예제 #1
  * It is used for both editing and adding
 public function executeAdd(sfWebRequest $request)
     $description = $request->getParameter('content');
     $listId = $request->getParameter('listId');
     $taskId = $request->getParameter('taskId');
     // the contexts coming from the client have a trailing slash
     $contexts = $request->getParameter('contexts');
     $isHeader = $request->getParameter('isHeader') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $note = $request->getParameter('note');
     $dueDate = $request->getParameter('dueDate');
     $dueTime = $request->getParameter('dueTime');
     $isStarred = $request->getParameter('isStarred') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $repetitionId = $request->getParameter('repetitionId');
     $repetitionParam = $request->getParameter('repetitionParam');
     $taskAboveId = (int) $request->getParameter('taskAboveId');
     $task = PcTaskPeer::createOrEdit($description, $listId, $taskId, $contexts, $isHeader, $note, $dueDate, $dueTime, $isStarred, $repetitionId, $repetitionParam, $taskAboveId, 'ajax', 'Y-m-d');
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         return $this->renderJson($task->toArray());
  * Updates the corresponding Plancake task.
  * If there is not a corresponding Plancake task,
  * we create a new one.
  * @param -Google Calendar Event- $event
 private function updatePlancakeTask($event)
     $eventId = $this->getEventId($event);
     // retrieving the Plancake task: we use this method, rather than the EVENT_EXTENDED_PROPERTY_TASK_ID
     // extended property, because it should be more reliable
     $task = PcTaskPeer::getTaskByGoogleCalendarEventId($eventId);
     // {{{ PATCH: we have this problem something Google was trying to send us back some events that
     // had been either completed or deleted on the Plancake side.
     // This is the reason why we have decided to use an extended property to keep a record of the link
     // CalendarEvent<-->PlancakeTask
     $taskIdFromExtendedProperty = $this->getExtendedProperty($event, self::EVENT_EXTENDED_PROPERTY_TASK_ID);
     if ($taskIdFromExtendedProperty) {
         $taskFromExtendedProperty = PcTaskPeer::retrieveByPK($taskIdFromExtendedProperty);
         if ($taskFromExtendedProperty && $taskFromExtendedProperty->isCompleted()) {
         if (PcTrashbinTaskPeer::retrieveByPK($taskIdFromExtendedProperty)) {
     // }}} // end PATCH
     // {{{ checking whether the event has been deleted
     if ($this->hasEventBeenDeleted($event)) {
         // event has been deleted
         if (is_object($task)) {
             if (SfConfig::get('app_gcal_debug')) {
                 error_log('Deleting Plancake task ' . $task->getId() . ' ' . $task->getDescription());
             // In order to avoid potential disasters, we disable the possibility
             // for GCal to delete tasks
             // $task->delete();
     // }}}
     $eventDescription = $event->title->text;
     $eventNote = $event->content->text;
     $eventDueDate = '';
     $eventDueTime = '';
     $eventRepetitionId = 0;
     $eventRepetitionParam = 0;
     $eventIsRecurrent = true;
     foreach ($event->when as $when) {
         $startTime = $when->startTime;
         $eventIsRecurrent = false;
         if (strlen($startTime) == 10) {
             $eventDueDate = $startTime;
             $eventDueTime = '';
         } else {
             preg_match('!([^T]+)T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):.*!', $startTime, $matches);
             $eventDueDate = $matches[1];
             $eventDueTime = $matches[2] . $matches[3];
             $eventDueTime = (int) $eventDueTime;
         // getting just the first due date
     if ($eventIsRecurrent) {
