예제 #1
  * Convert segment expression to an action ID or an SQL expression.
  * This method is used as a sqlFilter-callback for the segments of this plugin.
  * Usually, these callbacks only return a value that should be compared to the
  * column in the database. In this case, that doesn't work since multiple IDs
  * can match an expression (e.g. "pageUrl=@foo").
 function getIdActionFromSegment($string, $sqlField, $matchType = '==')
     // Field is visit_*_idaction_url or visit_*_idaction_name
     $actionType = strpos($sqlField, '_name') === false ? Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL : Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME;
     // exact matches work by returning the id directly
     if ($matchType == Piwik_SegmentExpression::MATCH_EQUAL || $matchType == Piwik_SegmentExpression::MATCH_NOT_EQUAL) {
         $sql = Piwik_Tracker_Action::getSqlSelectActionId();
         $bind = array($string, $string, $actionType);
         $idAction = Piwik_FetchOne($sql, $bind);
         // if the action is not found, we hack -100 to ensure it tries to match against an integer
         // otherwise binding idaction_name to "false" returns some rows for some reasons (in case &segment=pageTitle==Větrnásssssss)
         if (empty($idAction)) {
             $idAction = -100;
         return $idAction;
     // now, we handle the cases =@ (contains) and !@ (does not contain)
     // build the expression based on the match type
     $sql = 'SELECT idaction FROM ' . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action') . ' WHERE ';
     switch ($matchType) {
         case '=@':
             // use concat to make sure, no %s occurs because some plugins use %s in their sql
             $sql .= '( name LIKE CONCAT("%", ?, "%") AND type = ' . $actionType . ' )';
         case '!@':
             $sql .= '( name NOT LIKE CONCAT("%", ?, "%") AND type = ' . $actionType . ' )';
             throw new Exception("This match type is not available for action-segments.");
     return array('SQL' => $sql, 'bind' => $string);
예제 #2
 function recordGoals($visitorInformation)
     $location_country = isset($visitorInformation['location_country']) ? $visitorInformation['location_country'] : Piwik_Common::getCountry(Piwik_Common::getBrowserLanguage(), $enableLanguageToCountryGuess = Piwik_Tracker_Config::getInstance()->Tracker['enable_language_to_country_guess']);
     $location_continent = isset($visitorInformation['location_continent']) ? $visitorInformation['location_continent'] : Piwik_Common::getContinent($location_country);
     $goal = array('idvisit' => $visitorInformation['idvisit'], 'idsite' => $visitorInformation['idsite'], 'visitor_idcookie' => $visitorInformation['visitor_idcookie'], 'server_time' => Piwik_Tracker::getDatetimeFromTimestamp($visitorInformation['visit_last_action_time']), 'visit_server_date' => $visitorInformation['visit_server_date'], 'idaction' => $this->action->getIdAction(), 'idlink_va' => $this->action->getIdLinkVisitAction(), 'location_country' => $location_country, 'location_continent' => $location_continent, 'url' => $this->action->getActionUrl(), 'visitor_returning' => $this->cookie->get(Piwik_Tracker::COOKIE_INDEX_VISITOR_RETURNING));
     $referer_idvisit = $this->cookie->get(Piwik_Tracker::COOKIE_INDEX_REFERER_ID_VISIT);
     if ($referer_idvisit !== false) {
         $goal += array('referer_idvisit' => $referer_idvisit, 'referer_visit_server_date' => date("Y-m-d", $this->cookie->get(Piwik_Tracker::COOKIE_INDEX_REFERER_TIMESTAMP)), 'referer_type' => htmlspecialchars_decode($this->cookie->get(Piwik_Tracker::COOKIE_INDEX_REFERER_TYPE)), 'referer_name' => htmlspecialchars_decode($this->cookie->get(Piwik_Tracker::COOKIE_INDEX_REFERER_NAME)), 'referer_keyword' => htmlspecialchars_decode($this->cookie->get(Piwik_Tracker::COOKIE_INDEX_REFERER_KEYWORD)));
     foreach ($this->matchedGoals as $matchedGoal) {
         printDebug("- Goal " . $matchedGoal['idgoal'] . " matched. Recording...");
         $newGoal = $goal;
         $newGoal['idgoal'] = $matchedGoal['idgoal'];
         $newGoal['revenue'] = $matchedGoal['revenue'];
         $fields = implode(", ", array_keys($newGoal));
         $bindFields = substr(str_repeat("?,", count($newGoal)), 0, -1);
         try {
             Piwik_Tracker::getDatabase()->query("INSERT INTO " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . "\t({$fields}) \n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$bindFields}) ", array_values($newGoal));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if (strpos($e->getMessage(), '1062') !== false) {
                 // integrity violation when same visit converts to the same goal twice
                 printDebug("--> Goal already recorded for this (idvisit, idgoal)");
             } else {
                 throw $e;
         //$idlog_goal = Piwik_Tracker::getDatabase()->lastInsertId();
예제 #3
 function getIdActionFromString($string, $sqlField)
     // Field is visit_*_idaction_url or visit_*_idaction_name
