static function getList($agents_id = NULL) { global $PF_CONFIG; if (is_null($agents_id)) { return array(); } $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfAgent->getFromDB($agents_id); $agent = $pfAgent->fields; $results = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_deploymirrors'); if (!isset($agent) || !isset($agent['computers_id'])) { return array(); } $computer = new Computer(); $computer->getFromDB($agent['computers_id']); $mirrors = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { if ($computer->fields['locations_id'] == $result['locations_id']) { $mirrors[] = $result['url']; } } //add default mirror (this server) if enabled in config $entities_id = 0; if (isset($agent['entities_id'])) { $entities_id = $agent['entities_id']; } if (isset($PF_CONFIG['server_as_mirror']) && (bool) $PF_CONFIG['server_as_mirror'] == TRUE) { $mirrors[] = PluginFusioninventoryAgentmodule::getUrlForModule('DEPLOY', $entities_id) . "?action=getFilePart&file="; } return $mirrors; }
/** * Import data * * @param $p_DEVICEID XML code to import * @param $p_CONTENT XML code to import * @param $p_xml value XML code to import * * @return "" (import ok) / error string (import ko) * **/ function import($p_DEVICEID, $a_CONTENT, $arrayinventory) { $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); PluginFusioninventoryCommunication::addLog('Function PluginFusioninventoryCommunicationNetworkDiscovery->import().'); $errors = ''; $a_agent = $pfAgent->InfosByKey($p_DEVICEID); if (isset($a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'])) { $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_processnumber'] = $a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER']; if ($pfTaskjobstate->getFromDB($a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'])) { if ($pfTaskjobstate->fields['state'] != "3") { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatus($a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'], 2); if (!isset($a_CONTENT['AGENT']['START']) and !isset($a_CONTENT['AGENT']['END'])) { $nb_devices = 0; if (isset($a_CONTENT['DEVICE'])) { if (is_int(key($a_CONTENT['DEVICE']))) { $nb_devices = count($a_CONTENT['DEVICE']); } else { $nb_devices = 1; } } $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['taskjobs_id'] = $a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER']; $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['items_id'] = $a_agent['id']; $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['itemtype'] = 'PluginFusioninventoryAgent'; $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['state'] = '6'; $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['comment'] = $nb_devices . ' ==devicesfound=='; $this->addtaskjoblog(); } } } } if ($pfTaskjobstate->getFromDB($a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'])) { if ($pfTaskjobstate->fields['state'] != "3") { $pfImportExport = new PluginFusioninventorySnmpmodelImportExport(); $errors .= $pfImportExport->import_netdiscovery($a_CONTENT, $p_DEVICEID); if (isset($a_CONTENT['AGENT']['END'])) { if (isset($a_CONTENT['DICO']) and $a_CONTENT['DICO'] == "REQUEST") { $pfAgent->getFromDB($pfTaskjobstate->fields["plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id"]); $input = array(); $input['id'] = $pfAgent->fields['id']; $input["senddico"] = "1"; $pfAgent->update($input); $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'], $a_agent['id'], 'PluginFusioninventoryAgent', '1', '==diconotuptodate=='); } else { $messages = array('Total Found' => 0, 'Created' => 0, 'Updated' => 0); $messages['Updated'] = countElementsInTable('glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjoblogs', "`plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id`='" . $a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'] . "' " . " AND `comment` LIKE '%==updatetheitem==%'"); $messages['Created'] = countElementsInTable('glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjoblogs', "`plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id`='" . $a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'] . "' " . " AND `comment` LIKE '%==addtheitem==%'"); $messages['Total Found'] = $messages['Updated'] + $messages['Created']; $message = 'Total Found:' . $messages['Total Found'] . ' Created:' . $messages['Created'] . ' Updated:' . $messages['Updated']; $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($a_CONTENT['PROCESSNUMBER'], $a_agent['id'], 'PluginFusioninventoryAgent', '0', $message); } } } } return $errors; }
/** * @test */ public function prepareDB() { global $DB; $DB->connect(); $computer = new Computer(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $pfIPRange = new PluginFusioninventoryIPRange(); // Create computers + agents $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer1'); $computers_id = $computer->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer1', 'version' => '{"INVENTORY":"v2.3.11"}', 'device_id' => 'computer1', 'useragent' => 'FusionInventory-Agent_v2.3.11', 'computers_id' => $computers_id); $pfAgent->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer2'); $computers_id = $computer->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer2', 'version' => '{"INVENTORY":"v2.3.11"}', 'device_id' => 'computer2', 'useragent' => 'FusionInventory-Agent_v2.3.11', 'computers_id' => $computers_id); $pfAgent->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer3'); $computers_id = $computer->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer3', 'version' => '{"INVENTORY":"v2.3.11"}', 'device_id' => 'computer3', 'useragent' => 'FusionInventory-Agent_v2.3.11', 'computers_id' => $computers_id); $pfAgent->add($input); // Add IPRange $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Office', 'ip_start' => '', 'ip_end' => ''); $ipranges_id = $pfIPRange->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'Office2', 'ip_start' => '', 'ip_end' => ''); $ipranges_id2 = $pfIPRange->add($input); // Allow all agents to do network discovery $query = "UPDATE `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agentmodules` " . " SET `is_active`='1' " . " WHERE `modulename`='NETWORKDISCOVERY'"; $DB->query($query); // create task $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'network discovery', 'is_active' => 1); $tasks_id = $pfTask->add($input); // create taskjob $input = array('plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id' => $tasks_id, 'entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'discovery', 'method' => 'networkdiscovery', 'targets' => '[{"PluginFusioninventoryIPRange":"' . $ipranges_id . '"}]', 'actors' => '[{"PluginFusioninventoryAgent":"2"}]'); $pfTaskjob->add($input); // create task $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'network discovery2', 'is_active' => 1); $tasks2_id = $pfTask->add($input); // create taskjob $input = array('plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id' => $tasks2_id, 'entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'discovery', 'method' => 'networkdiscovery', 'targets' => '[{"PluginFusioninventoryIPRange":"' . $ipranges_id2 . '"}]', 'actors' => '[{"PluginFusioninventoryAgent":"3"}]'); $pfTaskjob->add($input); }
/** * @test * @dataProvider dataprovider */ public function AddComputer($data) { $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = 0; $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] = 0; $_SESSION['glpishowallentities'] = 1; $_SESSION['glpiname'] = 'glpi'; $pfiComputerInv = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory(); $inventory = array(); $inventory['CONTENT'] = $data['inventory']['CONTENT']; // ** Add agent $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $agent_name = $data['inventory']['AGENT']['name']; $computer_name = $data['inventory']['CONTENT']['HARDWARE']['NAME']; $agents_id = $pfAgent->add($data['inventory']['AGENT']); $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $agents_id; // ** Add $pfiComputerInv->import($data['inventory']['AGENT']['device_id'], "", $inventory); // creation $this->CountSoftwares($data); $this->CountVersions($data); }
/** * @test */ public function PeripheralUniqueSerialimport() { global $DB; $DB->connect(); self::restore_database(); $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = 0; $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = 0; $_SESSION["glpiname"] = 'Plugin_FusionInventory'; $pfConfig = new PluginFusioninventoryConfig(); $pfiComputerLib = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerLib(); $computer = new Computer(); $GLPIlog = new GLPIlogs(); $pxml = @simplexml_load_string($this->a_computer1_XML, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $arrayinventory = PluginFusioninventoryFormatconvert::XMLtoArray($pxml); $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $agents_id = $agent->importToken($arrayinventory); $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $agents_id; $pfInventoryComputerInventory = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory(); $pfInventoryComputerInventory->import('deviceid', $arrayinventory['CONTENT'], $arrayinventory); $computer->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('ggheb7ne7', $computer->fields['serial'], 'Computer not updated correctly'); $a_ref = array(1 => array('name' => 'Périphérique USB composite', 'id' => '1', 'serial' => '10075973', 'peripheraltypes_id' => '0', 'peripheralmodels_id' => '0', 'manufacturers_id' => '2', 'is_global' => '0', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_template' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '0'), 2 => array('name' => 'H5321 gw Mobile Broadband Device', 'id' => '2', 'serial' => '187A047919938CM0', 'peripheraltypes_id' => '0', 'peripheralmodels_id' => '0', 'manufacturers_id' => '7', 'is_global' => '0', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_template' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '0'), 3 => array('name' => 'Périphérique d’entrée USB', 'id' => '3', 'serial' => 'STM32_EMOTION2', 'peripheraltypes_id' => '0', 'peripheralmodels_id' => '0', 'manufacturers_id' => '8', 'is_global' => '0', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_template' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '0')); $a_db_peripherals = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_peripherals'); foreach ($a_db_peripherals as $id => $data) { $data_temp = array('name' => $data['name'], 'id' => $data['id'], 'serial' => $data['serial'], 'peripheraltypes_id' => $data['peripheraltypes_id'], 'peripheralmodels_id' => $data['peripheralmodels_id'], 'manufacturers_id' => $data['manufacturers_id'], 'is_global' => $data['is_global'], 'is_deleted' => $data['is_deleted'], 'is_template' => $data['is_template'], 'is_dynamic' => $data['is_dynamic']); $a_db_peripherals[$id] = $data_temp; } $this->assertEquals($a_ref, $a_db_peripherals, 'List of peripherals'); // Update computer and may not have new values in glpi_logs $query = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_logs`\n ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $DB->query($query); $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result); $last_id = $data['id']; $pfInventoryComputerInventory->import('deviceid', $arrayinventory['CONTENT'], $arrayinventory); $data = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_logs', "`id`>'" . $last_id . "'"); $this->assertEquals(array(), $data, 'On update peripherals, may not have new lines in glpi_logs'); }
/** * @test */ public function prepareDB() { global $DB; $DB->connect(); $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = 0; $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = 0; $_SESSION["glpiname"] = 'Plugin_FusionInventory'; $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_entities` " . " (`id`, `name`, `entities_id`, `level`) " . " VALUES ('1', 'ent1', '0', '2')"; $DB->query($query); $entities_id = 1; $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $input = array('name' => 'toto', 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'device_id' => 'toto-device'); $agents_id = $pfAgent->add($input); $config = new PluginFusioninventoryConfig(); $config->loadCache(); $pfEntity = new PluginFusioninventoryEntity(); $input = array('id' => 1, 'entities_id' => 0, 'agent_base_url' => ''); $pfEntity->update($input); $input = array('entities_id' => $entities_id, 'agent_base_url' => ''); $pfEntity->add($input); // active all modules $query = "UPDATE `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agentmodules`" . " SET `is_active`='1'"; $DB->query($query); }
function showJobLogs() { $refresh_intervals = array("off" => __('Off', 'fusioninventory'), "1" => '1 ' . _n('second', 'seconds', 1), "5" => '5 ' . _n('second', 'seconds', 5), "10" => '10 ' . _n('second', 'seconds', 10), "60" => '1 ' . _n('minute', 'minutes', 1), "120" => '2 ' . _n('minute', 'minutes', 2), "300" => '5 ' . _n('minute', 'minutes', 5), "600" => '10 ' . _n('minute', 'minutes', 10)); echo "<div class='fusinv_panel'>"; echo " <div class='fusinv_form large'>"; $refresh_randid = $this->showDropdownFromArray(__("refresh interval", "fusioninventory"), null, $refresh_intervals, array('value' => 'off', 'width' => '20%')); // Add a manual refresh button echo " <div class='refresh_button submit'>"; echo " <span></span></div>"; echo " </div>"; // end of fusinv_form echo "</div>"; //$pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); //$taskjobs = $pfTaskjob->find( // "`plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id`='".$this->fields['id']."'", // "id" //); // Template structure for tasks' blocks echo implode("\n", array("<script id='template_task' type='x-tmpl-mustache'>", "<div id='{{task_id}}' class='task_block {{expanded}}'>", " <h3>" . __("Task", 'fusioninventory') . " <span class='task_name'>{{task_name}}</span></h3>", " <div class='jobs_block'></div>", "</div>", "</script>")); // Template structure for jobs' blocks echo implode("\n", array("<script id='template_job' type='x-tmpl-mustache'>", "<div id='{{job_id}}' class='job_block'>", " <div class='refresh_button submit'><span></span></div>", " <h3 class='job_name'>{{job_name}}</h3>", " <div class='targets_block'></div>", "</div>", "</script>")); // Template structure for targets' blocks echo implode("\n", array("<script id='template_target' type='x-tmpl-mustache'>", "<div id='{{target_id}}' class='target_block'>", " <div class='target_details'>", " <div class='target_infos'>", " <h4 class='target_name'>", " <a target='_blank' href={{target_link}}>", " {{target_name}}", " </a>", " </h4>", " <div class='target_stats'>", " </div>", " </div>", " <div class='progressbar'></div>", " </div>", " <div class='show_more'></div>", " <div class='agents_block'></div>", " <div class='show_more'></div>", "</script>")); // Template structure for targets' statistics echo implode("\n", array("<script id='template_target_stats' type='x-tmp-mustache'>", " <div class='{{stats_type}} stats_block'>", " </div>", "</script>")); // Template for counters' blocks echo implode("\n", array("<script id='template_counter_block' type='x-tmpl-mustache'>", "<div class='counter_block {{counter_type}} {{#counter_empty}}empty{{/counter_empty}}'>", "<a", " href='javascript:void(0)'", " class='' ", " title='" . __("Show/Hide details", "fusioninventory") . "'", " onclick='taskjobs.toggle_details_type(this, \"{{counter_type}}\", \"{{chart_id}}\")'", ">", "<div class='fold'></div>", "<span class='counter_name'>{{counter_type_name}}</span>", "<span class='counter_value'>{{counter_value}}</span>", "</div>", "</a>", "</script>")); /* * List of counter names */ echo implode("\n", array("<script type='text/javascript'>", " taskjobs.statuses_order = {", " last_executions : [", " 'agents_prepared',", " 'agents_running',", " 'agents_cancelled'", " ],", " last_finish_states : [", " 'agents_notdone',", " 'agents_success',", " 'agents_error'", " ]", " };", " taskjobs.statuses_names = {", " 'agents_notdone' : '" . __('Not done yet', 'fusioninventory') . "',", " 'agents_error' : '" . __('In error', 'fusioninventory') . "',", " 'agents_success' : '" . __('Successful', 'fusioninventory') . "',", " 'agents_running' : '" . __('Running', 'fusioninventory') . "',", " 'agents_prepared' : '" . __('Prepared', 'fusioninventory') . "',", " 'agents_cancelled' : '" . __('Cancelled', 'fusioninventory') . "',", " };", " taskjobs.logstatuses_names = " . json_encode(PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog::dropdownStateValues()) . ";", "</script>")); // Template for agents' blocks echo implode("\n", array("<script id='template_agent' type='x-tmpl-mustache'>", "<div class='agent_block' id='{{agent_id}}'>", " <div class='status {{status.last_exec}}'></span>", " <div class='status {{status.last_finish}}'></span>", "</div>", "</script>")); // Display empty block for each jobs display which will be rendered later by mustache.js echo implode("\n", array("<div class='tasks_block'>", "</div>")); if (isset($this->fields['id'])) { $task_id = $this->fields['id']; } else { $task_id = json_encode(array()); } $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $Computer = new Computer(); echo implode("\n", array("<script type='text/javascript'>", " taskjobs.agents_url = '" . $pfAgent->getFormUrl() . "'", " taskjobs.computers_url = '" . $Computer->getFormUrl() . "'", " taskjobs.init_templates();", " taskjobs.init_refresh_form(", " '" . $this->getBaseUrlFor('fi.job.logs') . "',", " " . $task_id . ",", " 'dropdown_" . $refresh_randid . "'", " );", " taskjobs.update_logs_timeout(", " '" . $this->getBaseUrlFor('fi.job.logs') . "',", " " . $task_id . ",", " 'dropdown_" . $refresh_randid . "'", " );", "</script>")); }
