row_array(); } } else { $questions = array(); } $data = array(); $data['paper_id'] = $paper_id; $data['paper'] = $paper; $data['questions'] = $questions; $data['has_tested'] = $this->is_super_user() ? false : ExamPlaceSubjectModel::exam_subject_has_test_action($paper['exam_id']); $this->load->view('paper_diy/question_manage', $data); }