/** * @brief Display messages about installation environment */ function dispInstallCheckEnv() { // Create a temporary file for mod_rewrite check. self::$rewriteCheckString = Password::createSecureSalt(32); FileHandler::writeFile(_XE_PATH_ . self::$rewriteCheckFilePath, self::$rewriteCheckString); // Check if the web server is nginx. Context::set('use_nginx', stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false); $this->setTemplateFile('check_env'); }
function procMemberModifyEmailAddress() { if (!Context::get('is_logged')) { return $this->stop('msg_not_logged'); } $member_info = Context::get('logged_info'); $newEmail = Context::get('email_address'); if (!$newEmail) { return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request'); } $oMemberModel = getModel('member'); // Check managed Email Host if ($oMemberModel->isDeniedEmailHost($newEmail)) { $config = $oMemberModel->getMemberConfig(); $emailhost_check = $config->emailhost_check; $managed_email_host = Context::getLang('managed_email_host'); $email_hosts = $oMemberModel->getManagedEmailHosts(); foreach ($email_hosts as $host) { $hosts[] = $host->email_host; } $message = sprintf($managed_email_host[$emailhost_check], implode(', ', $hosts), 'id@' . implode(', id@', $hosts)); return new Object(-1, $message); } // Check if the e-mail address is already registered $member_srl = $oMemberModel->getMemberSrlByEmailAddress($newEmail); if ($member_srl) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_exists_email_address'); } if ($_SESSION['rechecked_password_step'] != 'INPUT_DATA') { return $this->stop('msg_invalid_request'); } unset($_SESSION['rechecked_password_step']); $oPassword = new Password(); $auth_args = new stdClass(); $auth_args->user_id = $newEmail; $auth_args->member_srl = $member_info->member_srl; $auth_args->auth_key = $oPassword->createSecureSalt(40); $auth_args->new_password = '******'; $oDB =& DB::getInstance(); $oDB->begin(); $output = executeQuery('member.insertAuthMail', $auth_args); if (!$output->toBool()) { $oDB->rollback(); return $output; } $oModuleModel = getModel('module'); $member_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('member'); $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s', $this->module_path, $member_config->skin); if (!is_dir($tpl_path)) { $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s', $this->module_path, 'default'); } global $lang; $memberInfo = array(); $memberInfo[$lang->email_address] = $member_info->email_address; $memberInfo[$lang->nick_name] = $member_info->nick_name; Context::set('memberInfo', $memberInfo); Context::set('newEmail', $newEmail); $auth_url = getFullUrl('', 'module', 'member', 'act', 'procMemberAuthEmailAddress', 'member_srl', $member_info->member_srl, 'auth_key', $auth_args->auth_key); Context::set('auth_url', $auth_url); $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance(); $content = $oTemplate->compile($tpl_path, 'confirm_member_new_email'); $oMail = new Mail(); $oMail->setTitle(Context::getLang('title_modify_email_address')); $oMail->setContent($content); $oMail->setSender($member_config->webmaster_name ? $member_config->webmaster_name : 'webmaster', $member_config->webmaster_email); $oMail->setReceiptor($member_info->nick_name, $newEmail); $result = $oMail->send(); $msg = sprintf(Context::getLang('msg_confirm_mail_sent'), $newEmail); $this->setMessage($msg); $returnUrl = Context::get('success_return_url') ? Context::get('success_return_url') : getNotEncodedUrl('', 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'act', ''); $this->setRedirectUrl($returnUrl); }
/** * @brief Display messages about installation environment */ function dispInstallCheckEnv() { $oInstallController = getController('install'); self::$rewriteCheckString = Password::createSecureSalt(32); FileHandler::writeFile(_XE_PATH_ . self::$rewriteCheckFilePath, self::$rewriteCheckString); Context::set('use_rewrite', $_SESSION['use_rewrite'] = 'N'); Context::set('use_nginx', stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false); $this->setTemplateFile('check_env'); }
