예제 #1
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function form_handler()
     if (!empty($_POST['stylify_button'])) {
         $status = $this->stylify->refresh();
         $message = is_wp_error($status) ? $status->get_error_message() : __('Colors updated.', 'Postmatic');
         $class = is_wp_error($status) ? 'error' : 'updated';
         Prompt_Core::$options->set('site_styles', $this->stylify->get_styles());
         $this->add_notice($message, $class);
     if (!empty($_POST['reset_site_styles_button'])) {
         Prompt_Core::$options->set('site_styles', array());
         $this->stylify = new Prompt_Stylify(array());
         $this->add_notice(__('Colors set to defaults.', 'Postmatic'));
     if (!empty($_POST['send_test_email_button'])) {
         $to_address = sanitize_email($_POST['test_email_address']);
         if (!is_email($to_address)) {
             $this->add_notice(__('Test email was <strong>not sent</strong> to an invalid address.', 'Postmatic'), 'error');
         $html_template = new Prompt_Template('test-email.php');
         $footnote = __('This is a test email sent by Postmatic. It is solely for demonstrating the Postmatic template and is not replyable. Also, that is not latin. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum">It is Lorem ipsum</a>.', 'Postmatic');
         $batch = new Prompt_Email_Batch(array('subject' => __('This is a test email. By Postmatic.', 'Postmatic'), 'html_content' => $html_template->render(), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::ADMIN, 'footnote_html' => $footnote, 'footnote_text' => $footnote));
         $batch->add_individual_message_values(array('to_address' => $to_address));
         if (!is_wp_error(Prompt_Factory::make_mailer($batch)->send())) {
             $this->add_notice(__('Test email <strong>sent</strong>.', 'Postmatic'));
예제 #2
  * Detect if this retry attempt has already been made.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @return bool
 protected function already_retried()
     $log = get_option(self::$retry_option, array());
     $key = md5($this->retry_wait_seconds . serialize($this->batch->to_array()));
     if (isset($log[$key])) {
         return true;
     $log[$key] = microtime();
     update_option(self::$retry_option, $log, false);
     return false;
예제 #3
  * Send a comment a notification when their comment is rejected.
  * This could be due to a deleted post, change in post status, or comments being closed.
  * @param $user_id
  * @param $post_id
 public static function send_rejected_notification($user_id, $post_id)
     $comment_author = get_userdata($user_id);
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     $post_title = $post ? $post->post_title : __('a deleted post', 'Postmatic');
     $template_data = compact('comment_author', 'post', 'post_title');
      * Filter comment rejected email template data.
      * @param array $template_data {
      *      @type WP_User $comment_author
      *      @type WP_Post $post
      *      @type string $post_title Post title or placeholder if post no longer exists
      * }
     $template_data = apply_filters('prompt/comment_rejected_email/template_data', $template_data);
     $subject = sprintf(__('Unable to publish your reply to "%s"', 'Postmatic'), $post_title);
     $template = new Prompt_Template('comment-rejected-email.php');
     $batch = Prompt_Email_Batch::make_for_single_recipient(array('to_address' => $comment_author->user_email, 'subject' => $subject, 'html_content' => $template->render($template_data), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::ADMIN));
      * Filter comment rejected email.
      * @param Prompt_Email_Batch $batch
      * @param array $template_data see prompt/comment_reject_email/template_data
     $batch = apply_filters('prompt/comment_rejected_batch', $batch, $template_data);
  * Builds an email batch with content based on a subscribable object.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param Prompt_Interface_Subscribable[]|Prompt_Interface_Subscribable $lists
  * @param array $message_data
 public function __construct($lists, $message_data = array())
     $this->lists = is_array($lists) ? $lists : array($lists);
     $this->users_data = array();
     $this->message_data = $message_data;
     $message_data = array_merge(array('lists' => $this->lists), $message_data);
      * Filter new user subscription verification email template data.
