public function queryByPetition(Petition $petition, $fetch_users = true) { $query = $this->createQuery('pr')->where('pr.petition_id = ?', $petition->getId()); if ($fetch_users) { $query->addFrom('pr.User u'); } return $query; }
public function countByPetition(Petition $petition, $timeToLive = 600) { $query = $this->queryAll()->where('w.petition_id = ? AND w.status = ?', array($petition->getId(), Widget::STATUS_ACTIVE)); if ($timeToLive) { $query->useResultCache(true, $timeToLive); } return $query->count(); }
/** @deprecated do not use! it is slow */ public function countPendingMails(Petition $petition = null) { $query = self::getInstance()->createQuery('sc')->leftJoin('sc.PetitionSigning s'); if ($petition) { $query->where('s.petition_id = ?', $petition->getId()); } $query->leftJoin('s.PetitionSigningWave w')->andWhere('sc.wave = w.wave and w.status = ?', PetitionSigning::STATUS_PENDING); return $query->count(); }
public function sumContactStatus($status, Petition $petition = null) { $query = self::getInstance()->createQuery('psw')->select('SUM(psw.contact_num) as contact_num_sum')->where('psw.status = ?', $status); if ($petition) { $query->leftJoin('psw.PetitionSigning ps')->andWhere('ps.petition_id = ?', $petition->getId()); } $result = $query->fetchArray(); if (isset($result[0])) { $num = $result[0]['contact_num_sum']; return $num ? $num : 0; } return 0; }
/** * * @param Petition $petition * @param bool $fetch_lang * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function queryByPetition(Petition $petition, $fetch_lang = true, $status = null, $language_id = null) { $query = $this->createQuery('pt')->where('pt.petition_id = ?', $petition->getId())->orderBy(''); if ($fetch_lang) { $query->leftJoin('pt.Language l')->select('pt.*, l.*'); } if ($status !== null) { $query->andWhere('pt.status = ?', $status); } if ($language_id !== null) { $query->andWhere('pt.language_id = ?', $language_id); } return $query; }
/** * * @param MailingList $ml * @param Petition $pledges_by_petition * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function queryByMailingList(MailingList $ml, $pledges_by_petition = null) { $query = $this->createQuery('c INDEXBY')->where('c.mailing_list_id = ?', $ml->getId())->orderBy(''); if ($pledges_by_petition) { $query->leftJoin('c.Pledges p INDEXBY p.pledge_item_id'); $query->select('c.*, p.*'); $query->andWhere('p.contact_id IS NULL OR (p.pledge_item_id IN (SELECT FROM PledgeItem pi WHERE pi.petition_id = ?))', $pledges_by_petition->getId()); } else { $query->select('c.*'); } return $query; }
/** * * @param Petition $petition * @return PetitionRights */ public function getRightsByPetition(Petition $petition) { if (array_key_exists($petition->getId(), $this->pr_cache)) { return $this->pr_cache[$petition->getId()]; } return $this->pr_cache[$petition->getId()] = PetitionRightsTable::getInstance()->queryByPetitionAndUser($petition, $this)->fetchOne(); }
public function queryByPetition(Petition $petition) { return $this->createQuery('t')->where('t.petition_id = ?', $petition->getId())->orderBy(' ASC'); }
public function countPendingByPetition(Petition $petition, $timeToLive = 600) { $query = $this->queryAll('ps')->where('ps.petition_id = ? AND ps.status = ?', array($petition->getId(), PetitionSigning::STATUS_PENDING)); if ($timeToLive) { $query->useResultCache(true, $timeToLive); } return $query->count(); }
public function queryByActivePetitionTexts(Petition $petition) { return $this->queryAll()->leftJoin('l.PetitionText pt')->andWhere('pt.petition_id = ?', $petition->getId())->andWhere('pt.status = ?', PetitionText::STATUS_ACTIVE); }