} } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // user submitted the "private pastebin" form? redirect them... // if ($_GET['goprivate']) { $sub = trim(strtolower($_GET['goprivate'])); if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\.\\-]*[a-z0-9]$/i', $sub)) { header("Location: http://{$sub}." . TOPDOMAIN); exit; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create our pastebin object // $pastebin = new Pastebin($CONF); // clean up older posts $pastebin->doGarbageCollection(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process new posting // $errors = array(); if (isset($_POST['paste'])) { session_start(); if ($_POST['quux'] == $_SESSION['solution'] && strtolower($_POST['quux2']) == strtolower('blanc')) { //process posting and redirect $id = $pastebin->doPost($_POST); if ($id) { $pastebin->redirectToPost($id); exit; }
} else { array_push($jsonArray, array('error' => $CONF['errors']['InvRequest'])); } break; default: array_push($jsonArray, array('error' => $CONF['errors']['InvRequest'])); break; } } else { array_push($jsonArray, array('error' => $CONF['errors']['InvRequest'])); } break; case 'paste': if (isset($_POST['code'])) { // Create our pastebin object $pastebin = new Pastebin($CONF, $db); /// Clean up older posts $pastebin->doGarbageCollection(); $id = $pastebin->doPost($_POST); $post = $pastebin->getPaste($id); array_push($jsonArray, array('results' => array('paste' => array('id' => $id, 'url' => get_page_url("p", $CONF) . '/' . $id, 'title' => $post['title'], 'format' => $post['format'], 'expiration' => $post['expires'], 'password' => $post['password'])))); } else { array_push($jsonArray, array('error' => $CONF['errors']['NoPaste'])); } break; case 'ricehalla': if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = strtolower($_GET['action']); switch ($action) { case "post": if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
} } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // user submitted the "private pastebin" form? redirect them... // if ($_GET['goprivate']) { $sub = trim(strtolower($_GET['goprivate'])); if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\.\\-]*[a-z0-9]$/i', $sub)) { header("Location: http://{$sub}.pastebin.com"); exit; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create our pastebin object // $pastebin = new Pastebin($CONF); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process new posting // $errors = array(); if (isset($_POST['paste'])) { //process posting and redirect $id = $pastebin->doPost($_POST); if ($id) { $pastebin->redirectToPost($id); exit; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process download //
try { // authentication $auth = new \Pste\Auth($request); if (!$auth->isAuthenticated()) { \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->authenticated = false; } else { \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->authenticated = true; \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->user = $auth->getUser(); } /// Clean up older posts // $pastebin->doGarbageCollection(); // Process new posting $errors = array(); if ($request->hasParam('paste')) { /* Process posting and redirect */ $pastebin = new Pastebin($CONF); $id = $pastebin->doPost($_POST); if ($id) { $pastebin->redirectToPost($id); exit; } } if ($request->hasParam('show') && ($config->restrict_show && \Pste\Registry::getInstance()->authenticated || !$config->restrict_show)) { $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\SinglePaste(array('pid' => $request->getParam('show'), 'request' => $request))); } else { if ($request->hasParam('archive')) { require_once 'components/PasteArchive.php'; $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\PasteArchive(array('page' => $request->getParam('page'), 'request' => $request))); } else { if ($request->hasParam('submit', 'GET')) { $content = \Pste\Component::add(new \Pste\Component\PasteForm(array('request' => $request)));
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $val = stripslashes($val); } } if (count($_GET)) { array_walk($_GET, 'callback_stripslashes'); } if (count($_POST)) { array_walk($_POST, 'callback_stripslashes'); } if (count($_COOKIE)) { array_walk($_COOKIE, 'callback_stripslashes'); } } // Create our pastebin object $pastebin = new Pastebin($CONF, $db); /// Clean up older posts $pastebin->doGarbageCollection(); // Process new posting $errors = array(); if (isset($_POST['code'])) { /* Process posting and redirect */ $id = $pastebin->doPost($_POST); if ($id) { $pastebin->redirectToPost($id); exit; } } // Process downloads. if (isset($_GET['dl'])) { global $errors;