      * @param array $message_data {
      * @type Prompt_Interface_Subscribable $lists The object being subscribed to
      * }
     $message_data = apply_filters('prompt/subscription_agreement_email/template_data', $message_data);
     $html_template = new Prompt_Template('subscription-agreement-email.php');
     $text_template = new Prompt_Text_Template('subscription-agreement-email-text.php');
     $subject = sprintf(__('Please verify your subscription to %s', 'Postmatic'), $this->lists[0]->subscription_object_label());
     if (count($this->lists) > 1) {
         $subject = __('Please select your subscription', 'Postmatic');
     $batch_message_template = array('subject' => $subject, 'from_name' => get_option('blogname'), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::SUBSCRIPTION, 'html_content' => $html_template->render($message_data), 'text_content' => $text_template->render($message_data), 'reply_to' => '{{{reply_to}}}');
     // Override template with message data
     foreach ($batch_message_template as $name => $value) {
         if (isset($message_data[$name])) {
             $batch_message_template[$name] = $message_data[$name];
     $batch_message_template['footnote_html'] = $this->footnote_html($batch_message_template['message_type']);
     $batch_message_template['footnote_text'] = $this->footnote_text($batch_message_template['message_type']);
예제 #5
  * Send an email to a user who has had an account created for them.
  * @param int|object $user
  * @param string $password
  * @param Prompt_Template $template
 public static function send_new_user_notification($user, $password, $template)
     $user = is_integer($user) ? get_userdata($user) : $user;
     $template_data = compact('user', 'password');
      * Filter new user email template data.
      * @param array $template_data {
      * @type WP_User $user
      * @type string $password
      * }
     $template_data = apply_filters('prompt/new_user_email/template_data', $template_data);
     $subject = sprintf(__('Welcome to %s', 'Postmatic'), get_option('blogname'));
     $batch = Prompt_Email_Batch::make_for_single_recipient(array('to_address' => $user->user_email, 'from_address' => get_option('admin_email'), 'subject' => $subject, 'html_content' => $template->render($template_data), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::ADMIN));
      * Filter new user email.
      * @param Prompt_Email_Batch $batch
      * @param array $template_data {
      * @type WP_User $user
      * @type string $password
      * }
     $batch = apply_filters('prompt/new_user_batch', $batch, $template_data);
예제 #6
 public function form_handler()
     $environment = new Prompt_Environment();
     $user = wp_get_current_user();
     $email = Prompt_Email_Batch::make_for_single_recipient(array('to_address' => Prompt_Core::SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'from_address' => $user->user_email, 'from_name' => $user->display_name, 'subject' => sprintf(__('Diagnostics from %s', 'Postmatic'), html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'))), 'html_content' => json_encode($environment->to_array()), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::ADMIN));
     $sent = Prompt_Factory::make_mailer($email)->send();
     if (is_wp_error($sent)) {
         Prompt_Logging::add_error('diagnostic_submission_error', __('Diagnostics could not be sent, please try a bug report.', 'Postmatic'), $sent);
     $this->add_notice(__('Diagnostics <strong>sent</strong>.', 'Postmatic'));
예제 #7
  * Builds an email without specific recipient info that can be used as a template for all recipients.
  * The set_recipient method can be called to fill in recipient-specific fields.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param Prompt_Post_Rendering_Context $context      Rendering context for the target post
  * @param array                         $args         {
  * @type bool                           $excerpt_only Override the excerpt only checkbox in the delivery metabox.
