예제 #1
  * Get all the values for the current project and sub-projects and return 3 array:
  * 1. With Projects names.
  * 2. With users names.
  * 3. Relations Projects-User-Bookings.
  * @param string  $startDate Start date for make the query.
  * @param string  $endDate   End date for make the query.
  * @param integer $projectId Current Project ID.
  * @return array Array with 'users', 'projects' and 'rows'.
 public function getStatistics($startDate, $endDate, $projectId)
     $data['data'] = array();
     $data['data']['users'] = array();
     $data['data']['projects'] = array();
     $data['data']['rows'] = array();
     // Get Sub-Projects
     $activeRecord = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
     $tree = new Phprojekt_Tree_Node_Database($activeRecord, $projectId);
     $tree = $tree->setup();
     $projectsId = array(0);
     foreach ($tree as $node) {
         if ($node->id) {
             $projectsId[] = (int) $node->id;
             $data['data']['projects'][$node->id] = $node->getDepthDisplay('title');
     // Get Timecard
     $model = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Timecard', 'Timecard');
     $where = sprintf('(DATE(start_datetime) >= %s AND DATE(start_datetime) <= %s AND project_id IN (%s))', $model->_db->quote($startDate), $model->_db->quote($endDate), implode(", ", $projectsId));
     $records = $model->fetchAll($where);
     $users = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_User_User');
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         if (!isset($data['data']['users'][$record->ownerId])) {
             $user = $users->findUserById($record->ownerId);
             $data['data']['users'][$record->ownerId] = $user->username;
         if (!isset($data['data']['rows'][$record->projectId][$record->ownerId])) {
             $data['data']['rows'][$record->projectId][$record->ownerId] = 0;
         $data['data']['rows'][$record->projectId][$record->ownerId] += $record->minutes;
     return $data;
예제 #2
  * Returns all the modules and the access for one roleId.
  * Returns a list of all the modules with:
  * <pre>
  *  - id       => id of the module.
  *  - name     => Name of the module.
  *  - label    => Display for the module.
  *  - none     => True or false for none access.
  *  - read     => True or false for read access.
  *  - write    => True or false for write access.
  *  - access   => True or false for access access.
  *  - create   => True or false for create access.
  *  - copy     => True or false for copy access.
  *  - delete   => True or false for delete access.
  *  - download => True or false for download access.
  *  - admin    => True or false for admin access.
  * </pre>
  * OPTIONAL request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>id</b> The role id for consult.
  * </pre>
  * The return is in JSON format.
  * @return void
 public function jsonGetModulesAccessAction()
     $role = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Role_RoleModulePermissions');
     $roleId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id', null);
     $modules = $role->getRoleModulePermissionsById($roleId);
예제 #3
  * Save the configurations into the table.
  * @param array $params Array with values to save.
  * @return void
 public function setConfigurations($params)
     $fields = $this->getFieldDefinition(Phprojekt_ModelInformation_Default::ORDERING_FORM);
     $configuration = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Configuration');
     foreach ($fields as $data) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == $data['key']) {
                 if ($key == 'companyName') {
                     // Update Root node
                     $project = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
                     $project->title = $value;
                 $where = sprintf('key_value = %s AND module_id = 0', $configuration->_db->quote($key));
                 $record = $configuration->fetchAll($where);
                 if (isset($record[0])) {
                     $record[0]->keyValue = $key;
                     $record[0]->value = $value;
                 } else {
                     $configuration->moduleId = 0;
                     $configuration->keyValue = $key;
                     $configuration->value = $value;
예제 #4
  * Save the settings for the timecard
  * @param array $params $_POST values
  * @return void
 public function setSettings($params)
     $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace(Phprojekt_Setting::IDENTIFIER . Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId());
     $fields = $this->getFieldDefinition(Phprojekt_ModelInformation_Default::ORDERING_FORM);
     foreach ($fields as $data) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == $data['key']) {
                 $setting = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Setting');
                 if ($key == 'favorites') {
                     $value = serialize($value);
                 $where = sprintf('user_id = %d AND key_value = %s AND module_id = %d', (int) Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId(), $setting->_db->quote($key), (int) Phprojekt_Module::getId('Timecard'));
                 $record = $setting->fetchAll($where);
                 if (isset($record[0])) {
                     $record[0]->keyValue = $key;
                     $record[0]->value = $value;
                 } else {
                     $setting->userId = Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId();
                     $setting->moduleId = Phprojekt_Module::getId('Timecard');
                     $setting->keyValue = $key;
                     $setting->value = $value;
                     $setting->identifier = 'Timecard';
                 $namespace->{$key} = $value;
예제 #5
  * Returns the recipients for this Helpdesk item.
