예제 #1
 public static function isResetingSettings()
     return PrisnaGWTCommon::getVariable('prisna_gwt_admin_action', 'POST') === 'prisna_gwt_reset_settings';
예제 #2
 protected function _gen_options()
     $this->align_mode = PrisnaGWTConfig::getSettingValue('align_mode');
     $result = array();
     foreach ($this->_properties as $key => $property) {
         if (array_key_exists('option_id', $property) && !PrisnaGWTValidator::isEmpty($property['option_id'])) {
             $result[$key] = array('option_id' => $property['option_id'], 'value' => $this->_prepare_option_value($key, $property['value']));
     $this->options_formatted = PrisnaGWTCommon::renderObject($result, array('type' => 'html', 'content' => "\t\t{{ option_id }}: {{ value }},\n"));
     $this->options_formatted = preg_replace('/,\\n$/', "\n", $this->options_formatted);
예제 #3
 public function render($_options, $_html_encode = false)
     $result = '';
     $partial = array();
     if (count($this->collection) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->collection as $item) {
             $partial[] = $item->output($_html_encode);
     $object = (object) array('collection' => join("\n", $partial), 'collection_count' => count($partial));
     foreach ($this as $property => $value) {
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             $object->{$property} = $value;
     if (!array_key_exists('meta_tag_rules', $_options)) {
         $_options['meta_tag_rules'] = array();
     $_options['meta_tag_rules'][] = array('expression' => count($partial) == 0, 'tag' => 'collection.is_empty');
     $result = PrisnaGWTCommon::renderObject($object, $_options, $_html_encode);
     return $result;
    public static function getDefaults($_force = false)
        $settings = self::_get_settings();
        $display_mode = array_key_exists('display_mode', $settings) ? $settings['display_mode']['value'] : 'inline';
        $result = array('usage' => array('title_message' => __('Usage', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => '', 'id' => 'prisna_usage', 'type' => 'usage', 'value' => $display_mode == 'inline' ? sprintf(__('
				- Go to the <em>Appereance &gt; Widgets</em> panel, search for the following widget<br /><br />
				<code>%s</code><br /><br />
				- Copy and paste the following code into pages, posts, etc...<br /><br />
				<code>[prisna-google-website-translator]</code><br /><br />
				- Copy and paste the following code into any PHP file<br /><br />
				<code>&lt;?php echo do_shortcode(\'[prisna-google-website-translator]\'); ?&gt;</code><br />
				', 'prisna-gwt'), self::getWidgetName()) : __('
				The selected <em>Display mode</em> doesn\'t require any further action.<br />
				The plugin is already active in your website. 
				', 'prisna-gwt'), 'group' => 1), 'premium' => array('title_message' => '', 'description_message' => '', 'id' => 'prisna_usage', 'type' => 'premium', 'value' => '', 'group' => 4), 'from' => array('title_message' => __('Website\'s language', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the website\'s source language.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_from', 'option_id' => 'pageLanguage', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => PrisnaGWTCommon::getLanguages(), 'value' => 'en', 'group' => 1), 'all_languages' => array('title_message' => __('Translation languages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the available languages.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_all_languages', 'type' => 'toggle', 'value' => 'true', 'values' => array('true' => __('Yes, use all languages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'false' => __('No, choose languages', 'prisna-gwt')), 'group' => 1), 'available_languages' => array('title_message' => __('Specific languages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Specifically sets the available languages.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_available_languages', 'values' => PrisnaGWTCommon::getLanguages(), 'value' => array(), 'type' => 'language', 'enable_order' => false, 'columns' => 4, 'dependence' => 'all_languages', 'dependence_show_value' => 'false', 'group' => 1), 'display_mode' => array('title_message' => __('Display mode', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the display mode. When <code>Automatic</code> is selected, the translation banner will automatically be displayed when the default browser language of the visitor is different from the language of your page. No dropdown will be displayed.