public static function password_hash($password, $algo = 1, $options = []) { if (!isset($options['salt']) || !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z\\.\\/]{22,}$/', $options['salt'])) { $options['salt'] = Password::createSecureSalt(22, 'alnum'); } if (!isset($options['cost']) || $options['cost'] < 4 || $options['cost'] > 31) { $options['cost'] = 10; } $salt = '$2y$' . sprintf('%02d', $options['cost']) . '$' . $options['salt']; return @crypt($password, $salt); }
/** * Import attachment * @param resource $fp * @param int $module_srl * @param int $upload_target_srl * @param array $files * @return int */ function importAttaches($fp, $module_srl, $upload_target_srl, &$files) { $uploaded_count = 0; $started = false; $buff = null; $file_obj = new stdClass(); while (!feof($fp)) { $str = trim(fgets($fp, 1024)); // If it ends with </attaches>, break if (trim($str) == '</attaches>') { break; } // If it starts with <attach>, collect attachments if (trim($str) == '<attach>') { $file_obj->file_srl = getNextSequence(); $file_obj->upload_target_srl = $upload_target_srl; $file_obj->module_srl = $module_srl; $started = true; $buff = null; // If it starts with <file>, handle the attachement in xml file } else { if (trim($str) == '<file>') { $file_obj->file = $this->saveTemporaryFile($fp); continue; } } if ($started) { $buff .= $str; } // If it ends with </attach>, handle attachements if (trim($str) == '</attach>') { $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->parse($buff . $str); $file_obj->source_filename = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->filename->body); $file_obj->download_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->download_count->body); if (!$file_obj->file) { $url = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->url->body); $path = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->path->body); if ($path && file_exists($path)) { $file_obj->file = $path; } else { $file_obj->file = $this->getTmpFilename(); FileHandler::getRemoteFile($url, $file_obj->file); } } if (file_exists($file_obj->file)) { $random = new Password(); // Set upload path by checking if the attachement is an image or other kind of file if (preg_match("/\\.(jpe?g|gif|png|wm[va]|mpe?g|avi|swf|flv|mp[1-4]|as[fx]|wav|midi?|moo?v|qt|r[am]{1,2}|m4v)\$/i", $file_obj->source_filename)) { // Immediately remove the direct file if it has any kind of extensions for hacking $file_obj->source_filename = preg_replace('/\\.(php|phtm|phar|html?|cgi|pl|exe|jsp|asp|inc)/i', '$0-x', $file_obj->source_filename); $file_obj->source_filename = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('%3C', '%3E'), $file_obj->source_filename); $path = sprintf("./files/attach/images/%s/%s", $module_srl, getNumberingPath($upload_target_srl, 3)); $ext = substr(strrchr($file_obj->source_filename, '.'), 1); $_filename = $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex') . '.' . $ext; $filename = $path . $_filename; $idx = 1; while (file_exists($filename)) { $filename = $path . preg_replace('/\\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i', '_' . $idx . '.$1', $_filename); $idx++; } $file_obj->direct_download = 'Y'; } else { $path = sprintf("./files/attach/binaries/%s/%s", $module_srl, getNumberingPath($upload_target_srl, 3)); $filename = $path . $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex'); $file_obj->direct_download = 'N'; } // Create a directory if (!FileHandler::makeDir($path)) { continue; } if (strncmp('./files/cache/importer/', $file_obj->file, 23) === 0) { FileHandler::rename($file_obj->file, $filename); } else { copy($file_obj->file, $filename); } // Insert the file to the DB unset($file_obj->file); if (file_exists($filename)) { $file_obj->uploaded_filename = $filename; $file_obj->file_size = filesize($filename); $file_obj->comment = NULL; $file_obj->member_srl = 0; $file_obj->sid = $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex'); $file_obj->isvalid = 'Y'; $output = executeQuery('file.insertFile', $file_obj); if ($output->toBool()) { $uploaded_count++; $tmp_obj = null; $tmp_obj->source_filename = $file_obj->source_filename; if ($file_obj->direct_download == 'Y') { $files[$file_obj->source_filename] = $file_obj->uploaded_filename; } else { $files[$file_obj->source_filename] = getUrl('', 'module', 'file', 'act', 'procFileDownload', 'file_srl', $file_obj->file_srl, 'sid', $file_obj->sid); } } } } } } return $uploaded_count; }
