$class_sp = new jng_sp();
$class_pm = new products_minierp();
$timestamp_new_orders_checker = strtotime('-2 days');
$jg_counter = 0;
$sp_counter = 0;
$q = "SELECT * FROM ((" . " SELECT" . "     0 AS jng_sp_id," . "     op.orders_products_id AS item_id," . "     o.date_purchased AS order_date," . "     op.products_id," . "     op.products_model AS products_code," . "     op.material_expenses AS item_matexp," . "     op.cogs AS item_cogs," . "     p.material_expenses" . " FROM orders o" . " INNER JOIN orders_products op ON op.orders_id = o.orders_id" . " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id = op.products_id" . " WHERE (op.material_expenses = 0 OR op.cogs = 0)" . " AND op.orders_products_id > 0" . " AND p.material_expenses > 0" . ") UNION ALL (" . " SELECT" . "     jo.jng_sp_id," . "     joi.jng_sp_orders_items_id AS item_id," . "     jo.order_date," . "     joi.products_id," . "     joi.article_number AS products_code," . "     joi.material_expenses AS item_matexp," . "     joi.cogs AS item_cogs," . "     p.material_expenses" . " FROM jng_sp_orders jo" . " INNER JOIN jng_sp_orders_items joi ON joi.jng_sp_orders_id = jo.jng_sp_orders_id" . " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id = joi.products_id" . " WHERE (joi.material_expenses = 0 OR joi.cogs = 0)" . " AND joi.jng_sp_orders_items_id > 0" . " )) temp_table" . " ORDER BY item_id";
//" LIMIT 10000";
$r = tep_db_query($q);
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
    $order_date_timestamp = strtotime($row['order_date']);
    $p = new Product($row['products_id']);
    //By default we will always use the current material expense and cogs
    //it needs to be converted to local currency
    $matexp = convertCurrency($row['material_expenses'], CURRENCY_CODE_EURO, CURRENCY_DEFAULT);
    $cogs = $p->getProductCOGSValue();
    if ($order_date_timestamp < $timestamp_new_orders_checker) {
        $matexp = Product::getClosestMaterialExpensesOnSpecificDate($row['products_id'], $row['order_date'], $matexp);
        $cogs = Product::getClosestCOGSOnSpecificDate($row['products_id'], $row['order_date'], $cogs);
    //echo $row['jng_sp_id'] . ' - ' . $row['item_id'] . ' - ' .
    //$row['products_code'] . ' - ' . $matexp;
    if ($matexp > 0 && $cogs > 0) {
        $sda = array();
        if ($row['item_matexp'] == 0) {
            $sda['material_expenses'] = $matexp;
        if ($row['item_cogs'] == 0) {
            $sda['cogs'] = $cogs;
        if ($row['jng_sp_id'] > 0) {
예제 #2
 $content .= '<h3>Sales</h3>';
 $content .= $obj_product->displayRecentSoldTable();
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '<div class="tac smallText notice">Inclucing J&G and all SP<br />Excluding Cancels</div>';
 $content .= '<div class="tac" style="margin-top:20px;">';
 $content .= '<h3>Availability</h3>';
 $content .= '<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
 $content .= '<tr><td class="tal">Depot Stock</td><td>=</td><td class="tar">' . $depot_stock . '</td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td class="tal">Refill Orders</td><td>=</td><td class="tar">' . $depot_refill . '</td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td class="tal">Elements</td><td>=</td><td class="tar">' . $elements_status . '</td></tr>';
 $content .= '</table>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '<div class="tac smallText notice">Depot and Refill for all Lengths<br />Elements based on default length only</div>';
 $content .= '<div class="tac" style="margin-top:20px;">';
 $content .= '<div id="cogs-table">' . $obj_product->getProductCOGSObject()->drawDetailTable() . '</div>';
 $cogs = $obj_product->getProductCOGSValue();
 $content .= '<div>' . '<span id="cogs-manual-form" style="display:none;">' . '<input type="text" id="cogs-manual-input" value="' . $cogs . '" class="w100 tac" />' . '<br /><span class="notice">Set to 0 to use auto calculation</span>' . '</span>' . '<input type="button" id="cogs-manual-set" value="Set COGS Manually" />' . '</div>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $style_margin_left = 'margin-left:' . (IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_3 + 60) . 'px;';
 $content .= '<div id="main-form" style="width:600px;' . $style_margin_left . '">';
 $content .= '<form name="update_product" action="?open=product-detail&amp;products_id=' . $products_id . '" method="post">';
