예제 #1
 function run()
     $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
     header('Content-type: application/force-download');
     header("Content-Type: application/download");
     header('Content-type: text/csv');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="jethro_' . date('Y-m-d_h:i') . '.csv"');
     switch (array_get($_REQUEST, 'merge_type')) {
         case 'family':
             $merge_data = Family::getFamilyDataByMemberIDs($_POST['personid']);
             $dummy = new Family();
             $dummy_family = NULL;
         case 'person':
             $merge_data = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObjectData('person', array('id' => (array) $_POST['personid']));
             $dummy = new Person();
             $dummy_family = new Family();
     $headerrow = array('ID');
     foreach (array_keys(reset($merge_data)) as $header) {
         if ($header == 'familyid') {
         $headerrow[] = strtoupper($dummy->getFieldLabel($header));
     fputcsv($fp, $headerrow);
     foreach ($merge_data as $id => $row) {
         @$dummy->populate($id, $row);
         $outputrow = array($id);
         foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'history') {
             if ($k == 'familyid') {
             if ($dummy->hasField($k)) {
                 $outputrow[] = $dummy->getFormattedValue($k, $v);
                 // pass value to work around read-only fields
             } else {
                 if ($dummy_family && $dummy_family->hasField($k)) {
                     $outputrow[] = $dummy_family->getFormattedValue($k, $v);
                 } else {
                     $outputrow[] = $v;
         fputcsv($fp, $outputrow);
    function run()
        $results = array();
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['search'])) {
            $name = $_REQUEST['search'];
            $results = Person::getPersonsByName($name, array_get($_REQUEST, 'include_archived', false));
            header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
            // Date in the past
            header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
            // always modified
            header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
            // HTTP/1.1
            header("Pragma: no-cache");
            // HTTP/1.0
            header("Content-Type: application/json");
            echo "{\"results\": [";
            $arr = array();
            $dummy = new Person();
            $count = 0;
            foreach ($results as $i => $details) {
                if ($count++ > 12) {
                $dummy->populate($i, $details);
                $arr[] = '
						id: ' . $i . ',
						value: "' . addcslashes(ents($details['first_name'] . ' ' . $details['last_name']), '"') . '",
						info: "' . addcslashes(ents($dummy->getFormattedValue('status') . ', ' . $dummy->getFormattedValue('congregationid')), '"') . '"
            echo implode(", ", $arr);
            echo "]}";
예제 #3
 function run()
     // Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard
     header('Content-type: text/vcf');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="contacts_' . date('Y-m-d_h:i') . '.vcf"');
     $merge_data = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObjectData('person', array('id' => $_REQUEST['personid']));
     $dummy = new Person();
     $family = new Family();
     foreach ($merge_data as $id => $row) {
         $dummy->populate($id, $row);
         $family->setvalue('home_tel', $row['home_tel']);
         echo "BEGIN:VCARD\n";
         echo "VERSION:3.0\n";
         echo "N:" . $row['last_name'] . ";" . $row['first_name'] . ";;;\n";
         echo "FN:" . $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'] . "\n";
         echo "EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME:" . $row['email'] . "\n";
         echo "ADR;type=HOME:;;" . $row['address_street'] . ";" . $row['address_suburb'] . ";" . $row['address_state'] . ";" . $row['address_postcode'] . ";\n";
         echo "TEL;type=HOME:" . $family->getFormattedValue('home_tel') . "\n";
         echo "TEL;type=WORK:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('work_tel') . "\n";
         echo "TEL;type=MOBILE:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('mobile_tel') . "\n";
         echo "TEL;type=CELL:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('mobile_tel') . "\n";
         if ($g = $dummy->getValue('Gender')) {
             echo "GENDER:" . strtoupper($g[0]) . "\n";
         echo "CATEGORIES:" . $row['congregation'] . "\n";
