public function filter_rssblocks_update($success, $force = false) { EventLog::log('Running rrsblocks update'); $blocks = DB::get_results('SELECT b.* FROM {blocks} b WHERE b.type = ?', array('rssblock'), 'Block'); Plugins::act('get_blocks', $blocks); $success = true; foreach ($blocks as $block) { $cachename = array('rssblock', md5($block->feed_url)); if ($force || Cache::expired($cachename)) { $r = new RemoteRequest($block->feed_url); $r->set_timeout(10); $r->execute(); $feed = $r->get_response_body(); try { if (is_string($feed)) { new SimpleXMLElement($feed); // This throws an exception if the feed isn't valid Cache::set($cachename, $feed, 3600, true); } } catch (Exception $e) { $success = false; } } } Session::notice('ran rssblocks update'); return $success; }
public function action_ajax_block(AjaxHandler $handler) { if (!isset($_SESSION['ajax_blocks'][$_GET['_b']])) { die; } $block = $_SESSION['ajax_blocks'][$_GET['_b']]; $context = null; $handler->setup_theme(); $theme = $handler->theme; $blocks = $theme->get_blocks($block->_area, $block->_scope_id, $theme); $blocks = array_filter($blocks, function ($b) use($block) { return $b->id == $block->id; }); $rebuildblock = reset($blocks); $rebuildblock->_area = $block->_area; $rebuildblock->_instance_id = $block->_instance_id; $rebuildblock->_area_index = $block->_area_index; $hook = 'block_content_' . $rebuildblock->type; Plugins::act($hook, $rebuildblock, $theme); Plugins::act('block_content', $rebuildblock, $theme); $rebuildblock->_content = $theme->content($rebuildblock, $context); $rebuildblock->_first = $block->_first; $rebuildblock->_last = $block->_last; // Set up the theme for the wrapper $theme->block = $rebuildblock; $theme->content = $rebuildblock->_content; // This is the block wrapper fallback template list $fallback = array($block->area . '.blockwrapper', 'blockwrapper', 'content'); if (!is_null($context)) { array_unshift($fallback, $context . '.blockwrapper'); array_unshift($fallback, $context . '.' . $block->area . '.blockwrapper'); } $output = $theme->display_fallback($fallback, 'fetch'); echo $output; }
/** * All handlers must implement act() to conform to handler API. * This is the default implementation of act(), which attempts * to call a class member method of $this->act_$action(). Any * subclass is welcome to override this default implementation. * * @param string $action the action that was in the URL rule */ public function act($action) { if (null === $this->handler_vars) { $this->handler_vars = new SuperGlobal(array()); } $this->action = $action; $action_method = 'act_' . $action; $before_action_method = 'before_' . $action_method; $after_action_method = 'after_' . $action_method; if (method_exists($this, $action_method)) { if (method_exists($this, $before_action_method)) { $this->{$before_action_method}(); } /** * Plugin action to allow plugins to execute before a certain * action is triggered * * @see ActionHandler::$action * @action before_act_{$action} */ Plugins::act($before_action_method, $this); $this->{$action_method}(); /** * Plugin action to allow plugins to execute after a certain * action is triggered * * @see ActionHandler::$action * @action before_act_{$action} */ Plugins::act($after_action_method); if (method_exists($this, $after_action_method)) { $this->{$after_action_method}(); } } }
public function action_admin_header($theme) { if ($theme->page == 'configure_block' && $_GET['inline'] == 1) { Plugins::act('add_jwysiwyg_admin'); Stack::add('admin_stylesheet', array('#block_admin { display: none; } textarea { height: 250px; width: 540px; }', 'screen')); } }
/** * Redirects the link from an embedded player, feed, or an html * download link to the actual file * * @param PluginHandler $handler. Primarily used to get the handler vars * @return Nothing. * @TODO make sure $podcast actually holds a valid feed * @TODO make sure $method is valid */ public function action_plugin_act_podcast_media($handler) { // $podcast is the name of the podcast $podcast = $handler->handler_vars['podcast_name']; // $post is the post we're using $post = Post::get(array('slug' => $handler->handler_vars['post_name'])); // $method is the source of the link // embed - from an on-page player // download- from a download link under the player // feed - from a feed $method = $handler->handler_vars['method']; $info = $post->info->{"{$podcast}"}; if (!empty($info) && isset($info['enclosure'])) { $filename = $handler->handler_vars['filename']; $url = dirname($info['enclosure']) . '/' . $filename; // allow plugins to act. intended for stats Plugins::act('podcast_redirect', $podcast, $post, $method, rawurldecode($filename)); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1 header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Pragma:no-cache'); // HTTP/1.0 header('Content-type: ' . Utils::mimetype($url)); header('Content-Length: ' . $info['size']); Utils::redirect($url); } }
