  * Responsible for queueing any scripts and even localizing any data needed for those scripts to run. This function
  * should only be called through the WordPress action hook `wp_enqueue_scripts`
 public static function wp_enqueue_scripts()
     // Get data required for theme-side API requests
     $authentication = PushUp_Notifications_Authentication::get_authentication_data();
     if (false === $authentication) {
     // Get notification prompt configuration (0 = custom)
     $prompt_settings = PushUp_Notifications_Core::get_prompt_setting();
     $prompts = $prompt_settings['prompt'] == 'custom' ? 0 : (int) $prompt_settings['prompt_views'];
     // Allow base path to be filtered
     $base = apply_filters('pushup-notification-base-script-path', plugins_url('', dirname(__FILE__)));
     // Enqueue the main PushUp JS used to prompt visitors
     $append = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
     wp_enqueue_script('pushup', $base . '/js/pushup' . $append . '.js', array('jquery'), PushUp_Notifications_Core::get_script_version(), true);
     // Localize the Notification prompt strings
     wp_localize_script('pushup', 'PushUpNotificationSettings', array('domain' => $authentication['domain'], 'userID' => $authentication['user_id'], 'websitePushID' => $authentication['website_push_id'], 'webServiceURL' => self::$_api_url, 'prompt' => (int) $prompts));
     * Renders the push notification settings form for our WP settings page
    public static function render_settings_page()

		<div class="wrap pushup-notifications-settings">
        echo get_admin_page_title();
			<form action="options.php" method="post" autocomplete="off">




        // If data needed to offer notifications isn't set, let's
        // actually give the button a more clear name: activate!
        if (!PushUp_Notifications_Authentication::get_authentication_data()) {
            $submit_text = __('Activate PushUp', 'pushup');
        } else {
            $submit_text = __('Save Changes');
            // No text domain here