         $recurrentData = $event->recurrence->text;
         // $recurrentData is something like:
         // DTSTART:20110228T110000Z DTEND:20110228T120000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO
         list($eventDueDate, $eventDueTime, $eventRepetitionId, $eventRepetitionParam) = DateFormat::fromICalRecurrentStringToInternalParams($recurrentData);
     foreach ($event->when as $when) {
         // we only consider the first 'when' parameter
     list($eventLocalDueDate, $eventLocalDueTime) = DateFormat::fromGmtDateAndTime2LocalDateAndTime($eventDueDate, $eventDueTime);
     if (is_object($task)) {
         $task->edit($eventDescription, null, null, null, $eventNote, $eventLocalDueDate, $eventLocalDueTime, null, $eventRepetitionId, $eventRepetitionParam, 'gcal');
         if (SfConfig::get('app_gcal_debug')) {
             error_log('Updated Plancake task ' . $task->getId() . ' ' . $task->getDescription());
     } else {
         $dbEntry = PcGoogleCalendarPeer::retrieveByUser($this->user);
         if (!is_object($dbEntry)) {
             throw new Exception("You need a session token in order to create a new task.");
         // we have to create a new Plancake task
         $task = PcTaskPeer::createOrEdit($eventDescription, null, 0, '', false, $eventNote, $eventLocalDueDate, $eventLocalDueTime, 0, $eventRepetitionId, $eventRepetitionParam, 0, 'gcal', 'Y-m-d');
         if (SfConfig::get('app_gcal_debug')) {
             error_log('Created Plancake task ' . $task->getId() . ' ' . $task->getDescription());
  * @see sfTask
 protected function executeTask($env, $arguments = array(), $options = array())
      * Getting the directory where the emails are stored
     $inboxUser = sfConfig::get('app_emailToInbox_inboxUser');
     $emailDomain = sfConfig::get('app_emailToInbox_mailServerDomain');
     $newEmailPath = $arguments['emailFileAbsolutePath'];
     // there are some regular Plancake inbox email address that are
     // use just for spam
     $spamAccounts = array();
     $spamAccounts[] = 'niki_5436';
     // this will be interpreted as inbox_niki_5436@plancakebox.com
     $spamAccounts[] = 'niki.jones_15c522';
     $this->log("parsing the email at " . $newEmailPath);
     $mailParser = new PlancakeEmailParser(file_get_contents($newEmailPath));
     $plancakeSubjectOK = false;
     $plancakeRecipientOK = false;
     $emailTo = array();
     $emailSubject = '';
     $emailCc = $mailParser->getCc();
     try {
         $emailTo = $mailParser->getTo();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->handleFault("couldn't retrieve the 'to' header of the email", $newEmailPath);
     try {
         $emailSubject = $mailParser->getSubject();
         $plancakeSubjectOK = true;
         $this->log("got the subject of the email: " . $emailSubject);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->handleFault("couldn't retrieve the subject of the email", $newEmailPath);
     $emailRecipients = array_merge($emailTo, $emailCc);
     $emailRecipients = implode(', ', $emailRecipients);
     $deliveredToHeader = $mailParser->getHeader('Delivered-To');
     $emailRecipients = $deliveredToHeader . ', ' . $emailRecipients;
     $this->log("all recipients of the email: " . $emailRecipients);
     $internalEmail = false;
     // to flag an email sent to the catchall address
     $spamEmail = false;
     if (preg_match('/' . $inboxUser . "@{$emailDomain}/", $emailRecipients, $matches)) {
         $internalEmail = true;
         $this->log("discarding the email as it is an internal one");
         if (is_file($newEmailPath)) {
     if (preg_match("/inbox_([^@]+)@{$emailDomain}/i", $emailRecipients, $matches)) {
         // found Plancake Inbox address!