/** * @brief Create an IV * @return string */ protected static function _createIV() { $oPassword = new Password(); return $oPassword->createSecureSalt(self::ENCRYPTION_BLOCK_SIZE, 'binary'); }
/** * Move an attachement to the other document * * @param int $source_srl Sequence of target to move * @param int $target_module_srl New squence of module * @param int $target_srl New sequence of target * @return void */ function moveFile($source_srl, $target_module_srl, $target_srl) { if ($source_srl == $target_srl) { return; } $oFileModel = getModel('file'); $file_list = $oFileModel->getFiles($source_srl); if (!$file_list) { return; } $file_count = count($file_list); for ($i = 0; $i < $file_count; $i++) { unset($file_info); $file_info = $file_list[$i]; $old_file = $file_info->uploaded_filename; // Determine the file path by checking if the file is an image or other kinds if (preg_match("/\\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|wmv|wma|mpg|mpeg|avi|swf|flv|mp1|mp2|mp3|mp4|asf|wav|asx|mid|midi|asf|mov|moov|qt|rm|ram|ra|rmm|m4v)\$/i", $file_info->source_filename)) { $path = sprintf("./files/attach/images/%s/%s/", $target_module_srl, $target_srl); $new_file = $path . $file_info->source_filename; } else { $path = sprintf("./files/attach/binaries/%s/%s/", $target_module_srl, $target_srl); $random = new Password(); $new_file = $path . $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex'); } // Pass if a target document to move is same if ($old_file == $new_file) { continue; } // Create a directory FileHandler::makeDir($path); // Move the file FileHandler::rename($old_file, $new_file); // Update DB information $args = new stdClass(); $args->file_srl = $file_info->file_srl; $args->uploaded_filename = $new_file; $args->module_srl = $file_info->module_srl; $args->upload_target_srl = $target_srl; executeQuery('file.updateFile', $args); } }
/** * @brief Create an IV * @return string */ protected static function _createIV() { return hex2bin(Password::createSecureSalt(self::ENCRYPTION_BLOCK_SIZE * 2, 'hex')); }
$ext[] = strtolower(array_pop($item)); } $uploaded_ext = explode('.', $filename); $uploaded_ext = strtolower(array_pop($uploaded_ext)); if (!in_array($uploaded_ext, $ext)) { printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'Not allowed file type')); break; } } $allowed_filesize = $file_module_config->allowed_filesize * 1024 * 1024; if ($allowed_filesize < strlen($filedata)) { printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'This file exceeds the attachment limit')); break; } } $temp_filename = Password::createSecureSalt(12, 'alnum'); $target_filename = sprintf('%s%s', $mediaAbsPath, $temp_filename); FileHandler::makeDir($mediaAbsPath); FileHandler::writeFile($target_filename, $filedata); FileHandler::writeFile($target_filename . '_source_filename', $filename); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->url = Context::getRequestUri() . $mediaPath . $temp_filename; $content = getXmlRpcResponse($obj); printContent($content); break; // Get posts // Get posts case 'metaWeblog.getPost': $document_srl = (string) $params[0]->value->string; if (!$document_srl) { printContent(getXmlRpcFailure(1, 'no permission'));
/** * Convert previous configuration files to the current format and return it. * * @return array */ public static function convert() { // Load DB info file. if (file_exists(RX_BASEDIR . Config::$old_db_config_filename)) { include RX_BASEDIR . Config::$old_db_config_filename; } else { return array(); } // Load FTP info file. if (file_exists(RX_BASEDIR . Config::$old_ftp_config_filename)) { include RX_BASEDIR . Config::$old_ftp_config_filename; } // Load selected language file. if (file_exists(RX_BASEDIR . Config::$old_lang_config_filename)) { $lang_selected = array(); $lang_selected_raw = file_get_contents(RX_BASEDIR . Config::$old_lang_config_filename); $lang_selected_raw = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $lang_selected_raw)); foreach ($lang_selected_raw as $lang_selected_item) { $lang_selected_item = array_map('trim', explode(',', $lang_selected_item)); if (count($lang_selected_item) && $lang_selected_item[0] !