public function index() { Cache::loadPage('', 30); $inputData = array(); $postid = 0; Model::loadWithPath('post', System::getThemePath() . 'model/'); if (!($match = Uri::match('post\\/(.*?)\\.html$'))) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $friendly_url = addslashes($match[1]); $loadData = Post::get(array('cacheTime' => 30, 'where' => "where friendly_url='{$friendly_url}'")); if (!isset($loadData[0]['postid'])) { Redirect::to('404page'); } $inputData = $loadData[0]; if (Request::has('btnComment')) { try { sendComment($loadData[0]['postid']); $inputData['commentAlert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Send comment success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $inputData['commentAlert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } $postid = $loadData[0]['postid']; $listTag = PostTags::renderToLink($postid); $inputData['listTag'] = $listTag; $inputData['listComments'] = Comments::get(array('where' => "where postid='{$postid}' AND status='1'", 'orderby' => "order by postid desc")); Post::upView($postid); System::setTitle(ucfirst($loadData[0]['title'])); $keywords = isset($loadData[0]['keywords'][4]) ? $loadData[0]['keywords'] : System::getKeywords(); System::setKeywords($keywords); self::makeContent('post', $inputData); Cache::savePage(); }
/** * 标签首页 */ public function actionIndex() { $postTagsModel = new PostTags(); $postTagsCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); $condition = '1'; $postTagsCriteria->condition = $condition; $postTagsCriteria->order = ' DESC'; $count = $postTagsModel->count($postTagsCriteria); $post2TagsPages = new CPagination($count); $post2TagsPages->pageSize = 300; $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array()); $post2TagsPages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array(); $postTagsCriteria->limit = $post2TagsPages->pageSize; $postTagsCriteria->offset = $post2TagsPages->currentPage * $post2TagsPages->pageSize; $data['bagecmsDataList'] = $postTagsModel->findAll($postTagsCriteria); $data['bagecmsPagebar'] = $post2TagsPages; $this->render('index', $data); }
/** * Adds tags to a post */ public function addTags($tags) { foreach ($tags as $t) { $t = trim($t); $tag = Tags::findFirst(array("tag = '{$t}'")); if (!$tag) { $tag = new Tags(); $tag->tag = $t; $tag->save(); } $postTag = PostTags::findFirst(array("conditions" => "posts_id = ?1 AND tags_id = ?2", "bind" => array(1 => $this->id, 2 => $tag->id))); if (!$postTag) { $postTag = new PostTags(); $postTag->posts_id = $this->id; $postTag->tags_id = $tag->id; $postTag->save(); } unset($tag); unset($postTag); } }
public function edit() { if (!($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'))) { Redirect::to(ADMINCP_URL . 'post/'); } $postid = $match[1]; $post = array('alert' => ''); if (Request::has('btnSave')) { try { updateProcess($postid); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Save changes success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } $loadData = Post::get(array('cache' => 'no', 'isHook' => 'no', 'query' => "select p.*,c.title as cattitle from " . Database::getPrefix() . "post p," . Database::getPrefix() . "categories c where p.catid=c.catid AND p.postid='{$postid}'")); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; $post['tags'] = PostTags::renderToText($postid); System::setTitle('Edit post - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('postEdit', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getPostTags() { return $this->hasMany(PostTags::className(), ['tag_id' => 'tag_id']); }
function insertProcess() { $send = Request::get('send'); $valid = Validator::make(array('send.title' => 'min:1|slashes', 'send.keywords' => 'slashes', 'tags' => 'slashes', 'send.catid' => 'slashes', 'send.type' => 'slashes', 'send.allowcomment' => 'slashes')); if (!