/** * All handlers must implement act() to conform to handler API. * This is the default implementation of act(), which attempts * to call a class member method of $this->act_$action(). Any * subclass is welcome to override this default implementation. * * @param string $action the action that was in the URL rule */ public function act($action) { if (null === $this->handler_vars) { $this->handler_vars = new SuperGlobal(array()); } $this->action = $action; $this->theme->assign('matched_rule', URL::get_matched_rule()); $request = new StdClass(); foreach (URL::get_active_rules() as $rule) { $request->{$rule->name} = false; } $request->{$this->theme->matched_rule->name} = true; $this->theme->assign('request', $request); $action_hook = 'plugin_act_' . $action; $before_action_hook = 'before_' . $action_hook; $theme_hook = 'route_' . $action; $after_action_hook = 'after_' . $action_hook; Plugins::act($before_action_hook, $this); Plugins::act($action_hook, $this); if (Plugins::implemented($theme_hook, 'theme')) { $theme = Themes::create(); $rule = URL::get_matched_rule(); Plugins::theme($theme_hook, $theme, $rule->named_arg_values, $this); } Plugins::act($after_action_hook); }
/** * Handles incoming REST requests for which the user must be authenticated. * Used for requests where tokens are provided for verification. * Forwards the request to plugin hook registered for the RewriteRule. * * @see act_rest() */ public function act_verified_rest() { Plugins::act('auth_rest_verify', $this); $matched_rule = Controller::get_matched_rule(); $hookfn = $matched_rule->parameters['hook']; $result = call_user_func_array($hookfn, array($matched_rule->named_arg_values)); if (!$result instanceof RestResponse) { $result = new RestResponse($result); } $result->out(); }
/** * Handles incoming ajax requests for which the user must be authenticated. * Forwards the request to plugin actions for the "context" portion of the URL. * * @see act_ajax() */ public function act_auth_ajax() { $user = User::identify(); if ($user->loggedin) { /** * Triggers the ajax plugin action for the context if user is authenticated. * * @see act_auth_ajax() * @action ajax_auth_{$context} */ Plugins::act('auth_ajax_' . $this->handler_vars['context'], $this); exit; } }
/** * Perform a check of all beaconids. * Notifies update_check plugin hooks when checking so that they can add their beaconids to the list. * @return array An array of update beacon information for components that have updates */ public static function check() { try { $instance = self::instance(); if (count($instance->beacons) == 0) { Update::add('Habari', '7a0313be-d8e3-11db-8314-0800200c9a66', Version::get_habariversion()); Plugins::act('update_check'); } $request = new RemoteRequest(UPDATE_URL, 'POST'); $request->set_params(array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a["version"];'), $instance->beacons)); $request->set_timeout(10); $result = $request->execute(); if (Error::is_error($result)) { throw $result; } $updatedata = $request->get_response_body(); if (Error::is_error($updatedata)) { throw $updatedata; } $instance->update = new SimpleXMLElement($updatedata); foreach ($instance->update as $beacon) { $beaconid = (string) $beacon['id']; foreach ($beacon->update as $update) { // Do we have this beacon? If not, don't process it. if (empty($instance->beacons[$beaconid])) { continue; } // If the remote update info version is newer... if (version_compare($update['version'], $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['version']) > 0) { // If this version is more recent than all other newer versions... if (empty($instance->beacons[$beaconid]['latest_version']) || version_compare((string) $update['version'], $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['latest_version']) > 0) { $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['latest_version'] = (string) $update['version']; } if (isset($instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity'])) { $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity'][] = (string) $update['severity']; array_unique($instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity']); } else { $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['severity'] = array((string) $update['severity']); } $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['url'] = (string) $beacon['url']; $instance->beacons[$beaconid]['changes'][(string) $update['version']] = (string) $update; } } } return array_filter($instance->beacons, array('Update', 'filter_unchanged')); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e; } }