     $actionType = strpos($sqlField, '_name') === false ? Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL : Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME;
     $sql = Piwik_Tracker_Action::getSqlSelectActionId();
     $bind = array($string, $string, $actionType);
     $idAction = Zend_Registry::get('db')->fetchOne($sql, $bind);
     return $idAction;
예제 #4
  * Testing with some website specific and some global excluded query parameters
  * @group Core
  * @group Tracker
  * @group Tracker_Action
  * @dataProvider getTestUrls
 public function testExcludeQueryParametersSiteAndGlobalExcluded($url, $filteredUrl)
     // testing also that query parameters are case insensitive
     $excludedQueryParameters = 'P2,var[value][date]';
     $excludedGlobalParameters = 'blabla, P4';
     $idSite = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->addSite("site1", array('http://example.org'), $ecommerce = 0, $excludedIps = '', $excludedQueryParameters);
     $this->assertEquals($filteredUrl[1], Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($url, $idSite));
예제 #5
 /** Render the area left of the iframe */
 public function renderSidebar()
     $idSite = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite');
     $period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period');
     $date = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date');
     $currentUrl = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('currentUrl');
     $currentUrl = Piwik_Common::unsanitizeInputValue($currentUrl);
     $normalizedCurrentUrl = Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($currentUrl, $idSite);
     $normalizedCurrentUrl = Piwik_Common::unsanitizeInputValue($normalizedCurrentUrl);
     // load the appropriate row of the page urls report using the label filter
     $path = Piwik_Actions_ArchivingHelper::getActionExplodedNames($normalizedCurrentUrl, Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL);
     $path = array_map('urlencode', $path);
     $label = implode('>', $path);
     $request = new Piwik_API_Request('method=Actions.getPageUrls' . '&idSite=' . urlencode($idSite) . '&date=' . urlencode($date) . '&period=' . urlencode($period) . '&label=' . urlencode($label) . '&format=original');
     $dataTable = $request->process();
     $data = array();
     if ($dataTable->getRowsCount() > 0) {
         $row = $dataTable->getFirstRow();
         $translations = Piwik_API_API::getDefaultMetricTranslations();
         $showMetrics = array('nb_hits', 'nb_visits', 'nb_uniq_visitors', 'bounce_rate', 'exit_rate', 'avg_time_on_page');
         foreach ($showMetrics as $metric) {
             $value = $row->getColumn($metric);
             if ($value === false) {
                 // skip unique visitors for period != day
             if ($metric == 'avg_time_on_page') {
                 $value = Piwik::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($value);
             $data[] = array('name' => $translations[$metric], 'value' => $value);
     // generate page url string
     foreach ($path as &$part) {
         $part = preg_replace(';^/;', '', urldecode($part));
     $page = '/' . implode('/', $path);
     $page = preg_replace(';/index$;', '/', $page);
     if ($page == '/') {
         $page = '/index';
     // render template
     $view = Piwik_View::factory('sidebar');
     $view->data = $data;
     $view->location = $page;
     $view->normalizedUrl = $normalizedCurrentUrl;
     $view->label = $label;
     $view->idSite = $idSite;
     $view->period = $period;
     $view->date = $date;
     echo $view->render();
 function test_excludeQueryParameters_siteAndGlobalExcluded()
     // testing also that query parameters are case insensitive
     $excludedQueryParameters = 'P2';
     $excludedGlobalParameters = 'blabla, P4';
     $expectedUrls = array('http:////wrongurl', 'http://*****:*****@hostname:80/path#anchor', 'http://a.com/index?p1=v1', 'http://a.com/index?p1=v1', 'http://a.com/index?p1=v1&p3=v3', 'http://a.com/index?p1=v1&p3=v3', 'http://a.com/index?p1=v1&p3=v3', 'http://a.com/index?p1&p3=v3', 'http://a.com/index?p1=v1&p3=v3');
     $idsite = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->addSite("site1", array('http://example.org'), $ecommerce = 0, $excludedIps = '', $excludedQueryParameters);
     $urls = $this->getTestUrls();
     $filteredUrls = array();
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         $filteredUrls[] = Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($url, $idsite);
     $this->assertEqual($expectedUrls, $filteredUrls);
예제 #7
  * Get following pages of a url.
  * This is done on the logs - not the archives!
  * Note: if you use this method via the regular API, the number of results will be limited.
  * Make sure, you set filter_limit=-1 in the request.
 public function getFollowingPages($url, $idSite, $period, $date, $segment = false)
     $url = Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($url, $idSite);
     // we don't unsanitize $url here. it will be done in the Transitions plugin.
