public function action_registrationPaypalIPN() { $config = Kohana::config('ecmproject'); $data = array(); Kohana::$log->add(Log::DEBUG, "REQUEST_URI: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $p = new Paypal(); $emailAddr = ""; $passes = array(); $currentRegs = array(); try { $p->validateIPN(); $data = $_POST; $total_items = 1; if (isset($data['num_cart_items'])) { $total_items = $data['num_cart_items']; } else { while (isset($data['item_number' . $total_items + 1])) { $total_items++; } } foreach (range(1, $total_items) as $count) { if (!isset($data['item_number' . $count]) || strpos($data['item_number' . $count], "|") === FALSE) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, "[PAYPAL] unable to find item {$count} - " . var_export($_POST, 1)); break; } list($reg_id, $pass_id) = explode('|', $data['item_number' . $count]); Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, "[PAYPAL] Starting {$count} - {$reg_id}/{$pass_id}"); $reg = ORM::Factory('registration'); $ret = $reg->with('convention')->with('account')->where('', '=', $reg_id)->find(); if (!$reg->loaded()) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, "[PAYPAL] processing {$count} - Unable to load {$reg_id}"); continue; } /* To make sure they paid the right one */ if ($reg->pass_id != $pass_id) { $passes[$pass_id] = ORM::Factory('Pass', $pass_id); $reg->convention_id = $passes[$pass_id]->convention_id; $reg->convention = ORM::Factory('Convention', $reg->convention_id); $reg->pass_id = $pass_id; $reg->pass = $passes[$pass_id]; } else { if (!isset($passes[$pass_id])) { $passes[$pass_id] = ORM::Factory('Pass', $pass_id); } } $payment = ORM::Factory('payment'); $payment->payer_id = $data['payer_id']; $payment->reg_id = $reg_id; $payment->type = 'paypal'; $payment->mc_gross = $data['mc_gross_' . $count]; $payment->payment_date = strtotime($data['payment_date']); /* Fixme - Should be normalized. Payment_Model::paypal_to_status($data['payment_status']); */ $payment->payment_status = $data['payment_status']; $payment->txn_id = $data['txn_id']; $payment->receipt_id = "????-????-????-????"; $payment->mod_time = time(); $payment->payment_type = 'paypal'; $payment->save(); Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, "[PAYPAL] Finished {$count} - {$reg_id}/{$pass_id}"); if (strtolower($data['payment_status']) == 'completed') { //Normalize. $payment = floatval($payment->mc_gross); $pass_price = floatval($passes[$pass_id]->price); if ($payment >= $pass_price) { $reg->status = Model_Registration::STATUS_PAID; $data['name'] = $reg->gname . ' ' . $reg->sname; $emailAddr = $reg->account->email; $currentRegs[$reg->convention->id][$reg->convention->name][] = $reg; } else { $reg->status = Model_Registration::STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH; } } else { if ($reg->status == Model_Registration::STATUS_UNPROCESSED) { $reg->status = Model_Registration::STATUS_PROCESSING; } } $reg->save(); } } catch (Exception $e) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, "[PAYPAL] Error doing stuff: {$e}"); exit; } $messageIdOffset = 0; foreach (array_keys($currentRegs) as $id) { $messageIdOffset++; if ($emailAddr && count($currentRegs[$id])) { $data['registrations'] = $currentRegs[$id]; try { $view = new View('convention/reg_success--' . $id, $data); } catch (Kohana_View_Exception $e) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, "[PAYPAL] convention/reg_success--{$id} was not found: {$e}"); $view = new View('convention/reg_success', $data); } $email = Email::factory($config['registration_subject']); $email->from($config['outgoing_email_address'], $config['outgoing_email_name']); $email->message($view->render(), 'text/html'); $email->to($emailAddr); $email->send(); } } return; }