/** * function __set * Handles setting virtual properties for this class * @param string Name of the property * @param mixed Value to set it to * @return mixed The set value **/ public function __set($name, $value) { $classname = strtolower(get_class($this)); $hook = 'set_' . $classname . '_' . $name; if (Plugins::implemented($hook, 'action')) { return Plugins::act('set_' . $classname . '_' . $name, $value, $this); } if (isset($this->properties_loaded[$name])) { $this->newfields[$name] = $value; } else { $this->fields[$name] = $value; $this->properties_loaded[$name] = true; } return $value; }
/** * All handlers must implement act() to conform to handler API. * This is the default implementation of act(), which attempts * to call a class member method of $this->act_$action(). Any * subclass is welcome to override this default implementation. * * @param string $action the action that was in the URL rule */ public function act($action) { if (null === $this->handler_vars) { $this->handler_vars = new SuperGlobal(array()); } $this->action = $action; $this->theme->assign('matched_rule', URL::get_matched_rule()); $request = new StdClass(); foreach (RewriteRules::get_active() as $rule) { $request->{$rule->name} = false; } $request->{$this->theme->matched_rule->name} = true; $this->theme->assign('request', $request); $action_hook = 'plugin_act_' . $action; $before_action_hook = 'before_' . $action_hook; $after_action_hook = 'after_' . $action_hook; Plugins::act($before_action_hook, $this); Plugins::act($action_hook, $this); Plugins::act($after_action_hook); }
function configure() { $ui = new FormUI('jsmincdn'); $scripts = $ui->append('checkboxes', 'scripts', 'jsmincdn__storage', 'Select the scripts that should be served as minimized.'); $theme = Themes::create(); Plugins::act('template_header', $theme); Plugins::act('template_footer', $theme); $options = Stack::get_named_stack('template_header_javascript'); $options = array_merge($options, Stack::get_named_stack('template_footer_javascript')); $options_out = array(); foreach ($options as $option => $value) { if (preg_match('#[a-f0-9]{32}#', $option)) { $value = htmlspecialchars(substr($value, 0, 80)); } else { $value = $option; } $options_out[$option] = $value; } $scripts->options = $options_out; $ui->append('submit', 'submit', 'Submit'); return $ui; }
/** * function delete * Deletes an existing tag and all relations to it (e.g. a post2tag relationship) */ public function delete() { $allow = true; $allow = Plugins::filter('tag_delete_allow', $allow, $this); if (!$allow) { return; } // invoke plugins Plugins::act('tag_delete_before', $this); // Delete all tag2post records associated with this tag $sql = "DELETE FROM {tag2post} WHERE tag_id = ?"; DB::query($sql, array($this->id)); // Delete the parent tags record $result = parent::deleteRecord(DB::table('tags'), array('id' => $this->id)); EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('Tag %1$s (%2$s) deleted.'), $this->id, $this->tag_text), 'info', 'content', 'habari'); Plugins::act('tag_delete_after', $this); return $result; }
if ($active_theme['info']->license != '') { ?> <p class="description pct70"><?php printf(_t('%1$s is licensed under the %2$s'), $active_theme['info']->name, '<a href="' . $active_theme['info']->license['url'] . '">' . $active_theme['info']->license . '</a>'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // Capture the admin config output. If nothing is there, don't output the section ob_start(); Plugins::act('theme_ui', $active_theme); $output = ob_get_clean(); if (trim($output) != '') { ?> <div class="item clear"> <h3>General</h3> <?php echo $output; ?> <div></div> </div> <?php } ?>