  *                                                    }
 public function __construct(Prompt_Post_Rendering_Context $context, $args = array())
     $this->context = $context;
     $prompt_author = $context->get_author();
     $prompt_post = $context->get_post();
     $is_api_delivery = Prompt_Enum_Email_Transports::API == Prompt_Core::$options->get('email_transport');
     $will_strip_content = (!$is_api_delivery and $context->has_fancy_content());
     $subject = html_entity_decode($prompt_post->get_wp_post()->post_title, ENT_QUOTES);
     list($footnote_html, $footnote_text) = $this->footnote_content();
     if ('draft' == $prompt_post->get_wp_post()->post_status) {
         /* translators: %s is a post title */
         $subject = sprintf(__('PREVIEW of %s', 'Postmatic'), $subject);
         $footnote_html = $footnote_text = '';
     $excerpt_only = Prompt_Admin_Delivery_Metabox::excerpt_only($prompt_post->id());
     if (isset($args['excerpt_only'])) {
         $excerpt_only = $args['excerpt_only'];
     $this->comments = get_approved_comments($prompt_post->id());
     $template_data = array('prompt_author' => $prompt_author, 'prompt_post' => $prompt_post, 'featured_image_src' => $context->get_the_featured_image_src(), 'excerpt_only' => $excerpt_only, 'the_text_content' => $context->get_the_text_content(), 'subject' => $subject, 'alternate_versions_menu' => $context->alternate_versions_menu(), 'is_api_delivery' => $is_api_delivery, 'will_strip_content' => $will_strip_content, 'comments' => $this->comments);
      * Filter new post email template data.
      * @param array      $template_data      {
      * @type Prompt_User $prompt_author
      * @type Prompt_Post $prompt_post
      * @type array       $featured_image_src url, width, height
      * @type bool        $excerpt_only       whether to include only the post excerpt
      * @type string      $the_text_content
      * @type string      $subject
      * @type bool        $is_api_delivery
      * @type bool        $will_strip_content
      *                                       }
     $template_data = apply_filters('prompt/post_email/template_data', $template_data);
     $html_template = new Prompt_Template("new-post-email.php");
     $text_template = new Prompt_Text_Template("new-post-email-text.php");
     $batch_message_template = array('subject' => $subject, 'from_name' => '{{{from_name}}}', 'text_content' => $text_template->render($template_data), 'html_content' => $html_template->render($template_data), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::POST, 'reply_to' => '{{{reply_to}}}', 'footnote_html' => $footnote_html, 'footnote_text' => $footnote_text);
     $this->replyable = (comments_open($prompt_post->id()) and !$excerpt_only);
     if (!$this->replyable) {
         $batch_message_template['from_address'] = $prompt_author->get_wp_user()->user_email;
     $default_values = array('from_name' => $this->to_utf8(get_option('blogname')));
     parent::__construct($batch_message_template, array(), $default_values);
예제 #8
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param array $recipients
  * @param string $subject
  * @param string $message
 public function schedule_invites($recipients, $subject, $message)
     $users_data = array();
     $address_index = array();
     $failures = array();
     $lists = Prompt_Subscribing::get_signup_lists();
     $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
     foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
         $to_address = Prompt_Email_Batch::address($recipient);
         $lower_case_to_address = strtolower($to_address);
         if (isset($address_index[$lower_case_to_address])) {
             $failures[] = __('Duplicate email address', 'Postmatic') . ': ' . $recipient;
         if (!is_email($to_address)) {
             $failures[] = __('Invalid email address', 'Postmatic') . ': ' . $recipient;
         $user = get_user_by('email', $to_address);
         if ($user and $this->is_subscribed_to_any($user->ID, $lists)) {
             $failures[] = __('Already subscribed', 'Postmatic') . ': ' . $recipient;
         $address_index[$lower_case_to_address] = true;
         $to_name = Prompt_Email_Batch::name($recipient);
         $users_data[] = array('user_email' => $to_address, 'display_name' => $to_name);
     if (!empty($users_data)) {
         $message_data = array('subject' => html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES), 'invite_introduction' => $message, 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::INVITATION, 'from_name' => $current_user->display_name . ' - ' . get_option('blogname'));
         Prompt_Subscription_Mailing::schedule_agreements($lists, $users_data, $message_data);
