/** * @return string path to the error message file */ protected function getErrorMessageFile() { $lang = Prado::getPreferredLanguage(); $msgFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . '/Exceptions/messages/messages-' . $lang . '.txt'; if (!is_file($msgFile)) { $msgFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . '/Exceptions/messages/messages.txt'; } return $msgFile; }
public function fileUploaded($sender, $param) { if ($sender->getHasFile()) { $tempUserFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . "/../rliq/assets/" . $this->user->Name . "Dimport.tmp"; if (is_file($tempUserFile)) { unlink($tempUserFile); } $sender->saveAs($tempUserFile, true); $this->loadCSVFile($sender, $param); } $this->UploadFileError->Text = $sender->ErrorCode; }
public function fileUploaded($sender, $param) { if ($sender->getHasFile()) { $filename = $sender->FileName; $tempUserFileName = date('Ymd_Hi_'); $compFile = $tempUserFileName . $this->DMSAufTabelle->Text . "_" . $this->DMSAufId->Text . "_" . $filename; $tempUserFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . "/../rliq/assets/dms/" . $compFile; if (is_file($tempUserFile)) { unlink($tempUserFile); } $sender->saveAs($tempUserFile, true); } $this->UploadFileError->Text = $sender->ErrorCode; $this->loadDirectory(); $this->UploadDialog->setDisplay("None"); }
public function getPradoScriptAssetUrl() { $base = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::SCRIPT_PATH; $assets = Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager(); return $assets->getPublishedUrl($base); }
/** * Publishes a javascript library path and register packages to be loaded. * See TClientScriptLoader for component that enables users to register custom javascript libraries. * @param string javascript library base path * @param array list of packages or javascript files (without .js extension) to be loaded. * @param boolean true to enable keep comments in javascript files loaded, null to use application configuration. * @param boolean true to gzip the javascript code if browsers and php supports it. * @return string javascript src url * @since 3.1 */ public function registerJavascriptPackages($base, $packages, $debug = null, $gzip = true) { list($path, $url) = $this->getPackagePathUrl($base); $scriptLoaderPath = $path . '/' . basename(self::SCRIPT_LOADER); $scriptLoaderSrc = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::SCRIPT_LOADER; if (!is_file($scriptLoaderPath)) { copy($scriptLoaderSrc, $scriptLoaderPath); chmod($scriptLoaderPath, PRADO_CHMOD); } $url .= '/' . basename(self::SCRIPT_LOADER) . '?js=' . implode(',', $packages); if ($debug !== false && $this->getApplication()->getMode() === TApplicationMode::Debug) { $this->verifyJavascriptPackages($base, $path, $packages); $url .= '&mode=debug'; } if ($gzip === false) { $url .= '&gzip=false'; } return $url; }
/** * Retrieves the template used for displaying internal exceptions. * Internal exceptions will be displayed with source code causing the exception. * This occurs when the application is in debug mode. * @param Exception the exception to be displayed * @return string the template content */ protected function getExceptionTemplate($exception) { $lang = Prado::getPreferredLanguage(); $exceptionFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . '/Exceptions/templates/' . self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME . '-' . $lang . '.html'; if (!is_file($exceptionFile)) { $exceptionFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . '/Exceptions/templates/' . self::EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME . '.html'; } if (($content = @file_get_contents($exceptionFile)) === false) { die("Unable to open exception template file '{$exceptionFile}'."); } return $content; }
public function fileUploaded($sender, $param) { if ($sender->HasFile) { $this->UploadFileName->Text = $sender->FileName; $this->UploadFileLocalName->Text = $sender->LocalName; $this->UploadFileSize->Text = $sender->FileSize; $this->UploadFileType->Text = $sender->FileType; $tempUserFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath() . "/../rliq/assets/" . $this->user->Name . ".tmp"; if (is_file($tempUserFile)) { unlink($tempUserFile); } $sender->saveAs($tempUserFile, true); $this->loadCSVFile(); $this->bindList_FilePreview(); $this->bindList_MappingPreview(); } }
public function onPreInit($param) { $myPDF = new HTML2FPDF(); $myPDF->setBasePath(Prado::getFrameworkPath()); $url = "http://" . $this->Application->Parameters['PDFHost'] . "/rliq/index.php?page=reports.protokoll.a_Protokoll&idtm_protokoll=2&idtm_termin=0"; $html = ""; $html = file_get_contents($url); $myPDF->WriteHTML($html); $myPDF->Output(); $this->getResponse()->appendHeader("Content-Type:" . $this->header); $this->getResponse()->appendHeader("Content-Disposition:inline;filename=" . $this->docName . '.' . $this->ext); $writer->save('php://output'); exit; }