  * @return array Array with user IDs.
 public function getTo()
     $userId = Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId();
     // Gets only the recipients with at least a 'read' right.
     $recipients = parent::getTo();
     // Assigned user
     if (isset($this->_model->assigned) && $this->_model->assigned != $userId) {
         $recipients[] = $this->_model->assigned;
     // Author user
     if (isset($this->_model->author) && $this->_model->author != $userId) {
         $recipients[] = $this->_model->author;
     // Owner user
     if (isset($this->_model->ownerId) && $this->_model->ownerId != $userId) {
         $recipients[] = $this->_model->ownerId;
     // If the item has been reassigned, add the previous assigned user to the recipients
     $history = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_History');
     $olUser = $history->getLastAssignedUser($this->_model, 'assigned');
     if ($olUser > 0) {
         $recipients[] = $olUser;
     // Return without duplicates
     return array_unique($recipients);
예제 #6
  * Test json convert tree
 public function testConvertTree()
     $converted = '{}&&({"identifier":"id","label":"name","items":[{"name"';
     $object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
     $tree = new Phprojekt_Tree_Node_Database($object, 1);
     $tree = $tree->setup();
     $result = Phprojekt_Converter_Json::convert($tree);
     $this->assertEquals($converted, substr($result, 0, strlen($converted)));
예제 #7
  * Search for words.
  * Returns a list of items that have the word, sorted by module with:
  * <pre>
  *  - id            => id of the item found.
  *  - moduleId      => id of the module.
  *  - moduleName    => Name of the module.
  *  - moduleLabel   => Display for the module.
  *  - firstDisplay  => Firts display for the item (Ej. title).
  *  - secondDisplay => Second display for the item (Ej. notes).
  *  - projectId     => Parent project id of the item.
  * </pre>
  * REQUIRES request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - string <b>words</b> An string of words (Will be separated by the spaces).
  * </pre>
  * OPTIONAL request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>count</b> Number of results.
  * </pre>
  * The return is in JSON format.
  * @return void
 public function jsonSearchAction()
     $words = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('words');
     $count = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('count', null);
     $offset = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('start', null);
     $search = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Search');
     $results = $search->search($words, $count);
예제 #8
  * Test csv converter
 public function testConvert()
     $convertedFields = '"Title","Start date","End date","Priority","Status","Complete percent"';
     $convertedValues = '"Invisible Root","","","","Offered","0.00"';
     $object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
     $records = $object->fetchAll();
     $result = Phprojekt_Converter_Csv::convert($records);
     $this->assertContains($convertedFields, $result);
     $this->assertContains($convertedValues, $result);
     $result = Phprojekt_Converter_Csv::convert($object->find(1));
     $this->assertEquals($result, "");
예제 #9
  * Test valid method
 public function testDefaultModelsDefault()
     $defaultModel = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Default', 'Default');
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->valid(), false);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->save(), false);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->getRights(), array());
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->recordValidate(), true);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->getFieldsForFilter(), array());
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->find(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->fetchAll(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->current(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->rewind(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->next(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->getInformation(), null);
     $this->assertEquals($defaultModel->key(), null);
예제 #10
  * Return all the modules in an array and the access if exists.
  * @param integer $roleId The role ID.