         $confirmation_format = _n('Success. %d invite sent.', 'Success. %d invites sent.', count($users_data), 'Postmatic');
         $this->add_notice(sprintf($confirmation_format, count($users_data)));
     if (!empty($failures)) {
         $failure_notice = __('Something went wrong and these invites were not sent: ', 'Postmatic') . '<br/>' . implode('<br/>', $failures);
         $this->add_notice($failure_notice, 'error');
예제 #9
  * Builds an email batch with content and recipients based on a comment.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param object $comment Target comment
  * @param Prompt_Comment_Flood_Controller
 public function __construct($comment, Prompt_Comment_Flood_Controller $flood_controller = null)
     $this->comment = $comment;
     $this->prompt_post = $prompt_post = new Prompt_Post($this->comment->comment_post_ID);
     $this->flood_controller = $flood_controller ? $flood_controller : new Prompt_Comment_Flood_Controller($comment);
     $this->subscribed_post_title_link = html('a', array('href' => get_permalink($this->prompt_post->id())), get_the_title($this->prompt_post->id()));
     $comment_author = $this->comment_author_user();
     $is_api_delivery = Prompt_Enum_Email_Transports::API == Prompt_Core::$options->get('email_transport');
     $parent_comment = $parent_author = null;
     $parent_author_name = '';
     $template_file = 'new-comment-email.php';
     if ($this->comment->comment_parent) {
         $parent_comment = get_comment($this->comment->comment_parent);
         $parent_author = get_userdata($parent_comment->user_id);
         $parent_author_name = $parent_author ? $parent_author->display_name : $parent_comment->comment_author;
         $parent_author_name = $parent_author_name ? $parent_author_name : __('Anonymous', 'Postmatic');
         $template_file = $is_api_delivery ? 'comment-reply-email.php' : $template_file;
     $this->parent_comment = $parent_comment;
     $this->parent_author = $parent_author;
     $this->parent_author_name = $parent_author_name;
     $commenter_name = $comment_author ? $comment_author->display_name : $this->comment->comment_author;
     $commenter_name = $commenter_name ? $commenter_name : __('Anonymous', 'Postmatic');
     $this->commenter_name = $commenter_name;
     $post_author = get_userdata($prompt_post->get_wp_post()->post_author);
     $post_author_name = $post_author ? $post_author->display_name : __('Anonymous', 'Postmatic');
     $template_data = array('comment_author' => $comment_author, 'comment' => $this->comment, 'commenter_name' => $commenter_name, 'subscribed_post' => $prompt_post, 'subscribed_post_author_name' => $post_author_name, 'subscribed_post_title_link' => $this->subscribed_post_title_link, 'previous_comments' => $this->previous_comments, 'parent_author' => $parent_author, 'parent_author_name' => $parent_author_name, 'parent_comment' => $parent_comment, 'comment_header' => true, 'is_api_delivery' => $is_api_delivery);
      * Filter comment email template data.
      * @param array $template_data {
      * @type WP_User $comment_author
      * @type WP_User $subscriber
      * @type object $comment
      * @type Prompt_post $subscribed_post
      * @type string $subscribed_post_author_name
      * @type array $previous_comments
      * @type WP_User $parent_author
      * @type string $parent_author_name
      * @type object $parent_comment
      * @type bool $comment_header
      * @type bool $is_api_delivery
      * }
     $template_data = apply_filters('prompt/comment_email/template_data', $template_data);
     $html_template = new Prompt_Template($template_file);
     $text_template = new Prompt_Text_Template(str_replace('.php', '-text.php', $template_file));
     /* translators: %1$s is a subscription list title, %2$s the unsubscribe command */
     $footnote_format = __('You received this email because you\'re subscribed to %1$s. To no longer receive other comments or replies in this discussion reply with the word \'%2$s\'.', 'Postmatic');
     $message_template = array('from_name' => $commenter_name, 'text_content' => $text_template->render($template_data), 'html_content' => $html_template->render($template_data), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::COMMENT, 'subject' => '{{{subject}}}', 'reply_to' => '{{{reply_to}}}', 'footnote_html' => sprintf($footnote_format, $this->prompt_post->subscription_object_label(), "<a href=\"{$this->unsubscribe_mailto()}\">" . Prompt_Unsubscribe_Matcher::target() . "</a>"), 'footnote_text' => sprintf($footnote_format, $this->prompt_post->subscription_object_label(Prompt_Enum_Content_Types::TEXT), Prompt_Unsubscribe_Matcher::target()));
     $recipient_ids = array_diff($this->flood_controlled_recipient_ids(), $this->sent_recipient_ids());
      * Filter whether to send new comment notifications.