/** * Get agents can do a "module name" * * @param $module_name value Name of the module * * @return array of agents * **/ function getAgentsCanDo($module_name) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); if ($module_name == 'SNMPINVENTORY') { $module_name = 'SNMPQUERY'; } $agentModule = $this->getActivationExceptions($module_name); $where = ""; if ($agentModule['is_active'] == 0) { $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($agentModule['exceptions']); if (count($a_agentList) > 0) { $where = " `id` IN ("; $i = 0; $sep = ''; foreach ($a_agentList as $agent_id) { if ($i > 0) { $sep = ', '; } $where .= $sep . $agent_id; $i++; } $where .= ") "; if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'])) { $where .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", $pfAgent->getTable()); } } else { return array(); } } else { $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($agentModule['exceptions']); if (count($a_agentList) > 0) { $where = " `id` NOT IN ("; $i = 0; $sep = ''; foreach ($a_agentList as $agent_id) { if ($i > 0) { $sep = ', '; } $where .= $sep . $agent_id; $i++; } $where .= ") "; if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'])) { $where .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", $pfAgent->getTable()); } } } $a_agents = $pfAgent->find($where); return $a_agents; }
/** * @test */ public function PrinterToInventoryWithoutIP() { self::restore_database(); $printer = new Printer(); $networkport = new NetworkPort(); $networkName = new NetworkName(); $pfPrinter = new PluginFusioninventoryPrinter(); $pfTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $computer = new Computer(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $communication = new PluginFusioninventoryCommunication(); // Create computers + agents $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer1'); $computers_id = $computer->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer1', 'version' => '{"INVENTORY":"v2.3.11"}', 'device_id' => 'computer1', 'useragent' => 'FusionInventory-Agent_v2.3.11', 'computers_id' => $computers_id); $pfAgent->add($input); // Create printer $input = array('name' => 'printer 001', 'entities_id' => 0); $printers_id = $printer->add($input); // Add port $networkports_id = $networkport->add(array('itemtype' => 'Printer', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'items_id' => $printers_id, 'entities_id' => 0)); $networknames_id = $networkName->add(array('entities_id' => 0, 'itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'items_id' => $networkports_id)); $input = array('printers_id' => 1, 'plugin_fusioninventory_configsecurities_id' => 2); $pfPrinter->add($input); // Add task // create task $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'network inventory', 'is_active' => 1); $tasks_id = $pfTask->add($input); // create taskjob $input = array('plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id' => $tasks_id, 'entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'inventory', 'method' => 'networkinventory', 'targets' => '[{"Printer":"' . $printers_id . '"}]', 'actors' => '[{"PluginFusioninventoryAgent":"1"}]'); $pfTaskjob->add($input); PluginFusioninventoryTask::cronTaskscheduler(); $data = $pfTask->getJoblogs(array(1)); // Task is prepared // Agent will get data $communication->getTaskAgent(1); $message = $communication->getMessage(); $json = json_encode($message); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); $ref = array(); $this->assertEquals($ref, $array, 'XML of SNMP inventory task'); }
@link @link @since 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ ob_start(); include "../../../../inc/includes.php"; ob_end_clean(); $response = FALSE; //Agent communication using REST protocol if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'getJobs': if (isset($_GET['machineid'])) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfAgentModule = new PluginFusioninventoryAgentModule(); $pfTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $agent = $pfAgent->InfosByKey(Toolbox::addslashes_deep($_GET['machineid'])); if (isset($agent['id'])) { $taskjobstates = $pfTask->getTaskjobstatesForAgent($agent['id'], array('deployinstall', 'deployuninstall')); if (!$pfAgentModule->isAgentCanDo("DEPLOY", $agent['id'])) { foreach ($taskjobstates as $taskjobstate) { $taskjobstate->cancel(__("Deploy module has been disabled for this agent", 'fusioninventory')); } $response = "{}"; } else { //sort taskjobs by key id /**
function run($jobstate) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfTaskjoblog = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog(); $pfConfigSecurity = new PluginFusioninventoryConfigSecurity(); $pfToolbox = new PluginFusioninventoryToolbox(); $current = $jobstate; $pfAgent->getFromDB($current->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); $ip = current(PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::getIPforDevice($jobstate->fields['itemtype'], $jobstate->fields['items_id'])); if ($ip == '') { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($jobstate->fields['id'], $jobstate->fields['items_id'], $jobstate->fields['itemtype'], 1, "Device have no ip"); } else { $sxml_option = $this->message->addChild('OPTION'); $sxml_option->addChild('NAME', 'SNMPQUERY'); $sxml_param = $sxml_option->addChild('PARAM'); $sxml_param->addAttribute('THREADS_QUERY', $pfAgent->fields["threads_networkinventory"]); $sxml_param->addAttribute('TIMEOUT', $pfAgent->fields["timeout_networkinventory"]); $sxml_param->addAttribute('PID', $current->fields['id']); $changestate = 0; $taskjobstatedatas = $jobstate->fields; $sxml_device = $sxml_option->addChild('DEVICE'); $a_extended = array('plugin_fusioninventory_configsecurities_id' => 0); if ($jobstate->fields['itemtype'] == 'Printer') { $sxml_device->addAttribute('TYPE', 'PRINTER'); $pfPrinter = new PluginFusioninventoryPrinter(); $a_extended = current($pfPrinter->find("`printers_id`='" . $jobstate->fields['items_id'] . "'", '', 1)); } else { if ($jobstate->fields['itemtype'] == 'NetworkEquipment') { $sxml_device->addAttribute('TYPE', 'NETWORKING'); $pfNetworkEquipment = new PluginFusioninventoryNetworkEquipment(); $a_extended = current($pfNetworkEquipment->find("`networkequipments_id`='" . $jobstate->fields['items_id'] . "'", '', 1)); } } $sxml_device->addAttribute('ID', $jobstate->fields['items_id']); $sxml_device->addAttribute('IP', $ip); $sxml_device->addAttribute('AUTHSNMP_ID', $a_extended['plugin_fusioninventory_configsecurities_id']); if ($changestate == '0') { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatus($taskjobstatedatas['id'], 1); $pfTaskjoblog->addTaskjoblog($taskjobstatedatas['id'], '0', 'PluginFusioninventoryAgent', '1', $pfAgent->fields["threads_networkinventory"] . ' threads', $pfAgent->fields["timeout_networkinventory"] . ' timeout'); $changestate = $pfTaskjobstate->fields['id']; } else { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($taskjobstatedatas['id'], $taskjobstatedatas['items_id'], $taskjobstatedatas['itemtype'], 0, "Merged with " . $changestate); } $snmpauthlist = $pfConfigSecurity->find(); if (count($snmpauthlist)) { foreach ($snmpauthlist as $snmpauth) { $pfToolbox->addAuth($sxml_option, $snmpauth['id']); } } } return $this->message; }
/** * @test */ public function AddComputerStep3() { global $DB; $this->mark_incomplete(); return; // TODO: recode this test $DB->connect(); $DB->query("UPDATE `glpi_entities`\n SET `entities_id_software` = '-2'\n WHERE `id`='1'"); $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = 0; $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] = 0; $_SESSION['glpishowallentities'] = 1; $_SESSION['glpiname'] = 'glpi'; $pfiComputerInv = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory(); $computer = new Computer(); $software = new Software(); $input = array('id' => 1, 'is_recursive' => 0); $software->update($input); $computer->add(array('name' => 'pc2', 'entities_id' => 1)); $a_inventory = array(); $a_inventory['CONTENT']['HARDWARE'] = array('NAME' => 'pc2'); $a_inventory['CONTENT']['SOFTWARES'][] = array('COMMENTS' => "Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S)", 'NAME' => "curl", 'VERSION' => "7.24.0_1"); // ** Add agent $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $a_agents_id = $pfAgent->add(array('name' => 'pc-2013-02-13', 'device_id' => 'pc-2013-02-13')); $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $a_agents_id; // ** Add $pfiComputerInv->import("pc2-2013-02-13", "", $a_inventory); // creation $computer->getFromDB(2); $this->assertEquals(1, $computer->fields['entities_id'], 'Add computer'); $nbSoftwares = countElementsInTable("glpi_softwares"); $softs = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_softwares"); $this->assertEquals(2, $nbSoftwares, 'Nb softwares ' . print_r($softs, true)); $software->getFromDB(2); $this->assertEquals(1, $software->fields['entities_id'], "May be on entity 1"); // Software not in same entity as computer, may be recursive $this->assertEquals(0, $software->fields['is_recursive'], 'Software may have recursive = 0'); }
function prepareRun($taskjob_id, $definitions_filter = NULL) { global $DB; $task = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $job = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $joblog = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog(); $jobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $agentmodule = new PluginFusioninventoryAgentmodule(); $job->getFromDB($taskjob_id); $task->getFromDB($job->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id']); $communication = $task->fields['communication']; $actions = importArrayFromDB($job->fields['action']); $definitions = importArrayFromDB($job->fields['definition']); $taskvalid = 0; $computers = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { $itemtype = key($action); $items_id = current($action); switch ($itemtype) { case 'Computer': if ($this->definitionFiltered("Computer", $definitions_filter)) { break; } $computers[] = $items_id; break; case 'Group': if ($this->definitionFiltered("Group", $definitions_filter)) { break; } $computer_object = new Computer(); //find computers by user associated with this group $group_users = new Group_User(); $group = new Group(); $group->getFromDB($items_id); $members = array(); $computers_a_1 = array(); $computers_a_2 = array(); //array_keys($group_users->find("groups_id = '$items_id'")); $members = $group_users->getGroupUsers($items_id); foreach ($members as $member) { $computers = $computer_object->find("users_id = '{$member['id']}' " . " AND `is_deleted`='0' AND `is_template`='0'"); foreach ($computers as $computer) { $computers_a_1[] = $computer['id']; } } //find computers directly associated with this group $computers = $computer_object->find("groups_id = '{$items_id}' " . " AND `is_deleted`='0' AND `is_template`='0'"); foreach ($computers as $computer) { $computers_a_2[] = $computer['id']; } //merge two previous array and deduplicate entries $computers = array_unique(array_merge($computers_a_1, $computers_a_2)); break; case 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup': $group = new PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup(); $group->getFromDB($items_id); switch ($group->getField('type')) { case 'STATIC': if ($this->definitionFiltered("PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroupStatic", $definitions_filter)) { break; } $query = "SELECT items_id\n FROM glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_deploygroups_staticdatas\n WHERE groups_id = '{$items_id}'\n AND itemtype = 'Computer'"; $res = $DB->query($query); while ($row = $DB->fetch_assoc($res)) { $computers[] = $row['items_id']; } break; case 'DYNAMIC': if ($this->definitionFiltered("PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroupDynamic", $definitions_filter)) { break; } //$definitions_filter is NULL = update by crontask ! if ($definitions_filter != NULL) { $where = " AND `can_update_group`='1'"; } else { $where = ""; } $query = "SELECT fields_array\n FROM glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_deploygroups_dynamicdatas\n WHERE groups_id = '{$items_id}' {$where}\n LIMIT 1"; $res = $DB->query($query); $row = $DB->fetch_assoc($res); //No dynamic groups have been found : break if ($DB->numrows($res) == 0) { break; } if (isset($_GET)) { $get_tmp = $_GET; } if (isset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount"]['Computer'])) { unset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount"]['Computer']); } if (isset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount2"]['Computer'])) { unset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount2"]['Computer']); } $_GET = importArrayFromDB($row['fields_array']); $_GET["glpisearchcount"] = count($_GET['field']); if (isset($_GET['field2'])) { $_GET["glpisearchcount2"] = count($_GET['field2']); } $pfSearch = new PluginFusioninventorySearch(); Search::manageParams('Computer'); $glpilist_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']; $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] = 999999999; $result = $pfSearch->constructSQL('Computer', $_GET); $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] = $glpilist_limit; while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $computers[] = $data['id']; } if (count($get_tmp) > 0) { $_GET = $get_tmp; } break; } break; } } //Remove duplicatas from array //We are using isset for faster processing than array_unique because we might have many //entries in this list. $tmp_computers = array(); foreach ($computers as $computer) { if (!isset($tmp_computers[$computer])) { $tmp_computers[$computer] = 1; } } $computers = array_keys($tmp_computers); $c_input = array(); $c_input['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id'] = $job->fields['id']; $c_input['state'] = 0; $c_input['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = 0; $c_input['execution_id'] = $task->fields['execution_id']; $package = new PluginFusioninventoryDeployPackage(); foreach ($computers as $computer_id) { //Unique Id match taskjobstatuses for an agent(computer) foreach ($definitions as $definition) { $uniqid = uniqid(); $package->getFromDB($definition['PluginFusioninventoryDeployPackage']); $c_input['state'] = 0; $c_input['itemtype'] = 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployPackage'; $c_input['items_id'] = $package->fields['id']; $c_input['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $c_input['uniqid'] = $uniqid; //get agent for this computer $agents_id = $agent->getAgentWithComputerid($computer_id); if ($agents_id === FALSE) { $jobstates_id = $jobstate->add($c_input); $jobstate->changeStatusFinish($jobstates_id, 0, '', 1, "No agent found for [[Computer::" . $computer_id . "]]", 0, 0); } else { if ($agentmodule->isAgentCanDo('DEPLOY', $agents_id)) { $c_input['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $agents_id; $jobstates_running = $jobstate->find(implode(" ", array(" `itemtype` = 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployPackage'", "AND `items_id` = " . $package->fields['id'], "AND `state` <> " . PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate::FINISHED, "AND `plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id` = " . $agents_id))); if (count($jobstates_running) == 0) { # Push the agent, in the stack of agent to awake if ($communication == "push") { $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_fusioninventory']['agents'][$agents_id] = 1; } $jobstates_id = $jobstate->add($c_input); //Add log of taskjob $c_input['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id'] = $jobstates_id; $c_input['state'] = PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog::TASK_PREPARED; $taskvalid++; $joblog->add($c_input); unset($c_input['state']); unset($c_input['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); } } } } } if ($taskvalid > 0) { $job->fields['status'] = 1; $job->update($job->fields); } else { $job->reinitializeTaskjobs($job->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id']); } }