         echo "ORG:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('congregationid') . "\n";
         echo "NOTES:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('congregationid') . "\n";
         echo "ROLE:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('status') . "\n";
         echo "TITLE:" . $dummy->getFormattedValue('status') . "\n";
         echo "SOURCE:" . build_url(array('personid' => array($id))) . "\n";
         // where to get vcard from
         echo "URL:" . build_url(array('call' => NULL, 'view' => 'persons', 'personid' => $id)) . "\n";
         // definitive location for full details
         echo "UID:" . build_url(array('call' => NULL, 'view' => 'persons', 'personid' => $id)) . "\n";
         echo "END:VCARD\n\n";
    private function printFormSequential()
        $cancelURL = build_url(array('*' => NULL, 'view' => 'attendance__record', 'cohortids' => $this->_cohortids, 'attendance_date' => $this->_attendance_date, 'release' => 1));
        $totalPrinted = 0;
        foreach ($this->_record_sets as $i => $set) {
            if ((int) $set->congregationid) {
                $congregation = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('congregation', (int) $set->congregationid);
            } else {
                if ($set->groupid) {
                    $group =& $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('person_group', $set->groupid);
                } else {
            $title = $set->getCohortName();
            $stats = $abs = array();
            if ($set->statuses) {
                $options = Attendance_Record_Set::getStatusOptions();
                foreach ($set->statuses as $s) {
                    $stats[] = $options[$s];
            if ($set->age_brackets) {
                $p = new Person();
                foreach ($set->age_brackets as $ab) {
                    $p->setValue('age_bracket', $ab);
                    $abs[] = $p->getFormattedValue('age_bracket');
            $title = implode(', ', $stats) . ' ' . implode(',', $abs) . ' in ' . $title;
            echo ents($title);
			<div class="width-really-auto form-inline">
            $setPrinted = $set->printForm($i);
            if ($setPrinted > 0) {
                $totalPrinted += $setPrinted;
					<div class="container row-fluid control-group">
						<p class="span6">
                echo _('Total headcount:');
						<p class="span6 align-right nowrap">
							<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Save All Attendances" />
							<a href="<?php 
                echo $cancelURL;
" class="btn">Cancel</a>
            } else {
                echo _('(No persons in this listing)');
        return $totalPrinted;
    public function getStats()
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        $groupingField = (int) $this->congregationid ? 'p.status' : 'pgms.label';
        $SQL = 'SELECT present, ' . $groupingField . ' AS status, count(p.id) AS total
				FROM attendance_record ar
				JOIN person p ON ar.personid = p.id
				LEFT JOIN person_group pg ON pg.id = ar.groupid
				LEFT JOIN person_group_membership pgm ON pgm.personid = p.id AND pgm.groupid = pg.id
				LEFT JOIN person_group_membership_status pgms ON pgms.id = pgm.membership_status
				WHERE date = ' . $db->quote($this->date) . '
				AND ar.groupid = ' . $db->quote((int) $this->groupid) . '
        if ($this->congregationid) {
            $SQL .= '
				AND p.congregationid = ' . $db->quote($this->congregationid);
        $SQL .= '
				GROUP BY present, ' . $groupingField . '
				ORDER BY present, ' . $groupingField;
        $res = $db->queryAll($SQL);
        $totals = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0);
        $breakdowns = array(0 => array(), 1 => array());
        $dummy = new Person();
        foreach ($res as $r) {
            if ($this->congregationid) {
                $r['status'] = $dummy->getFormattedValue('status', $r['status']);
            $totals[$r['present']] += $r['total'];
            $breakdowns[$r['present']][] = $r;
        return array($totals, $breakdowns);
예제 #6
function getMergeVars($person_data, $email)
    static $dummy_person = null;
    if (is_null($dummy_person)) {
        $dummy_person = new Person();
    $dummy_person->populate(0, $person_data);
    return array('EMAIL' => $email, 'FNAME' => $dummy_person->getFormattedValue('first_name'), 'LNAME' => $dummy_person->getFormattedValue('last_name'), 'GENDER' => $dummy_person->getFormattedValue('gender'), 'CONG' => $dummy_person->getFormattedValue('congregationid'), 'STATUS' => $dummy_person->getFormattedValue('status'), 'AGEBRACKET' => $dummy_person->getFormattedValue('age_bracket'));
