예제 #1
 public function query($type, $sql, $as_object)
     if (isset($this->_config['connection']) === true) {
         $this->database = $this->_config['connection']['database'];
     $result = parent::query($type, $sql, false);
     if ($type === Database::SELECT) {
         $table = array();
         if (count($result) > 0) {
             foreach ($result->current() as $key => $data) {
                 $table[0][] = $key;
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $table[] = $row;
         } else {
             $table[] = array('No', 'rows');
         $group = Profiler::groups();
         $group = Profiler::total($group['database (default)'][$sql][0]);
         FirePHP::getInstance()->table($this->database . ' : (' . number_format($group[0], 6) . 's) ' . $sql, $table);
     } elseif ($type === Database::INSERT) {
         FirePHP::getInstance()->info($this->database . ' : Insert id: ' . $result[0] . ' Affected rows: ' . $result[1]);
     } else {
         FirePHP::getInstance()->info($this->database . ' : Affected rows: ' . $result[0]);
     return $result;
 * Smarty {report}{/report} block plugin
 * Banded Report Generator Framework
 * This is the main block for this framework and it acts as a container for the
 * rest of the {report_*} block types and handles the looping requirements of
 * the given dataset.
 * @type        block
 * @name        report
 * @version     0.1.6
 * @see         http://www.phpinsider.com/smarty-forum/viewtopic.php?t=4125
 * @author      boots < jayboots @at@ yahoo com >
 * @copyright   brainpower, boots, 2004-2005
 * @license     LGPL
 * @thanks      messju mohr, sophistry
 * @param recordset REQUIRED
 * @param record    REQUIRED
 * @param groups    default: null
 * @param resort    default: false
function smarty_block_Kohana_profiler($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat)
    static $stack = array();
    static $profiles = array();
    static $firsttime = true;
    if ($firsttime) {
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('Kohana_profiles', $profiles);
        $firsttime = false;
    if ($repeat) {
        // opening tag
        if (Kohana::$profiling) {
            $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : 'other';
            $token = Profiler::start('Smarty_rendering', $name);
        } else {
            $token = $name = '';
        // always need to do this in case the status of Kohana::$profiling is changed before closing tag
        array_push($stack, array($token, $name));
    } else {
        // closing tag
        list($token, $name) = array_pop($stack);
        if (Kohana::$profiling) {
            // array (time, mem, size)
            $total = Profiler::total($token);
            $total[2] = strlen($content);
            $total[3] = microtime(true) - KOHANA_START_TIME;
            $total[4] = memory_get_usage();
            $smarty->assign('Kohana_profiler', $total);
            if (isset($profiles[$name])) {
                $profiles[$name][0] += $total[0];
                $profiles[$name][1] += $total[1];
                $profiles[$name][2] += $total[2];
            } else {
                $profiles[$name] = $total;
        } else {
            $total = array(0, 0, strlen($content), microtime(true) - KOHANA_START_TIME, memory_get_usage());
            $smarty->assign('Kohana_profiler', $total);
        return $content;
예제 #3
  * Gets the min, max, average and total of a set of tokens as an array.
  * @param   array  profiler tokens
  * @return  array  min, max, average, total
 public static function stats(array $tokens)
     // Min and max are unknown by default
     $min = $max = array('time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL);
     // Total values are always integers
     $total = array('time' => 0, 'memory' => 0);
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         // Get the total time and memory for this benchmark
         list($time, $memory) = Profiler::total($token);
         if ($max['time'] === NULL or $time > $max['time']) {
             // Set the maximum time
             $max['time'] = $time;
         if ($min['time'] === NULL or $time < $min['time']) {
             // Set the minimum time
             $min['time'] = $time;
         // Increase the total time
         $total['time'] += $time;
         if ($max['memory'] === NULL or $memory > $max['memory']) {
             // Set the maximum memory
             $max['memory'] = $memory;
         if ($min['memory'] === NULL or $memory < $min['memory']) {
             // Set the minimum memory
             $min['memory'] = $memory;
         // Increase the total memory
         $total['memory'] += $memory;
     // Determine the number of tokens
     $count = count($tokens);
     // Determine the averages
     $average = array('time' => $total['time'] / $count, 'memory' => $total['memory'] / $count);
     return array('min' => $min, 'max' => $max, 'total' => $total, 'average' => $average);
예제 #4
 public function __destruct()
     $app = Profiler::application();
     $group = Profiler::groups();
     $table = array();
     $table[] = array('Type', 'Time (s)', 'Mem (kb)');
     foreach ($group as $rName => $route) {
         $table[] = array($rName);
         foreach ($route as $tName => $type) {
             foreach ($type as $stat) {
                 $stats = Profiler::total($stat);
                 $table[] = array($tName, number_format($stats[0], 6), number_format($stats[1] / 1024, 4));
     $this->fire->info(Session::instance()->as_array(), 'Session');
     $this->fire->group('Stats: ' . $app['count']);
     $this->fire->info('Min:	' . number_format($app['min']['time'], 6) . 's ' . number_format($app['min']['memory'] / 1024, 4) . 'kb');
     $this->fire->info('Max:	' . number_format($app['max']['time'], 6) . 's ' . number_format($app['max']['memory'] / 1024, 4) . 'kb');
     $this->fire->info('Average: ' . number_format($app['average']['time'], 6) . 's ' . number_format($app['average']['memory'] / 1024, 4) . 'kb');
     $this->fire->info('Total:	' . number_format($app['total']['time'], 6) . 's ' . number_format($app['total']['memory'] / 1024, 4) . 'kb');
     //$this->fire->table('Execution stats ('.number_format($endTime, 6).'s '.number_format($endMem, 4).'kb)', $table);
예제 #5
  * Runs Codebench on the extending class.