function run($jobstate) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $pfTaskjoblog = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog(); $pfIPRange = new PluginFusioninventoryIPRange(); $pfConfigSecurity = new PluginFusioninventoryConfigSecurity(); $pfToolbox = new PluginFusioninventoryToolbox(); $pfAgent->getFromDB($jobstate->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); $sxml_option = $this->message->addChild('OPTION'); $sxml_option->addChild('NAME', 'NETDISCOVERY'); $a_versions = importArrayFromDB($pfAgent->fields["version"]); // * Disabled by David Durieux, I think it's not required now * // // if (((isset($a_versions["NETWORKDISCOVERY"])) AND ($a_versions["NETWORKDISCOVERY"] >= 1.3)) // OR !isset($a_versions["NETWORKDISCOVERY"])) { // if (!file_exists(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR."/fusioninventory/discovery.xml")) { // PluginFusioninventorySnmpmodelImportExport::exportDictionnaryFile(FALSE); // } // $sxml_option->addChild('DICOHASH', // md5_file(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR."/fusioninventory/discovery.xml")); // } // if (($pfAgent->fields["senddico"] == "1")) { // // if (((isset($a_versions["NETWORKDISCOVERY"])) // AND ($a_versions["NETWORKDISCOVERY"] >= 1.3))) { // // $sxml_option->addChild('DICO', // file_get_contents( // GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR."/fusioninventory/discovery.xml")); // } // $input = array(); // $input['id'] = $pfAgent->fields['id']; // $input["senddico"] = "0"; // $pfAgent->update($input); // } $sxml_param = $sxml_option->addChild('PARAM'); $sxml_param->addAttribute('THREADS_DISCOVERY', $pfAgent->fields["threads_networkdiscovery"]); $sxml_param->addAttribute('TIMEOUT', $pfAgent->fields["timeout_networkdiscovery"]); $sxml_param->addAttribute('PID', $jobstate->fields['id']); $changestate = 0; //foreach ($a_Taskjobstates as $taskjobstate) { $taskjobstatedatas = $jobstate->fields; $sxml_rangeip = $sxml_option->addChild('RANGEIP'); $pfTaskjob->getFromDB($taskjobstatedatas['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id']); $pfTaskjobstate->getFromDB($taskjobstatedatas['id']); $pfIPRange->getFromDB($taskjobstatedatas['items_id']); $sxml_rangeip->addAttribute('ID', $pfIPRange->fields['id']); if (!is_null($pfTaskjobstate->fields['specificity'])) { $a_split = explode("-", $pfTaskjobstate->fields['specificity']); $first_ip = $pfIPRange->getIp2long($pfIPRange->fields["ip_start"]); $last_ip = long2ip($first_ip + $a_split[1]); $first_ip = long2ip($first_ip + $a_split[0]); if ($first_ip != '' && $last_ip != '') { $sxml_rangeip->addAttribute('IPSTART', $first_ip); $sxml_rangeip->addAttribute('IPEND', $last_ip); } } else { $sxml_rangeip->addAttribute('IPSTART', $pfIPRange->fields["ip_start"]); $sxml_rangeip->addAttribute('IPEND', $pfIPRange->fields["ip_end"]); } $sxml_rangeip->addAttribute('ENTITY', $pfIPRange->fields["entities_id"]); if ($changestate == '0') { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatus($pfTaskjobstate->fields['id'], 1); $pfTaskjoblog->addTaskjoblog($pfTaskjobstate->fields['id'], '0', 'PluginFusioninventoryAgent', '1', $pfAgent->fields["threads_networkdiscovery"] . ' threads', $pfAgent->fields["timeout_networkdiscovery"] . ' timeout'); $changestate = $pfTaskjobstate->fields['id']; } else { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($pfTaskjobstate->fields['id'], $taskjobstatedatas['items_id'], $taskjobstatedatas['itemtype'], 0, "Merged with " . $changestate); } //} $pfIPRange_ConfigSecurity = new PluginFusioninventoryIPRange_ConfigSecurity(); $a_auths = $pfIPRange_ConfigSecurity->find("`plugin_fusioninventory_ipranges_id`='" . $pfIPRange->fields['id'] . "'", "rank"); foreach ($a_auths as $dataAuth) { $pfToolbox->addAuth($sxml_option, $dataAuth['plugin_fusioninventory_configsecurities_id']); } return $this->message; }
/** * Import the content (where have all devices) *@param $p_content CONTENT code to import * *@return errors string to be alimented if import ko / '' if ok **/ function importContent($arrayinventory) { PluginFusioninventoryCommunication::addLog('Function PluginFusioninventoryCommunicationNetworkInventory->importContent().'); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $errors = ''; $nbDevices = 0; foreach ($arrayinventory as $childname => $child) { PluginFusioninventoryCommunication::addLog($childname); switch ($childname) { case 'DEVICE': $a_devices = array(); if (is_int(key($child))) { $a_devices = $child; } else { $a_devices[] = $child; } $xml_num = 0; foreach ($a_devices as $dchild) { $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_xmlnum'] = $xml_num; $a_inventory = array(); if (isset($dchild['INFO'])) { if ($dchild['INFO']['TYPE'] == "NETWORKING") { $a_inventory = PluginFusioninventoryFormatconvert::networkequipmentInventoryTransformation($dchild); } else { if ($dchild['INFO']['TYPE'] == "PRINTER") { $a_inventory = PluginFusioninventoryFormatconvert::printerInventoryTransformation($dchild); } } } if (isset($dchild['ERROR'])) { $itemtype = ""; if ($dchild['ERROR']['TYPE'] == "NETWORKING") { $itemtype = "NetworkEquipment"; } else { if ($dchild['ERROR']['TYPE'] == "PRINTER") { $itemtype = "Printer"; } } $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['comment'] = '[==detail==] ' . $dchild['ERROR']['MESSAGE'] . ' [[' . $itemtype . '::' . $dchild['ERROR']['ID'] . ']]'; $this->addtaskjoblog(); } else { if ($a_inventory['PluginFusioninventory' . $a_inventory['itemtype']]['sysdescr'] == '' && $a_inventory[$a_inventory['itemtype']]['name'] == '' && $a_inventory[$a_inventory['itemtype']]['serial'] == '') { $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['comment'] = '[==detail==] No informations [[' . $a_inventory['itemtype'] . '::' . $dchild['INFO']['ID'] . ']]'; $this->addtaskjoblog(); } else { if (count($a_inventory) > 0) { $errors .= $this->sendCriteria($a_inventory); $nbDevices++; } } } $xml_num++; } break; case 'AGENT': if (isset($this->arrayinventory['CONTENT']['AGENT']['AGENTVERSION'])) { $agent = $pfAgent->InfosByKey($this->arrayinventory['DEVICEID']); $agent['fusioninventory_agent_version'] = $this->arrayinventory['CONTENT']['AGENT']['AGENTVERSION']; $agent['last_agent_update'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $pfAgent->update($agent); } break; case 'PROCESSNUMBER': break; case 'MODULEVERSION': break; default: $_SESSION['plugin_fusinvsnmp_taskjoblog']['comment'] = '[==detail==] ' . __('Unattended element in', 'fusioninventory') . ' CONTENT : ' . $childname; $this->addtaskjoblog(); } } return $errors; }
/** * If rule have found computer or rule give to create computer * * @param $items_id integer id of the computer found (or 0 if must be created) * @param $itemtype value Computer type here * * @return nothing * **/ function rulepassed($items_id, $itemtype) { global $DB, $PLUGIN_FUSIONINVENTORY_XML, $PF_ESXINVENTORY, $CFG_GLPI; PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::logIfExtradebug("pluginFusioninventory-rules", "Rule passed : " . $items_id . ", " . $itemtype . "\n"); $pfFormatconvert = new PluginFusioninventoryFormatconvert(); $a_computerinventory = $pfFormatconvert->replaceids($this->arrayinventory); $entities_id = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]; if ($itemtype == 'Computer') { $pfInventoryComputerLib = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerLib(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $computer = new Computer(); if ($items_id == '0') { if ($entities_id == -1) { $entities_id = 0; $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = 0; } $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'] = array($entities_id); $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] = $entities_id; $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = $entities_id; } else { $computer->getFromDB($items_id); $a_computerinventory['Computer']['states_id'] = $computer->fields['states_id']; $input = array(); PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory::addDefaultStateIfNeeded($input); if (isset($input['states_id'])) { $a_computerinventory['Computer']['states_id'] = $input['states_id']; } if ($entities_id == -1) { $entities_id = $computer->fields['entities_id']; $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = $computer->fields['entities_id']; } $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'] = array($entities_id); $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] = $entities_id; $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = $entities_id; if ($computer->fields['entities_id'] != $entities_id) { $pfEntity = new PluginFusioninventoryEntity(); $pfInventoryComputerComputer = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerComputer(); $moveentity = FALSE; if ($pfEntity->getValue('transfers_id_auto', $computer->fields['entities_id']) > 0) { if (!$pfInventoryComputerComputer->getLock($items_id)) { $moveentity = TRUE; } } if ($moveentity) { $pfEntity = new PluginFusioninventoryEntity(); $transfer = new Transfer(); $transfer->getFromDB($pfEntity->getValue('transfers_id_auto', $entities_id)); $item_to_transfer = array("Computer" => array($items_id => $items_id)); $transfer->moveItems($item_to_transfer, $entities_id, $transfer->fields); } else { $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = $computer->fields['entities_id']; $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities'] = array($computer->fields['entities_id']); $_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'] = $computer->fields['entities_id']; $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] = $computer->fields['entities_id']; $entities_id = $computer->fields['entities_id']; } } } $a_computerinventory = $pfFormatconvert->extraCollectInfo($a_computerinventory, $items_id); $a_computerinventory = $pfFormatconvert->computerSoftwareTransformation($a_computerinventory, $entities_id); $no_history = FALSE; // * New $setdynamic = 1; if ($items_id == '0') { $input = array(); $input['entities_id'] = $entities_id; PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory::addDefaultStateIfNeeded($input); if (isset($input['states_id'])) { $a_computerinventory['Computer']['states_id'] = $input['states_id']; } else { $a_computerinventory['Computer']['states_id'] = 0; } $items_id = $computer->add($input); $no_history = TRUE; $setdynamic = 0; } if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_locations_id'])) { $a_computerinventory['Computer']['locations_id'] = $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_locations_id']; unset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_locations_id']); } $serialized = gzcompress(serialize($a_computerinventory)); $a_computerinventory['fusioninventorycomputer']['serialized_inventory'] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($serialized); if (!$PF_ESXINVENTORY) { $pfAgent->setAgentWithComputerid($items_id, $this->device_id, $entities_id); } $pfConfig = new PluginFusioninventoryConfig(); $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblockinventories`\n SET `value`='" . $items_id . "'"; $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = FALSE; if (!$DB->query($query)) { $communication = new PluginFusioninventoryCommunication(); $communication->setMessage("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n <REPLY>\n <ERROR>ERROR: SAME COMPUTER IS CURRENTLY UPDATED</ERROR>\n </REPLY>"); $communication->sendMessage($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_compressmode']); exit; } $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = TRUE; // * For benchs //$start = microtime(TRUE); PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerStat::increment(); $pfInventoryComputerLib->updateComputer($a_computerinventory, $items_id, $no_history, $setdynamic); $query = "DELETE FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblockinventories`\n WHERE `value`='" . $items_id . "'"; $DB->query($query); $plugin = new Plugin(); if ($plugin->isActivated('monitoring')) { Plugin::doOneHook("monitoring", "ReplayRulesForItem", array('Computer', $items_id)); } // * For benchs //Toolbox::logInFile("exetime", (microtime(TRUE) - $start)." (".$items_id.")\n". // memory_get_usage()."\n". // memory_get_usage(TRUE)."\n". // memory_get_peak_usage()."\n". // memory_get_peak_usage()."\n"); if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_rules_id'])) { $pfRulematchedlog = new PluginFusioninventoryRulematchedlog(); $inputrulelog = array(); $inputrulelog['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $inputrulelog['rules_id'] = $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_rules_id']; if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'])) { $inputrulelog['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']; } $inputrulelog['items_id'] = $items_id; $inputrulelog['itemtype'] = $itemtype; $inputrulelog['method'] = 'inventory'; $pfRulematchedlog->add($inputrulelog, array(), FALSE); $pfRulematchedlog->cleanOlddata($items_id, $itemtype); unset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_rules_id']); } // Write XML file if (!empty($PLUGIN_FUSIONINVENTORY_XML)) { PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::writeXML($items_id, $PLUGIN_FUSIONINVENTORY_XML->asXML(), 'computer'); } } else { if ($itemtype == 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged') { $a_computerinventory = $pfFormatconvert->computerSoftwareTransformation($a_computerinventory, $entities_id); $class = new $itemtype(); if ($items_id == "0") { if ($entities_id == -1) { $entities_id = 0; $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = 0; } $input = array(); $input['date_mod'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $items_id = $class->add($input); if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_rules_id'])) { $pfRulematchedlog = new PluginFusioninventoryRulematchedlog(); $inputrulelog = array(); $inputrulelog['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $inputrulelog['rules_id'] = $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_rules_id']; if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'])) { $inputrulelog['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']; } $inputrulelog['items_id'] = $items_id; $inputrulelog['itemtype'] = $itemtype; $inputrulelog['method'] = 'inventory'; $pfRulematchedlog->add($inputrulelog); $pfRulematchedlog->cleanOlddata($items_id, $itemtype); unset($_SESSION['plugin_fusioninventory_rules_id']); } } $class->getFromDB($items_id); $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] = $class->fields['entities_id']; $input = array(); $input['id'] = $class->fields['id']; // Write XML file if (!empty($PLUGIN_FUSIONINVENTORY_XML)) { PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::writeXML($items_id, $PLUGIN_FUSIONINVENTORY_XML->asXML(), 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged'); } if (isset($a_computerinventory['Computer']['name'])) { $input['name'] = $a_computerinventory['Computer']['name']; } $input['item_type'] = "Computer"; if (isset($a_computerinventory['Computer']['domains_id'])) { $input['domain'] = $a_computerinventory['Computer']['domains_id']; } if (isset($a_computerinventory['Computer']['serial'])) { $input['serial'] = $a_computerinventory['Computer']['serial']; } $class->update($input); } } }