 $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="UPDATEPRODUCTINFO" />';
 $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="products_id" value="' . $products_id . '" />';
 $content .= '<div><table class="main w900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">';
 $content .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><h2 style="margin:0;">' . $obj_product->getName('2') . '</h2></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr>';
 $content .= '<td class="w200">TOP Category</td>';
예제 #3
  * For handling submitted POST
  * @global array $session_userinfo
  * @param array $post_vars
 public function postProcess($post_vars)
     global $session_userinfo;
     $result = array();
     if ($post_vars['me_action'] == 'SEARCH') {
         $type = $post_vars['type'];
         $jng_sp_id = $post_vars['jng_sp_id'];
         //another strange case, in live datepicker filter is always given as \'datevalue\' instead of 'datevalue'
         //still cant find the root cause (and it's ok in local dev), so for quickwin workaround we simple replace
         //the \' value into ' with below update (sahat 11.02.2014)
         //$post_filters = explode("|", $post_vars['post_filters']);
         $post_filters = explode("|", str_replace('\\\'', "'", $post_vars['post_filters']));
         $post_sorts = explode("|", $post_vars['post_sorts']);
         $filters = array();
         foreach ($post_filters as $f) {
             $f_temp = explode('-', $f);
             $field = $f_temp[0];
             $value = implode('-', $f_temp);
             //explode to array for input on field $multivalue_fields which allowed multivalue separated by $multivalue_separator
             if (in_array($field, $this->multivalue_fields)) {
                 $mv_temp = explode(current($this->multivalue_separator), $value);
                 if (is_array($mv_temp) && $mv_temp > 0) {
                     foreach ($mv_temp as $mv) {
                         $mv = trim($mv);
                         if (!isset($filters[$field]) || !in_array($mv, $filters[$field])) {
                             $filters[$field][] = $mv;
                 } else {
                     $filters[$field][] = $value;
             } else {
                 $filters[$field][] = $value;
         $sorts = array();
         foreach ($post_sorts as $s) {
             list($field, $value) = explode("-", $s);
             $sorts[$field][] = $value;
         $query = $this->constructQuery($jng_sp_id, $filters, $sorts);
         $dbq = tep_db_query($query);
         $result = '';
         $products_ids = array();
         $total_stock = 0;
         $total_stock_value = 0;
         $total_margin = 0;
         $total_sold = 0;
         $total_rets = 0;
         $total_sales = 0;
         $total_vc = 0;
         $total_sold_l30d = 0;
         $total_sold_l60d = 0;
         $total_sold_l90d = 0;
         $total_sales_l30d = 0;
         $total_sales_l60d = 0;
         $total_sales_l90d = 0;
         $display_spot = '';
         while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq)) {
             $products_ids[] = $r['products_id'];
             $total_stock += $r['hh_stock'];
             $total_stock_value += $r['hh_stock_value'];
             $total_margin += $r['margin'];
             $total_sold += $r['total_sold'];
             $total_rets += $r['total_returned'];
             $total_sales += $r['total_sales'];
             $vc += $r['vc_now'];
             //$total_vc += $r['total_vc'];
             $total_vc += $r['vc_total'];
             $total_sold_l30d += $r['sold_monthly_1'];
             $total_sold_l60d += $r['sold_monthly_2'];
             $total_sold_l90d += $r['sold_monthly_3'];
             $total_sales_l30d += $r['sales_monthly_1'];
             $total_sales_l60d += $r['sales_monthly_2'];
             $total_sales_l90d += $r['sales_monthly_3'];
         $jng_nodata = '<span class="notice">N/A&nbsp;for&nbsp;J&amp;G</span>';
         $returned_rate = number_format($total_sold > 0 ? $total_rets / $total_sold * 100 : 0, 1);
         $n_products_ids = count($products_ids);
         $result['type'] = $type;
         $result['spid'] = $jng_sp_id;
         $result['avg_margin'] = ($n_products_ids > 0 ? number_format($total_margin / $n_products_ids, 1) : 0) . '%';