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_display_mode', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('inline' => __('Inline', 'prisna-gwt'), 'tabbed' => __('Tabbed', 'prisna-gwt'), 'automatic' => __('Automatic', 'prisna-gwt')), 'value' => 'inline', 'group' => 1), 'style_inline' => array('title_message' => __('Style mode', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_style_inline', 'values' => array('vertical' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/style_vertical.png', 'horizontal' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/style_horizontal.png', 'dropdown' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/style_dropdown.png'), 'value' => 'vertical', 'type' => 'visual', 'col_count' => 3, 'dependence' => 'display_mode', 'dependence_show_value' => 'inline', 'group' => 1), 'style_tabbed' => array('title_message' => __('Style mode', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_style_tabbed', 'values' => array('upper_left' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/upper_left.png', 'upper_right' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/upper_right.png', 'lower_left' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/lower_left.png', 'lower_right' => PRISNA_GWT__IMAGES . '/lower_right.png'), 'value' => 'lower_right', 'type' => 'visual', 'col_count' => 2, 'dependence' => 'display_mode', 'dependence_show_value' => 'tabbed', 'group' => 1), 'align_mode' => array('title_message' => __('Align mode', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the alignment mode of the translator within its container.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_align_mode', 'type' => 'radio', 'value' => 'left', 'values' => array('left' => __('Left', 'prisna-gwt'), 'right' => __('Right', 'prisna-gwt')), 'dependence' => 'display_mode', 'dependence_show_value' => 'inline', 'group' => 1), 'show_flags' => array('title_message' => __('Show flags over translator', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets whether to display a few flags over the translator, or not.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_show_flags', 'type' => 'toggle', 'value' => 'false', 'values' => array('true' => __('Yes, show flags', 'prisna-gwt'), 'false' => __('No, don\'t show flags', 'prisna-gwt')), 'dependence' => 'display_mode', 'dependence_show_value' => 'inline', 'group' => 1), 'languages' => array('title_message' => __('Select languages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the available languages to display over the translator.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'title_order_message' => __('Languages order', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_order_message' => __('Defines the order to display the languages.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_languages', 'values' => PrisnaGWTCommon::getLanguages(), 'value' => array('en', 'es', 'de', 'fr', 'pt', 'da'), 'type' => 'language', 'enable_order' => true, 'columns' => 4, 'dependence' => array('show_flags', 'display_mode'), 'dependence_show_value' => array('true', 'inline'), 'group' => 1), 'test_mode' => array('title_message' => __('Test mode', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets whether the translator is in test mode or not. In "test mode", the translator will be displayed only if the current logged in user has admin privileges.<br />Is useful for setting up the translator without letting visitors to see the changes while the plugin is being implemented.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_test_mode', 'type' => 'toggle', 'value' => 'false', 'values' => array('true' => __('Yes, enable test mode', 'prisna-gwt'), 'false' => __('No, disable test mode', 'prisna-gwt')), 'group' => 2), 'custom_css' => array('title_message' => __('Custom CSS', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Defines custom CSS rules.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_custom_css', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '', 'group' => 2), 'display_heading' => array('title_message' => __('Hide on pages, posts and categories', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => '', 'value' => 'false', 'id' => 'prisna_display_heading', 'type' => 'heading', 'group' => 2), 'exclude_pages' => array('title_message' => __('Pages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Selects the pages where the translator should not be displayed.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_exclude_pages', 'value' => array(''), 'type' => 'expage', 'dependence' => 'display_heading', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'exclude_posts' => array('title_message' => __('Posts', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Selects the posts where the translator should not be displayed.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_exclude_posts', 'value' => array(''), 'type' => 'expost', 'dependence' => 'display_heading', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'exclude_categories' => array('title_message' => __('Categories', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Selects the categories where the translator should not be displayed.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_exclude_categories', 'value' => array(''), 'type' => 'excategory', 'dependence' => 'display_heading', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'templates_heading' => array('title_message' => __('Templates', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => '', 'value' => 'false', 'id' => 'prisna_templates_heading', 'type' => 'heading', 'group' => 2), 'flags_container_template' => array('title_message' => __('Flags container template', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the flags\' container template. New templates can be created if the provided one doesn\'t fit the web page requirements.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_flags_container_template', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '<ul class="prisna-gwt-flags-container prisna-gwt-align-{{ align_mode }} notranslate">