     $resultDataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
     try {
         $limitBeforeGrouping = Piwik_Config::getInstance()->General['overlay_following_pages_limit'];
         $transitionsReport = Piwik_Transitions_API::getInstance()->getTransitionsForAction($url, $type = 'url', $idSite, $period, $date, $segment, $limitBeforeGrouping, $part = 'followingActions', $returnNormalizedUrls = true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $resultDataTable;
     $reports = array('followingPages', 'outlinks', 'downloads');
     foreach ($reports as $reportName) {
         if (!isset($transitionsReport[$reportName])) {
         foreach ($transitionsReport[$reportName]->getRows() as $row) {
             // don't touch the row at all for performance reasons
     return $resultDataTable;
예제 #8
     * Get information about the following actions (following pages, outlinks, downloads)
     * @param $idaction
     * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing
     * @return array(followingPages:Piwik_DataTable, outlinks:Piwik_DataTable, downloads:Piwik_DataTable)
    public function queryFollowingActions($idaction, Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing, $limitBeforeGrouping = false)
        static $types = array(Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL => 'followingPages', Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_OUTLINK => 'outlinks', Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_DOWNLOAD => 'downloads');
        $dimension = 'idaction_url';
        $rankingQuery = new Piwik_RankingQuery($limitBeforeGrouping ? $limitBeforeGrouping : $this->limitBeforeGrouping);
        $rankingQuery->addLabelColumn(array('name', 'url_prefix'));
        $rankingQuery->partitionResultIntoMultipleGroups('type', array_keys($types));
        $addSelect = 'log_action.name, log_action.url_prefix, log_action.type';
        $where = '
			log_link_visit_action.idaction_url_ref = ' . intval($idaction) . ' AND 
			log_link_visit_action.idaction_url != ' . intval($idaction);
        $orderBy = '`' . Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS . '` DESC';
        $metrics = array(Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS);
        $data = $archiveProcessing->queryActionsByDimension(array($dimension), $where, $metrics, $orderBy, $rankingQuery, $dimension, $addSelect);
        $dataTables = array();
        foreach ($types as $type => $recordName) {
            $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
            if (isset($data[$type])) {
                foreach ($data[$type] as &$record) {
                    $dataTable->addRow(new Piwik_DataTable_Row(array(Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS => array('label' => $type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_URL ? Piwik_Tracker_Action::reconstructNormalizedUrl($record['name'], $record['url_prefix']) : $record['name'], Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS => intval($record[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_ACTIONS])))));
            $dataTables[$recordName] = $dataTable;
        return $dataTables;
예제 #9
	 * Will search in the DataTable for a Label matching the searched string
	 * and return only the matching row, or an empty datatable
	protected function getFilterPageDatatableSearch( $callBackParameters, $search, $actionType, $table = false, $searchTree = false, $searchCurrentLevel = 0 )
		if($table === false)
			$table = call_user_func_array(array('Piwik_Archive', 'getDataTableFromArchive'), $callBackParameters);
		if($searchTree === false)
    		if($actionType == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME)
    			$searchedString = Piwik_Common::unsanitizeInputValue($search);
    			$searchedString = Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($search, $idSite = $callBackParameters[1]);
			$searchTree = Piwik_Actions::getActionExplodedNames($searchedString, $actionType);
		if(!($table instanceof Piwik_DataTable))
			throw new Exception("For this API function, date=lastN or date=previousM is not supported");
		$rows = $table->getRows();
		$labelSearch = $searchTree[$searchCurrentLevel];
		$isEndSearch = ((count($searchTree)-1) == $searchCurrentLevel);
		foreach($rows as $key => $row)
			$found = false;
			// Found a match at this level
			$label = $row->getColumn('label');
			if($label === $labelSearch)
				// Is this the end of the search tree? then we found the requested row
//					var_dump($label); var_dump($labelSearch); exit;
					$table = new Piwik_DataTable();
					return $table;
				// If we still need to search deeper, call search 
				$idSubTable = $row->getIdSubDataTable();
				// Update the idSubtable in the callback parameter list, to fetch this subtable from the archive
				$callBackParameters[6] = $idSubTable;
				$subTable = call_user_func_array(array('Piwik_Archive', 'getDataTableFromArchive'), $callBackParameters);
				$found = $this->getFilterPageDatatableSearch($callBackParameters, $search, $actionType, $subTable, $searchTree, $searchCurrentLevel+1);
					return $found;
		// Case the DataTable was searched but nothing was found, @see getFilterPageDatatableSearch()
		if($searchCurrentLevel == 0)
			return new Piwik_DataTable;
		return false;
예제 #10
 function detectGoalId($idSite, $idGoal, $request)
     if (!$this->isGoalPluginEnabled()) {
         return false;
     $goals = $this->getGoalDefinitions($idSite);
     if (!isset($goals[$idGoal])) {
         return false;
     $goal = $goals[$idGoal];
     $url = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('url', '', 'string', $request);