  * @return array Array with 'id', 'name', 'label' and the access.
 public function getRoleModulePermissionsById($roleId)
     $modules = array();
     $model = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Module_Module');
     foreach ($model->fetchAll('(save_type = 0 OR save_type = 2)', 'name ASC') as $module) {
         $modules['data'][$module->id] = array();
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['id'] = $module->id;
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['name'] = $module->name;
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['label'] = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate($module->label, null, $module->name);
         $modules['data'][$module->id] = array_merge($modules['data'][$module->id], Phprojekt_Acl::convertBitmaskToArray(0));
     $where = 'role_module_permissions.role_id = ' . (int) $roleId;
     foreach ($this->fetchAll($where) as $right) {
         if (isset($modules['data'][$right->moduleId])) {
             $modules['data'][$right->moduleId] = array_merge($modules['data'][$right->moduleId], Phprojekt_Acl::convertBitmaskToArray($right->access));
     return $modules;
  * Return all the modules in an array and the permission if exists.
  * @param integer $projectId The Project ID.
  * @return array Array with 'id', 'name', 'label' and 'inProject'.
 function getProjectModulePermissionsById($projectId)
     $modules = array();
     $model = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Module_Module');
     foreach ($model->fetchAll('active = 1 AND (save_type = 0 OR save_type = 2)', 'name ASC') as $module) {
         $modules['data'][$module->id] = array();
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['id'] = (int) $module->id;
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['name'] = $module->name;
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['label'] = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate($module->label, null, $module->name);
         $modules['data'][$module->id]['inProject'] = false;
     $where = sprintf('project_module_permissions.project_id = %d AND module.active = 1', (int) $projectId);
     $select = ' module.id AS module_id ';
     $join = ' RIGHT JOIN module ON ( module.id = project_module_permissions.module_id ';
     $join .= ' AND (module.save_type = 0 OR module.save_type = 2) )';
     foreach ($this->fetchAll($where, 'module.name ASC', null, null, $select, $join) as $right) {
         $modules['data'][$right->moduleId]['inProject'] = true;
     return $modules;
예제 #12
  * Helper to create an array of users.
  * @param string $idList   Comma-separated list of user ids.
  * @param string $idListNN Optional additional lists of comma-separated user ids.
  * @return array Array with 'id' and 'display'
 public static function expandIdList($idList = '')
     if (1 < ($num = func_num_args())) {
         for ($i = 1; $i < $num; $i++) {
             $addList = (string) func_get_arg($i);
             if ("" != $addList) {
                 $idList .= ',' . $addList;
     $data = array();
     if (!empty($idList)) {
         $user = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_User_User');
         $display = $user->getDisplay();
         $userList = $user->fetchAll(sprintf('id IN (%s)', $idList), $display);
         foreach ($userList as $record) {
             $data[] = array('id' => (int) $record->id, 'display' => $record->applyDisplay($display, $record));
     return $data;
예제 #13
  * Returns the list of actions done in one item.
  * REQUIRES request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>moduleId</b> id of the module (if moduleName is sent, this is not necessary).
  *  - integer <b>itemId</b>   id of the item.
  * </pre>
  * OPTIONAL request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>userId</b>     To filter by user id.
  *  - string  <b>moduleName</b> Name of the module (if moduleId is sent, this is not necessary).
  *  - date    <b>startDate</b>  To filter by start date.
  *  - date    <b>endDate</b>    To filter by end date.
  * </pre>
  * The return is in JSON format.
  * @throws Phprojekt_PublishedException On missing or wrong moduleId or itemId.
  * @return void
 public function jsonListAction()
     $moduleId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('moduleId', null);
     $itemId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('itemId', null);
     $userId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('userId', null);
     $moduleName = Cleaner::sanitize('alnum', $this->getRequest()->getParam('moduleName', 'Default'));
     $startDate = Cleaner::sanitize('date', $this->getRequest()->getParam('startDate', null));
     $endDate = Cleaner::sanitize('date', $this->getRequest()->getParam('endDate', null));
     if (empty($moduleId)) {
         $moduleId = Phprojekt_Module::getId($moduleName);
     if (empty($itemId) || empty($moduleId)) {
         throw new Phprojekt_PublishedException("Invalid module or item");
     } else {
         $history = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_History');
         $data = $history->getHistoryData(null, $itemId, $moduleId, $startDate, $endDate, $userId);
         $data = array('data' => $data);
예제 #14
  * Deletes a module.