         $result['total'] = $n_products_ids;
         $result['total_stock'] = $total_stock;
         $result['total_stock_value'] = displayCurrency(CURRENCY_DEFAULT, convertCurrency($total_stock_value, CURRENCY_CODE_EURO, CURRENCY_DEFAULT));
         $result['total_sold'] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $total_sold;
         $result['total_rets'] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $total_rets . " ({$returned_rate}%)";
         $result['total_sales'] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $total_sales);
         $result['vc'] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : number_format($vc, 2);
         //$result['total_vc'] = number_format($total_vc, 2);
         $result['vc_total'] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : number_format($total_vc, 2);
         $result['total_sales_l30d'] = displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $total_sales_l30d);
         $result['total_sales_l60d'] = displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $total_sales_l60d);
         $result['total_sales_l90d'] = displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $total_sales_l90d);
         $result['total_sold_l30d'] = $total_sold_l30d;
         $result['total_sold_l60d'] = $total_sold_l60d;
         $result['total_sold_l90d'] = $total_sold_l90d;
         $result['products_ids'] = implode(',', $products_ids);
     } elseif ($post_vars['me_action'] == 'DISPLAY') {
         $class_pm = new products_minierp();
         $class_mu = new minierp_users();
         $jng_sp_id = $post_vars['jng_sp_id'];
         $type = $post_vars['type'];
         $products_id = $post_vars['products_id'];
         $is_killed = $post_vars['is_killed'];
         $is_sp_not_yet_added = $post_vars['is_sp_not_yet_added'];
         $added_post_vars = array('is_killed' => $is_killed, 'is_sp_not_yet_added' => $is_sp_not_yet_added);
         $display_type = $post_vars['display_type'];
         $row_number = $post_vars['row_number'];
         $showing_id = $post_vars['showing_id'];
         $obj_product = new Product($products_id);
         $display_res = $this->retrieveDataForDisplay($jng_sp_id, $products_id, $added_post_vars, $display_type);
         $res = $display_res[0];
         $img_size = $display_type == 'thumbnail' ? IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_2 : IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1;
         if (in_array($jng_sp_id, $this->sp_use_pure_image)) {
         } else {
             if (in_array($jng_sp_id, $this->sp_use_clear_image)) {
         //$products_image = webImageWithDetailLinkStars($image_used, $img_size, $img_size, 'Product '.$products_id, 'img-border', 'View Larger Image', IMAGE_SIZE_BIG_1, '', $res['stars'], 3, '', '', $res['products_brand_id']);
         $products_image = $obj_product->displayImage($img_size, $img_size);
         $position_padding = $display_type == 'thumbnail' ? '2px 0 0 15px;' : '';
         $products_image = webImageAddPosition($row_number, $products_image, $position_padding);
         $products_complexity = productComplexityName($res['complexity']);
         $products_stars = drawStars($res['stars']);
         $products_is_watched = $class_mu->isOnWatchlist($session_userinfo['id'], $products_id);
         $resultsdt = array();
         if ($display_type == 'table' || $type == 'displaytooltip') {
             if ($type == 'thumbnail_tooltip') {
                 //HTML Version result
                 $sales_partner_id = $jng_sp_id == 'allsp' ? '0' : $jng_sp_id;
                 //TODO: seperate B2C and B2b calculation, or even better is if
                 //      we can calculate it by the object directly
                 $price = $obj_product->getPriceSelling($sales_partner_id);
                 $net_price = Product::calculateNetPrice($price, VAT);
                 $cogs = $obj_product->getProductCOGSValue();
                 $profit = Product::calculateProfit($net_price, $cogs);
                 $margin = Product::calculateMargin($profit, $net_price);
                 $jng_nodata = '<span class="notice">N/A for J&amp;G</span>';
                 $infos = array();
                 $infos[] = $obj_product->displayIDAndCode();
                 $infos[] = $res['products_name'];
                 if ($res['hh_stock'] > 0) {