     $goal['url'] = Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($url, $idSite);
     $goal['revenue'] = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('revenue', $goal['revenue'], 'float', $request);
     $this->convertedGoals[] = $goal;
     return true;
예제 #11
 private function getPageLabel(&$pageRecord, $isTitle)
     if ($isTitle) {
         $label = $pageRecord['name'];
         if (empty($label)) {
             $label = Piwik_Actions_ArchivingHelper::getUnknownActionName(Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME);
         return $label;
     } else {
         if ($this->returnNormalizedUrls) {
             return $pageRecord['name'];
         } else {
             return Piwik_Tracker_Action::reconstructNormalizedUrl($pageRecord['name'], $pageRecord['url_prefix']);
예제 #12
파일: Visit.php 프로젝트: nnnnathann/piwik
  * Returns an array containing the following information:
  * - referer_type
  *        - direct            -- absence of referer URL OR referer URL has the same host
  *        - site                -- based on the referer URL
  *        - search_engine        -- based on the referer URL
  *        - campaign            -- based on campaign URL parameter
  * - referer_name
  *         - ()
  *         - piwik.net            -- site host name
  *         - google.fr            -- search engine host name
  *         - adwords-search    -- campaign name
  * - referer_keyword
  *         - ()
  *         - ()
  *         - my keyword
  *         - my paid keyword
  *         - ()
  *         - ()
  * - referer_url : the same for all the referer types
  * @param $refererUrl must be URL Encoded
  * @param $currentUrl
  * @param $idSite
  * @return array
 public function getRefererInformation($refererUrl, $currentUrl, $idSite)
     $this->idsite = $idSite;
     // default values for the referer_* fields
     $refererUrl = Piwik_Common::unsanitizeInputValue($refererUrl);
     if (!empty($refererUrl) && !Piwik_Common::isLookLikeUrl($refererUrl)) {
         $refererUrl = '';
     $currentUrl = Piwik_Tracker_Action::cleanupUrl($currentUrl);
     $this->refererUrl = $refererUrl;
     $this->refererUrlParse = @parse_url($this->refererUrl);
     $this->currentUrlParse = @parse_url($currentUrl);
     $this->typeRefererAnalyzed = Piwik_Common::REFERER_TYPE_DIRECT_ENTRY;
     $this->nameRefererAnalyzed = '';
     $this->keywordRefererAnalyzed = '';
     $this->refererHost = '';
     if (isset($this->refererUrlParse['host'])) {
         $this->refererHost = $this->refererUrlParse['host'];
     $refererDetected = false;
     if (!empty($this->currentUrlParse['host']) && $this->detectRefererCampaign()) {
         $refererDetected = true;
     if (!$refererDetected) {
         if ($this->detectRefererDirectEntry() || $this->detectRefererSearchEngine()) {
             $refererDetected = true;
     if (!empty($this->refererHost) && !$refererDetected) {
         $this->typeRefererAnalyzed = Piwik_Common::REFERER_TYPE_WEBSITE;
         $this->nameRefererAnalyzed = mb_strtolower($this->refererHost, 'UTF-8');
     $refererInformation = array('referer_type' => $this->typeRefererAnalyzed, 'referer_name' => $this->nameRefererAnalyzed, 'referer_keyword' => $this->keywordRefererAnalyzed, 'referer_url' => $this->refererUrl);
     return $refererInformation;
예제 #13
  * Will search in the DataTable for a Label matching the searched string
  * and return only the matching row, or an empty datatable
 protected function getFilterPageDatatableSearch($callBackParameters, $search, $actionType, $table = false, $searchTree = false)
     if ($searchTree === false) {
         // build the query parts that are searched inside the tree
         if ($actionType == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) {
             $searchedString = Piwik_Common::unsanitizeInputValue($search);
         } else {
             $idSite = $callBackParameters[1];
             try {
                 $searchedString = Piwik_Tracker_Action::excludeQueryParametersFromUrl($search, $idSite);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $searchedString = $search;
         $searchTree = Piwik_Actions::getActionExplodedNames($searchedString, $actionType);
     if ($table === false) {
         // fetch the data table
         $table = call_user_func_array(array('Piwik_Archive', 'getDataTableFromArchive'), $callBackParameters);
         if ($table instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) {
             // search an array of tables, e.g. when using date=last30
             // note that if the root is an array, we filter all children
             // if an array occurs inside the nested table, we only look for the first match (see below)
             $newTableArray = new Piwik_DataTable_Array();
             $newTableArray->metadata = $table->metadata;
             foreach ($table->getArray() as $label => $subTable) {
                 $subTable = $this->doFilterPageDatatableSearch($callBackParameters, $subTable, $searchTree);
                 $newTableArray->addTable($subTable, $label);
             return $newTableArray;
     return $this->doFilterPageDatatableSearch($callBackParameters, $table, $searchTree);
예제 #14
	protected function handleAction($action)
			printDebug("Info: The outlink URL host is one of the known host for this website. ");
			$type = Piwik_Tracker_Action::getActionTypeName($action->getActionType());
			printDebug("Action is a $type,
						Action name =  ". $action->getActionName() . ",
						Action URL = ". $action->getActionUrl() );
예제 #15
  * Explodes action name into an array of elements.