  * Deletes the module entries, the module itself,
  * the databasemanager entry and the table itself.
  * REQUIRES request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>id</b> id of the item to delete.
  * </pre>
  * The return is a string in JSON format with:
  * <pre>
  *  - type    => 'success'.
  *  - message => Success message.
  *  - id      => id of the deleted item.
  * </pre>
  * @throws Zend_Controller_Action_Exception On missing or wrong id, or on error in the action delete.
  * @return void
 public function jsonDeleteAction()
     $id = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
     if (empty($id)) {
         throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(self::ID_REQUIRED_TEXT, 400);
     $model = $this->getModelObject()->find($id);
     if ($model instanceof Phprojekt_ActiveRecord_Abstract) {
         if (is_dir(PHPR_CORE_PATH . $model->name)) {
             throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(self::CAN_NOT_DELETE_SYSTEM_MODULE, 422);
         $databaseModel = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel($model->name, $model->name);
         if ($databaseModel instanceof Phprojekt_Item_Abstract) {
             $databaseManager = new Phprojekt_DatabaseManager($databaseModel);
             if (Default_Helpers_Delete::delete($model)) {
                 $return = $databaseManager->deleteModule();
             } else {
                 $return = false;
         } else {
             $return = Default_Helpers_Delete::delete($model);
         if ($return === false) {
             $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('The module can not be deleted');
             $type = 'error';
         } else {
             $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('The module was deleted correctly');
             $type = 'success';
         $return = array('type' => $type, 'message' => $message, 'id' => $id);
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(self::NOT_FOUND, 404);
예제 #15
  * Get the object class to use for manage the Configuration.
  * @return mix Configuration class.
 public function getModel()
     if (null === $this->_object) {
         // System configuration
         if ($this->_module == 'General') {
             $this->_object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Core', sprintf('%s_Configuration', $this->_module));
         } else {
             $this->_object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel($this->_module, 'Configuration');
     return $this->_object;
예제 #16
  * Get the object class to use for manage the settings.
  * @return Object Class.
 public function getModel()
     if (null === $this->_object) {
         // System settings
         if ($this->_module == 'User' || $this->_module == 'Notification') {
             $this->_object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Core', sprintf('%s_Setting', $this->_module));
         } else {
             $this->_object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel($this->_module, 'Setting');
     return $this->_object;
예제 #17
  * Renders the upload.phtml template for display an upload field.
  * This function draws the upload field in the form.
  * All the uploaded files are displayed with a cross for delete it and a link for download it.
  * @param string  $linkBegin    URL for use in the links.
  * @param string  $module       Current module name.
  * @param integer $itemId       Current item id.
  * @param string  $field        Name of the field in the module.
  * @param string  $value        Value of the field.
  * @param boolean $filesChanged Defines if is needed to reload the field value.
  * @return void
 private function _fileRenderView($linkBegin, $module, $itemId, $field, $value, $filesChanged)
     $sessionName = 'Phprojekt_CsrfToken';
     $csrfNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
     $config = Phprojekt::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $this->view->webpath = $config->webpath;
     $this->view->compressedDojo = (bool) $config->compressedDojo;
     $this->view->formPath = $linkBegin . 'fileUpload/moduleName/' . $module;
     $this->view->downloadLink = '';
     $this->view->fileName = null;
     $this->view->itemId = $itemId;
     $this->view->field = $field;
     $this->view->value = $value;
     $this->view->filesChanged = $filesChanged;
     $this->view->csrfToken = $csrfNamespace->token;
     $this->view->maxUploadSize = isset($config->maxUploadSize) ? (int) $config->maxUploadSize : Phprojekt::DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE;
     $filesForView = array();
     // Is there any file?
     if (!empty($value)) {
         $files = explode('||', $value);
         $model = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel($module, $module);
         $rights = $model->getRights();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $fileName = strstr($file, '|');
             $fileData = 'moduleName/' . $module . '/itemId/' . $itemId . '/field/' . $field . '/order/' . (string) ($i + 1) . '/csrfToken/' . $csrfNamespace->token;
             $filesForView[$i] = array('fileName' => substr($fileName, 1));
             if ($rights['currentUser']['download']) {
                 $filesForView[$i]['downloadLink'] = $linkBegin . 'fileDownload/' . $fileData;
             if ($rights['currentUser']['write']) {
                 $filesForView[$i]['deleteLink'] = $linkBegin . 'fileDelete/' . $fileData;
     if (isset($this->view->errorMessage) && !empty($this->view->errorMessage)) {
         $filesForView[] = array();
     $this->view->files = $filesForView;
예제 #18
  * Gets the core class model of the module or the default one.