                     $infos[] = '<strong class="green">Depot Stock = ' . $res['hh_stock'] . '</strong>';
                 } else {
                     $infos[] = '<strong>Depot Stock = 0</strong>';
                 $infos[] = 'Complexity = ' . $products_complexity;
                 if ($res['sample_created'] == '1') {
                     $infos[] = '<span class="green">Sample order created</span>';
                 } else {
                     $infos[] = '<span class="notice">No sample order created</span>';
                 if ($jng_sp_id == '0') {
                     $total_sold = $jng_nodata;
                     $return_info = $jng_nodata;
                     $qty_sold = $jng_nodata;
                 } else {
                     $returned_rate = number_format($res['returned_rate'], 1);
                     $sales_monthly = number_format($res['sales_monthly'], 1);
                     $sales_weekly = number_format($res['sales_weekly'], 1);
                     $total_sold = $res['total_sold'];
                     $return_info = $res['total_returned'] . ' (' . $returned_rate . '%)';
                     $qty_sold = "per Week: {$sales_weekly} &sdot; per Month: {$sales_monthly}";
                 $tooltip = '<div class="draw-table"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="o"><td class="w200 bold">Brand</td><td class="w300 bold">' . $res['brand_name'] . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="e"><td>Info</td><td>&bull; ' . implode('<br />&bull; ', $infos) . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="o"><td>Price Preview</td><td>' . $obj_product->displayPricePreview($sales_partner_id) . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="e"><td>Margin in %</td><td>' . $obj_product->displayMargin($price, $margin) . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="o"><td>Age JG (finalized)</td><td>' . $res['jng_products_age'] . ' days</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="e"><td>Age (selected SP filter)</td><td>' . $res['products_age'] . ' days</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="o"><td>Total Sold (excl. JG)</td><td>' . $total_sold . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="e"><td>Total Returns (excl. JG)</td><td>' . $return_info . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="o"><td>Pieces Sold</td><td>' . str_replace('align="center"', 'align="left"', $obj_product->displayRecentSoldTable()) . '</div></td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '<tr class="e"><td>Qty. Sold (excl. JG)</td><td>' . $qty_sold . '</td></tr>';
                 $tooltip .= '</table></div>';
                 $ajaxResult = array();
                 $ajaxResult['type'] = $type;
                 $ajaxResult['spid'] = $jng_sp_id;
                 $ajaxResult['products_id'] = $products_id;
                 $ajaxResult['tooltip'] = $tooltip;
                 $ajaxResult['rownumber'] = $row_number;
                 $ajaxResult['showingid'] = $showing_id;
             } else {
                 $sales_partner_id = $jng_sp_id == 'allsp' ? '0' : $jng_sp_id;
                 $price = $obj_product->getPriceSelling($sales_partner_id);
                 $net_price = Product::calculateNetPrice($price, VAT);
                 $cogs = $obj_product->getProductCOGSValue();
                 $profit = Product::calculateProfit($net_price, $cogs);
                 $margin = Product::calculateMargin($profit, $net_price);
                 $material_expenses = displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, convertCurrency($res['material_expenses'], 'EUR', DEFAULT_CURRENCY), false);
                 $products_price = displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $res['products_price'], false);
                 $products_price_old = displayCurrency(DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $res['products_price_old'], false);
                 $products_created = date('d-M-Y', strtotime($res['products_date_added']));
                 $vc_now = number_format($res['vc_now'], 2);
                 $total_vc = number_format($res['vc_total'], 2);
                 $vc_percent = number_format($res['vc_percent'], 1);
                 //$margin = $res['margin'];
                 //$margin = '<span class="'.(($class_pm->priceMargindIsGood($res['products_price'], $margin)) ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' .