static function getAdditionalMenuOptions() { global $CFG_GLPI; $elements = array('iprange' => 'PluginFusioninventoryIPRange', 'config' => 'PluginFusioninventoryConfig', 'task' => 'PluginFusioninventoryTask', 'timeslot' => 'PluginFusioninventoryTimeslot', 'unmanaged' => 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged', 'inventoryruleimport' => 'PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImport', 'inventoryruleentity' => 'PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleEntity', 'inventoryrulelocation' => 'PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleLocation', 'collectrule' => 'PluginFusioninventoryCollectRule', 'inventorycomputerblacklist' => 'PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerBlacklist', 'configsecurity' => 'PluginFusioninventoryConfigSecurity', 'credential' => 'PluginFusioninventoryCredential', 'credentialip' => 'PluginFusioninventoryCredentialIp', 'collect' => 'PluginFusioninventoryCollect', 'deploypackage' => 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployPackage', 'deploymirror' => 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployMirror', 'deploygroup' => 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup', 'ignoredimportdevice' => 'PluginFusioninventoryIgnoredimportdevice', 'ruledictionnarycomputerarch' => 'PluginFusioninventoryRuleDictionnaryComputerArch'); $options = array(); $options['menu']['title'] = self::getTypeName(); $options['menu']['page'] = self::getSearchURL(false); if (Session::haveRight('plugin_fusioninventory_configuration', READ)) { $options['menu']['links']['config'] = PluginFusioninventoryConfig::getFormURL(false); } foreach ($elements as $type => $itemtype) { $options[$type] = array('title' => $itemtype::getTypeName(), 'page' => $itemtype::getSearchURL(false)); $options[$type]['links']['search'] = $itemtype::getSearchURL(false); if ($itemtype::canCreate()) { if ($type != 'ignoredimportdevice') { $options[$type]['links']['add'] = $itemtype::getFormURL(false); } } if (Session::haveRight('plugin_fusioninventory_configuration', READ)) { $options[$type]['links']['config'] = PluginFusioninventoryConfig::getFormURL(false); } } // Add icon for import package $img = Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/menu_import.png", array('alt' => __('Import', 'fusioninventory'))); $options['deploypackage']['links'][$img] = '/plugins/fusioninventory/front/deploypackage.import.php'; // Add icon for documentation $img = Html::image($CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/pics/books.png", array('alt' => __('Import', 'fusioninventory'))); $options['menu']['links'][$img] = '/plugins/fusioninventory/front/documentation.php'; $options['agent'] = array('title' => PluginFusioninventoryAgent::getTypeName(), 'page' => PluginFusioninventoryAgent::getSearchURL(false), 'links' => array('search' => PluginFusioninventoryAgent::getSearchURL(false))); if (Session::haveRight('plugin_fusioninventory_configuration', READ)) { $options['agent']['links']['config'] = PluginFusioninventoryConfig::getFormURL(false); } return $options; }
/** * Update computer data * * @global type $DB * * @param php array $a_computerinventory all data from the agent * @param integer $computers_id id of the computer * @param boolean $no_history set true if not want history * * @return nothing */ function updateComputer($a_computerinventory, $computers_id, $no_history, $setdynamic = 0) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; $computer = new Computer(); $pfInventoryComputerComputer = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerComputer(); $item_DeviceProcessor = new Item_DeviceProcessor(); $deviceProcessor = new DeviceProcessor(); $item_DeviceMemory = new Item_DeviceMemory(); $deviceMemory = new DeviceMemory(); $computerVirtualmachine = new ComputerVirtualMachine(); $computerDisk = new ComputerDisk(); $item_DeviceControl = new Item_DeviceControl(); $item_DeviceHardDrive = new Item_DeviceHardDrive(); $item_DeviceDrive = new Item_DeviceDrive(); $item_DeviceGraphicCard = new Item_DeviceGraphicCard(); $item_DeviceNetworkCard = new Item_DeviceNetworkCard(); $item_DeviceSoundCard = new Item_DeviceSoundCard(); $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkName = new NetworkName(); $iPAddress = new IPAddress(); $ipnetwork = new IPNetwork(); $pfInventoryComputerAntivirus = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerAntivirus(); $pfConfig = new PluginFusioninventoryConfig(); $pfComputerLicenseInfo = new PluginFusioninventoryComputerLicenseInfo(); $computer_Item = new Computer_Item(); $monitor = new Monitor(); $printer = new Printer(); $peripheral = new Peripheral(); // $pfInventoryComputerStorage = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerStorage(); // $pfInventoryComputerStorage_Storage = // new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerStorage_Storage(); $computer->getFromDB($computers_id); $a_lockable = PluginFusioninventoryLock::getLockFields('glpi_computers', $computers_id); // * Computer $db_computer = array(); $db_computer = $computer->fields; $computerName = $a_computerinventory['Computer']['name']; $a_ret = PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::checkLock($a_computerinventory['Computer'], $db_computer, $a_lockable); $a_computerinventory['Computer'] = $a_ret[0]; $input = $a_computerinventory['Computer']; $input['id'] = $computers_id; $history = TRUE; if ($no_history) { $history = FALSE; } $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerInventory::addDefaultStateIfNeeded($input); $computer->update($input, !$no_history); $this->computer = $computer; // * Computer fusion (ext) $db_computer = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputercomputers`\n WHERE `computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n LIMIT 1"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($value); } $db_computer = $data; } } if (count($db_computer) == '0') { // Add $a_computerinventory['fusioninventorycomputer']['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $pfInventoryComputerComputer->add($a_computerinventory['fusioninventorycomputer'], array(), FALSE); } else { // Update if (!empty($db_computer['serialized_inventory'])) { $setdynamic = 0; } $idtmp = $db_computer['id']; unset($db_computer['id']); unset($db_computer['computers_id']); $a_ret = PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::checkLock($a_computerinventory['fusioninventorycomputer'], $db_computer); $a_computerinventory['fusioninventorycomputer'] = $a_ret[0]; $db_computer = $a_ret[1]; $input = $a_computerinventory['fusioninventorycomputer']; $input['id'] = $idtmp; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $pfInventoryComputerComputer->update($input, !$no_history); } // Put all link item dynamic (in case of update computer not yet inventoried with fusion) if ($setdynamic == 1) { $this->setDynamicLinkItems($computers_id); } // * Processors if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_processor") != 0) { $db_processors = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_deviceprocessors`.`id`, `designation`,\n `frequency`, `frequence`, `frequency_default`,\n `serial`, `manufacturers_id`, `glpi_items_deviceprocessors`.`nbcores`,\n `glpi_items_deviceprocessors`.`nbthreads`\n FROM `glpi_items_deviceprocessors`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_deviceprocessors`\n ON `deviceprocessors_id`=`glpi_deviceprocessors`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $db_processors[$idtmp] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); } } if (count($db_processors) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['processor'] as $a_processor) { $this->addProcessor($a_processor, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: 'designation', 'serial', 'manufacturers_id', // 'frequence' foreach ($a_computerinventory['processor'] as $key => $arrays) { $frequence = $arrays['frequence']; unset($arrays['frequence']); unset($arrays['frequency']); unset($arrays['frequency_default']); foreach ($db_processors as $keydb => $arraydb) { $frequencedb = $arraydb['frequence']; unset($arraydb['frequence']); unset($arraydb['frequency']); unset($arraydb['frequency_default']); if ($arrays == $arraydb) { $a_criteria = $deviceProcessor->getImportCriteria(); $criteriafrequence = $a_criteria['frequence']; $compare = explode(':', $criteriafrequence); if ($frequence > $frequencedb - $compare[1] && $frequence < $frequencedb + $compare[1]) { unset($a_computerinventory['processor'][$key]); unset($db_processors[$keydb]); break; } } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['processor']) == 0 and count($db_processors) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_processors) != 0) { // Delete processor in DB foreach ($db_processors as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceProcessor->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['processor']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['processor'] as $a_processor) { $this->addProcessor($a_processor, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * Memories if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_memory") != 0) { $db_memories = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_devicememories`.`id`, `designation`, `size`,\n `frequence`, `serial`, `devicememorytypes_id`,\n `glpi_items_devicememories`.`busID`\n FROM `glpi_items_devicememories`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_devicememories` ON `devicememories_id`=`glpi_devicememories`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $db_memories[$idtmp] = $data1; } } if (count($db_memories) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['memory'] as $a_memory) { $this->addMemory($a_memory, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: 'designation', 'serial', 'size', // 'devicememorytypes_id', 'frequence' foreach ($a_computerinventory['memory'] as $key => $arrays) { $frequence = $arrays['frequence']; unset($arrays['frequence']); foreach ($db_memories as $keydb => $arraydb) { $frequencedb = $arraydb['frequence']; unset($arraydb['frequence']); if ($arrays == $arraydb) { $a_criteria = $deviceMemory->getImportCriteria(); $criteriafrequence = $a_criteria['frequence']; $compare = explode(':', $criteriafrequence); if ($frequence > $frequencedb - $compare[1] && $frequence < $frequencedb + $compare[1]) { unset($a_computerinventory['memory'][$key]); unset($db_memories[$keydb]); break; } } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['memory']) == 0 and count($db_memories) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_memories) != 0) { // Delete memory in DB foreach ($db_memories as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceMemory->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['memory']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['memory'] as $a_memory) { $this->addMemory($a_memory, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * Hard drive if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_harddrive") != 0) { $db_harddrives = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_deviceharddrives`.`id`, `serial`,\n `capacity`\n FROM `glpi_items_deviceharddrives`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data2 = array_map('strtolower', $data1); $db_harddrives[$idtmp] = $data2; } } if (count($db_harddrives) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['harddrive'] as $a_harddrive) { $this->addHardDisk($a_harddrive, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { foreach ($a_computerinventory['harddrive'] as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_harddrives as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower['serial'] == $arraydb['serial']) { if ($arraydb['capacity'] == 0 and $arrayslower['capacity'] > 0) { $input = array('id' => $keydb, 'capacity' => $arrayslower['capacity']); $item_DeviceHardDrive->update($input); } unset($a_computerinventory['harddrive'][$key]); unset($db_harddrives[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['harddrive']) == 0 and count($db_harddrives) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_harddrives) != 0) { // Delete hard drive in DB foreach ($db_harddrives as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceHardDrive->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['harddrive']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['harddrive'] as $a_harddrive) { $this->addHardDisk($a_harddrive, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * drive if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_drive") != 0) { $db_drives = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_devicedrives`.`id`, `serial`,\n `glpi_devicedrives`.`designation`\n FROM `glpi_items_devicedrives`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_devicedrives` ON `devicedrives_id`=`glpi_devicedrives`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data2 = array_map('strtolower', $data1); $db_drives[$idtmp] = $data2; } } if (count($db_drives) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['drive'] as $a_drive) { $this->addDrive($a_drive, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { foreach ($a_computerinventory['drive'] as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); if ($arrayslower['serial'] == '') { foreach ($db_drives as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower['designation'] == $arraydb['designation']) { unset($a_computerinventory['drive'][$key]); unset($db_drives[$keydb]); break; } } } else { foreach ($db_drives as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower['serial'] == $arraydb['serial']) { unset($a_computerinventory['drive'][$key]); unset($db_drives[$keydb]); break; } } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['drive']) == 0 and count($db_drives) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_drives) != 0) { // Delete drive in DB foreach ($db_drives as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceDrive->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['drive']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['drive'] as $a_drive) { $this->addDrive($a_drive, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * Graphiccard if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_graphiccard") != 0) { $db_graphiccards = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_devicegraphiccards`.