protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { // initialize database manager $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration); $databaseManager->initialize($this->configuration); $proxy_scraper = new ProxyScraper($options['test_mode'], $options['debug_mode'], $this->configuration); $proxy_scraper->setCorpIds($options['limit'], $options['start_id'], $options['ticker']); $proxy_scraper->run(); }
public function execute() { if (!$this->safeToRun('sec')) { $this->printDebug('script already running'); die; } if (!isset($this->corp_ids)) { return null; } foreach ($this->corp_ids as $corp_id) { if (!$this->override && $this->hasMeta($corp_id, 'is_complete') && $this->getMeta($corp_id, 'is_complete')) { $this->printDebug("Already fetched roster for Entity " . $corp_id . "; skipping..."); continue; } else { if (!$this->override && $this->hasMeta($corp_id, 'lacks_cik') && $this->getMeta($corp_id, 'lacks_cik')) { $this->printDebug("No SEC cik found for Entity " . $corp_id . "; skipping..."); continue; } } try { echo number_format(memory_get_usage()) . "\n"; $this->browser->restart($this->defaultHeaders); $this->db->beginTransaction(); $corp = Doctrine::getTable('Entity')->find($corp_id); echo "\n*****************\n\nfetching roster for " . $corp->name . " (" . $corp->ticker . ")" . "\n\n"; //grab the corporation's cik if it doesn't have one already if (!$corp->sec_cik) { if ($result = $this->getCik($corp->ticker)) { $corp->sec_cik = $result['cik']; if ($corp->Industry->count() == 0) { if ($result['sic']['name'] && $result['sic']['name'] != '') { if (!($industry = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Industry i')->where(' = ? and i.code = ?', array($result['sic']['name'], $result['sic']['code']))->fetchOne())) { $industry = new Industry(); $industry->name = LsLanguage::nameize(LsHtml::replaceEntities($result['sic']['name'])); $industry->context = 'SIC'; $industry->code = $result['sic']['code']; $industry->save(); $this->printDebug('Industry: ' . $industry->name . ' (' . $industry->code . ')'); } $q = LsQuery::getByModelAndFieldsQuery('BusinessIndustry', array('industry_id' => $industry->id, 'business_id' => $corp->id)); if (!$q->fetchOne()) { $corp->Industry[] = $industry; } } $corp->save(); $corp->addReference($result['url'], null, $corp->getAllModifiedFields(), 'SEC EDGAR Page'); } } else { $this->saveMeta($corp->id, 'lacks_cik', true); $this->db->commit(); continue; } } if ($corp->sec_cik) { $form4_urls = $this->getForm4Urls($corp->sec_cik); $roster = array(); foreach ($form4_urls as $url_arr) { $result = $this->getForm4Data($url_arr, $corp->sec_cik); if ($result) { $roster[] = $result; } } $proxy_urls = $this->getProxyUrls($corp->sec_cik, array('2007', '2008')); if (count($proxy_urls)) { $proxy_url = $proxy_urls[0]['url']; $proxy_year = $proxy_urls[0]['year']; //search proxy for names appearing on form 4s $roster = $this->getProxyData($roster, $proxy_url, $proxy_year); } else { $this->saveMeta($corp->id, 'lacks_cik', true); $this->db->commit(); continue; } $corp->addReference($proxy_url, null, null, $proxy_year . ' Proxy'); //loop through names found on form 4s and search proxy foreach ($roster as $r) { echo "\n" . $r['personName'] . " is director? " . $r['isDirector'] . " at " . $r['form4Url'] . " \n"; if (isset($r['proxyName'])) { echo "in proxy as " . $r['proxyName'] . " \n"; } else { echo "not in proxy \n\n"; } //make sure this appears in the proxy and has either an officer title or is a director if (isset($r['proxyName']) && ($r['isDirector'] == '1' || $r['officerTitle'] != '')) { $p = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('BusinessPerson')->addWhere('businessperson.sec_cik = ?', $r['personCik'])->fetchOne(); if (!$p) { $p = $this->importPerson($r, $corp->name); } if ($p) { $this->importAddress($r['address'], $p, $r, $corp->name); if ($r['isDirector'] == 1) { $this->importRelationship($p, $corp, 'Director', $r); } if ($r['officerTitle'] != '') { $descriptions = $this->parseDescriptionStr($r['officerTitle'], $corp); foreach ($descriptions as $d) { if ($d['note']) { $position = $d['description'] . ' (' . implode(', ', $d['note']) . ')'; } else { $position = $d['description']; } $this->importRelationship($p, $corp, $position, $r); } } } } } } if (!$this->testMode) { $this->db->commit(); } if (isset($proxy_url)) { $proxy_scraper = new ProxyScraper($this->testMode, $this->debugMode, $this->appConfiguration); $proxy_scraper->setCorpIds(1, $corp->id); $proxy_scraper->setProxy($this->proxyText, $proxy_url, $proxy_year); $proxy_scraper->disableBeep(); $proxy_scraper->run(); } } catch (Exception $e) { //something bad happened, rollback $this->db->rollback(); throw $e; } $this->saveMeta($corp_id, 'is_complete', true); } }