  * NOTE: before calling this function make sure Piwik_Actions_ArchivingHelper::reloadConfig(); is called
  * for downloads:
  *  we explode link http://piwik.org/some/path/piwik.zip into an array( 'piwik.org', '/some/path/piwik.zip' );
  * for outlinks:
  *  we explode link http://dev.piwik.org/some/path into an array( 'dev.piwik.org', '/some/path' );
  * for action urls:
  *  we explode link http://piwik.org/some/path into an array( 'some', 'path' );
  * for action names:
  *   we explode name 'Piwik / Category 1 / Category 2' into an array('Piwik', 'Category 1', 'Category 2');
  * @param string action name
  * @param int action type
  * @param int url prefix (only used for TYPE_ACTION_URL)
  * @return array of exploded elements from $name
 public static function getActionExplodedNames($name, $type, $urlPrefix = null)
     // Site Search does not split Search keywords
     if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_SITE_SEARCH) {
         return array($name);
     $matches = array();
     $isUrl = false;
     $name = str_replace("\n", "", $name);
     $urlRegexAfterDomain = '([^/]+)[/]?([^#]*)[#]?(.*)';
     if ($urlPrefix === null) {
         // match url with protocol (used for outlinks / downloads)
         $urlRegex = '@^http[s]?://' . $urlRegexAfterDomain . '$@i';
     } else {
         // the name is a url that does not contain protocol and www anymore
         // we know that normalization has been done on db level because $urlPrefix is set
         $urlRegex = '@^' . $urlRegexAfterDomain . '$@i';
     preg_match($urlRegex, $name, $matches);
     if (count($matches)) {
         $isUrl = true;
         $urlHost = $matches[1];
         $urlPath = $matches[2];
         $urlFragment = $matches[3];
     if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_DOWNLOAD || $type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_OUTLINK) {
         if ($isUrl) {
             return array(trim($urlHost), '/' . trim($urlPath));
     if ($isUrl) {
         $name = $urlPath;
         if ($name === '' || substr($name, -1) == '/') {
             $name .= self::$defaultActionName;
     if ($type == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) {
         $categoryDelimiter = self::$actionTitleCategoryDelimiter;
     } else {
         $categoryDelimiter = self::$actionUrlCategoryDelimiter;
     if ($isUrl) {
         $urlFragment = Piwik_Tracker_Action::processUrlFragment($urlFragment);
         if (!empty($urlFragment)) {
             $name .= '#' . $urlFragment;
     if (empty($categoryDelimiter)) {
         return array(trim($name));
     $split = explode($categoryDelimiter, $name, self::getSubCategoryLevelLimit());
     // trim every category and remove empty categories
     $split = array_map('trim', $split);
     $split = array_filter($split, 'strlen');
     // forces array key to start at 0
     $split = array_values($split);
     if (empty($split)) {
         $defaultName = self::getUnknownActionName($type);
         return array(trim($defaultName));
     $lastPageName = end($split);
     // we are careful to prefix the page URL / name with some value
     // so that if a page has the same name as a category
     // we don't merge both entries
     if ($type != Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) {
         $lastPageName = '/' . $lastPageName;
     } else {
         $lastPageName = ' ' . $lastPageName;
     $split[count($split) - 1] = $lastPageName;
     return array_values($split);
예제 #16
파일: API.php 프로젝트: nnnnathann/piwik
  * For an array of visits, query the list of pages for this visit
  * as well as make the data human readable
  * @param array $visitorDetails
  * @param int $idSite
  * @return Piwik_DataTable
 private function getCleanedVisitorsFromDetails($visitorDetails, $idSite)
     $table = new Piwik_DataTable();
     $site = new Piwik_Site($idSite);
     $timezone = $site->getTimezone();
     $currencies = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->getCurrencySymbols();
     foreach ($visitorDetails as $visitorDetail) {
         $this->cleanVisitorDetails($visitorDetail, $idSite);
         $visitor = new Piwik_Live_Visitor($visitorDetail);
         $visitorDetailsArray = $visitor->getAllVisitorDetails();
         $visitorDetailsArray['siteCurrency'] = $site->getCurrency();
         $visitorDetailsArray['siteCurrencySymbol'] = @$currencies[$site->getCurrency()];
         $visitorDetailsArray['serverTimestamp'] = $visitorDetailsArray['lastActionTimestamp'];
         $dateTimeVisit = Piwik_Date::factory($visitorDetailsArray['lastActionTimestamp'], $timezone);
         $visitorDetailsArray['serverTimePretty'] = $dateTimeVisit->getLocalized('%time%');
         $visitorDetailsArray['serverDatePretty'] = $dateTimeVisit->getLocalized(Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_ShortDateFormat'));
         $dateTimeVisitFirstAction = Piwik_Date::factory($visitorDetailsArray['firstActionTimestamp'], $timezone);
         $visitorDetailsArray['serverDatePrettyFirstAction'] = $dateTimeVisitFirstAction->getLocalized(Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_ShortDateFormat'));
         $visitorDetailsArray['serverTimePrettyFirstAction'] = $dateTimeVisitFirstAction->getLocalized('%time%');
         $idvisit = $visitorDetailsArray['idVisit'];
         $sqlCustomVariables = '';
         for ($i = 1; $i <= Piwik_Tracker::MAX_CUSTOM_VARIABLES; $i++) {
             $sqlCustomVariables .= ', custom_var_k' . $i . ', custom_var_v' . $i;
         // The second join is a LEFT join to allow returning records that don't have a matching page title
         // eg. Downloads, Outlinks. For these, idaction_name is set to 0