                 //    number_format($margin, 1) . '%</span>';
                 $margin = $obj_product->displayMargin($price, $margin);
                 $returned_rate = number_format($res['returned_rate'], 1);
                 $discount = number_format($res['products_discount'], 2);
                 $total_sales = number_format($res['total_sales'], 2);
                 $sales_monthly = number_format($res['sales_monthly'], 1);
                 $sales_weekly = number_format($res['sales_weekly'], 1);
                 $jng_nodata = '<span class="notice">N/A' . ($type == 'displaytooltip' ? '&nbsp;' : '<br />') . 'for&nbsp;J&amp;G</span>';
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_image;
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_id;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['products_model'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['products_name'];
                 //$resultsdt[] = $class_pm->displayProductName($products_id);
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_price_old;
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_price;
                 $resultsdt[] = $discount;
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $vc_now;
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $vc_percent;
                 $resultsdt[] = $margin;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['products_age'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $res['total_sold'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $total_vc;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['total_returned'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $returned_rate;
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $total_sales;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['sold_monthly_1'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['sold_monthly_2'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['sold_monthly_3'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $sales_weekly;
                 $resultsdt[] = $jng_sp_id == '0' ? $jng_nodata : $sales_monthly;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['brand_name'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['kill_status'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_created;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['hh_stock'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_complexity;
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_stars;
                 $resultsdt[] = $products_is_watched;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['sample_created'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['jng_products_age'];
                 $resultsdt[] = $material_expenses;
                 $resultsdt[] = $res['products_length'];
         } elseif ($display_type == 'thumbnail') {
             $resultsdt[] = $products_image;
             $resultsdt[] = $products_id;
             $resultsdt[] = $res['products_model'];
             $resultsdt[] = $products_stars;
             $resultsdt[] = $products_is_watched;
             $resultsdt[] = $res['sample_created'];
         $result['type'] = $type;
         $result['spid'] = $jng_sp_id;
         $result['result'] = implode($this->result_separator, $resultsdt);
         $result['rownumber'] = $row_number;
         $result['showingid'] = $showing_id;
예제 #4
function drawProductPriceTable(Product $product, $message = '')
    global $class_sp;
    //$supported_sp = array('2', '5', '7', '8');
    //$sp_filer = 'jng_sp_id IN ('.implode(',', $supported_sp).') AND ';
    $show_jng = !SERVER_IS_LOCAL;
    $sp_b2c = $class_sp->retrieveList('use_amvd_logistic = 0');
    $sp_b2b = $class_sp->retrieveList('use_amvd_logistic = 1');
    $total_sp_b2c = count($sp_b2c);
    if ($show_jng) {
        $total_sp_b2c += 1;
    $total_sp_b2b = count($sp_b2b);
    $result = '<div id="price-pid-' . $product->id . '" class="product" ' . 'style="clear:left;float:left;margin-bottom:20px;">' . '<div class="draw-table">' . '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr>' . '<th rowspan="2">Product</th>' . '<th colspan="2">Info</th>' . '<th colspan="' . $total_sp_b2c . '">B2C</th>';
    foreach ($sp_b2b as $sp) {
        if ($product->isAddedToSalesPartner($sp['jng_sp_id'])) {
            $btn_addto_catalog = '';
        } else {
            $btn_addto_catalog = '<div style="float:right;"><input ' . 'type="button" class="addtocat" value="add" /></div>';
        $result .= '<th colspan="2">B2B - ' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</th>';
        $result .= '<th colspan="2"><div>B2B - ' . 
            $sp['package_prefix'].'</div>' . $btn_addto_catalog . '</th>';
    $result .= $b2b . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<th>Name</th>' . '<th class="bold">DEFAULT</th>';
    if ($show_jng) {
        $result .= '<th>JG.DE</th>';
    foreach ($sp_b2c as $sp) {
        $result .= '<th>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</th>';
    foreach ($sp_b2b as $sp) {
        $result .= '<th>No Discount</th>';
        $result .= '<th>Discount</th>';
    $jng_id = '0';
    $cogs = $product->getProductCOGSValue();
    $price_uvp = $product->getPriceUVP();
    $price_uvp_text = displayCurrency(CURRENCY_DEFAULT, $price_uvp, false, 2);
    $price_default = $product->getPriceDefault();
    $price_default_text = displayCurrency(CURRENCY_DEFAULT, $price_default, false, 2);
    $price_jng = $product->getPriceSelling($jng_id);
