/** * Protected for now. Likely to be public in the future. * @return QueryStatement */ protected function getGroupByClause($conn = null) { $statement = new QueryStatement($conn); if ($this->_groups) { $groups = $this->_groups; foreach ($groups as &$group) { $statement->addIdentifier($group); $group = QueryStatement::IDENTIFIER; } $statement->string = "\nGROUP BY " . implode(', ', $groups); } return $statement; }
/** * Creates and executes INSERT query string for this object * @return int */ protected function insert() { $conn = static::getConnection(); $pk = static::$_primaryKey; $fields = array(); $values = array(); $placeholders = array(); foreach (static::$_columnNames as &$column) { $value = $this->{$column}; if ($value === null && !$this->isColumnModified($column)) { continue; } $fields[] = $conn->quoteIdentifier($column, true); $values[] = $value; $placeholders[] = '?'; } $quoted_table = $conn->quoteIdentifier(static::getTableName(), true); $query_s = 'INSERT INTO ' . $quoted_table . ' (' . implode(', ', $fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $placeholders) . ') '; if ($pk && $this->isAutoIncrement() && $conn instanceof DBPostgres) { $query_s .= ' RETURNING ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($pk, true); } $statement = new QueryStatement($conn); $statement->setString($query_s); $statement->setParams($values); $result = $statement->bindAndExecute(); $count = $result->rowCount(); if ($pk && $this->isAutoIncrement()) { $id = null; if ($conn instanceof DBPostgres) { $id = $result->fetchColumn(0); } elseif ($conn->isGetIdAfterInsert()) { $id = $conn->lastInsertId(); if (empty($id) && $conn instanceof DBRedshift) { $id = $conn->query('SELECT MAX(' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($pk) . ") FROM {$quoted_table}")->fetchColumn(); } } if (null !== $id) { $this->{"set{$pk}"}($id); } } $this->resetModified(); $this->setNew(false); $this->insertIntoPool($this); return $count; }
/** * Builds and returns a string representation of $this Condition * @return QueryStatement */ function getQueryStatement(DABLPDO $conn = null) { if (0 === count($this->conds)) { return null; } $stmnt = new QueryStatement($conn); $is_first = true; $is_second = false; foreach ($this->conds as &$cond) { $cond_stmnt = null; // avoid call_user_func_array for better stack traces switch (count($cond[1])) { case 1: $cond_stmnt = self::processCondition($cond[1][0]); break; case 2: $cond_stmnt = self::processCondition($cond[1][0], $cond[1][1]); break; case 3: $cond_stmnt = self::processCondition($cond[1][0], $cond[1][1], $cond[1][2]); break; case 4: $cond_stmnt = self::processCondition($cond[1][0], $cond[1][1], $cond[1][2], $cond[1][3]); break; } if (null === $cond_stmnt) { continue; } if ($is_first) { $sep = ''; $is_first = false; $is_second = true; } else { $sep = ($is_second && 'OR' === $this->conds[0][0] ? 'OR' : $cond[0]) . ' '; $is_second = false; } $stmnt->string .= "\n\t{$sep}" . $cond_stmnt->string; $stmnt->addParams($cond_stmnt->params); $stmnt->addIdentifiers($cond_stmnt->identifiers); } return $stmnt; }
/** * @param DABLPDO $conn * @return QueryStatement */ function getQueryStatement(DABLPDO $conn = null) { $statement = new QueryStatement($conn); $table = $this->_table; $on_clause = $this->_onClause; $join_type = $this->_joinType; $alias = $this->_alias; if ($table instanceof Query) { $table_statement = $table->getQuery($conn); $table = '(' . $table_statement->getString() . ')'; $statement->addParams($table_statement->getParams()); $statement->addIdentifiers($table_statement->getIdentifiers()); } else { $statement->addIdentifier($table); $table = QueryStatement::IDENTIFIER; } if ($alias) { $table .= " AS {$alias}"; } if ($this->_isLikePropel) { $statement->addIdentifiers(array($this->_leftColumn, $this->_rightColumn)); $on_clause = QueryStatement::IDENTIFIER . ' = ' . QueryStatement::IDENTIFIER; } elseif (null === $on_clause) { $on_clause = '1 = 1'; } elseif ($on_clause instanceof Condition) { $on_clause_statement = $on_clause->getQueryStatement(); $on_clause = $on_clause_statement->getString(); $statement->addParams($on_clause_statement->getParams()); $statement->addIdentifiers($on_clause_statement->getIdentifiers()); } if ('' !== $on_clause) { $on_clause = "ON ({$on_clause})"; } $statement->setString("{$join_type} {$table} {$on_clause}"); return $statement; }