public static function getAllForUser($iduser = false) { if (iduser != false) { $db = new DB(); $sql = "SELECT pt.idtable\n FROM poker_tables AS pt\n INNER JOIN poker_players AS pp ON pp.idtable = pt.idtable AND pp.iduser = " . $iduser; $result = $db->query($sql); $tables = array(); if ($result->length() > 0) { do { $tables[$result->idtable] = PokerTable::getInstance($result->idtable); } while ($result->next()); } return $tables; } return false; }
/** * create form for editing / creating a house * * @return string HTML code * @author Elias Müller **/ private function getForm($id = '') { $path = 'poker_table-' . $this->s->action . ($this->s->element != '' ? '/' . $this->s->element : ''); if ($id != '') { $table = PokerTable::getInstance($id); } else { $table = new PokerTable(); } $spots = PokerSpot::getAll(); $tpl = new Template('poker'); $tpl->assign('path', $path); $tpl->assign('spots', $spots); $tpl->assign('table', $table); return $tpl->fetch('form_table.html'); }
/** * Handle form action */ protected function formAction() { $this->escapeFormVars(); switch ($this->s->action) { case 'send': $message = new Message(); $message->text = $this->vars['text']; $message->subject = $this->vars['subject']; if ($this->s->params[0] != '') { $message->type = $this->s->params[0]; switch ($message->type) { case 'poker': $message->receiver = PokerTable::getInstance($this->s->params[1]); break; } } else { if (!is_array($this->vars['user']) || count($this->vars['user']) == 0) { return false; } $message->type = 'user'; $rec = array(); foreach ($this->vars['user'] as $r) { $rec[] = User::getInstance($r); } $message->receiver = $rec; } $message->sender = $this->s->user; if ($message->save()) { Error::addMessage('Die Nachricht wurde verschickt!'); $this->form['reload'] = array('message' => array('sidebar')); return true; } break; case 'update': $message = Message::getInstance($this->s->element); $message->text = $this->vars['text']; $message->subject = $this->vars['subject']; if ($message->save()) { Error::addMessage('Die Nachricht wurde geändert!'); $this->form['reload'] = array('message' => array('u_message')); return true; } break; case 'reply': $r = Message::getInstance($this->s->element); $message = new Message(); $message->text = $this->vars['text']; $message->subject = $this->vars['subject']; $message->receiver = $r->sender; $message->sender = $this->s->user; $message->replyto = $this->s->element; if ($message->save()) { Error::addMessage('Die Nachricht wurde verschickt!'); $this->form['reload'] = array('message' => array('u_message')); return true; } break; case 'mark': if ($this->s->element != '') { $m = Message::getInstance($this->s->element); // mark all messages in thread as (un-)read if ($this->vars['messages'] == 'all') { if (is_array($m->replies)) { foreach ($m->replies as $r) { if ($r->receiver == $this->s->user) { $r->read = $this->vars['option'] == 'read' ? true : false; if (!$r->save()) { Error::addError('Interner Fehler: Nachricht konnte nicht gespeichert werden!'); return false; } } } } $this->form['reload'] = array('message' => array('u_message')); } else { $this->form['reload'] = array('message' => array('sidebar', 'bb_messages')); } // mark current message as (un-)read $m->read = $this->vars['option'] == 'read' ? true : false; if ($m->save()) { return true; } else { Error::addError('Interner Fehler: Nachricht konnte nicht gespeichert werden!'); return false; } } Error::addError('Es konnte keine Nachricht gefunden werden!'); break; case 'delete': $m = Message::getInstance($this->s->element); if ($m->delete()) { Error::addMessage('Die Nachricht wurde gelöscht!'); $this->form['reload'] = array('message' => array('sidebar', 'u_message')); return true; } break; case 'reload': switch ($this->s->element) { case 'sidebar': $tpl = new Template('message'); $this->s->resetParams(); $m = $this->listMessages($this->s->element); $tpl->assign('messages', $m['messages']); $tpl->assign('current', $m['current']); $tpl->assign('read', $m['read']); $tpl->assign('user', $this->s->user); echo $tpl->fetch('message_list.html'); break; case 'u_message': $tpl = new Template('message'); $this->s->resetParams(); $tpl->assign('m', Message::getInstance($this->s->element)); $tpl->assign('user', $this->s->user); echo $tpl->fetch('message.html'); break; case 'bb_messages': echo $this->blackboardTable(); default: echo ''; } return true; } return false; }
/** * read the object information from the db */ private function load($id) { $db = new DB(); $sql = "SELECT pp.idplayer, pp.idtable, pp.stack, pp.c1, pp.c2, pp.position, u.username, pa.idaction,, pp.pjoin, pp.pleave, pp.pot, pa.idgame AS pagame, pt.idgame AS ptgame\n FROM poker_players AS pp\n INNER JOIN users AS u ON u.iduser = pp.iduser\n INNER JOIN poker_tables AS pt ON pt.idtable = pp.idtable \n LEFT JOIN poker_actions AS pa ON (pa.idplayer = pp.idplayer AND pa.action NOT LIKE 'deal' AND pa.action NOT LIKE 'join' AND pa.action NOT LIKE 'leave')\n WHERE pp.idplayer = '{$id}'\n ORDER BY pa.idaction DESC\n LIMIT 1"; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result->length() > 0) { // hand $cards = false; if ($result->c1 != '') { $cards = array(new PokerCard($result->c1), new PokerCard($result->c2)); } // general information $table = PokerTable::getInstance($result->idtable); $action = PokerAction::getInstance($result->idaction); $this->info = array("user" => User::getInstance($result->username), 'table' => $table, 'position' => $result->position, 'stack' => $result->stack, 'bet' => $result->bet, 'cards' => $cards, 'pot' => $result->pot, 'last_action' => $result->pagame === $result->ptgame ? $action : NULL, 'join' => $result->pjoin == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'leave' => $result->pleave == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE); $this->id = $id; return true; } return false; }