      * @param boolean $send Default true.
      * @param object $comment
      * @param array $recipient_ids
     if (!apply_filters('prompt/send_comment_notifications', true, $this->comment, $recipient_ids)) {
         return null;
예제 #10
  * Report new errors.
  * @since 2.0.0
 public static function submit()
     $user = wp_get_current_user();
     $last_submit_time = self::get_last_submission_time();
     update_option(self::$last_submit_option_name, time(), $autoload = false);
     $message = array('error_log' => self::get_log($last_submit_time, ARRAY_A));
     $environment = new Prompt_Environment();
     $message = array_merge($message, $environment->to_array());
     $email = Prompt_Email_Batch::make_for_single_recipient(array('to_address' => Prompt_Core::SUPPORT_EMAIL, 'from_address' => $user->exists() ? $user->user_email : get_option('admin_email'), 'from_name' => $user->exists() ? $user->display_name : '', 'subject' => sprintf('Error submission from %s', html_entity_decode(get_option('blogname'))), 'text_content' => json_encode($message), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::ADMIN));
     $sent = Prompt_Factory::make_mailer($email, Prompt_Enum_Email_Transports::LOCAL)->send();
     if (is_wp_error($sent) and Prompt_Core::$options->get('prompt_key')) {
         $sent = Prompt_Factory::make_mailer($email, Prompt_Enum_Email_Transports::API)->send();
     return $sent;
예제 #11
  * @since 2.0.0
 protected function forward()
     $text = $this->get_message_text();
     $from_user = get_user_by('id', $this->from_user_id);
     $to_user = get_user_by('id', $this->to_user_id);
     $command = new Prompt_Forward_Command();
     $command->set_keys(array('', '', $this->to_user_id, $this->from_user_id));
     $template_data = array('sender' => $from_user, 'message' => $text);
     $html_template = new Prompt_Template('forward-email.php');
     $batch = Prompt_Email_Batch::make_for_single_recipient(array('to_address' => $to_user->user_email, 'from_name' => $from_user->display_name, 'subject' => $this->message->subject, 'html_content' => $html_template->render($template_data), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::ADMIN, 'reply_to' => array('trackable-address' => Prompt_Command_Handling::get_command_metadata($command))));
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return string
 protected function import_content()
     $api_key = sanitize_text_field($_POST['mailchimp_api_key']);
     $list_id = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$this->import_list_name]);
     $signup_list_index = absint($_POST['signup_list_index']);
     $signup_lists = Prompt_Subscribing::get_signup_lists();
     $import = new Prompt_Admin_MailChimp_Import($api_key, $list_id, $signup_lists[$signup_list_index]);
     $content = html('h3', __('Here\'s how it went', 'Postmatic'));
     $content .= $import->get_error() ? $import->get_error()->get_error_message() : '';
     $results_format = _n('Imported one subscriber.', 'Imported %1$s subscribers.', $import->get_imported_count(), 'Postmatic');
     if ($import->get_already_subscribed_count() > 0) {
         $results_format .= ' ' . _n('The one valid user we found was already subscribed.', 'The %2$s valid users we found were already subscribed.', $import->get_already_subscribed_count(), 'Postmatic');
     $rejects = $import->get_rejected_subscribers();
     $reject_content = '';
     $reject_button = '';
     if ($rejects) {
         $results_format .= '<br />' . _n('One user didn\'t qualify for importing.', 'There were %3$s users which didn\'t qualify for importing.', count($rejects));
         $reject_content = html('div id="mailpoet-import-intro"', html('div', html('h4', __('Why weren\'t more of my users imported?', 'Postmatic')), html('p', __('We have a very strict policy regarding user imports: <em>we will never allow anyone to be subscribed to a blog running Postmatic without them having opted in</em> (such as subscriber lists bought and imported in bulk for spamming). Because of this we will not import any MailChimp subscribers unless the following two conditions are true:', 'Postmatic')), html('ol', html('li', __('The user has double opted-in to your MailChimp list', 'Postmatic')), html('li', __('The user exists on a list which is at least 14 days old', 'Postmatic'))), html('h5', __('Why so strict?', 'Postmatic')), html('p', __('Bulk importing unwilling users is easy in MailChimp. If we did not hold our import to a higher standard those unwilling users could be imported into Postmatic. And then they would spam your users. MailChimp is a one-way street. Postmatic is a conversation. That\'s a very important difference.', 'Postmatic')), html('h4', __('But we do have good news', 'Postmatic')), html('p', __('You can send an email to your remaining users. They will be invited to join your site by simply replying.', 'Postmatic'))));