  * @return Phprojekt_Model_Interface An instance of Phprojekt_Model_Interface.
 public function getModelObject()
     static $object = null;
     if (null === $object) {
         $moduleName = ucfirst($this->getRequest()->getControllerName());
         $moduleName = "Phprojekt_" . $moduleName . "_" . $moduleName;
         if (Phprojekt_Loader::tryToLoadLibClass($moduleName)) {
             $db = Phprojekt::getInstance()->getDb();
             $object = new $moduleName($db);
         } else {
             $object = null;
         if (null === $object) {
             $object = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Default', 'Default');
     return $object;
예제 #19
  * Collect all the values of the settings and return it in one row.
  * @param integer $moduleId The current moduleId.
  * @param array   $metadata Array with all the fields.
  * @param integer $userId   The user ID, if is not setted, the current user is used.
  * @return array Array with all the settings and values.
 public function getList($moduleId, $metadata, $userId = null)
     $setting = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Setting');
     $settings = array();
     if ($userId === null) {
         $userId = (int) Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId();
     $where = sprintf('module_id = %d AND user_id = %d', (int) $moduleId, (int) $userId);
     $record = $setting->fetchAll($where);
     $data = array();
     $data['id'] = 0;
     foreach ($metadata as $meta) {
         $data[$meta['key']] = $meta['default'];
         // This is to use the default value defined in getFieldDefinition()
         foreach ($record as $oneSetting) {
             if ($oneSetting->keyValue == $meta['key']) {
                 $getter = 'get' . ucfirst($oneSetting->keyValue);
                 if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
                     $data[$meta['key']] = call_user_func(array($this, $getter), $oneSetting->value);
                 } else {
                     $data[$meta['key']] = $oneSetting->value;
     $settings[] = $data;
     return $settings;
예제 #20
  * Gets the core class model of the module.
  * @return Phprojekt_Model_Interface An instance of Phprojekt_Model_Interface.
 public function getModelObject()
     static $moduleName = null;
     if (is_null($moduleName)) {
         $moduleName = ucfirst($this->getRequest()->getControllerName());
         $moduleName = "Phprojekt_" . $moduleName . "_" . $moduleName;
     if (Phprojekt_Loader::tryToLoadLibClass($moduleName)) {
         $db = Phprojekt::getInstance()->getDb();
         return new $moduleName($db);
     } else {
         throw new Exception('No model object could be found');
예제 #21
  * Saves the new values of the projects dates.
  * OPTIONAL request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - array <b>projects</b> Array with projectId,startDate and endDate by comma separated
  * </pre>
  * If there is an error, the save will return a Phprojekt_PublishedException,
  * if not, it returns a string in JSON format with:
  * <pre>
  *  - type    => 'success'.
  *  - message => Success message.
  *  - code    => 0.
  *  - id      => 0.
  * </pre>
  * @throws Phprojekt_PublishedException On error in the action save or wrong parameters.
  * @return void
 public function jsonSaveAction()
     $projects = (array) $this->getRequest()->getParam('projects', array());
     $activeRecord = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
     $rights = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Item_Rights');
     $userId = Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId();
     // Error check: no project received
     if (empty($projects)) {
         $label = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Projects');
         $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('No project info was received');
         throw new Phprojekt_PublishedException($label . ': ' . $message);
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         list($id, $startDate, $endDate) = explode(",", $project);
         // Check: are the three values available?
         if (empty($id) || empty($startDate) || empty($endDate)) {
             $label = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Projects');
             $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Incomplete data received');
             throw new Phprojekt_PublishedException($label . ': ' . $message);
         $id = (int) $id;
         // Check: project id exists?
         if (empty($activeRecord->id)) {
             $label = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Project');
             $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Id not found #') . $id;
             throw new Phprojekt_PublishedException($label . ': ' . $message);
         // Check: dates are valid?