`id`, `designation`, `memory`\n FROM `glpi_items_devicegraphiccards`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_devicegraphiccards`\n ON `devicegraphiccards_id`=`glpi_devicegraphiccards`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-_\\(\\)]+/", $data['designation'])) { $data['designation'] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data['designation']); } $data['designation'] = trim(strtolower($data['designation'])); $db_graphiccards[$idtmp] = $data; } } if (count($db_graphiccards) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['graphiccard'] as $a_graphiccard) { $this->addGraphicCard($a_graphiccard, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: 'designation', 'memory' foreach ($a_computerinventory['graphiccard'] as $key => $arrays) { $arrays['designation'] = strtolower($arrays['designation']); foreach ($db_graphiccards as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrays == $arraydb) { unset($a_computerinventory['graphiccard'][$key]); unset($db_graphiccards[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['graphiccard']) == 0 and count($db_graphiccards) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_graphiccards) != 0) { // Delete graphiccard in DB foreach ($db_graphiccards as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceGraphicCard->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['graphiccard']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['graphiccard'] as $a_graphiccard) { $this->addGraphicCard($a_graphiccard, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * networkcard if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_networkcard") != 0) { $db_networkcards = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_devicenetworkcards`.`id`, `designation`, `mac`,\n `manufacturers_id`\n FROM `glpi_items_devicenetworkcards`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_devicenetworkcards`\n ON `devicenetworkcards_id`=`glpi_devicenetworkcards`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-_\\(\\)]+/", $data['designation'])) { $data['designation'] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data['designation']); } $data['designation'] = trim(strtolower($data['designation'])); $db_networkcards[$idtmp] = $data; } } if (count($db_networkcards) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['networkcard'] as $a_networkcard) { $this->addNetworkCard($a_networkcard, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: 'designation', 'mac' foreach ($a_computerinventory['networkcard'] as $key => $arrays) { $arrays['designation'] = strtolower($arrays['designation']); foreach ($db_networkcards as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrays == $arraydb) { unset($a_computerinventory['networkcard'][$key]); unset($db_networkcards[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['networkcard']) == 0 and count($db_networkcards) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_networkcards) != 0) { // Delete networkcard in DB foreach ($db_networkcards as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceNetworkCard->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['networkcard']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['networkcard'] as $a_networkcard) { $this->addNetworkCard($a_networkcard, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * Sound if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_soundcard") != 0) { $db_soundcards = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_devicesoundcards`.`id`, `designation`, `comment`,\n `manufacturers_id` FROM `glpi_items_devicesoundcards`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_devicesoundcards`\n ON `devicesoundcards_id`=`glpi_devicesoundcards`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $db_soundcards[$idtmp] = $data1; } } if (count($db_soundcards) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['soundcard'] as $a_soundcard) { $this->addSoundCard($a_soundcard, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: 'designation', 'memory', 'manufacturers_id' foreach ($a_computerinventory['soundcard'] as $key => $arrays) { // $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); $arrayslower = $arrays; foreach ($db_soundcards as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { unset($a_computerinventory['soundcard'][$key]); unset($db_soundcards[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['soundcard']) == 0 and count($db_soundcards) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_soundcards) != 0) { // Delete soundcard in DB foreach ($db_soundcards as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceSoundCard->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['soundcard']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['soundcard'] as $a_soundcard) { $this->addSoundCard($a_soundcard, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * Controllers if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_control") != 0) { $db_controls = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_items_devicecontrols`.`id`, `interfacetypes_id`,\n `manufacturers_id`, `designation` FROM `glpi_items_devicecontrols`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_devicecontrols` ON `devicecontrols_id`=`glpi_devicecontrols`.`id`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data2 = array_map('strtolower', $data1); $db_controls[$idtmp] = $data2; } } if (count($db_controls) == 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['controller'] as $a_control) { $this->addControl($a_control, $computers_id, $no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: foreach ($a_computerinventory['controller'] as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_controls as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { unset($a_computerinventory['controller'][$key]); unset($db_controls[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['controller']) == 0 and count($db_controls) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_controls) != 0) { // Delete controller in DB foreach ($db_controls as $idtmp => $data) { $item_DeviceControl->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['controller']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['controller'] as $a_control) { $this->addControl($a_control, $computers_id, $no_history); } } } } } // * Software if ($pfConfig->getValue("import_software") != 0) { $entities_id = 0; if (count($a_computerinventory['software']) > 0) { $a_softfirst = current($a_computerinventory['software']); if (isset($a_softfirst['entities_id'])) { $entities_id = $a_softfirst['entities_id']; } } $db_software = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`id` as sid,\n `glpi_softwares`.`name`,\n `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS version,\n `glpi_softwares`.`manufacturers_id`,\n `glpi_softwareversions`.`entities_id`,\n `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_template_computer`,\n `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted_computer`\n FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n ON (`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['sid']; unset($data['sid']); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-_\\(\\)]+/", $data['name'])) { $data['name'] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data['name']); } if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-_\\(\\)]+/", $data['version'])) { $data['version'] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data['version']); } $comp_key = strtolower($data['name']) . "\$\$\$\$" . strtolower($data['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $data['manufacturers_id'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $data['entities_id']; $db_software[$comp_key] = $idtmp; } } $lastSoftwareid = 0; $lastSoftwareVid = 0; /* * Schema * * LOCK software * 1/ Add all software * RELEASE software * * LOCK softwareversion * 2/ Add all software versions * RELEASE softwareversion * * 3/ add version to computer * */ if (count($db_software) == 0) { // there are no software associated with computer $nb_unicity = count(FieldUnicity::getUnicityFieldsConfig("Software", $entities_id)); $options = array(); if ($nb_unicity == 0) { $options['disable_unicity_check'] = TRUE; } $a_softwareInventory = array(); $a_softwareVersionInventory = array(); $lastSoftwareid = $this->loadSoftwares($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareid); $queryDBLOCK = "INSERT INTO `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwares`\n SET `value`='1'"; $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = FALSE; while (!$DB->query($queryDBLOCK)) { usleep(100000); } $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = TRUE; $this->loadSoftwares($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareid); foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { if (!isset($this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']])) { $this->addSoftware($a_software, $options); } } $queryDBLOCK = "DELETE FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwares`\n WHERE `value`='1'"; $DB->query($queryDBLOCK); $lastSoftwareVid = $this->loadSoftwareVersions($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareVid); $queryDBLOCK = "INSERT INTO `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwareversions`\n SET `value`='1'"; $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = FALSE; while (!$DB->query($queryDBLOCK)) { usleep(100000); } $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = TRUE; $this->loadSoftwareVersions($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareVid); foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { $softwares_id = $this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']]; if (!isset($this->softVersionList[strtolower($a_software['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $softwares_id])) { $this->addSoftwareVersion($a_software, $softwares_id); } } $queryDBLOCK = "DELETE FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwareversions`\n WHERE `value`='1'"; $DB->query($queryDBLOCK); $a_toinsert = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { $softwares_id = $this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']]; $softwareversions_id = $this->softVersionList[strtolower($a_software['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $softwares_id]; $a_tmp = array('computers_id' => $computers_id, 'softwareversions_id' => $softwareversions_id, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'entities_id' => $a_software['entities_id']); $a_toinsert[] = "('" . implode("','", $a_tmp) . "')"; } if (count($a_toinsert) > 0) { $this->addSoftwareVersionsComputer($a_toinsert); if (!$no_history) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { $softwares_id = $this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']]; $softwareversions_id = $this->softVersionList[strtolower($a_software['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $softwares_id]; $changes[0] = '0'; $changes[1] = ""; $changes[2] = $a_software['name'] . " - " . sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $a_software['version'], $softwareversions_id); $this->addPrepareLog($computers_id, 'Computer', 'SoftwareVersion', $changes, Log::HISTORY_INSTALL_SOFTWARE); $changes[0] = '0'; $changes[1] = ""; $changes[2] = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $computerName, $computers_id); $this->addPrepareLog($softwareversions_id, 'SoftwareVersion', 'Computer', $changes, Log::HISTORY_INSTALL_SOFTWARE); } } } } else { foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $key => $arrayslower) { if (isset($db_software[$key])) { unset($a_computerinventory['software'][$key]); unset($db_software[$key]); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['software']) == 0 && count($db_software) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_software) > 0) { // Delete softwares in DB $a_delete = array(); foreach ($db_software as $idtmp) { $this->computer_SoftwareVersion->getFromDB($idtmp); $this->softwareVersion->getFromDB($this->computer_SoftwareVersion->fields['softwareversions_id']); // $this->computer_SoftwareVersion->delete(array('id'=>$idtmp, '_no_history'=> TRUE), FALSE); if (!$no_history) { $changes[0] = '0'; $changes[1] = addslashes($this->computer_SoftwareVersion->getHistoryNameForItem1($this->softwareVersion, 'delete')); $changes[2] = ""; $this->addPrepareLog($computers_id, 'Computer', 'SoftwareVersion', $changes, Log::HISTORY_UNINSTALL_SOFTWARE); $changes[0] = '0'; $changes[1] = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $computerName, $computers_id); $changes[2] = ""; $this->addPrepareLog($idtmp, 'SoftwareVersion', 'Computer', $changes, Log::HISTORY_UNINSTALL_SOFTWARE); } } $query = "DELETE FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions` " . "WHERE `id` IN ('" . implode("', '", $db_software) . "')"; $DB->query($query); } if (count($a_computerinventory['software']) > 0) { $nb_unicity = count(FieldUnicity::getUnicityFieldsConfig("Software", $entities_id)); $options = array(); if ($nb_unicity == 0) { $options['disable_unicity_check'] = TRUE; } $lastSoftwareid = $this->loadSoftwares($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareid); $queryDBLOCK = "INSERT INTO `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwares`\n SET `value`='1'"; $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = FALSE; while (!$DB->query($queryDBLOCK)) { usleep(100000); } $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = TRUE; $this->loadSoftwares($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareid); foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { if (!isset($this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']])) { $this->addSoftware($a_software, $options); } } $queryDBLOCK = "DELETE FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwares`\n WHERE `value`='1'"; $DB->query($queryDBLOCK); $lastSoftwareVid = $this->loadSoftwareVersions($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareVid); $queryDBLOCK = "INSERT INTO `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwareversions`\n SET `value`='1'"; $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = FALSE; while (!$DB->query($queryDBLOCK)) { usleep(100000); } $CFG_GLPI["use_log_in_files"] = TRUE; $this->loadSoftwareVersions($entities_id, $a_computerinventory['software'], $lastSoftwareVid); foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { $softwares_id = $this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']]; if (!isset($this->softVersionList[strtolower($a_software['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $softwares_id])) { $this->addSoftwareVersion($a_software, $softwares_id); } } $queryDBLOCK = "DELETE FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_dblocksoftwareversions`\n WHERE `value`='1'"; $DB->query($queryDBLOCK); $a_toinsert = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { $softwares_id = $this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']]; $softwareversions_id = $this->softVersionList[strtolower($a_software['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $softwares_id]; $a_tmp = array('computers_id' => $computers_id, 'softwareversions_id' => $softwareversions_id, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'entities_id' => $a_software['entities_id']); $a_toinsert[] = "('" . implode("','", $a_tmp) . "')"; } $this->addSoftwareVersionsComputer($a_toinsert); if (!