} ?> </ul> <?php if ($comment->status == Comment::STATUS_SPAM) { ?> <p><?php _e('Marked as spam'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php Plugins::act('comment_info', $comment); ?> <p class="comment-type"><?php echo Plugins::filter('comment_type_display', $comment->typename, 'singular'); ?> </p> </div> <span class="content pct75"><?php if (MultiByte::valid_data($comment->content)) { echo nl2br(Utils::htmlspecialchars($comment->content)); } else { _e('this post contains text in an invalid encoding'); } ?> </span>
/** * Handle the requested action by firing off the matched handler action(s) */ public static function dispatch_request() { /* OK, set the wheels in motion... */ Plugins::act('handler_' . Controller::instance()->action, Controller::get_handler_vars()); if (method_exists(Controller::instance()->handler, 'act')) { Controller::instance()->handler->act(Controller::instance()->action); } }
<?php Plugins::act('theme_searchform_before'); ?> <form method="get" id="searchform" action="<?php URL::out('display_search'); ?> "> <div> <input type="search" id="s" name="criteria" value="<?php echo isset($theme->criteria) ? htmlentities($theme->criteria, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''; ?> " placeholder="<?php echo _t('Search'); ?> " /> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="<?php echo _t('Search'); ?> " /> </div> </form> <?php Plugins::act('theme_searchform_after');
/** * Accepts an Atom entry for insertion as a new post. */ public function post_collection() { if ( $this->is_auth( true ) ) { $bxml = file_get_contents( 'php://input' ); } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $bxml ); $post = new Post(); Plugins::act( 'atom_post_collection', $xml, $post, $this->handler_vars ); if ( (string) $xml->title != '' ) { $post->title = $xml->title; } if ( (string) $xml->id != '' ) { $post->guid = $xml->id; } if ( (string) $xml->content != '' ) { $post->content = (string) $xml->content; } if ( (string) $xml->pubdate != '' ) { $post->pubdate = (string) $xml->pubdate; } // Save categories as tags $atom_ns = $xml->children( '' ); $categories = $atom_ns->category; if ( !empty( $categories ) ) { $terms = array(); foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $category_attrs = $category->attributes(); $terms[] = (string) $category_attrs['term']; } $post->tags = $terms; } if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_SLUG'] ) ) { $post->slug = $_SERVER['HTTP_SLUG']; } // Check if it's a draft (using XPath because Namespaces are easier than with SimpleXML) $xml->registerXPathNamespace( 'app', '' ); $draft = $xml->xpath( '//app:control/app:draft' ); if ( is_array( $draft ) && (string) $draft[0] == 'yes' ) { $post->status = Post::status( 'draft' ); } else { $post->status = Post::status( 'published' ); } $post->user_id = $this->user->id; $post->insert(); header( 'HTTP/1.1 201 Created', true, 201 ); header( 'Status: 201 Created' ); header( 'Location: ' . URL::get( 'atom_entry', array( 'slug' => $post->slug ) ) ); $this->get_entry( $post->slug ); }
/** * Delete a UserGroup */ public function delete() { $allow = true; // plugins have the opportunity to prevent deletion $allow = Plugins::filter( 'usergroup_delete_allow', $allow, $this ); if ( ! $allow ) { return; } $name = $this->name; Plugins::act( 'usergroup_delete_before', $this ); // remove all this group's permissions $results = DB::query( 'DELETE FROM {group_token_permissions} WHERE group_id=?', array( $this->id ) ); // remove all this group's members $results = DB::query( 'DELETE FROM {users_groups} WHERE group_id=?', array( $this->id ) ); // remove this group $result = parent::deleteRecord( DB::table( 'groups' ), array( 'id' => $this->id ) ); Plugins::act( 'usergroup_delete_after', $this ); EventLog::log( _t( 'User Group %s: Group deleted.', array( $name ) ), 'notice', 'user', 'habari' ); return $result; }
/** * Remove all cached items */ protected function _purge() { Plugins::act('cache_purge_before'); $cache_info = apc_cache_info('user'); $delete = array(); foreach ($cache_info['cache_list'] as $cache_item) { if (strpos($cache_item['info'], $this->prefix . ":") === 0) { $delete[] = $cache_item['info']; } } foreach ($delete as $item) { apc_delete($item); } Plugins::act('cache_purge_after'); }