         $validStart = Cleaner::validate('date', $startDate, false);
         $validEnd = Cleaner::validate('date', $endDate, false);
         if (!$validStart || !$validEnd) {
             $label = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Project id #') . $id;
             if (!$validStart) {
                 $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Start date invalid');
             } else {
                 $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('End date invalid');
             throw new Phprojekt_PublishedException($label . ': ' . $message);
         // Check: start date after end date?
         $startDateTemp = strtotime($startDate);
         $endDateTemp = strtotime($endDate);
         if ($startDateTemp > $endDateTemp) {
             $label = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Project id #') . $id;
             $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Start date can not be after End date');
             throw new Phprojekt_PublishedException($label . ': ' . $message);
         $activeRecord->startDate = $startDate;
         $activeRecord->endDate = $endDate;
         if ($rights->getItemRight(1, $id, $userId) >= Phprojekt_Acl::WRITE) {
     $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate(self::EDIT_MULTIPLE_TRUE_TEXT);
     $return = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => $message, 'code' => 0, 'id' => 0);
예제 #22
  * Save the rights for the current item.
  * The users are a POST array with user IDs.
  * @param array $rights Array of user IDs with the bitmask access.
  * @return void
 public function saveRights($rights)
     // Do the default action
     // Update access and delete the cache also for the children
     $itemRights = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Item_Rights');
     $activeRecord = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
     $tree = new Phprojekt_Tree_Node_Database($activeRecord, $this->id);
     $tree = $tree->setup();
     $users = array();
     foreach ($rights as $userId => $access) {
         $users[] = (int) $userId;
     // Just a check
     if (empty($users)) {
         $users[] = 1;
     // Keep on the childen only the access for the allowed users in the parent
     foreach ($tree as $node) {
         $projectId = (int) $node->id;
         // Delete users that are not allowed in the parent
         $where = sprintf('module_id = 1 AND item_id = %d AND user_id NOT IN (%s)', $projectId, implode(",", $users));
         // Reset access by module-item-user
         foreach ($users as $userId) {
             // Reset cache
             $sessionName = 'Phprojekt_Item_Rights-getItemRight' . '-1-' . $projectId . '-' . $userId;
             $rightNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
         // Reset access by module-item
         $sessionName = 'Phprojekt_Item_Rights-getUsersRights' . '-1-' . $projectId;
         $rightNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
         // Reset users by module-item
         $sessionName = 'Phprojekt_Item_Rights-getUsersWithRight' . '-1-' . $projectId;
         $rightNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
         // Reset users by project
         $sessionName = 'Phprojekt_User_User-getAllowedUsers' . '-' . $projectId;
         $rightNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
예제 #23
파일: Save.php 프로젝트: joerch/PHProjekt
  * Check if the parent project has this module enabled.
  * @param integer $projectId The project ID to check.
  * @return boolean False if not.
 private static function _checkModule($moduleId, $projectId)
     $boolean = false;
     if ($projectId > 0) {
         if ($projectId == 1 && !Phprojekt_Module::saveTypeIsNormal($moduleId)) {
             $boolean = true;
         } else {
             if (!Phprojekt_Module::saveTypeIsNormal($moduleId)) {
                 $boolean = true;
             } else {
                 $relation = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'ProjectModulePermissions');
                 $modules = $relation->getProjectModulePermissionsById($projectId);
                 if ($modules['data'][$moduleId]['inProject']) {
                     $boolean = true;
                 } else {
                     $boolean = false;
     } else {
         $boolean = true;
     return $boolean;
예제 #24
  * Returns the rights for all the users of one item.
  * OPTIONAL request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>id</b>     The id of the item to consult.
  *  - integer <b>nodeId</b> The id of the parent project.
