예제 #1
 public function imprimirRelatorioAction()
     $this->intTamPag = 30;
     if ($this->_request->getParam("qtde")) {
         $this->intTamPag = $this->_request->getParam("qtde");
     $order = array();
     //==== parametro de ordenacao  ======//
     if ($this->_request->getParam("ordem")) {
         $ordem = $this->_request->getParam("ordem");
         if ($ordem == "ASC") {
             $novaOrdem = "DESC";
         } else {
             $novaOrdem = "ASC";
     } else {
         $ordem = "ASC";
         $novaOrdem = "ASC";
     //==== campo de ordenacao  ======//
     if ($this->_request->getParam("campo")) {
         $campo = $this->_request->getParam("campo");
         $order = array($campo . " " . $ordem);
         $ordenacao = "&campo=" . $campo . "&ordem=" . $ordem;
     } else {
         $campo = null;
         $order = array(2);
         $ordenacao = null;
     $pag = 1;
     $get = Zend_Registry::get('post');
     if (isset($get->pag)) {
         $pag = $get->pag;
     $inicio = $pag > 1 ? ($pag - 1) * $this->intTamPag : 0;
     $where = array();
     if (isset($get->pronac) && !empty($get->pronac)) {
         $where['pr.AnoProjeto+pr.Sequencial = ?'] = $get->pronac;
         $this->view->pronac = $get->pronac;
     if (isset($get->cnpfcpf) && !empty($get->cnpfcpf)) {
         $where['pr.CgcCpf = ?'] = retiraMascara($get->cnpfcpf);
         $this->view->cnpfcpf = $get->cnpfcpf;
     if (isset($get->nomeProjeto) && !empty($get->nomeProjeto)) {
         $where['pr.NomeProjeto like (?)'] = "%" . $get->nomeProjeto . "%";
         $this->view->nomeProjeto = $get->nomeProjeto;
     if (isset($get->nomeProponente) && !empty($get->nomeProponente)) {
         $where['nm.Descricao like (?)'] = "%" . $get->nomeProponente . "%";
         $this->view->nomeProponente = $get->nomeProponente;
     if (isset($get->area) && !empty($get->area)) {
         $where['ar.Codigo = ?'] = $get->area;
         $this->view->area = $get->area;
     if (isset($get->segmento) && !empty($get->segmento)) {
         $where['sg.Codigo = ?'] = $get->segmento;
         $this->view->segmento = $get->segmento;
     if (isset($get->mecanismo) && !empty($get->mecanismo)) {
         $where['pr.Mecanismo = ?'] = $get->mecanismo;
         $this->view->mecanismo = $get->mecanismo;
     if (isset($get->uf) && !empty($get->uf)) {
         $where['uf.CodUfIbge = ?'] = $get->uf;
         $this->view->uf = $get->uf;
     if (isset($get->municipio) && !empty($get->municipio)) {
         $where['u.idMunicipio = ?'] = $get->municipio;
         $this->view->municipio = $get->municipio;
     if (isset($get->situacao) && !empty($get->situacao)) {
         $where['pr.Situacao = ?'] = $get->situacao;
         $this->view->situacao = $get->situacao;
     $where = GenericControllerNew::montaBuscaData($get, "tpDtSituacao", "dtSituacao", "pr.DtSituacao", "dtSituacao_Final", $where);
     $where = GenericControllerNew::montaBuscaData($get, "tpDtPublicacao", "dtPublicacao", "ap.DtPublicacaoAprovacao", "dtPublicacao_Final", $where);
     $where = GenericControllerNew::montaBuscaData($get, "tpDtPortaria", "dtPortaria", "ap.DtPortariaAprovacao", "dtPortaria_Final", $where);
     if (isset($get->dtInicioExec) && isset($get->dtFimExec) && !empty($get->dtInicioExec) && !empty($get->dtFimExec)) {
         $di = data::dataAmericana($get->dtInicioExec);
         $df = data::dataAmericana($get->dtFimExec);
         $where["pr.DtInicioExecucao BETWEEN '{$di}' AND '{$df}'"] = '';
         $where["pr.DtFimExecucao BETWEEN '{$di}' AND '{$df}'"] = '';
         $this->view->dtInicioExec = $get->dtInicioExec;
         $this->view->dtFimExec = $get->dtFimExec;
     if (isset($get->propRegular) && !empty($get->propRegular)) {
         $where['inab.Habilitado = ?'] = $get->propRegular;
         $this->view->propRegular = $get->propRegular;
     if (isset($get->planoAnual) && !empty($get->planoAnual)) {
         $where['p.stPlanoAnual = ?'] = $get->planoAnual;
         $this->view->planoAnual = $get->planoAnual;
     if (isset($get->datafixa) && !empty($get->datafixa)) {
         $where['p.stDataFixa = ?'] = $get->datafixa;
         $this->view->datafixa = $get->datafixa;
     $Projetos = new Projetos();
     $total = $Projetos->relatorioProjeto($where, $order, null, null, true);
     $fim = $inicio + $this->intTamPag;
     $totalPag = (int) ($total % $this->intTamPag == 0 ? $total / $this->intTamPag : $total / $this->intTamPag + 1);
     $tamanho = $fim > $total ? $total - $inicio : $this->intTamPag;
     $busca = $Projetos->relatorioProjeto($where, $order, $tamanho, $inicio);
     if (isset($get->xls) && $get->xls) {
         $colunas = 12;
         if ($campo != 12) {
         $html = '';
         $html .= '<table style="border: 1px">';
         $html .= '<tr><td style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #EAF1DD; font-size: 16; font-weight: bold;" colspan="' . $colunas . '">Relatório de Projetos - Resultado da pesquisa</td></tr>';
         $html .= '<tr><td style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #EAF1DD; font-size: 10" colspan="' . $colunas . '">Data do Arquivo: ' . Data::mostraData() . '</td></tr>';
         $html .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $colunas . '"></td></tr>';
         $html .= '<tr>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">&nbsp;</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">PRONAC</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Nome do Projeto</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Agente</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Área</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Segmento</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">UF</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Município</th>';
         if ($campo != 12) {
             $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Situação</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Vl. Solicitado</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Vl. Aprovado</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Vl. Captado</th>';
         $html .= '<th style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #9BBB59;">Habilitado</th>';
         $html .= '</tr>';
         $ds = '';
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($busca as $v) {
             if ($v->Situacao != $ds && $campo == 12) {
                 $html .= '<tr><td style="border: 1px dotted black; background-color: #EAF1DD;" colspan="12">' . $v->Situacao . ' - ' . $v->dsSituacao . '</td></tr>';
             $html .= '<tr>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $i . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->Pronac . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->NomeProjeto . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->NomeAgente . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->Area . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->Segmento . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->UfProjeto . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->Municipio . '</td>';
             if ($campo != 12) {
                 $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->Situacao . ' - ' . $v->dsSituacao . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . @number_format($v->ValorSolicitado, 2, ",", ".") . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . @number_format($v->ValorAprovado, 2, ",", ".") . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . @number_format($v->ValorCaptado, 2, ",", ".") . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td style="border: 1px dotted black;">' . $v->Habilitado . '</td>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $ds = $v->Situacao;
         $html .= '</table>';
         header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
         header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=Resultado_Relatorio_Projetos.xls;");
         echo $html;
     } else {
         $this->view->qtdRegistros = $total;
         $this->view->dados = $busca;
         $this->view->campo = $campo;
         // Desabilita o Zend Layout