예제 #1
  * Our own little parser as there doesn't seem to be a reasonable one that works
  * with both PHP4 and PHP5. A bit cumbersome and certainly not nice but it seems
  * to work.
  * @param string $content
  * @return string
 function getInlineDescription($content, $className = 'photoQDescr')
     $descr = '';
     $photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML = array();
     $pTags = PhotoQHelper::getHTMLTags('div', $content);
     PhotoQHelper::debug('pTags: ' . print_r($pTags, true));
     foreach ($pTags as $pTag) {
         $matches = array();
         $found = preg_match('#^(<div.*?class="' . $className . '".*?>)#', $pTag, $matches);
         if ($found) {
             //remove the p start and end tag, the rest is the description.
             array_push($photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML, str_replace($matches[1], '', substr($pTag, 0, strlen($pTag) - 6)));
     PhotoQHelper::debug('photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML: ' . print_r($photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML, true));
     //if we have more than one p.photoQDescr tag, it means that there were several
     //lines created in the editor -> wrap each one with a p tag.
     $numDescrTags = count($photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML);
     if ($numDescrTags == 1) {
         $descr = $photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML[0];
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numDescrTags; $i++) {
             if ($photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML[$i] !== '') {
                 $descr .= "<p>{$photoQDescrTagsInnerHTML[$i]}</p>";
     PhotoQHelper::debug('descr:' . $descr);
     return $descr;