         $rejected_addresses = array();
         foreach ($rejects as $reject) {
             $name = trim($reject['email']);
             //$name = trim( $reject['firstname'] . ' ' . $reject['lastname'] );
             $rejected_addresses[] = Prompt_Email_Batch::name_address($reject['email'], $name);
         $reject_button = html('input', array('name' => $this->rejected_addresses_name, 'class' => 'button', 'data-addresses' => implode(",", $rejected_addresses), 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Preview and send the invitations', 'Postmatic')));
     $content = html('p', $content, sprintf($results_format, $import->get_imported_count(), $import->get_already_subscribed_count(), count($rejects)), $reject_content, $reject_button);
     return $content;
 protected function send_notifications($recipient_ids)
     $template_data = array('post' => $this->prompt_post, 'comment_header' => true);
      * Filter comment email template data.
      * @param array $template_data {
      * @type Prompt_post $post
      * @type bool $comment_header
      * }
     $template_data = apply_filters('prompt/comment_flood_email/template_data', $template_data);
     $html_template = new Prompt_Template('comment-flood-email.php');
     $text_template = new Prompt_Text_Template('comment-flood-email-text.php');
     $footnote_html = sprintf(__('You received this email because you\'re subscribed to %s.', 'Postmatic'), $this->prompt_post->subscription_object_label());
     $batch = new Prompt_Email_Batch(array('subject' => __('We\'re pausing comment notices for you.', 'Postmatic'), 'text_content' => $text_template->render($template_data), 'html_content' => $html_template->render($template_data), 'message_type' => Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::SUBSCRIPTION, 'reply_to' => '{{{reply_to}}}', 'footnote_html' => $footnote_html, 'footnote_text' => Prompt_Content_Handling::reduce_html_to_utf8($footnote_html)));
     foreach ($recipient_ids as $recipient_id) {
         $subscriber = get_userdata($recipient_id);
         if (!$subscriber or !$subscriber->user_email) {
         $command = new Prompt_Comment_Flood_Command();
         $batch->add_individual_message_values(array('to_address' => $subscriber->user_email, 'reply_to' => Prompt_Email_Batch::trackable_address(Prompt_Command_Handling::get_command_metadata($command))));
      * Filter comment notification email batch.
      * @param Prompt_Email_Batch $batch
      * @param array $template_data see prompt/comment_email/template_data
     $batch = apply_filters('prompt/comment_flood_email_batch', $batch, $template_data);
예제 #14
  * Render handlebars fields in the batch template using a set of individual message values.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param array $values
  * @param object $outbound_message
  * @return array
 protected function render_individual_email($values, $outbound_message)
     $template = $this->batch->get_batch_message_template();
     $values = array_merge($this->batch->get_default_values(), $values);
     $email_fields = array();
     $reply_to = isset($values['reply_to']) ? $values['reply_to'] : null;
     if ($reply_to) {
         $email_fields['metadata'] = $reply_to['trackable-address'];
     $values['ref_id'] = $outbound_message ? $outbound_message->id : 'noreply';
     foreach ($template as $field_name => $field_template) {
         $email_fields[$field_name] = $this->handlebars->render_string($field_template, $values);
     if ($outbound_message) {
         $email_fields['reply_address'] = Prompt_Email_Batch::address($outbound_message->reply_to);
         $email_fields['reply_name'] = Prompt_Email_Batch::name($outbound_message->reply_to);
     return $email_fields;
  * Get import results in HTML.