/** * Accepts an Atom entry for insertion as a new post. */ public function post_collection() { if ($this->is_auth(TRUE)) { $bxml = file_get_contents('php://input'); } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($bxml); $post = new Post(); Plugins::act('atom_post_collection', $xml, $post, $this->handler_vars); if ((string) $xml->title != '') { $post->title = $xml->title; } if ((string) $xml->id != '') { $post->guid = $xml->id; } if ((string) $xml->content != '') { $post->content = (string) $xml->content; } if ((string) $xml->pubdate != '') { $post->pubdate = (string) $xml->pubdate; } $atom_ns = $xml->children(''); $categories = $atom_ns->category; if (!empty($categories)) { $terms = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $category_attrs = $category->attributes(); $terms[] = (string) $category_attrs['term']; } $post->tags = $terms; } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SLUG'])) { $post->slug = $_SERVER['HTTP_SLUG']; } // Check if it's a draft if ((string) $xml->control != '' && (string) $xml->control->draft == 'yes') { $post->status = Post::status('draft'); } else { $post->status = Post::status('published'); } $post->user_id = $this->user->id; $post->insert(); header('HTTP/1.1 201 Created'); header('Status: 201 Created'); header('Location: ' . URL::get('atom_entry', array('slug' => $post->slug))); $this->get_entry($post->slug); }
/** * Deletes this comment * @return boolean True on success, false if not */ public function delete() { $allow = true; $allow = Plugins::filter('comment_delete_allow', $allow, $this); if (!$allow) { return false; } Plugins::act('comment_delete_before', $this); // Delete all info records associated with this comment $this->info->delete_all(); $result = parent::deleteRecord(DB::table('comments'), array('id' => $this->id)); Plugins::act('comment_delete_after', $this); return $result; }
/** * function logout * terminates a user's session, and deletes the Habari cookie * @param string the Action that was in the URL rule * @param array An associative array of settings found in the URL by the URL */ public function act_logout() { Utils::check_request_method(array('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST')); // get the user from their cookie $user = User::identify(); if ($user->loggedin) { Plugins::act('user_logout', $user); // delete the cookie, and destroy the object $user->forget(); $user = null; } Utils::redirect(Site::get_url('habari')); }
<span><a href="<?php Site::out_url('habari'); ?> /admin/sysinfo"> <?php _e('System Information'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </p> </div> <?php Plugins::act('admin_footer', $this); Stack::out('admin_footer_javascript', array('Stack', 'scripts')); include 'db_profiling.php'; ?> </div> <?php if (Session::has_messages()) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { <?php Session::messages_out(true, array('Format', 'humane_messages')); ?> })
public function action_admin_header($theme) { if ($theme->page == 'publish') { Plugins::act('add_jwysiwyg_admin'); } }
* Include all the active plugins. * By loading them here they'll have global scope. * * We loop through them twice so we can cache all plugin classes on the first load() call. * This gives about 60% improvement. */ foreach (Plugins::list_active() as $file) { include_once $file; } // Call the plugin's load procedure. foreach (Plugins::list_active() as $file) { Plugins::load($file); } // All plugins loaded, tell the plugins. Plugins::act('plugins_loaded'); // Start the session. Session::init(); // Replace the $_COOKIE superglobal with an object representation SuperGlobal::process_c(); // Initiating request handling, tell the plugins. Plugins::act('init'); // Parse and handle the request. Controller::parse_request(); // Run the cron jobs asyncronously. CronTab::run_cron(true); // Dispatch the request (action) to the matched handler. Controller::dispatch_request(); // Flush (send) the output buffer. $buffer = ob_get_clean(); $buffer = Plugins::filter('final_output', $buffer); echo $buffer;
/** * Reassigns the author of a specified set of posts * @param mixed a user ID or name * @param mixed an array of post IDs, an array of Post objects, or an instance of Posts * @return bool Whether the rename operation succeeded or not */ public static function reassign($user, $posts) { // allow plugins the opportunity to prevent reassignment $allow = true; $allow = Plugins::filter('posts_reassign_allow', $allow); if (!$allow) { return false; } if (!is_int($user)) { $u = User::get($user); $user = $u->id; } // safety checks if ($user == 0 || empty($posts)) { return false; } switch (true) { case is_integer(reset($posts)): break; case reset($posts) instanceof Post: $ids = array(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $ids[] = $post->id; } $posts = $ids; break; default: return false; } $ids = implode(',', $posts); Plugins::act('posts_reassign_before', array($user, $posts)); $results = DB::query("UPDATE {posts} SET user_id=? WHERE id IN ({$ids})", array($user)); Plugins::act('posts_reassign_after', array($user, $posts)); return $results; }
