function xt_showchart($params) { $width = 700; $height = 530; $chartPreview = ""; if ($params["chartPreview"]) { $chartPreview = "&chartPreview=true"; } if (isset($params["custom1"])) { $width = $params["custom1"]; } if (isset($params["custom2"])) { $height = $params["custom2"]; } if ($params["dashResize"]) { if ($params["dashWidth"] && $params["dashHeight"]) { $width = $params["dashWidth"]; $height = $params["dashHeight"]; } elseif ($params["dashWidth"]) { $height = round($height * $params["dashWidth"] / $width); $width = $params["dashWidth"]; } elseif ($params["dashHeight"]) { $width = round($width * $params["dashHeight"] / $height); $height = $params["dashHeight"]; } // adjust the chart size to fit it in the dash cell $width *= 0.95; $height *= 0.95; } elseif ($params["resize"]) { $maxWidth = 400; $maxHeight = 280; $r = $maxWidth / $maxHeight; $r2 = $width / $height; if ($width > $maxWidth || $height > $maxHeight) { if ($r2 >= $r) { // width $height = round($height * $maxWidth / $width); $width = $maxWidth; } else { $width = round($width * $maxHeight / $height); $height = $maxHeight; } } } $showDetails = isset($params["showDetails"]) ? $params["showDetails"] : true; $settings = new ProjectSettings(GetTableByShort($params["chartname"])); $refresh = $settings->getChartRefreshTime() * 1000; if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == 443) { $http = "https"; } else { $http = "http"; } ?> <div id='<?php echo $params["chartname"] . $params["id"]; ?> ' style="width:<?php echo $width; ?> px;height:<?php echo $height; ?> px"> <?php if (!$params["singlePage"]) { ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="libs/js/AnyChart.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="libs/js/AnyChartHTML5.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php global $useFlashChartLibrary; if (!$useFlashChartLibrary) { ?> var svgSupported = !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('', 'svg').createSVGRect; AnyChart.renderingType = svgSupported ? anychart.RenderingType.SVG_PREFERRED : anychart.RenderingType.FLASH_PREFERRED; <?php } else { ?> AnyChart.renderingType = anychart.RenderingType.FLASH_PREFERRED; <?php } ?> </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var chart = new AnyChart('libs/swf/AnyChart.swf','libs/swf/Preloader.swf'); chart.width = '<?php echo $width; ?> '; chart.height = '<?php echo $height; ?> '; chart.wMode='opaque'; = 'chart_' + '<?php echo $params["chartname"]; ?> '; var xmlFile = '<?php echo GetTableLink("dchartdata"); ?> ?chartname=<?php echo jsreplace($params["chartname"]) . $chartPreview; ?> '; xmlFile += '&ctype=<?php echo $params["ctype"]; ?> '; xmlFile += '&showDetails=<?php echo $showDetails; ?> '; xmlFile += '&hasFlash=' + AnyChart.platform.hasRequiredVersion; <?php if (isset($params["dash"]) && $params["dash"]) { ?> xmlFile += '&dashChart=<?php echo $params["dash"]; ?> '; <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($params["dashTName"]) && $params["dashTName"]) { ?> xmlFile += '&dashTName=<?php echo $params["dashTName"]; ?> '; xmlFile += '&dashElName=<?php echo $params["dashElementName"]; ?> '; xmlFile += '&pageId=<?php echo $params["id"]; ?> '; $.ajax( { type: "GET", url: xmlFile, dataType: "xml", success: function( xml ) { var $xml = $( xml ); Runner.updateDetailsForDashboardChart( $xml.find( "detail_master_keys" ).text(), $xml.find( "detail_page_id" ).text() ); } }); <?php } ?> chart.setXMLFile(xmlFile); chart.write('<?php echo $params["chartname"] . $params["id"]; ?> '); <?php $chartname = jsreplace($params["chartname"]); if ($params["ctype"] == "Gauge") { $refrFunction = "Runner.updateGaugeChart(\\'" . $chartname . "\\')"; } else { $refrFunction = "Runner.updateChart(\\'" . $chartname . "\\', " . ($showDetails ? "true" : "false") . ", " . ($params["dash"] ? "true" : "false") . ")"; } if (!$useFlashChartLibrary && ($params["ctype"] == "2DPie" || $params["ctype"] == "2DDoughnut" || $params["ctype"] == "Funnel" || $params["ctype"] == "OHLC" || $params["ctype"] == "Candle")) { $refresh = "0"; } if ($refresh != "0" && !isMobile()) { echo "setInterval('" . $refrFunction . "'," . $refresh . ");"; } ?> //]]> </script> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
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