$no_history) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['software'] as $a_software) { $softwares_id = $this->softList[$a_software['name'] . "\$\$\$\$" . $a_software['manufacturers_id']]; $softwareversions_id = $this->softVersionList[strtolower($a_software['version']) . "\$\$\$\$" . $softwares_id]; $changes[0] = '0'; $changes[1] = ""; $changes[2] = $a_software['name'] . " - " . sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $a_software['version'], $softwareversions_id); $this->addPrepareLog($computers_id, 'Computer', 'SoftwareVersion', $changes, Log::HISTORY_INSTALL_SOFTWARE); $changes[0] = '0'; $changes[1] = ""; $changes[2] = sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)'), $computerName, $computers_id); $this->addPrepareLog($softwareversions_id, 'SoftwareVersion', 'Computer', $changes, Log::HISTORY_INSTALL_SOFTWARE); } } } } } } // * Virtualmachines if ($pfConfig->getValue("import_vm") == 1) { $db_computervirtualmachine = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `uuid`, `virtualmachinesystems_id`\n FROM `glpi_computervirtualmachines`\n WHERE `computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $db_computervirtualmachine[$idtmp] = $data1; } } $simplecomputervirtualmachine = array(); if (isset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'])) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'] as $key => $a_computervirtualmachine) { $a_field = array('name', 'uuid', 'virtualmachinesystems_id'); foreach ($a_field as $field) { if (isset($a_computervirtualmachine[$field])) { $simplecomputervirtualmachine[$key][$field] = $a_computervirtualmachine[$field]; } } } } foreach ($simplecomputervirtualmachine as $key => $arrays) { foreach ($db_computervirtualmachine as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrays == $arraydb) { $input = array(); $input['id'] = $keydb; if (isset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['vcpu'])) { $input['vcpu'] = $a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['vcpu']; } if (isset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['ram'])) { $input['ram'] = $a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['ram']; } if (isset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['virtualmachinetypes_id'])) { $input['virtualmachinetypes_id'] = $a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['virtualmachinetypes_id']; } if (isset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['virtualmachinestates_id'])) { $input['virtualmachinestates_id'] = $a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]['virtualmachinestates_id']; } $computerVirtualmachine->update($input, !$no_history); unset($simplecomputervirtualmachine[$key]); unset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'][$key]); unset($db_computervirtualmachine[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine']) == 0 && count($db_computervirtualmachine) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_computervirtualmachine) != 0) { // Delete virtualmachine in DB foreach ($db_computervirtualmachine as $idtmp => $data) { $computerVirtualmachine->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine'] as $a_virtualmachine) { $a_virtualmachine['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $computerVirtualmachine->add($a_virtualmachine, array(), !$no_history); } } } } if ($pfConfig->getValue("create_vm") == 1) { // Create VM based on information of section VIRTUALMACHINE $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); // Use ComputerVirtualMachine::getUUIDRestrictRequest to get existant // vm in computer list $computervm = new Computer(); if (isset($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine_creation']) && is_array($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine_creation'])) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['virtualmachine_creation'] as $a_vm) { // Define location of physical computer (host) $a_vm['locations_id'] = $computer->fields['locations_id']; if (isset($a_vm['uuid']) && $a_vm['uuid'] != '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_computers`\n WHERE `uuid` " . ComputerVirtualMachine::getUUIDRestrictRequest($a_vm['uuid']) . "\n LIMIT 1"; // TODO: Add entity search $result = $DB->query($query); $computers_vm_id = 0; while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $computers_vm_id = $data['id']; } if ($computers_vm_id == 0) { // Add computer $a_vm['entities_id'] = $computer->fields['entities_id']; $computers_vm_id = $computervm->add($a_vm, array(), !$no_history); // Manage networks $this->manageNetworkPort($a_vm['networkport'], $computers_vm_id, FALSE); } else { if ($pfAgent->getAgentWithComputerid($computers_vm_id) === FALSE) { // Update computer $a_vm['id'] = $computers_vm_id; $computervm->update($a_vm, !$no_history); // Manage networks $this->manageNetworkPort($a_vm['networkport'], $computers_vm_id, FALSE); } } } } } } // * ComputerDisk if ($pfConfig->getValue("import_volume") != 0) { $db_computerdisk = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `device`, `mountpoint`\n FROM `glpi_computerdisks`\n WHERE `computers_id` = '" . $computers_id . "'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data2 = array_map('strtolower', $data1); $db_computerdisk[$idtmp] = $data2; } } $simplecomputerdisk = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['computerdisk'] as $key => $a_computerdisk) { $a_field = array('name', 'device', 'mountpoint'); foreach ($a_field as $field) { if (isset($a_computerdisk[$field])) { $simplecomputerdisk[$key][$field] = $a_computerdisk[$field]; } } } foreach ($simplecomputerdisk as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_computerdisk as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { $input = array(); $input['id'] = $keydb; if (isset($a_computerinventory['computerdisk'][$key]['filesystems_id'])) { $input['filesystems_id'] = $a_computerinventory['computerdisk'][$key]['filesystems_id']; } $input['totalsize'] = $a_computerinventory['computerdisk'][$key]['totalsize']; $input['freesize'] = $a_computerinventory['computerdisk'][$key]['freesize']; $input['_no_history'] = TRUE; $computerDisk->update($input, FALSE); unset($simplecomputerdisk[$key]); unset($a_computerinventory['computerdisk'][$key]); unset($db_computerdisk[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['computerdisk']) == 0 and count($db_computerdisk) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_computerdisk) != 0) { // Delete computerdisk in DB foreach ($db_computerdisk as $idtmp => $data) { $computerDisk->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['computerdisk']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['computerdisk'] as $a_computerdisk) { $a_computerdisk['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $a_computerdisk['is_dynamic'] = 1; $a_computerdisk['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computerDisk->add($a_computerdisk, array(), !$no_history); } } } } // * Networkports if ($pfConfig->getValue("component_networkcard") != 0) { // Get port from unmanaged device if exist $this->manageNetworkPort($a_computerinventory['networkport'], $computers_id, $no_history); } // * Antivirus $db_antivirus = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `version`\n FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerantiviruses`\n WHERE `computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data2 = array_map('strtolower', $data1); $db_antivirus[$idtmp] = $data2; } } $simpleantivirus = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['antivirus'] as $key => $a_antivirus) { $a_field = array('name', 'version'); foreach ($a_field as $field) { if (isset($a_antivirus[$field])) { $simpleantivirus[$key][$field] = $a_antivirus[$field]; } } } foreach ($simpleantivirus as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_antivirus as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { $input = array(); $input = $a_computerinventory['antivirus'][$key]; $input['id'] = $keydb; $pfInventoryComputerAntivirus->update($input, !$no_history); unset($simpleantivirus[$key]); unset($a_computerinventory['antivirus'][$key]); unset($db_antivirus[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['antivirus']) == 0 and count($db_antivirus) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_antivirus) != 0) { foreach ($db_antivirus as $idtmp => $data) { $pfInventoryComputerAntivirus->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['antivirus']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['antivirus'] as $a_antivirus) { $a_antivirus['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $pfInventoryComputerAntivirus->add($a_antivirus, array(), !$no_history); } } } // * Licenseinfo $db_licenseinfo = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `fullname`, `serial`\n FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_computerlicenseinfos`\n WHERE `computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data1 = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data2 = array_map('strtolower', $data1); $db_licenseinfo[$idtmp] = $data2; } } foreach ($a_computerinventory['licenseinfo'] as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_licenseinfo as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { unset($a_computerinventory['licenseinfo'][$key]); unset($db_licenseinfo[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['licenseinfo']) == 0 and count($db_licenseinfo) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_licenseinfo) != 0) { foreach ($db_licenseinfo as $idtmp => $data) { $pfComputerLicenseInfo->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['licenseinfo']) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory['licenseinfo'] as $a_licenseinfo) { $a_licenseinfo['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $pfComputerLicenseInfo->add($a_licenseinfo, array(), !$no_history); } } } // * Batteries /* Standby, see ticket $db_batteries = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `serial` FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerbatteries` WHERE `computers_id` = '$computers_id'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); $data = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); $data = array_map('strtolower', $data); $db_batteries[$idtmp] = $data; } } $simplebatteries = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['batteries'] as $key=>$a_batteries) { $a_field = array('name', 'serial'); foreach ($a_field as $field) { if (isset($a_batteries[$field])) { $simplebatteries[$key][$field] = $a_batteries[$field]; } } } foreach ($simplebatteries as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_batteries as $keydb => $arraydb) { if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { $input = array(); $input = $a_computerinventory['batteries'][$key]; $input['id'] = $keydb; $pfInventoryComputerBatteries->update($input); unset($simplebatteries[$key]); unset($a_computerinventory['batteries'][$key]); unset($db_batteries[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory['batteries']) == 0 AND count($db_batteries) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_batteries) != 0) { foreach ($db_batteries as $idtmp => $data) { $pfInventoryComputerBatteries->delete(array('id'=>$idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory['batteries']) != 0) { foreach($a_computerinventory['batteries'] as $a_batteries) { $a_batteries['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $pfInventoryComputerBatteries->add($a_batteries, array(), FALSE); } } } */ $entities_id = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]; // * Monitors $rule = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImportCollection(); $a_monitors = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['monitor'] as $key => $arrays) { $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = "Monitor"; $input['name'] = $arrays['name']; $input['serial'] = $arrays['serial']; $data = $rule->processAllRules($input, array(), array('class' => $this, 'return' => TRUE)); if (isset($data['found_equipment'])) { if ($data['found_equipment'][0] == 0) { // add monitor $arrays['entities_id'] = $entities_id; $a_monitors[] = $monitor->add($arrays); } else { $a_monitors[] = $data['found_equipment'][0]; } } } $db_monitors = array(); $query = "SELECT `glpi_monitors`.`id`,\n `glpi_computers_items`.`id` as link_id\n FROM `glpi_computers_items`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_monitors` ON `items_id`=`glpi_monitors`.`id`\n WHERE `itemtype`='Monitor'\n AND `computers_id`='" . $computers_id . "'\n AND `entities_id`='" . $entities_id . "'\n AND `glpi_computers_items`.`is_dynamic`='1'\n AND `glpi_monitors`.`is_global`='0'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['link_id']; unset($data['link_id']); $db_monitors[$idtmp] = $data['id']; } if (count($db_monitors) == 0) { foreach ($a_monitors as $monitors_id) { $input = array(); $input['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'Monitor'; $input['items_id'] = $monitors_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computer_Item->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: foreach ($a_monitors as $key => $monitors_id) { foreach ($db_monitors as $keydb => $monits_id) { if ($monitors_id == $monits_id) { unset($a_monitors[$key]); unset($db_monitors[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_monitors) == 0 and count($db_monitors) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_monitors) != 0) { // Delete monitors links in DB foreach ($db_monitors as $idtmp => $monits_id) { $computer_Item->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_monitors) != 0) { foreach ($a_monitors as $key => $monitors_id) { $input = array(); $input['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'Monitor'; $input['items_id'] = $monitors_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computer_Item->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } } } // * Printers $rule = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImportCollection(); $a_printers = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['printer'] as $key => $arrays) { $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = "Printer"; $input['name'] = $arrays['name']; $input['serial'] = $arrays['serial']; $data = $rule->processAllRules($input, array(), array('class' => $this, 'return' => TRUE)); if (isset($data['found_equipment'])) { if ($data['found_equipment'][0] == 0) { // add printer $arrays['entities_id'] = $entities_id; $a_printers[] = $printer->add($arrays); } else { $a_printers[] = $data['found_equipment'][0]; } } } $db_printers = array(); $query = "SELECT `glpi_printers`.`id`, `glpi_computers_items`.`id` as link_id\n FROM `glpi_computers_items`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_printers` ON `items_id`=`glpi_printers`.`id`\n WHERE `itemtype`='Printer'\n AND `computers_id`='" . $computers_id . "'\n AND `entities_id`='" . $entities_id . "'\n AND `glpi_computers_items`.`is_dynamic`='1'\n AND `glpi_printers`.