     * Saves the animated gif.
     * @access public
     * @author Oliver Lillie
     * @param  string $save_path The path to save the animated gif to.
     * @return PHPVideoToolkit\Image Returns a new instance of PHPVideoToolkit\Image with the new animated gif as the src.
     * @throws PHPVideoToolkit\AnimatedGifException If the convert process encounters an error.
    public function save($save_path)
        $save_path = parent::save($save_path);
        //          build the gifsicle process
        $process = new ProcessBuilder('convert', $this->_config);
        //          set the frame duration
        $process->add('-delay')->add($this->_frame_delay * 100);
        $process->add('-loop')->add($this->_loop_count === AnimatedGif::UNLIMITED_LOOPS ? '0' : $this->_loop_count + 1);
        //          add in all the frames
        foreach ($this->_frames as $path) {
        if ($this->_config->gif_transcoder_convert_use_dither === true) {
        if ($this->_config->gif_transcoder_convert_use_coalesce === true) {
        if ($this->_config->gif_transcoder_convert_use_map === true) {
        //          add the output path
        //          execute the process.
        $exec = $process->getExecBuffer();
        //          check for any gifsicle errors
        if ($exec->hasError() === true) {
            throw new AnimatedGifException('AnimatedGif save using `convert` "' . $save_path . '" failed. Any additional convert message follows: 
' . $exec->getBuffer());
        return new Image($save_path, $this->_config);
예제 #2
     * Specifically for creating fast starting files.
     * however it can also be used as a standalone function call from the H264Format object.
     * @access public
     * @author Oliver Lillie
     * @param Media $media 
     * @return Media
    public function postProcessFastStart(Media $media)
        // TODO possibly look at setting -movflags faststart options on ffmpeg instead of this.
        //			set the yamdi input and output options.
        $output = $media->getMediaPath();
        $temp_output = $output . '.qtfaststart.' . pathinfo($output, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        //			build the qtfaststart process
        $qtfaststart_process = new ProcessBuilder('qtfaststart', $this->_config);
        $exec = $qtfaststart_process->add($output)->add($temp_output)->getExecBuffer();
        //			execute the process.
        //			check for any qt-faststart errors
        if ($exec->hasError() === true) {
            if (is_file($temp_output) === true) {
            if ($this->_enforce_qt_faststart_success === true) {
                throw new FfmpegProcessPostProcessException('qt-faststart post processing of "' . $output . '" failed. The output file has been removed. Any additional qt-faststart message follows: 
' . $exec->getExecutedCommand() . '
' . $exec->getBuffer());
            // TODO, log or exception not sure as the original file is ok.
        } else {
            //				nope everything went ok. so delete ffmpeg file, and then rename yamdi file to that of the original.
            rename($temp_output, $output);
        return $media;
  * Overrides WordlessPreprocessor::process_file()
 protected function process_file($file_path, $result_path, $temp_path)
     // On cache miss, we build the JS file from scratch
     $pb = new ProcessBuilder(array($this->preference("sprockets.ruby_path"), Wordless::join_paths(dirname(__FILE__), "sprockets_preprocessor.rb")));
     // Fix for MAMP environments, see http://goo.gl/S5KFe for details
     $pb->setEnv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", "");
     $proc = $pb->getProcess();
     $code = $proc->run();
     if ($code != 0) {
     return $proc->getOutput();
     * Saves the animated gif.
     * @access public
     * @author Oliver Lillie
     * @param string $save_path
     * @param float $frame_delay The delay of each frame.
     * @return Image
    public function save($save_path, $frame_delay = 0.1)
        parent::save($save_path, $frame_delay);
        //			build the gifsicle process
        $process = new ProcessBuilder('convert', $this->_config);
        //			set the frame duration
        $process->add('-delay')->add($frame_delay * 100);
        $process->add('-loop')->add($this->_loop_count === AnimatedGif::UNLIMITED_LOOPS ? '0' : $this->_loop_count + 1);
        //			add in all the frames
        foreach ($this->_frames as $path) {
        //			add the output path
        //			execute the process.
        $exec = $process->getExecBuffer();
        //			check for any gifsicle errors
        if ($exec->hasError() === true) {
            throw new FfmpegProcessPostProcessException('AnimatedGif save using `convert` "' . $save_path . '" failed. Any additional convert message follows: 
' . $exec->getBuffer());
        return new Image($save_path, $this->_config);
예제 #5
  * Overrides WordlessPreprocessor::process_file()
 protected function process_file($file_path, $temp_path)
     // On cache miss, we build the JS file from scratch
     $pb = new ProcessBuilder(array($this->preference("js.ruby_path"), Wordless::join_paths(dirname(__FILE__), "sprockets_preprocessor.rb"), "compile"));
     // Fix for MAMP environments, see http://goo.gl/S5KFe for details
     $pb->setEnv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", "");
     if ($this->preference("js.yui_compress")) {
     if ($this->preference("js.yui_munge")) {
     $proc = $pb->getProcess();
     $code = $proc->run();
     if ($code != 0) {
         throw new WordlessCompileException("Failed to run the following command: " . $proc->getCommandLine(), $proc->getErrorOutput());
     return $proc->getOutput();
예제 #6
     * Specifically for authomatic post processing of FLV output to inject metadata,
     * however it can also be used as a standalone function call from the FLVFormat object.
     * @access public
     * @author Oliver Lillie
     * @param Media $media 
     * @return Media
    public function postProcessMetaData(Media $media)
        //			set the yamdi input and output options.
        $output = $media->getMediaPath();
        $temp_output = $output . '.yamdi.flv';
        //			build the yamdi process
        $yamdi_process = new ProcessBuilder('yamdi', $this->_config);
        $exec = $yamdi_process->add('-i')->add($output)->add('-o')->add($temp_output)->add('-s')->add('-k')->getExecBuffer();
        //			execute the process.
