예제 #1
        } else {
            header('Content-type: image/png');
    // graph the data using the associated colors
    public function graphData($data, $colors)
        // allocate black for slice outline
        $black = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
        // sum of all values
        $sum = array_sum($data);
        // starting angle of pie slice
        $start = -90;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
            $color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $colors[$i]['r'], $colors[$i]['g'], $colors[$i]['b']);
            // stop angle of pie slice
            $stop = 100 * $data[$i] / $sum * 3.6 + $start;
            // draw arc twice - once for filled area and again for outline
            imagefilledarc($this->image, $this->center, $this->center, $this->width, $this->width, $start, $stop, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
            imagefilledarc($this->image, $this->center, $this->center, $this->width, $this->width, $start, $stop, $black, IMG_ARC_NOFILL | IMG_ARC_EDGED);
            // increment to next starting point
            $start = $stop;
$data = array(150, 302, 250);
$colors = array(array('r' => 0x33, 'g' => 0xcc, 'b' => 0xff), array('r' => 0xff, 'g' => 0x33, 'b' => 0xcc), array('r' => 0xcc, 'g' => 0xff, 'b' => 0x33));
$chart = new PieChart(150);
$chart->graphData($data, $colors);