  * </pre>
  * The return is an array like ('#userID' => {'admin': true/false, 'read': true/false, etc})
  * The return is in JSON format.
  * @return void
 public function jsonGetUsersRightsAction()
     $id = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
     $projectId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('nodeId');
     if (empty($id)) {
         if (empty($projectId)) {
             $record = $this->getModelObject();
         } else {
             $model = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
             $record = $model->find($projectId);
     } else {
         $record = $this->getModelObject()->find($id);
     if ($record instanceof Phprojekt_Model_Interface) {
     } else {
예제 #25
  * Returns a list of items for sort ordering.
  * The return data have:
  * <pre>
  *  - id:   Order number.
  *  - name: Title of the item.
  * </pre>
  * REQUIRES request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - integer <b>minutesId</b> The id of the minutes.
  * </pre>
  * The return is in JSON format.
  * @return void
 public function jsonListItemSortOrderAction()
     $minutesId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('minutesId');
     $items = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Minutes_SubModules_MinutesItem', 'MinutesItem')->init($minutesId)->fetchAll();
     $return = array('data' => array(array('id' => 0, 'name' => '')));
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $return['data'][] = array('id' => (int) $item->sortOrder, 'name' => $item->title);
예제 #26
  * Get all the modules-item with the wordId.
  * @param array   $words    Array with words IDs.
  * @param string  $operator Query operator.
  * @param integer $count    Limit query.
  * @return array Array of results.
 public function searchModuleByWordId($words, $operator = 'AND', $count = 0)
     $ids = array();
     $result = array();
     $rights = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Item_Rights');
     $userId = Phprojekt_Auth::getUserId();
     $db = Phprojekt::getInstance()->getDb();
     foreach ($words as $content) {
         $ids[] = (int) $content['id'];
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         // Search by AND
         if ($operator == 'AND') {
             $sqlString = '';
             $selects = array();
             $first = true;
             while (!empty($ids)) {
                 $id = array_pop($ids);
                 if ($first) {
                     $first = false;
                     if (!empty($ids)) {
                         $selects[] = $db->select()->from('search_word_module', array('item_id'))->where('word_id = ' . (int) $id);
                     } else {
                         $selects[] = $db->select()->from('search_word_module')->where('word_id = ' . (int) $id);
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($ids)) {
                         $selects[] = $db->select()->from('search_word_module', array('item_id'))->where('word_id = ' . (int) $id . ' AND item_id IN (%s)');
                     } else {
                         $selects[] = $db->select()->from('search_word_module')->where('word_id = ' . (int) $id . ' AND item_id IN (%s)');
             $first = true;
             while (!empty($selects)) {
                 $select = array_shift($selects)->__toString();
                 if ($first) {
                     $sqlString = $select;
                     $first = false;
                 } else {
                     $sqlString = sprintf($select, $sqlString);
             $stmt = $db->query($sqlString);
             $tmpResult = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
         } else {
             // Search By OR
             $where = 'word_id IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ')';
             $order = array('module_id ASC', 'item_id DESC');
             $tmpResult = $this->fetchAll($where, $order)->toArray();
         foreach ($tmpResult as $data) {
             // Limit to $count results
             if ((int) $count > 0 && count($result) >= $count) {
             // Only fetch records with read access
             if ($rights->getItemRight($data['module_id'], $data['item_id'], $userId) > 0) {
                 $result[$data['module_id'] . '-' . $data['item_id']] = $data;
     return $result;
예제 #27
  * Returns the fields part of the Notification body using a custom criterion for the Calendar module.
  * @param Zend_Locale $lang Locale for use in translations.