         $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_action.type AS type,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_action.name AS url,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_action.url_prefix,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_action_title.name AS pageTitle,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_action.idaction AS pageIdAction,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_link_visit_action.idlink_va AS pageId,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_link_visit_action.server_time as serverTimePretty,\n\t\t\t\t\tlog_link_visit_action.time_spent_ref_action as timeSpentRef\n\t\t\t\t\t{$sqlCustomVariables}\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . " AS log_link_visit_action\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action') . " AS log_action\n\t\t\t\t\tON  log_link_visit_action.idaction_url = log_action.idaction\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action') . " AS log_action_title\n\t\t\t\t\tON  log_link_visit_action.idaction_name = log_action_title.idaction\n\t\t\t\tWHERE log_link_visit_action.idvisit = ?\n\t\t\t\t ";
         $actionDetails = Piwik_FetchAll($sql, array($idvisit));
         foreach ($actionDetails as $actionIdx => &$actionDetail) {
             $customVariablesPage = array();
             for ($i = 1; $i <= Piwik_Tracker::MAX_CUSTOM_VARIABLES; $i++) {
                 if (!empty($actionDetail['custom_var_k' . $i]) && !empty($actionDetail['custom_var_v' . $i])) {
                     $customVariablesPage[$i] = array('customVariableName' . $i => $actionDetail['custom_var_k' . $i], 'customVariableValue' . $i => $actionDetail['custom_var_v' . $i]);
                 unset($actionDetail['custom_var_k' . $i]);
                 unset($actionDetail['custom_var_v' . $i]);
             if (!empty($customVariablesPage)) {
                 $actionDetail['customVariables'] = $customVariablesPage;
             // reconstruct url from prefix
             $actionDetail['url'] = Piwik_Tracker_Action::reconstructNormalizedUrl($actionDetail['url'], $actionDetail['url_prefix']);
             // set the time spent for this action (which is the timeSpentRef of the next action)
             if (isset($actionDetails[$actionIdx + 1])) {
                 $actionDetail['timeSpent'] = $actionDetails[$actionIdx + 1]['timeSpentRef'];
                 $actionDetail['timeSpentPretty'] = Piwik::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($actionDetail['timeSpent']);
             // not needed after timeSpent is added
         // If the visitor converted a goal, we shall select all Goals
         $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t'goal' as type,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgoal.name as goalName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgoal.revenue as revenue,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_conversion.idlink_va as goalPageId,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_conversion.server_time as serverTimePretty,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_conversion.url as url\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . " AS log_conversion\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('goal') . " AS goal \n\t\t\t\t\tON (goal.idsite = log_conversion.idsite\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND  \n\t\t\t\t\t\tgoal.idgoal = log_conversion.idgoal)\n\t\t\t\t\tAND goal.deleted = 0\n\t\t\t\tWHERE log_conversion.idvisit = ?\n\t\t\t\t\tAND log_conversion.idgoal > 0\n\t\t\t";
         $goalDetails = Piwik_FetchAll($sql, array($idvisit));
         $sql = "SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase idgoal when " . Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART . " then '" . Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_CART . "' else '" . Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER . "' end as type,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tidorder as orderId,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::getSqlRevenue('revenue') . " as revenue,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::getSqlRevenue('revenue_subtotal') . " as revenueSubTotal,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::getSqlRevenue('revenue_tax') . " as revenueTax,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::getSqlRevenue('revenue_shipping') . " as revenueShipping,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::getSqlRevenue('revenue_discount') . " as revenueDiscount,\n\t\t\t\t\t\titems as items,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_conversion.server_time as serverTimePretty\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . " AS log_conversion\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE idvisit = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND idgoal <= " . Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER;
         $ecommerceDetails = Piwik_FetchAll($sql, array($idvisit));
         foreach ($ecommerceDetails as &$ecommerceDetail) {
             if ($ecommerceDetail['type'] == Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_CART) {
             // 25.00 => 25
             foreach ($ecommerceDetail as $column => $value) {
                 if (strpos($column, 'revenue') !== false) {
                     if ($value == round($value)) {
                         $ecommerceDetail[$column] = round($value);
         // Enrich ecommerce carts/orders with the list of products
         usort($ecommerceDetails, array($this, 'sortByServerTime'));
         foreach ($ecommerceDetails as $key => &$ecommerceConversion) {