$valid) { throw new Exception("Error Processing Request: " . Validator::getMessage()); } $friendlyUrl = trim(String::makeFriendlyUrl($send['title'])); $getData = Post::get(array('where' => "where friendly_url='{$friendlyUrl}'")); if (isset($getData[0]['postid'])) { throw new Exception("This post exists in database."); } $uploadMethod = Request::get('uploadMethod'); switch ($uploadMethod) { case 'frompc': if (Request::hasFile('imageFromPC')) { if (Request::isImage('imageFromPC')) { $send['image'] = File::upload('imageFromPC'); } } break; case 'fromurl': if (Request::isImage('imageFromUrl')) { $url = Request::get('imageFromUrl'); $send['image'] = File::upload('uploadFromUrl'); } break; } $send['userid'] = Users::getCookieUserId(); if (!Request::has('send.catid')) { $loadCat = Categories::get(array('limitShow' => 1)); if (isset($loadCat[0]['catid'])) { $send['catid'] = $loadCat[0]['catid']; } } if (!($id = Post::insert($send))) { throw new Exception("Error. " . Database::$error); } $tags = trim(Request::get('tags')); $parse = explode(',', $tags); $total = count($parse); $insertData = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $insertData[$i]['title'] = trim($parse[$i]); $insertData[$i]['postid'] = $id; } PostTags::insert($insertData); }
/** * tags 更新操作 parent:tags * * @param $tags * @param $titleId * @param $model * @param $jumpUri */ protected function _tagsUpdate($tags = '', $title_id = 0, $catalog_id = 0, $redirect) { $tagsRelation = new Post2tags(); $tagsRelationArray = $tagsRelation->findAll('title_id=:title_id', array('title_id' => $title_id)); $tagsArray = array(); foreach ((array) $tagsRelationArray as $row) { $tagsArray[] = $row['tag_name']; } $titleTags = implode(',', $tagsArray); $explodeTags = array_unique(explode(',', str_replace(array(' ', ','), ',', $tags))); $tagCount = 0; foreach ((array) $explodeTags as $value) { $tagCount++; if ($tagCount >= 10) { unset($explodeTags); break; } $TagsArrayNew[] = $value; if (!in_array($value, $tagsArray)) { $dao = new PostTags(); $get_data = $dao->find('tag_name=:tag_name', array('tag_name' => $value)); if (empty($get_data)) { $dao->catalog_id = $catalog_id; $dao->data_count = 1; $dao->tag_name = $value; $dao->create_time = time(); $id = $dao->save(); } else { $get_data->data_count = $get_data->data_count + 1; $get_data->save(); } //写入关联 self::_tagsRelation($value, $title_id); } } foreach ($tagsArray as $tagName) { if (!in_array($tagName, $TagsArrayNew)) { $getTagsCount = Post2tags::model()->count('title_id!=:title_id AND tag_name=:tag_name', array('title_id' => $title_id, 'tag_name' => $tagName)); if ($getTagsCount) { Yii::app()->db->createCommand("UPDATE {{news_tags}} SET data_count=data_count+1 WHERE tag_name='{$tagName}'")->execute(); } else { PostTags::model()->deleteAll('tag_name=:tag_name', array('tag_name' => $tagName)); } Post2tags::model()->deleteAll('tag_name=:tag_name AND title_id=:title_id', array('tag_name' => $tagName, 'title_id' => $title_id)); } } }
/** * 标签管理 * */ public function actionPostTags() { $model = new PostTags(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $condition = '1'; $tagName = $this->_gets->getParam('tagName'); $tagName && ($condition .= ' AND tag_name LIKE \'%' . $tagName . '%\''); $catalog_id = intval($this->_gets->getParam('catalog_id')); $catalog_id && ($condition .= ' AND t.catalog_id= ' . $catalog_id); $criteria->condition = $condition; $criteria->order = ' DESC'; $criteria->with = 'catalog'; $count = $model->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = 13; $pageParams = XUtils::buildCondition($_GET, array('tagName', 'catalog_id')); $pages->params = is_array($pageParams) ? $pageParams : array(); $criteria->limit = $pages->pageSize; $criteria->offset = $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize; $result = $model->findAll($criteria); $this->render('post_tags', array('datalist' => $result, 'pagebar' => $pages)); }
?> <!-- widget --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h4><strong>POPULAR POST</strong></h4> <ul class="ulMenu2"> <?php echo $listPost; ?> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- widget --> <?php $tags = PostTags::get(array('limitShow' => 10, 'orderby' => 'group by title order by count(title) desc')); $total = count($tags); $li = ''; if (isset($tags[0]['tagid'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $li .= ' <li><a href="' . $tags[$i]['url'] . '">' . $tags[$i]['title'] . '</a></li> '; } } $listTag = $li; ?> <!-- widget --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h4><strong>TAGS</strong></h4>