/** * For each CTA element in array, embed the right pattern class instantiation. * * @since 0.1.0 * * @param string $type String describing the kind of block we're building. * * @TODO proper Error notifications. **/ protected function build_block_elements() { // Check for CTA elements. foreach ($this->input as $e) { switch ($e['acf_fc_layout']) { case 'block_graphic': $image_arr = $e['block_graphic_select']; if (empty($image_arr) || empty($image_arr['mime_type'])) { break; } $image_mods = array(); if ('image/svg+xml' === $image_arr['mime_type']) { $image = new ImageSVG($image_arr, $this->element, $image_mods); } else { $image = new Image($image_arr, $this->element, $image_mods); } $this->output .= $image->embed(); break; case 'block_logo': if (!empty($e['block_programme'])) { $colour = isset($this->modifiers['colour']) ? $this->modifiers['colour'] : 'default'; $image_mods = array('background-colour' => $colour); $image = new ImageSVG($e['block_programme'], $this->element, $image_mods); $this->output .= $image->embed(); } break; case 'block_paragraph': if (!empty($e['block_paragraph_text'])) { $paragraph = new Paragraph($e['block_paragraph_text'], $this->element); $this->output .= $paragraph->embed(); } break; case 'block_header': if (!empty($e['block_header_text'])) { $subheader = new SubHeader($e['block_header_text'], $this->element); $this->output .= $subheader->embed(); } break; case 'block_button': $button_mods = array('link' => array(), 'data' => array()); if (!empty($e['button_link'])) { $button_mods['link']['href'] = $e['button_link']; } if (!empty($e['button_target'])) { $button_mods['link']['target'] = $e['button_target']; } if (!empty($e['button_help_text'])) { $button_mods['link']['title'] = $e['button_help_text']; } if (!empty($e['button_size'])) { $button_mods['size'] = $e['button_size']; } $button = new Button($e, $this->element, $button_mods); $this->output .= $button->embed(); break; default: break; } } }
protected function build_block_elements() { // Subheader. $section_header_text = !empty($this->input['uploaded_files_header']) ? $this->input['uploaded_files_header'] : __('Available downloads', EXCHANGE_PLUGIN); $section_header_mods = array('type' => 'taped_header', 'colour' => exchange_slug_to_hex('blue-3')); $section_header = new SectionHeader($section_header_text, $this->element, $section_header_mods); $this->output .= $section_header->embed(); // Paragraph. $paragraph_text = '<ul class="documentblock__file-list dont-break-out">'; foreach ($this->input['add_file'] as $doc) { if (!is_numeric($doc['file'])) { continue; } if (function_exists('acf_get_attachment')) { $meta = acf_get_attachment($doc['file']); } if (empty($meta)) { continue; } $description = !empty($meta['description']) ? $meta['description'] : $meta['filename']; $paragraph_text .= '<li class="documentblock__file-list__item">'; $paragraph_text .= '<a href="' . $meta['url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $description . '</a>'; $paragraph_text .= '</li>'; } $paragraph_text .= '</ul>'; $paragraph = new Paragraph($paragraph_text, $this->element); $this->output .= $paragraph->embed(); }
/** * @param $unit * @return \AbstractComponent */ private function getErrorMessage($unit) { $errorMsg = new \Paragraph(); $properties = $errorMsg->getElementProperties(); $properties->addClass('vf__error'); $validation = new \Validation(); $errorMsg->setContent($validation->getNotVaildValueMessage($unit)); return $errorMsg; }
/** * getIndex() and setIndex() should get and set the index, respectively */ public function testGetSetIndex() { $index = 999; $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->setIndex($index); $expected = $index; $actual = $paragraph->getIndex(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); return; }
public function testRenderWithSingleContainerUnordered() { $list = ListElement::createUnordered()->addItem(ListItem::create()->appendText(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Item 1')))->addItem(ListItem::create()->appendText(Div::create()->appendText('Item 2')))->addItem(ListItem::create()->appendText(Span::create()->appendText('Item 3'))); $expected = '<ul>' . '<li><p>Item 1</p></li>' . '<li><div>Item 2</div></li>' . '<li><span>Item 3</span></li>' . '</ul>'; $rendered = $list->render(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $rendered); }