  * @return  array  benchmark output
 public function run()
     // Array of all methods to loop over
     $methods = array_filter(get_class_methods($this), array($this, '_method_filter'));
     // Make sure the benchmark runs at least once,
     // also if no subject data has been provided.
     if (empty($this->subjects)) {
         $this->subjects = array('NULL' => NULL);
     // Initialize benchmark output
     $codebench = array('class' => get_class($this), 'description' => $this->description, 'loops' => array('base' => (int) $this->loops, 'total' => (int) $this->loops * count($this->subjects) * count($methods)), 'subjects' => $this->subjects, 'benchmarks' => array());
     // Benchmark each method
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         // Initialize benchmark output for this method
         $codebench['benchmarks'][$method] = array('time' => 0, 'memory' => 0);
         // Using Reflection because simply calling $this->$method($subject) in the loop below
         // results in buggy benchmark times correlating to the length of the method name.
         $reflection = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($this), $method);
         // Benchmark each subject on each method
         foreach ($this->subjects as $subject_key => $subject) {
             // Prerun each method/subject combo before the actual benchmark loop.
             // This way relatively expensive initial processes won't be benchmarked, e.g. autoloading.
             // At the same time we capture the return here so we don't have to do that in the loop anymore.
             $return = $reflection->invoke($this, $subject);
             // Start the timer for one subject
             $token = Profiler::start('codebench', $method . $subject_key);
             // The heavy work
             for ($i = 0; $i < $this->loops; ++$i) {
                 $reflection->invoke($this, $subject);
             // Stop and read the timer
             $benchmark = Profiler::total($token);
             // Benchmark output specific to the current method and subject
             $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key] = array('return' => $return, 'time' => $benchmark[0], 'memory' => $benchmark[1]);
             // Update method totals
             $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time'] += $benchmark[0];
             $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory'] += $benchmark[1];
     // Initialize the fastest and slowest benchmarks for both methods and subjects, time and memory,
     // these values will be overwritten using min() and max() later on.
     // The 999999999 values look like a hack, I know, but they work,
     // unless your method runs for more than 31 years or consumes over 1GB of memory.
     $fastest_method = $fastest_subject = array('time' => 999999999, 'memory' => 999999999);
     $slowest_method = $slowest_subject = array('time' => 0, 'memory' => 0);
     // Find the fastest and slowest benchmarks, needed for the percentage calculations
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         // Update the fastest and slowest method benchmarks
         $fastest_method['time'] = min($fastest_method['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']);
         $fastest_method['memory'] = min($fastest_method['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory']);
         $slowest_method['time'] = max($slowest_method['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['time']);
         $slowest_method['memory'] = max($slowest_method['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['memory']);
         foreach ($this->subjects as $subject_key => $subject) {
             // Update the fastest and slowest subject benchmarks
             $fastest_subject['time'] = min($fastest_subject['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['time']);
             $fastest_subject['memory'] = min($fastest_subject['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['memory']);
             $slowest_subject['time'] = max($slowest_subject['time'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['time']);
             $slowest_subject['memory'] = max($slowest_subject['memory'], $codebench['benchmarks'][$method]['subjects'][$subject_key]['memory']);
     // Percentage calculations for methods
     foreach ($codebench['benchmarks'] as &$method) {
         // Calculate percentage difference relative to fastest and slowest methods
         $method['percent']['fastest']['time'] = empty($fastest_method['time']) ? 0 : $method['time'] / $fastest_method['time'] * 100;
         $method['percent']['fastest']['memory'] = empty($fastest_method['memory']) ? 0 : $method['memory'] / $fastest_method['memory'] * 100;
         $method['percent']['slowest']['time'] = empty($slowest_method['time']) ? 0 : $method['time'] / $slowest_method['time'] * 100;