/** * Compose an array with essential game data which represent the current state of a table/game. */ private function getGameInfo($idtable, $player = FALSE, $actions = FALSE) { // get basic table info $table = PokerTable::getInstance($idtable); $valid_actions = ''; $active_player = FALSE; // Get all players (seated and waiting) $active_players = $table->getActivePlayers(FALSE, FALSE); $players = array(); foreach ($active_players as $p) { $players[$p->position] = array('position' => $p->position, 'name' => $p->user->realname, 'stack' => $p->stack, 'bet' => $p->bet, 'waiting' => $p->join, 'leaves' => $p->leave, 'button' => $p->position == $table->positions['dealer'], 'fold' => $p->last_action != NULL ? $p->last_action->action : ''); // Get valid actions / active player $v = $this->validAction($p); if (is_object($player) && $player->join == FALSE && $player === $p) { $valid_actions = $v; } if ($v != FALSE && $p->join == FALSE) { $active_player = $p->position; } } // detect new game $showdown = FALSE; if ($actions != FALSE) { $a = array_reverse($actions); $g = FALSE; foreach ($a as $action) { if ($g == FALSE && $action->action != 'showdown') { $g = $action->game->id; } elseif (($g != $action->game->id || $g == FALSE) && $action->action == 'showdown') { // get showdown data // player cards, winning hand, winning players $showdown = array('winning_hand' => $action->params['winning_hand'], 'player_hands' => $action->params['player_hands'], 'player_cards' => $action->params['player_cards'], 'winner_pots' => $action->params['winners'], 'game' => $action->params['game']); break; } } } // Get active game info if (is_object($table->game)) { $phase = $table->game->getGamePhase(); $game = array('flop' => $table->game->flop !== FALSE && $phase > 0 ? array($table->game->flop[0]->id, $table->game->flop[1]->id, $table->game->flop[2]->id) : false, 'turn' => $table->game->turn !== FALSE && $phase > 1 ? $table->game->turn->id : false, 'river' => $table->game->river !== FALSE && $phase > 2 ? $table->game->river->id : false, 'pot' => $table->game->pot); // Get action log for current game if ($actions == FALSE) { $actions = $table->game->actions; } // get current player cards if (is_object($player)) { $cards = array($player->cards[0]->id, $player->cards[1]->id); } } // Get action log $idaction = 0; if ($actions !== FALSE) { $log = $this->getActionLog($actions); $first = current($actions); $idaction = $first->id; } // Send data to client // return array (for json object) with: timestamp, past actions, player info, game info, table info return array('timestamp' => time(), 'idaction' => $idaction, 'log' => $log, 'table' => array('seats' => $table->seats, 'blind' => $table->blinds['big']), 'game' => $game, 'cards' => $cards, 'self' => is_object($player) ? $player->position : FALSE, 'active' => $active_player, 'players' => $players, 'actions' => $valid_actions, 'showdown' => $showdown); }
/** * read the object information from the db */ private function load($id) { $db = new DB(); $sql = "SELECT m.text, m.subject, m.created,, u1.username AS sender, m.idreply, m.idmessage, m.idrecvr, m.recvr\n\t\t\t\t FROM messages AS m\n\t\t\t LEFT JOIN users AS u1 ON m.iduser = u1.iduser\n\t\t\t\t WHERE m.idmessage = " . $id . "\n\t\t\t\t\tOR m.idreply = " . $id . "\n\t\t\t ORDER BY m.created ASC"; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result->length() > 0) { do { if ($result->idmessage == $id) { // start message $this->info["subject"] = $result->subject; $this->info["text"] = $result->text; // Systeminfo $this->info["sender"] = User::getInstance($result->sender); $this->info["type"] = $result->recvr; switch ($result->recvr) { case 'user': $this->info["receiver"] = User::getInstanceForId($result->idrecvr); break; case 'poker': $this->info["receiver"] = PokerTable::getInstance($result->idrecvr); break; } $this->info["replyto"] = $result->idreply; if ($result->read != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $r = explode(' ', $result->read); $this->info['read']['date'] = new Date($r[0], 'Y-m-d'); $this->info['read']['time'] = $r[1]; } else { $this->info['read'] = false; } $created = explode(' ', $result->created); $this->info["created"]['date'] = new Date($created[0], 'Y-m-d'); $this->info["created"]['time'] = $created[1]; $this->id = $result->idmessage; } else { // following messages $this->info['replies'][] = Message::getInstance($result->idmessage); } } while ($result->next()); return true; } return false; }