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return string
 protected function import_content()
     $list_id = intval($_POST[$this->import_list_name]);
     $signup_list_index = intval($_POST['signup_list_index']);
     $signup_lists = Prompt_Subscribing::get_signup_lists();
     $signup_list = $signup_lists[$signup_list_index];
     $import = Prompt_Admin_Mailpoet_Import::make($list_id, $signup_list);
     $content = html('h3', __('Here\'s how it went:', 'Postmatic'));
     $content .= $import->get_error() ? $import->get_error()->get_error_message() : '';
     $results_format = _n('Imported one subscriber.', 'Imported %1$s subscribers.', $import->get_imported_count(), 'Postmatic');
     if ($import->get_already_subscribed_count() > 0) {
         $results_format .= ' ' . _n('The one valid user we found was already subscribed.', 'The %2$s valid users we found were already subscribed.', $import->get_already_subscribed_count(), 'Postmatic');
     $rejects = $import->get_rejected_subscribers();
     $reject_content = '';
     $reject_button = '';
     if ($rejects) {
         $results_format .= '<br />' . _n('One user didn\'t qualify for importing.', 'There were %3$s users which didn\'t qualify for importing.', count($rejects));
         $reject_content = html('div id="mailpoet-import-intro"', html('div', html('h4', __('Why weren\'t more of my users imported?', 'Postmatic')), html('p', __('We have a very strict policy regarding user imports: <em>we will never allow anyone to be subscribed to a blog running Postmatic without them having opted in</em> (such as subscriber lists bought and imported in bulk for spamming). Because of this we will not import any Mailpoet subscribers unless the following two conditions are true:', 'Postmatic')), html('ol', html('li', __('The user has opened an email you sent through Mailpoet', 'Postmatic')), html('li', __('The user has clicked a link within an email you sent through Mailpoet', 'Postmatic'))), html('h5', __('Why so strict?', 'Postmatic')), html('p', __('Bulk importing unwilling users and marking them as opted-in is easy in Mailpoet. If we did not hold our import to a higher standard the magic button below would allow those unwilling users to be imported into Postmatic. And then they would spam your grandmother. Nobody wants that. Plus, if a subscriber does not open or interact with your emails maybe they aren\'t all that good of a match anyway, right? Think of it as spring cleaning.', 'Postmatic')), html('h4', __('But we do have good news', 'Postmatic')), html('p', __('You can send an email to your remaining users. They will be invited to join your site by simply replying.', 'Postmatic'))));
         $rejected_addresses = array();
         foreach ($rejects as $reject) {
             $name = trim($reject['firstname'] . ' ' . $reject['lastname']);
             $rejected_addresses[] = Prompt_Email_Batch::name_address($reject['email'], $name);
         $reject_button = html('input', array('name' => $this->rejected_addresses_name, 'class' => 'button', 'data-addresses' => implode(",", $rejected_addresses), 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Preview and send the invitations', 'Postmatic')));
     $content = html('p', $content, sprintf($results_format, $import->get_imported_count(), $import->get_already_subscribed_count(), count($rejects)), $reject_content, $reject_button);
     return $content;
예제 #16
  * Generate comment reply address macros from comments and the replying user ID.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param array $comments
  * @param int $replier_id
  * @return array
 public static function get_comment_reply_macros(array $comments, $replier_id)
     $macros = array();
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $macros['reply_to_comment_' . $comment->comment_ID] = Prompt_Email_Batch::trackable_address(self::get_comment_command_metadata($replier_id, $comment->comment_post_ID, $comment->comment_ID));
     return $macros;