         $method['percent']['slowest']['memory'] = empty($slowest_method['memory']) ? 0 : $method['memory'] / $slowest_method['memory'] * 100;
         // Assign a grade for time and memory to each method
         $method['grade']['time'] = $this->_grade($method['percent']['fastest']['time']);
         $method['grade']['memory'] = $this->_grade($method['percent']['fastest']['memory']);
         // Percentage calculations for subjects
         foreach ($method['subjects'] as &$subject) {
             // Calculate percentage difference relative to fastest and slowest subjects for this method
             $subject['percent']['fastest']['time'] = empty($fastest_subject['time']) ? 0 : $subject['time'] / $fastest_subject['time'] * 100;
             $subject['percent']['fastest']['memory'] = empty($fastest_subject['memory']) ? 0 : $subject['memory'] / $fastest_subject['memory'] * 100;
             $subject['percent']['slowest']['time'] = empty($slowest_subject['time']) ? 0 : $subject['time'] / $slowest_subject['time'] * 100;
             $subject['percent']['slowest']['memory'] = empty($slowest_subject['memory']) ? 0 : $subject['memory'] / $slowest_subject['memory'] * 100;
             // Assign a grade letter for time and memory to each subject
             $subject['grade']['time'] = $this->_grade($subject['percent']['fastest']['time']);
             $subject['grade']['memory'] = $this->_grade($subject['percent']['fastest']['memory']);
     return $codebench;
예제 #6
  * Retrieves query benchmarks from Database
  * @return  array
 public static function get_queries()
     if (self::$_queries !== FALSE) {
         return self::$_queries;
     $result = array();
     $count = $time = $memory = 0;
     $groups = Profiler::groups();
     foreach (Database::$instances as $name => $db) {
         $group_name = 'database (' . strtolower($name) . ')';
         $group = arr::get($groups, $group_name, FALSE);
         if ($group) {
             $sub_time = $sub_memory = $sub_count = 0;
             foreach ($group as $query => $tokens) {
                 $sub_count += count($tokens);
                 foreach ($tokens as $token) {
                     $total = Profiler::total($token);
                     $sub_time += $total[0];
                     $sub_memory += $total[1];
                     $result[$name][] = array('name' => $query, 'time' => $total[0], 'memory' => $total[1]);
             $count += $sub_count;
             $time += $sub_time;
             $memory += $sub_memory;
             $result[$name]['total'] = array($sub_count, $sub_time, $sub_memory);
     self::$_queries = array('count' => $count, 'time' => $time, 'memory' => $memory, 'data' => $result);
     return self::$_queries;
예제 #7
파일: Profiler.php 프로젝트: amlun/phptools
  * 返回性能统计数据
  * @param array $tokens        	
  * @return array [min, max, average, total]
  * @example $stats = Profiler::stats($tokens);
 public static function stats(array $tokens)
     $min = $max = array('time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL);
     $total = array('time' => 0, 'memory' => 0);
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         list($time, $memory) = Profiler::total($token);
         if ($max['time'] === NULL or $time > $max['time']) {
             $max['time'] = $time;
         if ($min['time'] === NULL or $time < $min['time']) {
             $min['time'] = $time;
         $total['time'] += $time;
         if ($max['memory'] === NULL or $memory > $max['memory']) {
             $max['memory'] = $memory;
         if ($min['memory'] === NULL or $memory < $min['memory']) {
             $min['memory'] = $memory;
         $total['memory'] += $memory;
     $count = count($tokens);
     $average = array('time' => $total['time'] / $count, 'memory' => $total['memory'] / $count);
     return array('min' => $min, 'max' => $max, 'total' => $total, 'average' => $average);
예제 #8
  * Retrieves query benchmarks from database
  * <code>
  * Debugger::get_database_queries()
  * </code>
  * @return  array
 public static function get_database_queries()
     if (!class_exists('Database')) {
         return array();
     if (Debugger::$_database_queries !== null) {
         return Debugger::$_database_queries;
     $result = array();
     $groups = Profiler::groups();
     foreach (Database::$instances as $name => $db) {
         $group_name = 'database (' . strtolower($name) . ')';
         $group = arr::get($groups, $group_name, false);
         if ($group) {
             $sub_time = $sub_memory = $sub_count = 0;
             foreach ($group as $query => $tokens) {
                 $sub_count += count($tokens);
                 foreach ($tokens as $token) {
                     $total = Profiler::total($token);
                     $sub_time += $total[0];
                     $sub_memory += $total[1];
                     $result[$name][] = array('name' => $query, 'time' => $total[0], 'memory' => $total[1]);
     return Debugger::$_database_queries = $result;