         $plancakeInbox = $matches[1];
         if (in_array($plancakeInbox, $spamAccounts)) {
             $spamEmail = true;
             $this->handleFault("discarding the email because it is from a spammer", $newEmailPath);
         } else {
             $emailRecipient = 'inbox_' . $plancakeInbox . "@{$emailDomain}";
             $plancakeRecipientOK = true;
             $this->log("got the Plancake recipient of the email: " . $emailRecipient);
     } else {
         $this->handleFault("couldn't find a Plancake recipient for the email", $newEmailPath);
      * Sorting the email into the database
     if ($plancakeRecipientOK && $plancakeSubjectOK) {
         $this->log('well done. For this email we got both the recipient and the subject. I can now create the task for the user.');
         $emailRecipientWithoutDomain = str_replace("@{$emailDomain}", '', $emailRecipient);
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(PcPlancakeEmailAddressPeer::EMAIL, $emailRecipientWithoutDomain, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $plancakeEmail = PcPlancakeEmailAddressPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (is_object($plancakeEmail)) {
             // everything's OK
             $userId = $plancakeEmail->getUserId();
             $user = PcUserPeer::retrieveByPk($userId);
             // check whether there is a note for the task
             $note = $this->extractNote($mailParser->getPlainBody());
             if (strlen($note)) {
                 $this->log("note: {$note}");
             if (!strlen($emailSubject)) {
                 $emailSubject = 'Something went wrong with a task you sent via email. Please contact us.';
             PcTaskPeer::createOrEdit($emailSubject, $user->getInbox()->getId(), 0, '', false, $note);
             $this->log('the email has successfully become a task for the user.');
         } else {
             // something wrong
             $this->handleFault('no email user', $newEmailPath);
             $this->log('couldn\'t create a task from the email - the Plancake address is not in the system :-(.');
     } else {
         if ((!$plancakeRecipientOK || !$plancakeSubjectOK) && !$internalEmail && !$spamEmail) {
             // something wrong
             $this->handleFault('email parsing', $newEmailPath);
             $this->log("counldn't find both the recipient and the subject of the email. Nothing to do.");
     $this->log("deleting the email from the hard disk.");
     if (is_file($newEmailPath)) {
예제 #4
 public function import($xml)
     $originalMaxExecutionTime = ini_get('max_execution_time');
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 120);
     $tagLocalIds = array();
     $listLocalIds = array();
     $newTagIds = array();
     $newListIds = array();
     $newTaskIds = array();
     $newNoteIds = array();
     $tags = $xml->plancake_tasks->tags->tag;
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $isNewTag = false;
         $tagId = (int) $tag->id > 0 ? $tag->id : null;
         $tagLocalId = (int) $tag->localId;
         $tagName = (string) $tag->name;
         $tagSortOrder = (int) $tag->sortOrder;
         $tagObj = null;
         if ($tagId && !in_array($tagId, $newTagIds)) {
             $tagObj = PcUsersContextsPeer::retrieveByPK($tagId);
         if ($tagObj) {
             if ($tagObj->getUserId() != $this->user->getId()) {
                 die("Hacking attempt.");
         } else {
             // tags are unique by name, thus
             // we check whether the tag is already in the instance
             // we are importing the dump to.
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add(PcUsersContextsPeer::CONTEXT, $tagName);
             $tagObj = PcUsersContextsPeer::doSelectOne($c);
             if (!is_object($tagObj)) {
                 $tagObj = new PcUsersContexts();
                 $isNewTag = true;
         $tagLocalIds[$tagLocalId] = $tagObj->getId();
         if ($isNewTag) {
             $newTagIds[] = $tagObj->getId();
     $lists = $xml->plancake_tasks->lists->list;
     foreach ($lists as $list) {
         $isNewList = false;
         $listId = (int) $list->id > 0 ? $list->id : null;
         $listLocalId = (int) $list->localId;
         $listName = (string) $list->name;
         $listSortOrder = (int) $list->sortOrder;
         $listIsInbox = (int) $list->isInbox == 1 ? true : false;
         $listIsTodo = (int) $list->isTodo == 1 ? true : false;
         $listIsHeader = (int) $list->isHeader == 1 ? true : false;
         $listObj = null;
         if ($listId && !in_array($listId, $newListIds)) {
             $listObj = PcListPeer::retrieveByPK($listId);
         if ($listObj) {
             if ($listObj->getCreatorId() != $this->user->getId()) {
                 die("Hacking attempt.");
         } else {
             if ($listIsInbox) {
                 $listObj = $this->user->getInbox();
             } else {
                 if ($listIsTodo) {
                     $listObj = $this->user->getTodo();
                 } else {
                     $listObj = new PcList();
                     $isNewList = true;
         $listLocalIds[$listLocalId] = $listObj->getId();
         if ($isNewList) {
             $newListIds[] = $listObj->getId();
     $tasks = $xml->plancake_tasks->tasks->task;
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         $isNewTask = false;
         $taskId = (int) $task->id > 0 ? $task->id : 0;
         $taskListLocalId = (int) $task->listLocalId;
         $taskDescription = (string) $task->description;
         $taskSortOrder = (int) $task->sortOrder;
         $taskDueDate = (string) $task->dueDate;
         $taskDueTime = strlen($task->dueTime) > 0 ? (int) $task->dueTime : '';
         $taskRepetitionId = (int) $task->repetitionId;
         $taskRepetitionParam = (int) $task->repetitionParam;
         $taskIsStarred = (int) $task->isStarred == 1 ? true : false;
         $taskIsCompleted = (int) $task->isCompleted == 1 ? true : false;
         $taskIsHeader = (int) $task->isHeader == 1 ? true : false;
         $taskIsFromSystem = (int) $task->isFromSystem == 1 ? true : false;
         $taskTagLocalIds = (string) $task->tagLocalIds;
         $taskNote = (string) $task->note;
         $taskListId = $listLocalIds[$taskListLocalId];
         $taskTagIdsArray = array();
         $taskTagLocalIdsArray = PcUtils::explodeWithEmptyInputDetection(',', $taskTagLocalIds);
         foreach ($taskTagLocalIdsArray as $id) {
             $taskTagIdsArray[] = $tagLocalIds[$id];
         $taskTagIds = '';
         if (count($taskTagIdsArray)) {
             $taskTagIds = implode(',', $taskTagIdsArray);
         $taskFromDb = null;
         if ($taskId && !in_array($taskId, $newTaskIds)) {
             $taskFromDb = PcTaskPeer::retrieveByPK($taskId);
         if (!is_object($taskFromDb)) {
             // if the task doesn't exist (even if the dump contains a taskId)
             // we want to add it.
