/** * Assign Product * * Create a Product Purchase DBO and add it to the database */ function assign_product() { // Create new ProductPurchase DBO $purchase_dbo = new ProductPurchaseDBO(); $purchase_dbo->setAccountID($this->get['account']->getID()); $purchase_dbo->setProductID($this->post['product']->getID()); $purchase_dbo->setTerm(isset($this->post['term']) ? $this->post['term']->getTermLength() : null); $purchase_dbo->setDate(DBConnection::format_datetime($this->post['date'])); $purchase_dbo->setNote($this->post['note']); // Save purchase add_ProductPurchaseDBO($purchase_dbo); // Success $this->setMessage(array("type" => "[PRODUCT_ASSIGNED]")); $this->gotoPage("accounts_view_account", null, "action=products&account=" . $this->get['account']->getID()); }
/** * Load multiple ProductPurchaseDBO's from database * * @param string $filter A WHERE clause * @param string $sortby Field name to sort results by * @param string $sortdir Direction to sort in (ASEC or DESC) * @param int $limit Limit the number of results * @param int $start Record number to start the results at * @return array Array of ProdutPurchaseDBO's */ function &load_array_ProductPurchaseDBO($filter = null, $sortby = null, $sortdir = null, $limit = null, $start = null) { $DB = DBConnection::getDBConnection(); // Build query $sql = $DB->build_select_sql("productpurchase", "*", $filter, $sortby, $sortdir, $limit, $start); // Run query if (!($result = @mysql_query($sql, $DB->handle()))) { // Query error throw new DBException(mysql_error($DB->handle())); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { // No services found throw new DBNoRowsFoundException(); } // Build an array of DBOs from the result set $dbo_array = array(); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Create and initialize a new DBO with the data from the DB $dbo = new ProductPurchaseDBO(); $dbo->load($data); // Add HostingServiceDBO to array $dbo_array[] = $dbo; } return $dbo_array; }