    function printResults($with_links = FALSE)
        $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
        $groupid = (int) $_REQUEST['groupid'];
        $all_member_details = array_get($_REQUEST, 'all_member_details', 0);
        if (empty($groupid)) {
        $sql = '
		select family.id as familyid, family.family_name, family.home_tel, 
			person.*, congregation.long_name as congname,
			address_street, address_suburb, address_state, address_postcode
		from family 
		join person on family.id = person.familyid
		left join congregation on person.congregationid = congregation.id
		where person.status <> "archived"
		and family.id in 
		(select familyid 
		from person join person_group_membership pgm on person.id = pgm.personid
		where pgm.groupid = ' . (int) $groupid;
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['congregationid'])) {
            $sql .= '
				AND person.congregationid in (' . implode(',', array_map(array($db, 'quote'), $_REQUEST['congregationid'])) . ')';
        $sql .= ')
		order by family_name asc, age_bracket asc, gender desc
        $res = $db->queryAll($sql, null, null, true, true, true);
        if (empty($res)) {
<p><i>No families to show</i></p><?php 
        $sql = '
		select personid
		from person_group_membership pgm
		where pgm.groupid = ' . (int) $groupid;
        $signups = $db->queryCol($sql);
        $dummy_family = new Family();
        $dummy_person = new Person();

		<table class="contact-list">
        foreach ($res as $familyid => $family_members) {
            $adults = array();
            $children = array();
            $adults_use_full = false;
            $children_use_full = false;
            foreach ($family_members as $member) {
                if (empty($_REQUEST['age_bracket']) || in_array($member['age_bracket'], $_REQUEST['age_bracket'])) {
                    $adults[] = $member;
                    if ($member['last_name'] != $member['family_name']) {
                        $adults_use_full = true;
                } else {
                    $children[] = $member;
                    if ($member['last_name'] != $member['family_name']) {
                        $children_use_full = true;
            $first_member = reset($family_members);
			<tr><td colspan="4"><h2 style="margin-bottom: 0px"><?php 
            echo $first_member['family_name'];
            if ($first_member['home_tel']) {
                $dummy_family->setValue('home_tel', $first_member['home_tel']);
                echo '<tr><td colspan="4"><h3 style="border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px">';
                echo ents($dummy_family->getFormattedValue('home_tel'));
                echo '</h3></td></tr>';
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['include_address']) && $first_member['address_street']) {
                echo '<tr><td colspan="4">' . nl2br(ents($first_member['address_street'])) . '<br />';
                echo ents($first_member['address_suburb'] . ' ' . $first_member['address_state'] . ' ' . $first_member['address_postcode']);
                echo '</td></tr>';
            $fn = $with_links ? 'printFieldValue' : 'getFormattedValue';
            foreach ($adults as $adult) {
                $dummy_person->populate($adult['id'], $adult);
                echo ents($adults_use_full ? $adult['first_name'] . ' ' . $adult['last_name'] : $adult['first_name']);
                echo ents($adult['congname']);
                if ($all_member_details || in_array($adult['id'], $signups)) {
                    echo ents($dummy_person->getFormattedValue('mobile_tel'));
                if ($all_member_details || in_array($adult['id'], $signups)) {
                    echo ents($dummy_person->{$fn}('email'));
            $child_names = array();
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                $child_names[] = $children_use_full ? $child['first_name'] . ' ' . $child['last_name'] : $child['first_name'];
            if ($child_names) {
					<td colspan="4"><?php 
                echo ents(implode(', ', $child_names));
    function printView()
        if (empty($this->_record_sets)) {
            // STEP 1 - choose congregation and date
			<form method="get" class="well well-small clearfix">
				<input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?php 
            echo $_REQUEST['view'];
" />
				<table class="attendance-config-table valign-middle">
						<td colspan="2" class="fill-me">