    $price_options = array('Show Discount', 'Hide Discount');
    //, 'No Discount');
    $price_options_combo = '<select name="price_option" style="display:none;">' . '%s</select><span class="notice price_option_none" style="display:none;">' . 'No Discount</span>';
    $price_option_jng = loadComboListFromArray($price_options, null, $product->isPriceSellingUsingDiscount($jng_id) ? 0 : 1, false);
    $sp_type_default = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_type" value="DEF" />';
    $sp_type_b2c = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_type" value="B2C" />';
    $sp_type_b2b_nodisc = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_type" value="B2B-ND" />';
    $sp_type_b2b_disc = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_type" value="B2B-D" />';
    $sp_id_jng = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_id" value="0" />';
    if (SERVER_IS_LOCAL) {
        $class_add = ' readonly';
        $editable = ' readonly="readonly"';
    } else {
        $class_add = '';
        $editable = '';
    $result .= '</tr>' . '<tr class="o">' . '<td class="w200 tac"><div>' . $product->displayImage(IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_2, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_2_PORTRAIT) . '</div>' . '<div>' . $product->displayIDAndCode() . '</div>' . '</td>' . '<td class="w150">' . '<div class="cr cr-status">Status</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-uvp">UVP</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-sp">Selling Price</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor">Factor</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc">Discount</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option">Price Option</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview">Price Preview</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs">COGS</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit">Profit</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin">Margin</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium">Premium</div>' . '</td>' . '<td class="w100 tac">' . '<input type="hidden" name="cogs" value="' . $cogs . '" />' . '<div class="cr cr-status notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-uvp"><input type="text" name="price-uvp-default" class="w080 tac' . $class_add . '" value="' . $price_uvp . '"' . $editable . ' /></div>' . '<div class="cr cr-sp"><input type="text" name="price-default" class="w080 tac' . $class_add . '" value="' . $price_default . '"' . $editable . ' />' . $sp_type_default . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs">' . $cogs . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium">&nbsp;</div>' . '</td>';
    if ($show_jng) {
        //COLUMN J&G
        $result .= '<td class="w100 tac">' . '<div class="cr cr-status">' . $product->displayActiveStatusIcon($jng_id) . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-uvp"><input type="text" name="price-uvp" class="w080 tac b2c readonly" value="' . $price_uvp . '" readonly="readonly" />' . $sp_type_b2c . $sp_id_jng . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-sp"><input type="text" name="price-selling" class="w080 tac b2c" value="' . $price_jng . '" />' . $sp_type_b2c . $sp_id_jng . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option">' . sprintf($price_options_combo, $price_option_jng) . $sp_id_jng . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs notice">' . $cogs . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium">&nbsp;</div>' . '</td>';
    foreach ($sp_b2c as $sp) {
        $result .= '<td class="w100 tac">';
        $result .= '<div class="cr cr-status">' . $product->displayActiveStatusIcon($sp['jng_sp_id']) . '</div>';
        if ($product->isAddedToSalesPartner($sp['jng_sp_id'])) {
            $sp_id = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_id" value="' . $sp['jng_sp_id'] . '" />';
            $price_selling_old = $product->getPriceSellingOld($sp['jng_sp_id']);
            $price_selling = $product->getPriceSelling($sp['jng_sp_id']);
            $price_option_sp = loadComboListFromArray($price_options, null, $product->isPriceSellingUsingDiscount($sp['jng_sp_id']) ? 0 : 1, false);
            if (SERVER_IS_LOCAL) {
                $price_uvp_sp = $price_selling_old > 0 ? $price_selling_old : $price_selling;
                $sp_uvp_class = '';
                $sp_uvp_dis = '';
            } else {
                $price_uvp_sp = $price_uvp;
                $sp_uvp_class = ' readonly';
                $sp_uvp_dis = ' readonly="readonly"';
            $result .= '<div class="cr cr-uvp">' . '<input type="text" name="price-uvp" class="w080 tac b2c' . $sp_uvp_class . '"' . ' value="' . $price_uvp_sp . '" ' . $sp_uvp_dis . ' />' . $sp_id . '</div>';
            $result .= '<div class="cr cr-sp"><input type="text" name="price-selling" class="w080 tac b2c" value="' . $price_selling . '" />' . $sp_type_b2c . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option">' . sprintf($price_options_combo, $price_option_sp) . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs notice">' . $cogs . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium">&nbsp;</div>';
        } else {
            //                $result .= '<span class="red">Not<br />added<br />yet to' .
            //                    '<br />catalog</span><br /><br /><input type="button" ' .
            //                    'value="Add Now" title="Click here to add product now '.
