예제 #1
 public function point_exchange()
     $id = Filter::int(Req::args('id'));
     $voucher = $this->model->table("voucher_template")->where("id={$id}")->find();
     if ($voucher) {
         $use_point = 0 - $voucher['point'];
         $result = Pointlog::write($this->user['id'], $use_point, '积分兑换代金券,扣除了' . $use_point . '积分');
         if (true === $result) {
             Common::paymentVoucher($voucher, $this->user['id']);
             $info = array('status' => 'success');
         } else {
             $info = array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => $result['msg']);
         echo JSON::encode($info);
     } else {
         $info = array('status' => 'fail', 'msg' => '你要兑换的代金券,不存在!');
         echo JSON::encode($info);
예제 #2
 public static function updateStatus($orderNo, $payment_id = 0, $callback_info = null)
     //SKM-ORDER-STATUS 这个方法得大改
     $model = new Model("order");
     $order = $model->where("order_no='" . $orderNo . "'")->find();
     if (isset($callback_info['trade_no'])) {
         $trading_info = $callback_info['trade_no'];
     } else {
         $trading_info = '';
     if (empty($order)) {
         return false;
     if ($order['pay_status'] == 1) {
         return $order['id'];
     } else {
         if ($order['pay_status'] == 0) {
             $data = array('status' => 3, 'pay_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'trading_info' => $trading_info, 'pay_status' => 1);
             if ($payment_id != 0) {
                 $data['payment'] = $payment_id;
             } else {
                 $payment_id = $order['payment'];
             $model->table("order")->data($data)->where("id=" . $order['id'])->update();
             //SKM-SMS 支付成功  发送支付完成信息
             $sms_inst = new Sms();
             $orderNo = $order['order_no'];
             $text = "【全品电台】感谢您使用全品电台。您的订单 {$orderNo} 已经支付成功,我们将会在24小时内给您发货。";
             $mobile = $order['mobile'];
             if ($mobile != "") {
                 // 测试时 不发送SMS
                 $sms_inst->sendSms($text, $mobile);
             /* S 二次开发 */
             $order_url = Url::fullUrlFormat("/ucenter/order_detail/id/{$order['id']}");
             $safebox = Safebox::getInstance();
             $user = $safebox->get('user');
             $email_message_model = new Model('email_message');
             $email_message = $email_message_model->where('`trigger`=2 and status=1')->find();
             if ($email_message) {
                 $body = str_replace(array('{$order_no}', '{$user_name}', '{$current_time}', '{$order_url}'), array($orderNo, $user['name'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $order_url), $email_message['content']);
                 $mail = new Mail();
                 $mail->send_email($user['email'], $email_message['title'], $body);
             /* E 二次开发 */
             $products = $model->table("order_goods")->where("order_id=" . $order['id'])->findAll();
             $goods_ids = array();
             foreach ($products as $pro) {
                 //SKM-ORDER-STATUS 添加捆绑促销的处理
                 if ($pro['prom_type'] == 'bundling') {
                     // 添加
                 } else {
                     $prom = unserialize($pro['prom_goods']);
                     if (isset($prom['prom'])) {
                         $prom_series = isset($prom['series']['prom']) ? $prom['series']['prom'] : null;
                         $prom = $prom['prom'];
                         if (isset($prom['type']) && $prom['type'] == 3 && $order['type'] == 0) {
                             $voucher_template_id = $prom['expression'];
                             $voucher_template = $model->table("voucher_template")->where("id=" . $voucher_template_id)->find();
                             Common::paymentVoucher($voucher_template, $order['user_id']);
                         if (isset($prom_series['type']) && $prom_series['type'] == 3 && $order['type'] == 0) {
                             $voucher_template_id = $prom_series['expression'];
                             $voucher_template = $model->table("voucher_template")->where("id=" . $voucher_template_id)->find();
                             Common::paymentVoucher($voucher_template, $order['user_id']);
                     $goods_nums = $pro['goods_nums'];
                     $product_id = $pro['product_id'];
                     $model->table("products")->where("id=" . $product_id)->data(array('store_nums' => "`store_nums`-" . $goods_nums))->update();
                     $goods_ids[$pro['goods_id']] = $pro['goods_id'];
             foreach ($goods_ids as $id) {
                 $objs = $model->table('products')->fields('sum(store_nums) as store_nums')->where('goods_id=' . $id)->query();
                 if ($objs) {
                     $num = $objs[0]['store_nums'];
