예제 #1
  * Call this function to find the "nearby points" to publish to
  * on a grid of quantized (latitude, longitude) pairs
  * which are spaced at most $miles apart.
  * @method forPublishers
  * @static
  * @param {double} $latitude The latitude of the coordinates to search around
  * @param {double} $longitude The longitude of the coordinates to search around
  * @param {array} [$milesArray=null] To override the default in "Places"/"nearby"/"miles" config
  * @return {array} Returns an array of several ($streamName => $info) pairs
  *  where the $streamName is the name of the stream corresponding to the "nearby point"
  *  and $info includes the keys "latitude", "longitude", and "miles".
 static function forPublishers($latitude, $longitude, $milesArray = null)
     $result = array();
     if (!isset($milesArray)) {
         $milesArray = Q_Config::expect('Places', 'nearby', 'miles');
     foreach ($milesArray as $miles) {
         if ($longitude > 180) {
             $longitude = $longitude % 180 - 180;
         if ($longitude < -180) {
             $longitude = $longitude % 180 + 180;
         if ($latitude > 90) {
             $latitude = $latitude % 90 - 90;
         if ($latitude < -90) {
             $latitude = $latitude % 90 + 90;
         list($latQuantized, $longQuantized, $latGrid, $longGrid) = Places::quantize($latitude, $longitude, $miles);
         $streamName = Places_Nearby::streamName($latQuantized, $longQuantized, $miles);
         $result[$streamName] = array('latitude' => $latQuantized, 'longitude' => $longQuantized, 'geohash' => Places_Geohash::encode($latQuantized, $longQuantized, 6), 'miles' => $miles);
     return $result;