        //			check for any yamdi errors
        if ($exec->hasError() === true) {
            if (is_file($temp_output) === true) {
            if ($this->_enforce_meta_data_success === true) {
                throw new FfmpegProcessPostProcessException('Yamdi post processing of "' . $output . '" failed. The output file has been removed. Any additional Yamdi message follows: 
' . $exec->getBuffer());
            // TODO, log or exception not sure as the original file is ok.
        } else {
            //				nope everything went ok. so delete ffmpeg file, and then rename yamdi file to that of the original.
            rename($temp_output, $output);
        return $media;
  * Process a file, executing Compass executable.
  * Execute the Compass executable, overriding the no-op function inside
  * WordlessPreprocessor.
 protected function process_file($file_path, $temp_path)
     // On cache miss, we build the file from scratch
     $pb = new ProcessBuilder(array($this->preference("css.compass_path"), 'compile', $temp_path));
     $config = array("http_path" => "./", "http_images_dir" => "../images", "images_dir" => "../assets/images", "http_fonts_dir" => "../fonts", "fonts_dir" => "../assets/fonts", "css_path" => $temp_path, "relative_assets" => false, "output_style" => ":" . $this->preference("css.output_style"), "environment" => ":production", "sass_path" => dirname($file_path));
     $ruby_config = array();
     foreach ($this->preference("css.require_libs") as $lib) {
         $ruby_config[] = sprintf('require "%s"', $lib);
     foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
         if (strpos($value, ":") === 0) {
             $ruby_config[] = sprintf('%s = %s', $name, $value);
         } else {
             if (is_bool($value)) {
                 $ruby_config[] = sprintf('%s = %s', $name, $value ? "true" : "false");
             } else {
                 $ruby_config[] = sprintf('%s = "%s"', $name, addcslashes($value, '\\'));
     $config_path = tempnam($temp_path, 'compass_config');
     file_put_contents($config_path, implode("\n", $ruby_config) . "\n");
     $output = $temp_path . "/" . basename($file_path, pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) . 'css';
     $proc = $pb->getProcess();
     $code = $proc->run();
     if (0 < $code) {
         throw new WordlessCompileException("Failed to run the following command: " . $proc->getCommandLine() . "\n" . "Generated config:\n" . implode("\n", $ruby_config), $proc->getErrorOutput());
     return file_get_contents($output);
  * Process a file, executing Compass executable.
  * Execute the Compass executable, overriding the no-op function inside
  * WordlessPreprocessor.
 protected function process_file($file_path, $result_path, $temp_path)
     // On cache miss, we build the file from scratch
     $pb = new ProcessBuilder(array($this->preference("compass.compass_path"), 'compile', $temp_path));
     $config = array("http_path" => Wordless::theme_url(), "images_dir" => "assets/images", "css_path" => $temp_path, "relative_assets" => false, "output_style" => ":" . $this->preference("compass.output_style"), "environment" => ":production", "sass_path" => dirname($file_path));
     $ruby_config = array();
     foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
         if (strpos($value, ":") === 0) {
             $ruby_config[] = sprintf('%s = %s', $name, $value);
         } else {
             if (is_bool($value)) {
                 $ruby_config[] = sprintf('%s = %s', $name, $value ? "true" : "false");
             } else {
                 $ruby_config[] = sprintf('%s = "%s"', $name, addcslashes($value, '\\'));
     $config_path = tempnam($temp_path, 'compass_config');
     file_put_contents($config_path, implode("\n", $ruby_config) . "\n");
     $output = $temp_path . "/" . basename($file_path, pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) . 'css';
     $proc = $pb->getProcess();
     $code = $proc->run();
     if (0 < $code) {
     return file_get_contents($output);
예제 #9
  * Process a file, executing lessc executable.
  * Execute the lessc executable, overriding the no-op function inside
  * WordlessPreprocessor.
  * If using php-fpm, remember to pass the PATH environment variable
  * in php-fpm.ini (e.g. env[PATH]=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)
 protected function process_file($file_path, $temp_path)
     // On cache miss, we build the file from scratch
     $pb = new ProcessBuilder(array($this->preference("css.lessc_path"), $file_path));
     // Since the official lessc executable relies on node.js, we need to
     // inherit env to get access to $PATH so we can find the node executable
     if ($this->preference("css.compress")) {
     $proc = $pb->getProcess();
     $code = $proc->run();
     if (0 < $code) {
         throw new WordlessCompileException("Failed to run the following command: " . $proc->getCommandLine(), $proc->getErrorOutput());
     return $proc->getOutput();
     * Saves the animated gif.
     * @access public
     * @author Oliver Lillie
     * @param string $save_path
     * @param float $frame_delay The delay of each frame.
     * @return Image
    public function save($save_path, $frame_delay = 0.1)
        parent::save($save_path, $frame_delay);
        //			build the gifsicle process
        $gifsicle_process = new ProcessBuilder('gifsicle', $this->_config);
        //			add in all the frames
        foreach ($this->_frames as $path) {
        //			set the looping count
        if ($this->_loop_count === AnimatedGif::UNLIMITED_LOOPS) {
        } else {
        //			set the frame duration
        //			add the output path
        //			execute the process.
        $exec = $gifsicle_process->getExecBuffer();
        //			check for any gifsicle errors
        if ($exec->hasError() === true) {
            throw new FfmpegProcessPostProcessException('AnimatedGif save using `gifsicle` save "' . $save_path . '" failed. Any additional gifsicle message follows: 
' . $exec->getBuffer());
        return new Image($save_path, $this->_config);