== '') { $lang_selected_item[0] = $lang_selected_item[0] === 'jp' ? 'ja' : $lang_selected_item[0]; $lang_selected[] = $lang_selected_item[0]; } } $lang_selected = array_unique($lang_selected); unset($lang_selected_raw, $lang_selected_item); } else { $lang_selected = \Context::getLangType() === 'jp' ? 'ja' : \Context::getLangType(); $lang_selected = array($lang_selected); } // Load defaults for the new configuration. $config = (include RX_BASEDIR . Config::$default_config_filename); // Convert database configuration. if (!isset($db_info->master_db)) { $db_info->master_db = array(); $db_info->master_db['db_type'] = $db_info->db_type; $db_info->master_db['db_hostname'] = $db_info->db_hostname; $db_info->master_db['db_port'] = $db_info->db_port; $db_info->master_db['db_userid'] = $db_info->db_userid; $db_info->master_db['db_password'] = $db_info->db_password; $db_info->master_db['db_database'] = $db_info->db_database; $db_info->master_db['db_table_prefix'] = $db_info->db_table_prefix; } $config['db']['master']['type'] = strtolower($db_info->master_db['db_type']); $config['db']['master']['host'] = $db_info->master_db['db_hostname']; $config['db']['master']['port'] = $db_info->master_db['db_port']; $config['db']['master']['user'] = $db_info->master_db['db_userid']; $config['db']['master']['pass'] = $db_info->master_db['db_password']; $config['db']['master']['database'] = $db_info->master_db['db_database']; $config['db']['master']['prefix'] = $db_info->master_db['db_table_prefix']; if (substr($config['db']['master']['prefix'], -1) !== '_') { $config['db']['master']['prefix'] .= '_'; } $config['db']['master']['charset'] = $db_info->master_db['db_charset'] ?: 'utf8'; if (strpos($config['db']['master']['type'], 'innodb') !== false) { $config['db']['master']['type'] = str_replace('_innodb', '', $config['db']['master']['type']); $config['db']['master']['engine'] = 'innodb'; } elseif (strpos($config['db']['master']['type'], 'mysql') !== false) { $config['db']['master']['engine'] = 'myisam'; } if (isset($db_info->slave_db) && count($db_info->slave_db)) { foreach ($db_info->slave_db as $slave_id => $slave_db) { if ($slave_db !== $db_info->master_db) { $slave_id = 'slave' . $slave_id; $config['db'][$slave_id]['type'] = strtolower($slave_db['db_type']); $config['db'][$slave_id]['host'] = $slave_db['db_hostname']; $config['db'][$slave_id]['port'] = $slave_db['db_type']; $config['db'][$slave_id]['user'] = $slave_db['db_userid']; $config['db'][$slave_id]['pass'] = $slave_db['db_password']; $config['db'][$slave_id]['database'] = $slave_db['db_database']; $config['db'][$slave_id]['prefix'] = $slave_db['db_table_prefix']; if (substr($config['db'][$slave_id]['prefix'], -1) !== '_') { $config['db'][$slave_id]['prefix'] .= '_'; } $config['db'][$slave_id]['charset'] = $slave_db['db_charset'] ?: 'utf8'; if (strpos($config['db'][$slave_id]['type'], 'innodb') !== false) { $config['db'][$slave_id]['type'] = str_replace('_innodb', '', $config['db'][$slave_id]['type']); $config['db'][$slave_id]['engine'] = 'innodb'; } elseif (strpos($config['db'][$slave_id]['type'], 'mysql') !== false) { $config['db'][$slave_id]['engine'] = 'myisam'; } } } } // Convert cache configuration. if (isset($db_info->use_object_cache)) { $config['cache'][] = $db_info->use_object_cache; } // Convert FTP configuration. if (isset($ftp_info)) { $config['ftp']['host'] = $ftp_info->ftp_host; $config['ftp']['port'] = $ftp_info->ftp_port; $config['ftp']['path'] = $ftp_info->ftp_root_path; $config['ftp']['user'] = $ftp_info->ftp_user; $config['ftp']['pasv'] = $ftp_info->ftp_pasv; $config['ftp']['sftp'] = $ftp_info->sftp === 'Y' ? true : false; } // Create new crypto keys. $config['crypto']['encryption_key'] = \Password::createSecureSalt(64, 'alnum'); $config['crypto']['authentication_key'] = \Password::createSecureSalt(64, 'alnum'); $config['crypto']['session_key'] = \Password::createSecureSalt(64, 'alnum'); // Convert language