//new object if (isset($_POST['album_type'])) { $album_type = intval($_POST['album_type']) == AT_PA_TYPE_MY_ALBUM ? AT_PA_TYPE_MY_ALBUM : AT_PA_TYPE_COURSE_ALBUM; } else { //default is "my album" 'cause normally user can't create course album. $album_type = AT_PA_TYPE_MY_ALBUM; } //private or shared album? if (isset($_POST['album_permission'])) { $album_permission = $_POST['album_permission'] == AT_PA_SHARED_ALBUM ? AT_PA_SHARED_ALBUM : AT_PA_PRIVATE_ALBUM; } else { $album_permission = AT_PA_PRIVATE_ALBUM; } if (isset($_POST['album_name']) && $_POST['album_name'] != '') { //TODO: photo_id = 0, should default to use the first one after multi-file uploader works $result = $pa->editAlbum($_POST['album_name'], $_POST['album_location'], $_POST['album_description'], $album_type, $album_permission); if (!$result) { $msg->addError('PA_EDIT_ALBUM_FAILED'); } } else { //album name can't be empty $msg->addError('EMPTY_ALBUM_NAME'); } $msg->addFeedback('ACTION_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY'); if (admin_authenticate(AT_ADMIN_PRIV_PHOTO_ALBUM, true)) { //if admin header('Location: index_admin.php'); exit; } //header('Location: albums.php?id='.intval($_POST['aid'])); header('Location: index.php');