             $sql = "SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_action_sku.name as itemSKU,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_action_name.name as itemName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlog_action_category.name as itemCategory,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day::getSqlRevenue('price') . " as price,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tquantity as quantity\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_conversion_item') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action') . " AS log_action_sku\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON  idaction_sku = log_action_sku.idaction\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action') . " AS log_action_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON  idaction_name = log_action_name.idaction\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . Piwik_Common::prefixTable('log_action') . " AS log_action_category\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON idaction_category = log_action_category.idaction\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE idvisit = ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND idorder = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND deleted = 0\n\t\t\t\t";
             $bind = array($idvisit, isset($ecommerceConversion['orderId']) ? $ecommerceConversion['orderId'] : Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::ITEM_IDORDER_ABANDONED_CART);
             $itemsDetails = Piwik_FetchAll($sql, $bind);
             foreach ($itemsDetails as &$detail) {
                 if ($detail['price'] == round($detail['price'])) {
                     $detail['price'] = round($detail['price']);
             $ecommerceConversion['itemDetails'] = $itemsDetails;
         $actions = array_merge($actionDetails, $goalDetails, $ecommerceDetails);
         usort($actions, array($this, 'sortByServerTime'));
         $visitorDetailsArray['actionDetails'] = $actions;
         // Convert datetimes to the site timezone
         foreach ($visitorDetailsArray['actionDetails'] as &$details) {
             switch ($details['type']) {
                 case 'goal':
                     $details['icon'] = 'themes/default/images/goal.png';
                 case Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER:
                 case Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_CART:
                     $details['icon'] = 'themes/default/images/' . $details['type'] . '.gif';
                 case Piwik_Tracker_Action_Interface::TYPE_DOWNLOAD:
                     $details['type'] = 'download';
                     $details['icon'] = 'themes/default/images/download.png';
                 case Piwik_Tracker_Action_Interface::TYPE_OUTLINK:
                     $details['type'] = 'outlink';
                     $details['icon'] = 'themes/default/images/link.gif';
                     $details['type'] = 'action';
                     $details['icon'] = null;
             $dateTimeVisit = Piwik_Date::factory($details['serverTimePretty'], $timezone);
             $details['serverTimePretty'] = $dateTimeVisit->getLocalized(Piwik_Translate('CoreHome_ShortDateFormat') . ' %time%');
         $visitorDetailsArray['goalConversions'] = count($goalDetails);
         $table->addRowFromArray(array(Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS => $visitorDetailsArray));
     return $table;
예제 #17
  * Given a page name and type, builds a recursive datatable where
  * each level of the tree is a category, based on the page name split by a delimiter (slash / by default)
  * @param string $actionName
  * @param int $actionType
  * @param int $urlPrefix
  * @return Piwik_DataTable
 protected function parseActionNameCategoriesInDataTable($actionName, $actionType, $urlPrefix = null)
     // we work on the root table of the given TYPE (either ACTION_URL or DOWNLOAD or OUTLINK etc.)
     $currentTable =& $this->actionsTablesByType[$actionType];
     // go to the level of the subcategory
     $actionExplodedNames = $this->getActionExplodedNames($actionName, $actionType, $urlPrefix);
     $end = count($actionExplodedNames) - 1;
     for ($level = 0; $level < $end; $level++) {
         $actionCategory = $actionExplodedNames[$level];
         $currentTable =& $currentTable[$actionCategory];
     $actionShortName = $actionExplodedNames[$end];
     // currentTable is now the array element corresponding the the action
     // at this point we may be for example at the 4th level of depth in the hierarchy
     $currentTable =& $currentTable[$actionShortName];
     // add the row to the matching sub category subtable
     if (!$currentTable instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Row) {
         $defaultColumnsNewRow = array('label' => (string) $actionShortName, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS => 0, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_UNIQ_VISITORS => 0, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_PAGE_NB_HITS => 0, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_PAGE_SUM_TIME_SPENT => 0);
         if ($actionType == Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ACTION_NAME) {
             $currentTable = new Piwik_DataTable_Row(array(Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS => $defaultColumnsNewRow));
         } else {
             $currentTable = new Piwik_DataTable_Row(array(Piwik_DataTable_Row::COLUMNS => $defaultColumnsNewRow, Piwik_DataTable_Row::METADATA => array('url' => Piwik_Tracker_Action::reconstructNormalizedUrl((string) $actionName, $urlPrefix))));
     return $currentTable;
예제 #18
  * Reads items from the request, then looks up the names from the lookup table 
  * and returns a clean array of items ready for the database.