configuration. if (isset($db_info->lang_type)) { $config['locale']['default_lang'] = str_replace('jp', 'ja', strtolower($db_info->lang_type)); } elseif (count($lang_selected)) { $config['locale']['default_lang'] = array_first($lang_selected); } $config['locale']['enabled_lang'] = array_values($lang_selected); // Convert timezone configuration. $old_timezone = DateTime::getTimezoneOffsetByLegacyFormat($db_info->time_zone ?: '+0900'); switch ($old_timezone) { case 32400: $config['locale']['default_timezone'] = 'Asia/Seoul'; break; default: $config['locale']['default_timezone'] = DateTime::getTimezoneNameByOffset($old_timezone); } $config['locale']['internal_timezone'] = intval(date('Z')); // Convert URL configuration. $default_url = $db_info->default_url; if (strpos($default_url, 'xn--') !== false) { $default_url = \Context::decodeIdna($default_url); } $config['url']['default'] = $default_url ?: \RX_BASEURL; $config['url']['http_port'] = $db_info->http_port ?: null; $config['url']['https_port'] = $db_info->https_port ?: null; $config['url']['ssl'] = $db_info->use_ssl ?: 'none'; // Convert session configuration. $config['session']['delay'] = $db_info->delay_session === 'Y' ? true : false; $config['session']['use_db'] = $db_info->use_db_session === 'Y' ? true : false; // Convert view configuration. $config['view']['minify_scripts'] = $db_info->minify_scripts ?: 'common'; $config['view']['use_gzip'] = defined('__OB_GZHANDLER_ENABLE__') && constant('__OB_GZHANDLER_ENABLE__'); // Convert admin IP whitelist. if (isset($db_info->admin_ip_list) && is_array($db_info->admin_ip_list) && count($db_info->admin_ip_list)) { $config['admin']['allow'] = array_values($db_info->admin_ip_list); } // Convert sitelock configuration. $config['lock']['locked'] = $db_info->use_sitelock === 'Y' ? true : false; $config['lock']['title'] = strval($db_info->sitelock_title); $config['lock']['message'] = strval($db_info->sitelock_message); if (!is_array($db_info->sitelock_whitelist)) { $db_info->sitelock_whitelist = $db_info->sitelock_whitelist ? array_map('trim', explode(',', trim($db_info->sitelock_whitelist))) : array(); } if (!in_array('', $db_info->sitelock_whitelist)) { $db_info->sitelock_whitelist[] = ''; } $config['lock']['allow'] = array_values($db_info->sitelock_whitelist); // Convert debug configuration. $config['debug']['enabled'] = true; $config['debug']['log_errors'] = true; $config['debug']['log_queries'] = \__DEBUG__ & 4 ? true : false; $config['debug']['log_slow_queries'] = floatval(\__LOG_SLOW_QUERY__); $config['debug']['log_slow_triggers'] = floatval(\__LOG_SLOW_TRIGGER__ * 1000); $config['debug']['log_slow_widgets'] = floatval(\__LOG_SLOW_WIDGET__ * 1000); // Convert embed filter configuration. if (is_array($db_info->embed_white_iframe)) { $whitelist = array_unique(array_map(function ($item) { return preg_match('@^https?://(.*)$@i', $item, $matches) ? $matches[1] : $item; }, $db_info->embed_white_iframe)); natcasesort($whitelist); $config['embedfilter']['iframe'] = $whitelist; } if (is_array($db_info->embed_white_object)) { $whitelist = array_unique(array_map(function ($item) { return preg_match('@^https?://(.*)$@i', $item, $matches) ? $matches[1] : $item; }, $db_info->embed_white_object)); natcasesort($whitelist); $config['embedfilter']['object'] = $whitelist; } // Convert miscellaneous configuration. $config['use_mobile_view'] = $db_info->use_mobile_view === 'N' ? false : true; $config['use_prepared_statements'] = $db_info->use_prepared_statements === 'Y' ? true : false; $config['use_rewrite'] = $db_info->use_rewrite === 'Y' ? true : false; $config['use_sso'] = $db_info->use_sso === 'Y' ? true : false; // Copy other configuration. unset($db_info->master_db, $db_info->slave_db); unset($db_info->lang_type, $db_info->time_zone); unset($db_info->default_url, $db_info->http_port, $db_info->https_port, $db_info->use_ssl); unset($db_info->delay_session, $db_info->use_db_session); unset($db_info->minify_scripts, $db_info->admin_ip_list); unset($db_info->use_sitelock, $db_info->sitelock_title, $db_info->sitelock_message, $db_info->sitelock_whitelist); unset($db_info->embed_white_iframe, $db_info->embed_white_object); unset($db_info->use_object_cache, $db_info->use_mobile_view, $db_info->use_prepared_statements); unset($db_info->use_rewrite, $db_info->use_sso); foreach ($db_info as $key => $value) { $config['other'][$key] = $value; } // Return the new configuration. return $config; }