/** * Manage this post's comment form * * @param String context // What is $context for ? * @return FormUI The comment form for this post */ public function comment_form( $context = 'public' ) { // Handle comment submissions and default commenter id values $cookie = 'comment_' . Options::get( 'GUID' ); $commenter_name = ''; $commenter_email = ''; $commenter_url = ''; $commenter_content = ''; $user = User::identify(); if ( isset( $_SESSION['comment'] ) ) { $details = Session::get_set( 'comment' ); $commenter_name = $details['name']; $commenter_email = $details['email']; $commenter_url = $details['url']; $commenter_content = $details['content']; } elseif ( $user->loggedin ) { $commenter_name = $user->displayname; $commenter_email = $user->email; $commenter_url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ); } elseif ( isset( $_COOKIE[$cookie] ) ) { // limit to 3 elements so a # in the URL stays appended $commenter = explode( '#', $_COOKIE[ $cookie ], 3 ); // make sure there are always at least 3 elements $commenter = array_pad( $commenter, 3, null ); list( $commenter_name, $commenter_email, $commenter_url ) = $commenter; } // Now start the form. $form = new FormUI( 'comment-' . $context, 'comment' ); $form->class[] = $context; $form->class[] = 'commentform'; $form->set_option( 'form_action', URL::get( 'submit_feedback', array( 'id' => $this->id ) ) ); // Create the Name field $form->append( 'text', 'cf_commenter', 'null:null', _t( 'Name <span class="required">*Required</span>' ), 'formcontrol_text' )->add_validator( 'validate_required', _t( 'The Name field value is required' ) ) ->id = 'comment_name'; $form->cf_commenter->tabindex = 1; $form->cf_commenter->value = $commenter_name; // Create the Email field $form->append( 'text', 'cf_email', 'null:null', _t( 'Email' ), 'formcontrol_text' )->add_validator( 'validate_email', _t( 'The Email field value must be a valid email address' ) ) ->id = 'comment_email'; $form->cf_email->tabindex = 2; if ( Options::get( 'comments_require_id' ) == 1 ) { $form->cf_email->add_validator( 'validate_required', _t( 'The Email field value must be a valid email address' ) ); $form->cf_email->caption = _t( 'Email <span class="required">*Required</span>' ); } $form->cf_email->value = $commenter_email; // Create the URL field $form->append( 'text', 'cf_url', 'null:null', _t( 'Website' ), 'formcontrol_text' )->add_validator( 'validate_url', _t( 'The Web Site field value must be a valid URL' ) ) ->id = 'comment_url'; $form->cf_url->tabindex = 3; $form->cf_url->value = $commenter_url; // Create the Comment field $form->append( 'text', 'cf_content', 'null:null', _t( 'Comment' ), 'formcontrol_textarea' )->add_validator( 'validate_required', _t( 'The Content field value is required' ) ) ->id = 'comment_content'; $form->cf_content->tabindex = 4; $form->cf_content->value = $commenter_content; // Create the Submit button $form->append( 'submit', 'cf_submit', _t( 'Submit' ), 'formcontrol_submit' ); $form->cf_submit->tabindex = 5; // Add required hidden controls /* $form->append( 'hidden', 'content_type', 'null:null' ); $form->content_type->value = $this->content_type; $form->append( 'hidden', 'post_id', 'null:null' ); $form->post_id->id = 'id'; $form->post_id->value = $this->id; $form->append( 'hidden', 'slug', 'null:null' ); $form->slug->value = $this->slug; */ // Let plugins alter this form Plugins::act( 'form_comment', $form, $this, $context ); // Return the form object return $form; }
_e('User'); ?> <ul> <?php $theme->display('loginform'); ?> </ul></li> <?php $theme->switcher(); ?> <?php $theme->area('sidebar'); ?> </ul> <?php Plugins::act('theme_sidebar_bottom'); ?> </div>
private static function _clear_expired($group) { //Plugin hook Plugins::act('rendercache_clear_expired_before', $group); $ghash = self::get_group_hash($group); //Loop through all cached items for this group foreach (self::$cache_data[$ghash] as $hash => $record) { $name = $record['name']; //If the item is expired and not set to "keep" if (!self::_has($name, $group) && !$record['keep']) { //Remove the item self::_expire($name, $group); } } //Plugin hook Plugins::act('rendercache_clear_expired_after', $group); }