`is_global`='0'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['link_id']; unset($data['link_id']); $db_printers[$idtmp] = $data['id']; } if (count($db_printers) == 0) { foreach ($a_printers as $printers_id) { $input['entities_id'] = $entities_id; $input['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'Printer'; $input['items_id'] = $printers_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computer_Item->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: foreach ($a_printers as $key => $printers_id) { foreach ($db_printers as $keydb => $prints_id) { if ($printers_id == $prints_id) { unset($a_printers[$key]); unset($db_printers[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_printers) == 0 and count($db_printers) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_printers) != 0) { // Delete printers links in DB foreach ($db_printers as $idtmp => $data) { $computer_Item->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_printers) != 0) { foreach ($a_printers as $printers_id) { $input['entities_id'] = $entities_id; $input['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'Printer'; $input['items_id'] = $printers_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computer_Item->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } } } // * Peripheral $rule = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImportCollection(); $a_peripherals = array(); foreach ($a_computerinventory['peripheral'] as $key => $arrays) { $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = "Peripheral"; $input['name'] = $arrays['name']; $input['serial'] = $arrays['serial']; $data = $rule->processAllRules($input, array(), array('class' => $this, 'return' => TRUE)); if (isset($data['found_equipment'])) { if ($data['found_equipment'][0] == 0) { // add peripheral $arrays['entities_id'] = $entities_id; $a_peripherals[] = $peripheral->add($arrays); } else { $a_peripherals[] = $data['found_equipment'][0]; } } } $db_peripherals = array(); $query = "SELECT `glpi_peripherals`.`id`, `glpi_computers_items`.`id` as link_id\n FROM `glpi_computers_items`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_peripherals` ON `items_id`=`glpi_peripherals`.`id`\n WHERE `itemtype`='Peripheral'\n AND `computers_id`='" . $computers_id . "'\n AND `entities_id`='" . $entities_id . "'\n AND `glpi_computers_items`.`is_dynamic`='1'\n AND `glpi_peripherals`.`is_global`='0'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['link_id']; unset($data['link_id']); $db_peripherals[$idtmp] = $data['id']; } if (count($db_peripherals) == 0) { foreach ($a_peripherals as $peripherals_id) { $input = array(); $input['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'Peripharal'; $input['items_id'] = $peripherals_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computer_Item->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } else { // Check all fields from source: foreach ($a_peripherals as $key => $peripherals_id) { foreach ($db_peripherals as $keydb => $periphs_id) { if ($peripherals_id == $periphs_id) { unset($a_peripherals[$key]); unset($db_peripherals[$keydb]); break; } } } if (count($a_peripherals) == 0 and count($db_peripherals) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_peripherals) != 0) { // Delete peripherals links in DB foreach ($db_peripherals as $idtmp => $data) { $computer_Item->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_peripherals) != 0) { foreach ($a_peripherals as $peripherals_id) { $input = array(); $input['computers_id'] = $computers_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'Peripharal'; $input['items_id'] = $peripherals_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $computer_Item->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } } } // * storage // Manage by uuid to correspond with GLPI data // $db_storage = array(); // if ($no_history === FALSE) { // $query = "SELECT `id`, `uuid` FROM ". // "`glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerstorages` // WHERE `computers_id` = '$computers_id'"; // $result = $DB->query($query); // while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { // $idtmp = $data['id']; // unset($data['id']); // $data = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); // $data = array_map('strtolower', $data); // $db_storage[$idtmp] = $data; // } // } // if (count($db_storage) == 0) { // $a_links = array(); // $a_uuid = array(); // foreach ($a_computerinventory['storage'] as $a_storage) { // $a_storage['computers_id'] = $computers_id; // $insert_id = $pfInventoryComputerStorage->add($a_storage); // if (isset($a_storage['uuid'])) { // $a_uuid[$a_storage['uuid']] = $insert_id; // if (isset($a_storage['uuid_link'])) { // if (is_array($a_storage['uuid_link'])) { // $a_links[$insert_id] = $a_storage['uuid_link']; // } else { // $a_links[$insert_id][] = $a_storage['uuid_link']; // } // } // } // } // foreach ($a_links as $id=>$data) { // foreach ($data as $num=>$uuid) { // $a_links[$id][$num] = $a_uuid[$uuid]; // } // } // foreach ($a_links as $id=>$data) { // foreach ($data as $id2) { // $input = array(); // $input['plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerstorages_id_1'] = $id; // $input['plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerstorages_id_2'] = $id2; // $pfInventoryComputerStorage_Storage->add($input); // } // } // } else { // // Check only field *** from source: // // } $this->addLog(); }
function plugin_fields_rule_matched($params) { global $DB; $container = new PluginFieldsContainer(); switch ($params['sub_type']) { case "PluginFusioninventoryTaskpostactionRule": $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); if (isset($params['input']['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'])) { foreach ($params['output'] as $field => $value) { // check if current field is in a tab container $query = "SELECT\n FROM glpi_plugin_fields_fields f\n LEFT JOIN glpi_plugin_fields_containers c\n ON = f.plugin_fields_containers_id\n WHERE = '{$field}'"; $res = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->numrows($res) > 0) { $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($res); //retrieve computer $agents_id = $params['input']['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']; $agent->getFromDB($agents_id); // update current field $container->updateFieldsValues(array('plugin_fields_containers_id' => $data['id'], $field => $value, 'items_id' => $agent->fields['computers_id'])); } } } break; } }
function showForm($items_id, $itemtype) { $rule = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImport(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe' cellpadding='1'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th colspan='4'>"; echo __('Rule import logs', 'fusioninventory'); echo "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>"; echo __('Date'); echo "</th>"; echo "<th>"; echo __('Rule name'); echo "</th>"; echo "<th>"; echo __('Agent', 'fusioninventory'); echo "</th>"; echo "<th>"; echo __('Module', 'fusioninventory'); echo "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; $allData = $this->find("`itemtype`='" . $itemtype . "'\n AND `items_id`='" . $items_id . "'", "`date` DESC"); foreach ($allData as $data) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; echo Html::convDateTime($data['date']); echo "</td>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; if ($rule->getFromDB($data['rules_id'])) { echo $rule->getLink(1); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; if ($pfAgent->getFromDB($data['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'])) { echo $pfAgent->getLink(1); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; $a_methods = PluginFusioninventoryStaticmisc::getmethods(); foreach ($a_methods as $mdata) { if ($mdata['method'] == $data['method']) { echo $mdata['name']; } } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; }
/** * Display detail of each history line * * @param $agents_id integer id of the agent * @param $uniqid integer uniq id of each taskjobs runing * @param $width integer how large in pixel display array * * @return value all text to display * **/ function showHistoryInDetail($agents_id, $uniqid, $width = "950") { global $CFG_GLPI; $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $text = "<center><table class='tab_cadrehov' style='width: " . $width . "px'>"; $a_jobstates = $pfTaskjobstate->find('`plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id`="' . $agents_id . '" ' . 'AND `uniqid`="' . $uniqid . '"', '`id` DESC'); $a_devices_merged = array(); foreach ($a_jobstates as $data) { $displayforceend = 0; $a_history = $this->find('`plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id` = "' . $data['id'] . '"', 'id'); if (strstr(exportArrayToDB($a_history), "Merged with ")) { $classname = $data['itemtype']; $Class = new $classname(); $Class->getFromDB($data['items_id']); $a_devices_merged[] = $Class->getLink(1) . " (" . $Class->getTypeName() . ")"; } else { $text .= "<tr>"; $text .= "<th colspan='2'><img src='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/pics/puce.gif' />" . __('Process number', 'fusioninventory') . " : " . $data['id'] . "</th>"; $text .= "<th>"; $text .= __('Date'); $text .= "</th>"; $text .= "<th>"; $text .= __('Status'); $text .= "</th>"; $text .= "<th>"; $text .= __('Comments'); $text .= "</th>"; $text .= "</tr>"; $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<th colspan='2'>"; $text .= __('Agent', 'fusioninventory'); $text .= "</th>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<td colspan='2'>"; $pfAgent->getFromDB($data['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); $text .= $pfAgent->getLink(1); $text .= "</td>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<th colspan='2'>"; $text .= __('Definition', 'fusioninventory'); $text .= "<sup>(" . (count($a_devices_merged) + 1) . ")</sup>"; $text .= "</th>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<td colspan='2'>"; if (!empty($data["itemtype"])) { $device = new $data["itemtype"](); $device->getFromDB($data["items_id"]); $text .= $device->getLink(1); $text .= " "; $text .= "(" . $device->getTypeName() . ")"; } $text .= "</td>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; while (count($a_history) != 0) { if (count($a_devices_merged) > 0) { $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<td colspan='2'>"; $text .= array_pop($a_devices_merged); $text .= "</td>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; } else { $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<td colspan='2' rowspan='" . count($a_history) . "'>"; $text .= "</td>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; while (count($a_history) != 0) { $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $a_return = $this->displayHistoryDetail(array_shift($a_history)); $count = $a_return[0]; $text .= $a_return[1]; $displayforceend += $count; $text .= "</tr>"; } } } $display = 1; while (count($a_devices_merged) != 0) { $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $text .= "<td colspan='2'>"; $text .= array_pop($a_devices_merged); $text .= "</td>"; if ($display == "1") { $text .= "<td colspan='3' rowspan='" . (count($a_devices_merged) + 1) . "'></td>"; $display = 0; } $text .= "</tr>"; } $text .= "<tr class='tab_bg_4'>"; $text .= "<td colspan='5' height='4'>"; $text .= "</td>"; $text .= "</tr>"; } } $text .= "</table></center>"; return $text; }
/** * Function to uninstall an object * * @param $computers_id the computer's ID in GLPI * * @return nothing **/ static function deleteFusionInventoryLink($itemtype, $items_id) { if (function_exists('plugin_pre_item_purge_fusioninventory')) { $item = new $itemtype(); $item->getFromDB($items_id); $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $agents = $agent->getAgentsFromComputers(array($items_id)); // clean item associated to agents plugin_pre_item_purge_fusioninventory($item); if ($itemtype == 'Computer') { // remove agent(s) foreach ($agents as $current_agent) { $agent->deleteByCriteria(array('id' => $current_agent['id']), true); } // remove licences $pfComputerLicenseInfo = new PluginFusioninventoryComputerLicenseInfo(); $pfComputerLicenseInfo->deleteByCriteria(array('computers_id' => $items_id)); // remove batteries $pfInventoryComputerBatteries = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerBatteries(); $pfInventoryComputerBatteries->deleteByCriteria(array('computers_id' => $items_id)); // Delete links between two computerstorages $pfInventoryComputerStorageStorageStorage = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerStorage_Storage(); $tab_ids = $pfInventoryComputerStorageStorageStorage->getOpposites($items_id); if (!empty($tab_ids)) { //because getOpposites can return 0 foreach ($tab_ids as $inventorycomputerstorages_id) { $storage->deleteByCriteria(array('plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerstorages_id_1' => $inventorycomputerstorages_id)); $storage->deleteByCriteria(array('plugin_fusioninventory_inventorycomputerstorages_id_2' => $inventorycomputerstorages_id)); } } // ** Delete computerstorages ** $pfInventoryComputerStorage = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerStorage(); $pfInventoryComputerStorage->deleteByCriteria(array('computers_id' => $items_id)); } } }
function plugin_item_transfer_fusioninventory($parm) { switch ($parm['type']) { case 'Computer': $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); if ($agent_id = $pfAgent->getAgentWithComputerid($parm['id'])) { $input = array(); $input['id'] = $agent_id; $computer = new Computer(); $computer->getFromDB($parm['newID']); $input['entities_id'] = $computer->fields['entities_id']; $pfAgent->update($input); } break; } return FALSE; }
$a_input['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $a_input['comment'] = ''; $a_input['state'] = PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog::TASK_STARTED; $pfTaskjoblog->add($a_input); } } } } } } break; case 'setAnswer': // example // ?action=setAnswer&InformationSource=0x00000000&BIOSVersion=VirtualBox&SystemManufacturer=innotek%20GmbH&uuid=fepjhoug56743h&SystemProductName=VirtualBox&BIOSReleaseDate=12%2F01%2F2006 $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $jobstate = current($pfTaskjobstate->find("`uniqid`='" . $_GET['uuid'] . "'\n AND `state`!='" . PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate::FINISHED . "'", '', 1)); if (isset($jobstate['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'])) { $pfAgent->getFromDB($jobstate['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); $computers_id = $pfAgent->fields['computers_id']; $a_values = $_GET; unset($a_values['action']); unset($a_values['uuid']); switch ($jobstate['itemtype']) { case 'PluginFusioninventoryCollect_Registry': // update registry content $pfCRC = new PluginFusioninventoryCollect_Registry_Content(); $pfCRC->updateComputer($computers_id, $a_values, $jobstate['items_id']); $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatus($jobstate['id'], PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate::AGENT_HAS_SENT_DATA); if (isset($a_values['_cpt']) && $a_values['_cpt'] == 0) { // it not find the path
/** * Get Computers from Actors defined in taskjobs * TODO: this method should be rewritten to call directly a getAgents() method in the * corresponding itemtype classes. */ public function getAgentsFromActors($actors = array()) { $agents = array(); $computers = array(); $computer = new Computer(); $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfToolbox = new PluginFusioninventoryToolbox(); foreach ($actors as $actor) { $itemtype = key($actor); $itemid = $actor[$itemtype]; $item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype); $dbresult = $item->getFromDB($itemid); // If this item doesn't exists, we continue to the next actor item. // TODO: remove this faulty actor from the list of job actor. if ($dbresult === false) { continue; } switch ($itemtype) { case 'Computer': $computers[$itemid] = 1; break; case 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup': $group_targets = $pfToolbox->executeAsFusioninventoryUser('PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup::getTargetsForGroup', array($itemid)); foreach ($group_targets as $computerid) { $computers[$computerid] = 1; } break; case 'Group': //find computers by user associated with this group $group_users = new Group_User(); $members = array(); //array_keys($group_users->find("groups_id = '$items_id'")); $members = $group_users->getGroupUsers($itemid); foreach ($members as $member) { $computers_from_user = $computer->find("users_id = '{$member['id']}'"); foreach ($computers_from_user as $computer_entry) { $computers[$computer_entry['id']] = 1; } } //find computers directly associated with this group $computer_from_group = $computer->find("groups_id = '{$itemid}'"); foreach ($computer_from_group as $computer_entry) { $computers[$computer_entry['id']] = 1; } break; /** * TODO: The following should be replaced with Dynamic groups */ /** * TODO: The following should be replaced with Dynamic groups */ case 'PluginFusioninventoryAgent': switch ($itemid) { case "dynamic": break; case "dynamic-same-subnet": break; default: $agents[$itemid] = 1; break; } break; } } //Get agents from the computer's ids list foreach ($agent->getAgentsFromComputers(array_keys($computers)) as $agent_entry) { $agents[$agent_entry['id']] = 1; } // Return the list of agent's ids. // (We used hash keys to avoid duplicates in the list) return array_keys($agents); }