            print_widget('age_bracket', array('type' => 'select', 'options' => array('' => 'All age brackets') + explode(',', AGE_BRACKET_OPTIONS), 'default' => '', 'allow_empty' => false), $this->_age_bracket);
						<th rowspan="2">In</th>
						<td class="valign-top">
							<label class="radio">
								<input type="radio" name="for_type" 
									value="congregationid" id="for_type_congregation" 
									data-toggle="enable" data-target="#congregationchooser select"
            if (empty($this->_groupid)) {
                echo 'checked="checked"';
								Congregation(s) &nbsp;
						<td class="fill-me">
							<table id="congregationchooser" class="expandable table-condensed no-padding" cellspacing="0">
            $congs = $this->_congregationids ? $this->_congregationids : array(0);
            foreach ($congs as $congid) {
                print_widget('congregationid[]', array('type' => 'reference', 'references' => 'congregation', 'order_by' => 'name', 'allow_empty' => true, 'empty_text' => '-- Choose --'), $congid);
							<label class="radio">
								<input type="radio" name="for_type" 
									value="groupid" id="for_type_group"
									data-toggle="enable" data-target="#groupchooser select" 
            if (!empty($this->_groupid)) {
                echo 'checked="checked"';
						<td class="fill-me" id="groupchooser">
            print_widget('groupid', array('type' => 'reference', 'references' => 'person_group', 'filter' => array('can_record_attendance' => '1', 'is_archived' => 0)), $this->_groupid);
						<td colspan="2">
            print_widget('attendance_date', array('type' => 'date'), $this->_attendance_date);
            if ($GLOBALS['system']->featureEnabled('PHOTOS')) {
							<label class="checkbox">
								<input type="checkbox" name="show_photos" value="1" <?php 
                if ($this->_show_photos) {
                    echo 'checked="checked"';
								Show photos
				<button type="submit" class="btn attendance-config-submit">Continue <i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></button>
				<input type="hidden" name="params_submitted" value="1" />
        } else {
            if (empty($_POST['attendances_submitted'])) {
                $_SESSION['enter_attendance_token'] = md5(time());
                // STEP 2 - enter attendances
			<form method="post" class="attendance warn-unsaved" action="?view=attendance__record">
				<input type="hidden" name="for_type" value="<?php 
                echo ents($_REQUEST['for_type']);
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="attendance_date" value="<?php 
                echo $this->_attendance_date;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="age_bracket" value="<?php 
                echo $this->_age_bracket;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="show_photos" value="<?php 
                echo $this->_show_photos;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="enter_attendance_token" value="<?php 
                echo $_SESSION['enter_attendance_token'];
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="attendances_submitted" value="1" />

				<p class="visible-desktop smallprint">For greatest speed, press P for present and A for absent.  The cursor will automatically progress to the next person.  To go back, use the arrow keys.</p>
                $totalPrinted = 0;
                foreach ($this->_record_sets as $i => $set) {
                    if ((int) $set->congregationid) {
						<input type="hidden" name="congregationid[]" value="<?php 
                        echo $set->congregationid;
" />
                        $congregation = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('congregation', (int) $set->congregationid);
                        $title = $congregation->getValue('name') . ' Congregation';
                    } else {
                        if ($set->groupid) {
                            $group =& $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('person_group', $set->groupid);
                            $title = $group->getValue('name') . ' Group';
						<input type="hidden" name="groupid" value="<?php 
                            echo $set->groupid;
" />
                        } else {
                    if (strlen($set->age_bracket)) {
                        $p = new Person();
                        $p->setValue('age_bracket', $set->age_bracket);
                        $title = $p->getFormattedValue('age_bracket') . ' in ' . $title;
                    echo ents($title);
					<div class="width-really-auto form-inline">
                    $setPrinted = $set->printForm($i);
                    if ($setPrinted > 0) {