  * @return array Array with 'label' and 'value'.
 public function getBodyFields($lang)
     $bodyFields = array();
     $bodyFields[] = array('label' => Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Title', $lang), 'value' => $this->_model->title);
     $bodyFields[] = array('label' => Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Place', $lang), 'value' => $this->_model->place);
     $bodyFields[] = array('label' => Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Notes', $lang), 'value' => $this->_model->notes);
     $bodyFields[] = array('label' => Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Start', $lang), 'value' => $this->translateDate($this->_model->startDateNotif, $lang) . ' ' . substr($this->_model->startDatetime, 11, 5));
     $bodyFields[] = array('label' => Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('End', $lang), 'value' => $this->translateDate($this->_model->endDateNotif, $lang) . ' ' . substr($this->_model->startDatetime, 11, 5));
     $phpUser = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_User_User');
     $participants = $this->_model->notifParticipants;
     $participantsValue = "";
     $i = 0;
     $lastItem = count($participants);
     // Participants field
     foreach ($participants as $participant) {
         $phpUser->find((int) $participant);
         $fullname = trim($phpUser->firstname . ' ' . $phpUser->lastname);
         if (!empty($fullname)) {
             $participantsValue .= $fullname . ' (' . $phpUser->username . ')';
         } else {
             $participantsValue .= $phpUser->username;
         if ($i < $lastItem) {
             $participantsValue .= ", ";
     $bodyFields[] = array('label' => Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate('Participants', $lang), 'value' => $participantsValue);
     if ($this->_model->rrule !== null) {
         $bodyFields = array_merge($bodyFields, $this->getRruleDescriptive($this->_model->rrule, $lang));
     return $bodyFields;
예제 #28
  * Saves the settings for one module.
  * OPTIONAL request parameters:
  * <pre>
  *  - string <b>moduleName</b>              Name of the module.
  *  - mixed  <b>all other module fields</b> All the fields values to save.
  * </pre>
  * The return is a string in JSON format with:
  * <pre>
  *  - type    => 'success' or 'error'.
  *  - message => Success or error message.
  *  - code    => 0.
  *  - id      => 0.
  * </pre>
  * @throws Phprojekt_PublishedException On error in the action save or wrong id.
  * @return void
 public function jsonSaveAction()
     $module = Cleaner::sanitize('alnum', $this->getRequest()->getParam('moduleName', null));
     $setting = Phprojekt_Loader::getLibraryClass('Phprojekt_Setting');
     $message = $setting->validateSettings($this->getRequest()->getParams());
     if (!empty($message)) {
         $type = "error";
     } else {
         $message = Phprojekt::getInstance()->translate(self::EDIT_TRUE_TEXT);
         $type = "success";
     $return = array('type' => $type, 'message' => $message, 'code' => 0, 'id' => 0);
  * Returns the UserRole in the project.
  * @param integer $userId    The user ID.
  * @param integer $projectId The project ID.
  * @return integer $_role Role ID.
 public function fetchUserRole($userId, $projectId)
     $role = 1;
     // Keep the roles in the session for optimize the query
     if (isset($userId) && isset($projectId)) {
         $sessionName = 'Project_Models_ProjectRoleUserPermissions-fetchUserRole-' . $projectId . '-' . $userId;
         $roleNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
         if (isset($roleNamespace->role)) {
             $role = $roleNamespace->role;
         } else {
             $where = sprintf('project_id = %d AND user_id = %d', (int) $projectId, (int) $userId);
             $row = $this->fetchall($where);
             if (!empty($row)) {
                 $role = $row[0]->roleId;
                 $roleNamespace->role = $row[0]->roleId;
             } else {
                 // Fix Root Project
                 if ($projectId > 1) {
                     $project = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Project', 'Project');
                     $parent = $project->find($projectId);
                     if (!is_null($parent) && !empty($parent) && $parent->projectId > 0) {
                         $sessionName = 'Project_Models_ProjectRoleUserPermissions-fetchUserRole-' . $parent->projectId . '-' . $userId;
                         $roleParentNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace($sessionName);
                         if (isset($roleParentNamespace->role)) {
                             $role = $roleParentNamespace->role;
                         } else {
                             $role = $this->fetchUserRole($userId, $parent->projectId);
                         $roleNamespace->role = $role;
                 } else {
                     // Default Role
                     $role = 1;
                     $roleNamespace->role = 1;
     return $role;
예제 #30
  * Returns an instance of notification class for this module.
  * @return Phprojekt_Notification An instance of Phprojekt_Notification.
 public function getNotification()
     $notification = Phprojekt_Loader::getModel('Calendar', 'Notification');
     return $notification;