	{{ content }}
</ul>', 'dependence' => 'templates_heading', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'flag_template' => array('title_message' => __('Flag template', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the flag\'s template. New templates can be created if the provided one doesn\'t fit the web page requirements.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_flag_template', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '<li class="prisna-gwt-flag-container prisna-gwt-language-{{ language_code }}">
	<a href="javascript:;" onclick="PrisnaGWT.translate(\'{{ language_code }}\'); return false;" title="{{ language_name }}"><img src="{{ flags_path }}{{ language_name_no_space }}.gif" alt="{{ language_name }}"/></a>
</li>', 'dependence' => 'templates_heading', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'other_customizations' => array('title_message' => __('Other customizations', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => '', 'value' => 'false', 'id' => 'prisna_other_customizations_heading', 'type' => 'heading', 'group' => 2), 'banner' => array('title_message' => __('Translation banner', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets whether automatically display translation banner to users speaking languages other than the language of your page, or not. If the <code>Display mode</code> is set to <code>Tabbed</code>, then the <code>Completely hide the translation banner</code> option won\'t be selectable.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_banner', 'type' => 'radio', 'value' => 'hide', 'values' => array('hide' => __('Completely hide the translation banner', 'prisna-gwt'), 'true' => __('Automatically display translation banner', 'prisna-gwt'), 'false' => __('Don\'t display translation banner automatically', 'prisna-gwt')), 'dependence' => 'other_customizations', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'multiple_languages' => array('title_message' => __('Multiple languages pages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets whether the pages in this site contain content in multiple languages.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_multiple_languages', 'option_id' => 'multilanguagePage', 'type' => 'toggle', 'value' => 'false', 'values' => array('true' => __('Yes, pages on this site contain multiple languages', 'prisna-gwt'), 'false' => __('No, pages on this site don\'t contain multiple languages', 'prisna-gwt')), 'dependence' => 'other_customizations', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'google_analytics' => array('title_message' => __('Google Analytics', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets whether to track translation traffic using Google Analytics, or not.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_google_analytics', 'type' => 'toggle', 'value' => 'false', 'values' => array('true' => __('Yes, track traffic using Google Analytics', 'prisna-gwt'), 'false' => __('No, don\'t track traffic using Google Analytics', 'prisna-gwt')), 'dependence' => 'other_customizations', 'dependence_show_value' => 'true', 'group' => 2), 'google_analytics_code' => array('title_message' => __('Google Analytics code', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Sets the  Analytics Web Property ID. For instance: UA-12345-12', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_google_analytics_code', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '', 'dependence' => array('other_customizations', 'google_analytics'), 'dependence_show_value' => array('true', 'true'), 'group' => 2), 'import' => array('title_message' => __('Import settings', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Imports previously exported settings. Paste the previously exported settings in the field. If the data\'s structure is correct, it will overwrite the current settings.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_import', 'value' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'group' => 3), 'export' => array('title_message' => __('Export settings', 'prisna-gwt'), 'description_message' => __('Exports the current settings to make a backup or to transfer the settings from the development server to the production server. Triple click on the field to select all the content.', 'prisna-gwt'), 'id' => 'prisna_export', 'value' => self::_get_settings_values_for_export(), 'type' => 'export', 'group' => 3));
        return $result;
 protected static function _initialize_template_cache()
     if (!is_array(self::$_render_object_cache)) {
         self::$_render_object_cache = array();