                        $totalPrinted += $setPrinted;
                        if ((int) $set->congregationid) {
                            $headcountFieldName = 'headcount[congregation][' . $set->congregationid . ']';
                            $headcountValue = Headcount::fetch('congregation', $this->_attendance_date, $set->congregationid);
                        } else {
                            $headcountFieldName = 'headcount[group][' . $set->groupid . ']';
                            $headcountValue = Headcount::fetch('person_group', $this->_attendance_date, $set->groupid);
							<div class="container row-fluid control-group">
								<p class="span6">
									Total headcount:
									<input type="text" class="int-box" name="<?php 
                        echo $headcountFieldName;
" value="<?php 
                        echo $headcountValue;
" size="5" />
								<p class="span6 align-right nowrap">
									<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Save All Attendances" />
									<a href="?view=attendance__record" class="btn">Cancel</a>
                    } else {
							<i>(No persons in this listing)</i>
                if (ini_get('max_input_vars') && $totalPrinted > ini_get('max_input_vars')) {
                    print_message("The parameters you have selected will list more persons " . "than your server can process.  Please narrow down your parameters, " . "or ask your server administrator to increase the PHP max_input_vars setting" . " (currently " . ini_get('max_input_vars') . ')', 'error');
                } else {
            } else {
                // STEP 3 - confirmation
                foreach ($this->_record_sets as $set) {
                    if ($set->congregationid) {
                        $congregation = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('congregation', (int) $set->congregationid);
                        $title = $congregation->getValue('name') . ' congregation';
                    } else {
                        $group =& $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('person_group', $set->groupid);
                        $title = $group->getValue('name') . ' group';
                    echo '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>';
			<p><a href="?view=<?php 
                echo $_REQUEST['view'];
"><i class="icon-pencil"></i>Record more attendances</a></p>
			<p><a href="?view=persons__reports"><i class="icon-list"></i>Analyse attendance using a person report</a></p>
 protected function getMergeData()
     $merge_type = array_get($_REQUEST, 'merge_type', 'person');
     switch ($merge_type) {
         case 'family':
             $merge_data = Family::getFamilyDataByMemberIDs($_POST['personid']);
             $dummy = new Family();
         case 'person':
             $temp_merge_data = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObjectData('person', array('id' => $_POST['personid']));
             $merge_data = array();
             foreach ($_REQUEST['personid'] as $id) {
                 $merge_data[$id] = $temp_merge_data[$id];
             $dummy = new Person();
     foreach ($merge_data as $id => $row) {
         @$dummy->populate($id, $row);
         foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'history') {
             if ($dummy->hasField($k)) {
                 $merge_data[$id][$k] = $dummy->getFormattedValue($k);
             if ($k == 'selected_firstnames') {
                 $merge_data[$id]['selected_members'] = $v;
     return $merge_data;
예제 #10
						<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="<?php 
    echo (int) $personid;
" />
    echo ents($dummy->toString());
						<br />
    echo ents($dummy->getFormattedValue('age_bracket'));
    echo ' &bull; ';
    echo ents($dummy->getFormattedValue('gender'));
    echo '<br />';
    echo ents($dummy->getFormattedValue('status'));
    echo ' &bull; ';
    echo ents($dummy->getFormattedValue('congregationid'));

$all_emails = $family->getAllEmailAddrs();
if (!empty($all_emails)) {
예제 #11
function replace_keywords($content, $person)
    static $dummy = NULL;
    if (!$dummy) {
        $dummy = new Person();
    $dummy->populate($person['id'], $person);
    foreach ($person as $k => $v) {
        $keyword = '%' . strtoupper($k) . '%';
        if (FALSE !== strpos($content, $keyword)) {
            if ($k == 'expirydate') {
                $replacement = format_date($v);
            } else {
                $replacement = $dummy->getFormattedValue($k);
            $content = str_replace($keyword, $replacement, $content);
    return $content;