예제 #1
foreach ($mms as $mm) {
    print "Creating {$mm->modelType}{$mm->slaveNumber} from " . "{$mm->modelType}{$mm->masterNumber}\n";
    $master = Model::loadByTypeNumber($mm->modelType, $mm->masterNumber);
    // Create the model
    $slave = Model::create($mm->modelType, $mm->slaveNumber, "Derivat din {$mm->modelType}{$mm->masterNumber}");
    $slave->id = db_getLastInsertedId();
    // Clone the model descriptions
    $mds = ModelDescription::loadByModelId($master->id);
    foreach ($mds as $md) {
        $md->id = 0;
        $md->modelId = $slave->id;
    // Clone the participle model
    if ($mm->modelType == 'V') {
        $pm = ParticipleModel::loadByVerbModel($mm->masterNumber);
        $clonePm = ParticipleModel::create($mm->slaveNumber, $pm->participleModel);
    // Delete the mapping
    mysql_query("delete from model_mappings where model_type = " . " '{$mm->modelType}' and slave_no = '{$mm->slaveNumber}'");
    // Regenerate the lexems. In theory the paradigm won't change, but we want
    // to actually see it.
    $lexems = Lexem::loadByCanonicalModel($mm->modelType, $mm->slaveNumber);
    foreach ($lexems as $l) {
        print "\tRegenerating paradigm for {$l->form} ({$l->modelType}" . "{$l->modelNumber})\n";
mysql_query('drop table model_mappings');
예제 #2
function saveModel($modelNumber, $infinitive, $longInfinitive, $imperative, $slaveModels, $participle, $gerund, $participleModel, $present, $subjonctive, $imperfect, $perfectSimple, $pastPerfect)
    $forms = array();
    $inflections = array();
    $forms[] = $infinitive;
    $inflections[] = INFL_INFINITIVE;
    $forms[] = $longInfinitive;
    $inflections[] = INFL_LONG_INFINITIVE;
    $forms[] = $imperative;
    $inflections[] = INFL_IMPERATIVE;
    $forms[] = $participle;
    $inflections[] = INFL_PARTICIPLE;
    $forms[] = $gerund;
    $inflections[] = INFL_GERUND;
    addPersonalForms($forms, $inflections, $present, INFL_PRESENT);
    addPersonalForms($forms, $inflections, $subjonctive, INFL_SUBJONCTIVE);
    addPersonalForms($forms, $inflections, $imperfect, INFL_IMPERFECT);
    addPersonalForms($forms, $inflections, $perfectSimple, INFL_PERFECT_SIMPLE);
    addPersonalForms($forms, $inflections, $pastPerfect, INFL_PAST_PERFECT);
    saveCommonModel('V', $modelNumber, $forms, '', $inflections);
    // Add the mapping from this verb model to the corresponding adjective model
    $pm = ParticipleModel::create($modelNumber, $participleModel);
    foreach ($slaveModels as $sm) {
        $mm = ModelMapping::create('V', $sm, $modelNumber);