                     $model->table('goods')->data(array('store_nums' => $num))->where('id=' . $id)->update();
             foreach ($products as $pro) {
                 //SKM-ORDER-STATUS 添加捆绑促销的处理
                 if ($pro['prom_type'] == 'bundling') {
                 } else {
                     if ($order['type'] == 0) {
                         $prom = unserialize($order['prom']);
                         if (!empty($prom) && $prom['type'] == 3) {
                             $voucher_template_id = $prom['expression'];
                             $voucher_template = $model->table("voucher_template")->where("id=" . $voucher_template_id)->find();
                             Common::paymentVoucher($voucher_template, $order['user_id']);
                     } else {
                         if ($order['type'] == 1) {
                             $prom = unserialize($order['prom']);
                             if (isset($prom['id'])) {
                                 $groupbuy = $model->table("groupbuy")->where("id=" . $prom['id'])->find();
                                 if ($groupbuy) {
                                     $goods_num = $groupbuy['goods_num'];
                                     $order_num = $groupbuy['order_num'];
                                     $max_num = $groupbuy['max_num'];
                                     $end_time = $groupbuy['end_time'];
                                     $time_diff = time() - strtotime($end_time);
                                     foreach ($products as $pro) {
                                         $data = array('goods_num' => $goods_num + $pro['goods_nums'], 'order_num' => $order_num + 1);
                                     if ($time_diff >= 0 || $max_num <= $data['goods_num']) {
                                         $data['is_end'] = 1;
                                     $model->table("groupbuy")->where("id=" . $prom['id'])->data($data)->update();
                         } else {
                             if ($order['type'] == 2) {
                                 $prom = unserialize($order['prom']);
                                 if (isset($prom['id'])) {
                                     $flashbuy = $model->table("flash_sale")->where("id=" . $prom['id'])->find();
                                     if ($flashbuy) {
                                         $goods_num = $flashbuy['goods_num'];
                                         $order_num = $flashbuy['order_num'];
                                         $max_num = $flashbuy['max_num'];
                                         $end_time = $flashbuy['end_time'];
                                         $time_diff = time() - strtotime($end_time);
                                         foreach ($products as $pro) {
                                             $data = array('goods_num' => $goods_num + $pro['goods_nums'], 'order_num' => $order_num + 1);
                                         if ($time_diff >= 0 || $max_num <= $data['goods_num']) {
                                             $data['is_end'] = 1;
                                         $model->table("flash_sale")->where("id=" . $prom['id'])->data($data)->update();
             Pointlog::write($order['user_id'], $order['point'], '购买商品,订单:' . $order['order_no'] . ' 赠送' . $order['point'] . '积分');
             if ($order['voucher_id']) {
                 $model->table("voucher")->where("id=" . $order['voucher_id'])->data(array('status' => 1))->update();
             $receivingData = array('order_id' => $order['id'], 'user_id' => $order['user_id'], 'amount' => $order['order_amount'], 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'payment_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'doc_type' => 0, 'payment_id' => $payment_id, 'pay_status' => 1);
             $config = Config::getInstance();
             $config_other = $config->get('other');
             $grade_days = isset($config_other['other_grade_days']) ? intval($config_other['other_grade_days']) : 365;
             $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-" . $grade_days . " day"));
             $obj = $model->table("doc_receiving")->fields("sum(amount) as amount")->where("user_id=" . $order['user_id'] . " and doc_type=0 and payment_time > '{$time}'")->query();
             if (isset($obj[0])) {
                 $amount = $obj[0]['amount'];
                 $grade = $model->table('grade')->where('money < ' . $amount)->order('money desc')->find();
                 if ($grade) {
                     $model->table('customer')->data(array('group_id' => $grade['id']))->where("user_id=" . $order['user_id'])->update();
             return $order['id'];
         } else {
             return false;