function setExpressCheckout($enqueueMessage = true) { //if (!$this->customerData->getVar('token') || $this->cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id != $this->customerData->getVar('selected_method')) { // Checks if there is already a token. If not create one. if (!$this->customerData->getVar('token')) { $this->getToken(); //Code stops here as the getToken method should redirect to PayPal } else { return parent::validate(); } $success = $this->ManageCheckout(true); $response = $this->getResponse(); }
function validate($enqueueMessage = true) { if (!class_exists('Creditcard')) { require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'creditcard.php'; } $html = ''; $cc_valid = true; $errormessages = array(); $cc_type = $this->customerData->getVar('cc_type'); $cc_number = $this->customerData->getVar('cc_number'); $cc_cvv = $this->customerData->getVar('cc_cvv'); $cc_expire_month = $this->customerData->getVar('cc_expire_month'); $cc_expire_year = $this->customerData->getVar('cc_expire_year'); if (!Creditcard::validate_credit_card_number($cc_type, $cc_number)) { $errormessages[] = 'VMPAYMENT_PAYPAL_CC_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID'; $cc_valid = false; } if ($this->_method->cvv_required or $cc_type == 'Maestro') { $required = true; } else { $required = false; } if (!Creditcard::validate_credit_card_cvv($cc_type, $cc_cvv, $required)) { $errormessages[] = 'VMPAYMENT_PAYPAL_CC_CARD_CVV_INVALID'; $cc_valid = false; } if (!Creditcard::validate_credit_card_date($cc_type, $cc_expire_month, $cc_expire_year)) { $errormessages[] = 'VMPAYMENT_PAYPAL_CC_CARD_DATE_INVALID'; $cc_valid = false; } if (!$cc_valid) { foreach ($errormessages as $msg) { $html .= tsmText::_($msg) . "<br/>"; } } if (!$cc_valid && $enqueueMessage) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage($html, 'error'); } $displayInfoMsg = ""; if (!$cc_valid) { $displayInfoMsg = false; return false; } else { return parent::validate($displayInfoMsg); } }