function getThumbnail($width = 80, $height = 0, $thumbnail_type = '') { // return false if no doc exists if (!$this->comment_srl) { return; } if ($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted()) { return; } // If signiture height setting is omitted, create a square if (!$height) { $height = $width; } $content = $this->get('content'); if (!$this->hasUploadedFiles()) { if (!$content) { $args = new stdClass(); $args->comment_srl = $this->comment_srl; $output = executeQuery('document.getComment', $args, array('content')); if ($output->toBool() && $output->data) { $content = $output->data->content; $this->add('content', $content); } } if (!preg_match("!<img!is", $content)) { return; } } // get thumbail generation info on the doc module configuration. if (!in_array($thumbnail_type, array('crop', 'ratio'))) { $thumbnail_type = 'crop'; } // Define thumbnail information $thumbnail_path = sprintf('files/thumbnails/%s', getNumberingPath($this->comment_srl, 3)); $thumbnail_file = sprintf('%s%dx%d.%s.jpg', $thumbnail_path, $width, $height, $thumbnail_type); $thumbnail_lockfile = sprintf('%s%dx%d.%s.lock', $thumbnail_path, $width, $height, $thumbnail_type); $thumbnail_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $thumbnail_file; // return false if a size of existing thumbnail file is 0. otherwise return the file path if (file_exists($thumbnail_file) || file_exists($thumbnail_lockfile)) { if (filesize($thumbnail_file) < 1) { return FALSE; } else { return $thumbnail_url; } } // Create lockfile to prevent race condition FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_lockfile, '', 'w'); // Target file $source_file = NULL; $is_tmp_file = FALSE; // find an image file among attached files if ($this->hasUploadedFiles()) { $file_list = $this->getUploadedFiles(); $first_image = null; foreach ($file_list as $file) { if ($file->direct_download !== 'Y') { continue; } if ($file->cover_image === 'Y' && file_exists($file->uploaded_filename)) { $source_file = $file->uploaded_filename; break; } if ($first_image) { continue; } if (preg_match("/\\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)\$/i", $file->source_filename)) { if (file_exists($file->uploaded_filename)) { $first_image = $file->uploaded_filename; } } } if (!$source_file && $first_image) { $source_file = $first_image; } } // get an image file from the doc content if no file attached. $is_tmp_file = false; if (!$source_file) { $random = new Password(); preg_match_all("!<img[^>]*src=(?:\"|\\')([^\"\\']*?)(?:\"|\\')!is", $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $target_image) { $target_src = trim($target_image[1]); if (preg_match('/\\/(common|modules|widgets|addons|layouts|m\\.layouts)\\//i', $target_src)) { continue; } if (!preg_match('/^(http|https):\\/\\//i', $target_src)) { $target_src = Context::getRequestUri() . $target_src; } $target_src = htmlspecialchars_decode($target_src); $tmp_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/tmp/' . $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex'); FileHandler::getRemoteFile($target_src, $tmp_file); if (!file_exists($tmp_file)) { continue; } $imageinfo = getimagesize($tmp_file); list($_w, $_h) = $imageinfo; if ($imageinfo === false || $_w < $width * 0.3 && $_h < $height * 0.3) { FileHandler::removeFile($tmp_file); continue; } $source_file = $tmp_file; $is_tmp_file = true; break; } } $output = FileHandler::createImageFile($source_file, $thumbnail_file, $width, $height, 'jpg', $thumbnail_type); // Remove source file if it was temporary if ($is_tmp_file) { FileHandler::removeFile($source_file); } // Remove lockfile FileHandler::removeFile($thumbnail_lockfile); // Return the thumbnail path if it was successfully generated if ($output) { return $thumbnail_url; } else { FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_file, '', 'w'); } return; }