             $taskId = 0;
             $isNewTask = true;
         $newTask = PcTaskPeer::createOrEdit($taskDescription, $taskListId, $taskId, $taskTagIds, $taskIsHeader, $taskNote, $taskDueDate, $taskDueTime, $taskIsStarred, $taskRepetitionId, $taskRepetitionParam, 0, '', 'd-m-Y', false);
         if ($taskIsCompleted) {
         if ($isNewTask) {
             $newTaskIds[] = $newTask->getId();
         if (!$taskId) {
     $notes = $xml->plancake_notes->notes->note;
     foreach ($notes as $note) {
         $isNewNote = false;
         $noteId = (int) $note->id > 0 ? $note->id : null;
         $noteTitle = (string) $note->title;
         $noteContent = (string) $note->content;
         $noteObj = null;
         if ($noteId && !in_array($noteId, $newNoteIds)) {
             $noteObj = PcNotePeer::retrieveByPK($noteId);
         if ($noteObj) {
             if ($noteObj->getCreatorId() != $this->user->getId()) {
                 die("Hacking attempt.");
         } else {
             $noteObj = new PcNote();
             $isNewNote = true;
         if ($isNewNote) {
             $newNoteIds[] = $noteObj->getId();
     ini_set('max_execution_time', $originalMaxExecutionTime);
예제 #5
  * Edit anything in a task
  * Only the input parameters that are not null will be changed.
  * @param string $description (=null)
  * @param integer $listId (=null)
  * @param string $contexts (=null) (comma separated list)
  * @param boolean $isHeader
  * @param string $note (=null)
  * @param string $dueDate in the PHP date() format 'Y-m-d'
  * @param string $dueTime - formatted as an integer, ie: 0753
  * @param integer $repetitionId
  * @param integer $repetitionParam
  * @param integer $taskAboveId
  * @param string $callerContext - can be either 'ajax' or 'email'
  * @return     PcTask - the object that has been created
 public function edit($description = null, $listId = null, $contexts = null, $isHeader = null, $note = null, $dueDate = null, $dueTime = null, $isStarred = null, $repetitionId = null, $repetitionParam = null, $callerContext = '')
     $description = $description === null ? $this->getDescription() : $description;
     $listId = $listId === null ? $this->getListId() : $listId;
     $contexts = $contexts === null ? $this->getContexts() : $contexts;
     $note = $note === null ? $this->getNote() : $note;
     $isHeader = $isHeader === null ? $this->isHeader() : $isHeader;
     $dueDate = $dueDate === null ? $this->getDueDate('Y-m-d') : $dueDate;
     $dueTime = $dueTime === null ? $this->getDueTime() : $dueTime;
     $isStarred = $isStarred === null ? $this->isStarred() : $isStarred;
     $repetitionId = $repetitionId === null ? $this->getRepetitionId() : $repetitionId;
     $repetitionParam = $repetitionParam === null ? $this->getRepetitionParam() : $repetitionParam;
     $taskId = $this->getId();
     PcTaskPeer::createOrEdit($description, $listId, $taskId, $contexts, $isHeader, $note, $dueDate, $dueTime, $isStarred, $repetitionId, $repetitionParam, 0, $callerContext, 'Y-m-d');