            //                    'to this Sales Partner Catalog" />';
            $result .= '<div class="cr cr-uvp notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-sp notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview notice">Not Added to Catalog</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium notice">-</div>';
        $result .= '</td>';
    //2 COLUMNS PER SP (B2B)
    foreach ($sp_b2b as $sp) {
        $status = $product->displayActiveStatusIcon($sp['jng_sp_id']);
        $status_nodisc = '&nbsp;';
        $status_disc = '&nbsp;';
        $sp_id = '<input type="hidden" name="sp_id" value="' . $sp['jng_sp_id'] . '" />';
        $b2b_disc_status_checked = '';
        $b2b_disc_disabled = '';
        $default_discount = 0.5;
        $selling_price_notsaved_title = '';
        $selling_price_notsaved_class = '';
        if ($product->isAddedToSalesPartner($sp['jng_sp_id'])) {
            $price_selling = $product->getPriceSelling($sp['jng_sp_id']);
            $price_selling_old = $product->getPriceSellingOld($sp['jng_sp_id']);
            if ($price_selling_old == 0) {
                $status_nodisc = $status;
                $price_selling_old = $price_selling;
                $price_selling = round((1 - $default_discount) * $price_selling_old, 2);
            } else {
                $status_disc = $status;
                $b2b_disc_status_checked = ' checked="checked"';
        } else {
            $status_nodisc = $status;
            $status_disc = $status;
            $price_selling_old = $product->getPriceSellingDefaultB2B($price_uvp, $sp['jng_sp_id']);
            $price_selling = round((1 - $default_discount) * $price_selling_old, 2);
            $b2b_disc_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
            $selling_price_notsaved_title = ' title="Value is for simulation only and can not be saved because this product is not added to SP catalog"';
            $selling_price_notsaved_class = ' notice';
        $b2b_ds_cb_id = 'po-' . $product->id . '-' . $sp['jng_sp_id'];
        $b2b_disc_status = '<input id="' . $b2b_ds_cb_id . '" type="checkbox" name="price_option"' . $b2b_disc_status_checked . $b2b_disc_disabled . ' /> <label for="' . $b2b_ds_cb_id . '">Active</label>';
        $price_selling_id = 'ps-' . $product->id . '-' . $sp['jng_sp_id'];
        $result .= '<td class="w100 tac">' . '<div class="cr cr-status">' . $status_nodisc . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-uvp">' . '<input type="text" name="price-uvp" class="w080 tac b2c readonly"' . ' value="' . $price_uvp . '" readonly="readonly" />' . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-sp"><input id="' . $price_selling_id . '-old" type="text" name="price-selling" class="w080 tac b2b-nd' . $selling_price_notsaved_class . '"' . $selling_price_notsaved_title . ' value="' . $price_selling_old . '" />' . $sp_type_b2b_nodisc . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option notice">-</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs notice">' . $cogs . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium">&nbsp;</div>' . '</td>' . '<td class="w100 tac">' . '<div class="cr cr-status">' . $status_disc . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-uvp">' . '<input type="text" name="price-uvp" class="w080 tac b2c readonly"' . ' value="' . $price_uvp . '" readonly="readonly" />' . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-sp"><input id="' . $price_selling_id . '" type="text" name="price-selling" class="w080 tac b2b-d' . $selling_price_notsaved_class . '"' . $selling_price_notsaved_title . ' value="' . $price_selling . '" />' . $sp_type_b2b_disc . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-factor">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-disc">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-option">' . $b2b_disc_status . $sp_id . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-preview">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-cogs notice">' . $cogs . '</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-profit">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-margin">&nbsp;</div>' . '<div class="cr cr-premium">&nbsp;</div>' . '</td>';
    $result .= '</tr></table></div>';
    $message_block = '';
    $button_style = '';
    if ($message != '') {
        $button_style = ' style="display:none;"';
        $message_block .= '<h3 class="green">' . $message . '</h3>';
    $result .= '<div class="tar" style="margin-top:5px;"><input type="button"' . ' class="w400 button" name="save-price" value="Save Product Price" ' . $button_style . '/>' . $message_block . '</div>' . '</div>';
    return $result;
예제 #5
 function updateMargin($products_id)
     $product = new Product($products_id);
     $price = $product->getPriceDefault();
     $net_price = Product::calculateNetPrice($price, VAT);
     $cogs = $product->getProductCOGSValue();
     $profit = Product::calculateProfit($net_price, $cogs);
     $margin = Product::calculateMargin($profit, $net_price);
     $margin_is_good = $this->priceMargindIsGood($price, $margin) ? '1' : '0';
     $sda = array();
     $sda['price_margin'] = $margin;
     $sda['price_margin_is_good'] = $margin_is_good;
     tep_db_perform('products', $sda, 'update', "products_id={$products_id}");