  * @param array $items
  * @return array $cleanedItems
 protected function getCleanedEcommerceItems($items)
     // Clean up the items array
     $cleanedItems = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $name = $category = $category2 = $category3 = $category4 = $category5 = false;
         $price = 0;
         $quantity = 1;
         // items are passed in the request as an array: ( $sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity )
         if (empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU])) {
         $sku = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU];
         if (!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME])) {
             $name = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME];
         if (!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY])) {
             $category = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY];
         if (isset($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE]) && is_numeric($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE])) {
             $price = $this->getRevenue($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE]);
         if (!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY]) && is_numeric($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY])) {
             $quantity = (int) $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY];
         // self::INDEX_ITEM_* are in order
         $cleanedItems[] = array(self::INTERNAL_ITEM_SKU => $sku, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_NAME => $name, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY => $category, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY2 => $category2, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY3 => $category3, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY4 => $category4, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_CATEGORY5 => $category5, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_PRICE => $price, self::INTERNAL_ITEM_QUANTITY => $quantity);
     // Lookup Item SKUs, Names & Categories Ids
     $actionsToLookupAllItems = array();
     // Each item has 7 potential "ids" to lookup in the lookup table
     $columnsInEachRow = 1 + 1 + self::MAXIMUM_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES;
     foreach ($cleanedItems as $item) {
         $actionsToLookup = array();
         list($sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity) = $item;
         $actionsToLookup[] = array(trim($sku), Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_SKU);
         $actionsToLookup[] = array(trim($name), Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_NAME);
         // Only one category
         if (!is_array($category)) {
             $actionsToLookup[] = array(trim($category), Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY);
         } else {
             $countCategories = 0;
             foreach ($category as $productCategory) {
                 $productCategory = trim($productCategory);
                 if (empty($productCategory)) {
                 if ($countCategories > self::MAXIMUM_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES) {
                 $actionsToLookup[] = array($productCategory, Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY);
         // Ensure that each row has the same number of columns, fill in the blanks
         for ($i = count($actionsToLookup); $i < $columnsInEachRow; $i++) {
             $actionsToLookup[] = array(false, Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY);
         $actionsToLookupAllItems = array_merge($actionsToLookupAllItems, $actionsToLookup);
     $actionsLookedUp = Piwik_Tracker_Action::loadActionId($actionsToLookupAllItems);
     //		var_dump($actionsLookedUp);
     // Replace SKU, name & category by their ID action
     foreach ($cleanedItems as $index => &$item) {
         list($sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity) = $item;
         // SKU
         $item[0] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 0][2];
         // Name
         $item[1] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 1][2];
         // Categories
         $item[2] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 2][2];
         $item[3] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 3][2];
         $item[4] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 4][2];
         $item[5] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 5][2];
         $item[6] = $actionsLookedUp[$index * $columnsInEachRow + 6][2];
     return $cleanedItems;
예제 #19
	 * Reads items from the request, then looks up the names from the lookup table 
	 * and returns a clean array of items ready for the database.
	 * @param array $items
	 * @return array $cleanedItems
	protected function getCleanedEcommerceItems($items)
		// Clean up the items array
		$cleanedItems = array();
		foreach($items as $item)
			$name = $category = false;
			$price = 0;
			$quantity = 1;
			// items are passed in the request as an array: ( $sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity )
			if(empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU])) { 
			$sku = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU];
			if(!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME])) { 
				$name = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME];
			if(!empty($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY])) { 
				$category = $item[self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY];
				&& is_numeric($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE])) { 
					$price = $this->getRevenue($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_PRICE]); 
				&& is_numeric($item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY])) { 
					$quantity = (int)$item[self::INDEX_ITEM_QUANTITY];
			// self::INDEX_ITEM_* are in order
			$cleanedItems[] = array( $sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity );
		// Lookup Item SKUs, Names & Categories Ids
		$actionsToLookup = array();
		foreach($cleanedItems as $item)
			list($sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity) = $item;
			$actionsToLookup[] = array($sku, Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_SKU);
			$actionsToLookup[] = array($name, Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_NAME); 
			$actionsToLookup[] = array($category, Piwik_Tracker_Action::TYPE_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_CATEGORY); 
		$actionsLookedUp = Piwik_Tracker_Action::loadActionId($actionsToLookup);
//		var_dump($actionsLookedUp);

		// Replace SKU, name & category by their ID action
		foreach($cleanedItems as $index => &$item)
			list($sku, $name, $category, $price, $quantity) = $item;
			// SKU
			$item[0] = $actionsLookedUp[ $index * 3 + self::INDEX_ITEM_SKU][2];
			// Name
			$item[1] = $actionsLookedUp[ $index * 3 + self::INDEX_ITEM_NAME][2];
			// Category
			$item[2] = $actionsLookedUp[ $index * 3 + self::INDEX_ITEM_CATEGORY][2];
		return $cleanedItems;