public function AgentEntity($computers_id = 0, $entities_id = 0, $text = '') { global $DB; $DB->connect(); if ($computers_id == 0) { return; } $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $a_agents_id = $pfAgent->getAgentWithComputerid($computers_id); $pfAgent->getFromDB($a_agents_id); $this->assertEquals($entities_id, $pfAgent->fields['entities_id'], $text); }
/** * Display informations about computer (bios...) * * @param type $computers_id */ static function showInfo($item) { global $CFG_GLPI; // Manage locks pictures PluginFusioninventoryLock::showLockIcon('Computer'); $pfInventoryComputerComputer = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryComputerComputer(); $a_computerextend = current($pfInventoryComputerComputer->find("`computers_id`='" . $item->getID() . "'", "", 1)); if (empty($a_computerextend)) { return; } echo '<table class="tab_glpi" width="100%">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th colspan="2">' . __('FusionInventory', 'fusioninventory') . '</th>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>'; echo __('Last inventory', 'fusioninventory'); echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo Html::convDateTime($a_computerextend['last_fusioninventory_update']); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; if ($a_computerextend['remote_addr'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('Public contact address', 'fusioninventory') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $a_computerextend['remote_addr'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfAgent->showInfoForComputer($item->getID()); if ($a_computerextend['bios_date'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('BIOS date', 'fusioninventory') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . Html::convDate($a_computerextend['bios_date']) . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['bios_version'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('BIOS version', 'fusioninventory') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $a_computerextend['bios_version'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['bios_manufacturers_id'] > 0) { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('Manufacturer') . ' :</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_manufacturers", $a_computerextend['bios_manufacturers_id']); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['plugin_fusioninventory_computerarchs_id'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo "<td>" . __('Architecture', 'fusioninventory') . "</td>"; echo '<td>'; echo Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_computerarchs', $a_computerextend['plugin_fusioninventory_computerarchs_id']); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['operatingsystem_installationdate'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo "<td>" . __('Operating system') . " - " . __('Installation') . " (" . strtolower(__('Date')) . ")</td>"; echo '<td>' . Html::convDate($a_computerextend['operatingsystem_installationdate']) . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['winowner'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('Owner', 'fusioninventory') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $a_computerextend['winowner'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['wincompany'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('Company', 'fusioninventory') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $a_computerextend['wincompany'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if ($a_computerextend['oscomment'] != '') { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo "<td>" . __('Comments') . "</td>"; echo '<td>' . $a_computerextend['oscomment'] . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } // Display automatic entity transfer if (Session::isMultiEntitiesMode()) { echo '<tr class="tab_bg_1">'; echo '<td>' . __('Automatic entity transfer', 'fusioninventory') . '</td>'; echo '<td>'; $pfEntity = new PluginFusioninventoryEntity(); if ($pfEntity->getValue('transfers_id_auto', $item->fields['entities_id']) == 0) { echo __('No, locked (by entity configuration)', 'fusioninventory'); } else { if ($a_computerextend['is_entitylocked'] == 1) { echo __('No, locked manually', 'fusioninventory'); echo " [ <a href='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/front/computerentitylock.form.php?id=" . $a_computerextend['id'] . "&lock=0'>" . __('Unlock it', 'fusioninventory') . "</a> ]"; } else { echo __('Yes'); echo " [ <a href='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/front/computerentitylock.form.php?id=" . $a_computerextend['id'] . "&lock=1'>" . __('Lock it', 'fusioninventory') . "</a> ]"; } } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; }
static function cronWakeupAgents($crontask) { global $DB; $wakeupArray = array(); $tasks = array(); //Get the maximum number of agent to wakeup, //as allowed in the general configuration $config = new PluginFusioninventoryConfig(); $maxWakeUp = $config->getValue('wakeup_agent_max'); $counter = 0; $continue = true; //Get all active timeslots $timeslot = new PluginFusioninventoryTimeslot(); $timeslots = $timeslot->getCurrentActiveTimeslots(); if (empty($timeslots)) { $query_timeslot = ''; } else { $query_timeslot = "OR (`plugin_fusioninventory_timeslots_id` IN (" . implode(',', $timeslots) . "))"; } //Get all active task requiring an agent wakeup //Check all tasks without timeslot or task with a current active timeslot $query = "SELECT `id`, `wakeup_agent_counter`, `wakeup_agent_time`, `last_agent_wakeup` \n FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_tasks` \n WHERE `wakeup_agent_time` > 0 \n AND `wakeup_agent_counter` > 0\n AND `is_active`='1' \n AND ((`plugin_fusioninventory_timeslots_id`='0') \n {$query_timeslot})"; foreach ($DB->request($query) as $task) { if (!is_null($task['wakeup_agent_time'])) { //Do not wake up is last wake up in inferior to the minimum wake up interval $interval = time() - strtotime($task['last_agent_wakeup']); if ($interval < $task['wakeup_agent_time'] * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP) { continue; } } //For each task, get a number of taskjobs at the PREPARED state //(the maximum is defined in wakeup_agent_counter) $query_states = "SELECT `taskjobstates`.`plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id`, \n `tasks`.`id` as `taskID`, \n `tasks`.`wakeup_agent_time`,\n `tasks`.`last_agent_wakeup`\n FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates` as `taskjobstates`,\n `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs` as `taskjobs`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_tasks` as `tasks` \n ON `tasks`.`id`=`taskjobs`.`plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id`\n WHERE `tasks`.`id`='" . $task['id'] . "' \n AND `taskjobs`.`id`=`taskjobstates`.`plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id` \n AND `taskjobstates`.`state`='" . PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate::PREPARED . "' \n ORDER BY `taskjobstates`.`id` ASC LIMIT " . $task['wakeup_agent_counter']; foreach ($DB->request($query_states) as $state) { $agents_id = $state['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']; //Check if agent is already added to the list of agents to wake up if (!isset($wakeupArray[$agents_id])) { //This agent must be woken up $wakeupArray[$agents_id] = $agents_id; $counter++; } //Store task ID if (!in_array($state['taskID'], $tasks)) { $tasks[] = $state['taskID']; } //Do not process more than the maximum number of wakeup allowed in the configuration if ($counter >= $maxWakeUp) { if (PluginFusioninventoryConfig::isExtradebugActive()) { Toolbox::logDebug(__("Maximum number of agent wakeup reached", 'fusioninventory') . ":" . $maxWakeUp); } $continue = false; break; } } //We've reached the maximum number of agents to wake up ! if (!$continue) { break; } } //Number of agents successfully woken up $wokeup = 0; $myTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); if (!empty($tasks)) { //Update last wake up time each task $query_lastrun = "UPDATE `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_tasks` \n SET `last_agent_wakeup`='" . $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'] . "' \n WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(",", $tasks) . ")"; $DB->query($query_lastrun); $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); //Try to wake up agents one by one foreach ($wakeupArray as $ID => $value) { $agent->getFromDB($ID); if ($agent->wakeUp()) { $wokeup++; } } } $crontask->addVolume($wokeup); return true; }
@author David Durieux @co-author @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2014 FusionInventory team @license AGPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version @link @link @since 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ include "../../../inc/includes.php"; $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); Session::checkRight('plugin_fusioninventory_agent', READ); if (isset($_POST['startagent'])) { $agent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $agent->getFromDB($_POST['agent_id']); if ($agent->wakeUp()) { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('The agent is running', 'fusioninventory')); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('Impossible to communicate with agent!', 'fusioninventory')); } Html::back(); } else { if (isset($_POST["update"])) { Session::checkRight('plugin_fusioninventory_agent', UPDATE); if (isset($_POST['items_id'])) { if ($_POST['items_id'] != "0" and $_POST['items_id'] != "") { $_POST['itemtype'] = '1'; } }
function display($options = array()) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfTaskjoblog = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog(); $pfStateInventory = new PluginFusioninventoryStateInventory(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $start = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST["start"])) { $start = $_REQUEST["start"]; } // Total Number of events $querycount = "SELECT count(*) AS cpt FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs`\n ON `plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id` = `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs`.`id`\n WHERE `method` = 'networkdiscovery'\n GROUP BY `uniqid`\n ORDER BY `uniqid` DESC "; $resultcount = $DB->query($querycount); $number = $DB->numrows($resultcount); // Display the pager Html::printPager($start, $number, $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/fusioninventory/front/stateinventory.php", ''); echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<th>" . __('Unique id', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Task job', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Agent', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Status') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Starting date', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Ending date', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Total duration') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Threads number', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Total discovery devices', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Devices not imported', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Devices linked', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Devices imported', 'fusioninventory') . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; $sql = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates`.*\n FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs`\n ON `plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id` = `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs`.`id`\n WHERE `method` = 'networkdiscovery'\n GROUP BY `uniqid`\n ORDER BY `uniqid` DESC\n LIMIT " . intval($start) . ", " . intval($_SESSION['glpilist_limit']); $result = $DB->query($sql); while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td>" . $data['uniqid'] . "</td>"; $pfTaskjob->getFromDB($data['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id']); echo "<td>" . $pfTaskjob->getLink() . "</td>"; $pfAgent->getFromDB($data['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id']); echo "<td>" . $pfAgent->getLink(1) . "</td>"; $nb_found = 0; $nb_threads = 0; $start_date = ""; $end_date = ""; $notimporteddevices = 0; $updateddevices = 0; $createddevices = 0; $a_taskjobstates = $pfTaskjobstate->find("`uniqid`='" . $data['uniqid'] . "'"); foreach ($a_taskjobstates as $datastate) { $a_taskjoblog = $pfTaskjoblog->find("`plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id`='" . $datastate['id'] . "'"); foreach ($a_taskjoblog as $taskjoblog) { if (strstr($taskjoblog['comment'], " ==devicesfound==")) { $nb_found += str_replace(" ==devicesfound==", "", $taskjoblog['comment']); } else { if (strstr($taskjoblog['comment'], "==importdenied==")) { $notimporteddevices++; } else { if (strstr($taskjoblog['comment'], "==updatetheitem==")) { $updateddevices++; } else { if (strstr($taskjoblog['comment'], "==addtheitem==")) { $createddevices++; } else { if ($taskjoblog['state'] == "1") { $nb_threads = str_replace(" threads", "", $taskjoblog['comment']); $start_date = $taskjoblog['date']; } } } } } if ($taskjoblog['state'] == "2" or $taskjoblog['state'] == "3" or $taskjoblog['state'] == "4" or $taskjoblog['state'] == "5") { if (!strstr($taskjoblog['comment'], 'Merged with ')) { $end_date = $taskjoblog['date']; } } } } // State echo "<td>"; switch ($data['state']) { case 0: echo __('Prepared', 'fusioninventory'); break; case 1: case 2: echo __('Started', 'fusioninventory'); break; case 3: echo __('Finished tasks', 'fusioninventory'); break; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . Html::convDateTime($start_date) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . Html::convDateTime($end_date) . "</td>"; if ($end_date == '') { $end_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } if ($start_date == '') { echo "<td>-</td>"; } else { $interval = ''; if (phpversion() >= 5.3) { $date1 = new DateTime($start_date); $date2 = new DateTime($end_date); $interval = $date1->diff($date2); $display_date = ''; if ($interval->h > 0) { $display_date .= $interval->h . "h "; } else { if ($interval->i > 0) { $display_date .= $interval->i . "min "; } } echo "<td>" . $display_date . $interval->s . "s</td>"; } else { $interval = $pfStateInventory->date_diff($start_date, $end_date); } } echo "<td>" . $nb_threads . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $nb_found . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $notimporteddevices . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $updateddevices . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $createddevices . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; }