public function testIsRTLEnabled() { $article = InstantArticle::create()->withCanonicalURL('http://wp.localtest.me/2016/04/12/stress-on-earth/')->enableAutomaticAdPlacement()->enableRTL()->withHeader(Header::create()->withTitle(H1::create()->appendText('Peace on <b>earth</b>'))->addAuthor(Author::create()->withName('bill'))->withPublishTime(Time::create(Time::PUBLISHED)->withDatetime(\DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y G:i:s', '14-Aug-1984 19:30:00'))))->addChild(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Yes, peace is good for everybody!')->appendText(LineBreak::create())->appendText(' Man kind.')); $result = $article->render(); $expected = '<!doctype html>' . '<html dir="rtl">' . '<head>' . '<link rel="canonical" href="http://wp.localtest.me/2016/04/12/stress-on-earth/"/>' . '<meta charset="utf-8"/>' . '<meta property="op:generator" content="facebook-instant-articles-sdk-php"/>' . '<meta property="op:generator:version" content="1.5.2"/>' . '<meta property="op:markup_version" content="v1.0"/>' . '</head>' . '<body>' . '<article>' . '<header>' . '<h1>Peace on <b>earth</b></h1>' . '<time class="op-published" datetime="1984-08-14T19:30:00+00:00">August 14th, 7:30pm</time>' . '<address>' . '<a>bill</a>' . '</address>' . '</header>' . '<p>Yes, peace is good for everybody!<br/> Man kind.</p>' . '</article>' . '</body>' . '</html>'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); }
public function testRenderWithParagraphCreditsAppend() { $footer = Footer::create()->addCredit(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Some paragraph credits.'))->addCredit(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Other paragraph credits.')); $expected = '<footer>' . '<aside>' . '<p>' . 'Some paragraph credits.' . '</p>' . '<p>' . 'Other paragraph credits.' . '</p>' . '</aside>' . '</footer>'; $rendered = $footer->render(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $rendered); }
public function testRenderWithNestedFormattedText() { $paragraph = Paragraph::create()->appendText(Bold::create()->appendText('Some ')->appendText(Italic::create()->appendText('nested formatting'))->appendText('.')); $expected = '<p>' . '<b>Some <i>nested formatting</i>.</b>' . '</p>'; $rendered = $paragraph->render(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $rendered); }
/** * Build interview, QA-style. * * @return HTML string with questions and answers **/ public function build_interview() { if (is_array($this->input) && count($this->input) > 0) { $output = ''; foreach ($this->input as $qa) { if (!empty($qa['question']) && !empty($qa['answer'])) { $modifiers_q = array('style' => 'question'); $modifiers_a = array('style' => 'answer'); $question = new Paragraph($qa['question'], $this->element, $modifiers_q); $answer = new Paragraph($qa['answer'], $this->element, $modifiers_a); $output .= $question->embed(); $output .= $answer->embed(); } } return $output; } return __('There are no questions or answers to show here!', EXCHANGE_PLUGIN); }
/** * Build interview, Conversation-style. * * @return HTML string with names and statements. **/ public function build_interview() { if (is_array($this->input) && !empty($this->input)) { $output = ''; foreach ($this->input as $vs) { if (!empty($vs['voice']) && !empty($vs['statement'])) { $voice = '<td class="' . $this->element . '__voice">' . $vs['voice'] . '</td>'; $statement = '<td class="' . $this->element . '__statement">' . $vs['statement'] . '</td>'; $row = '<tr>' . $voice . $statement . '</tr>'; $output .= $row; } } $paragraph = new Paragraph('<table>' . $output . '</table>', $this->element); return $paragraph->embed(); } else { return __('There are no questions or answers to show here!', EXCHANGE_PLUGIN); } }
/** * Add paragraph to Area * * #### Example * ```php * $objArea->addParagraph( * "Cool paragraph with lots of text in it. It's an absolute must-read.", * "You must read this" * ); * ``` * * @param string $strBody The paragraph's body text * @param string $strHeader The paragraph's optional header * @param array $meta Standard meta array * @return \ValidFormBuilder\Paragraph */ public function addParagraph($strBody, $strHeader = "", $meta = array()) { $objParagraph = new Paragraph($strHeader, $strBody, $meta); $objParagraph->setMeta("parent", $this, true); // *** Add field to the fieldset. $this->__fields->addObject($objParagraph); return $objParagraph; }
public function publish_org_description() { $desc = $this->org_description; if (!empty($desc)) { $desc_obj = new Paragraph($desc, 'participant__organisation__description'); $desc_obj->publish_stripped(); } }
$paragraph->SetText(str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $para_text)); $paragraph->SetDate($date->GetDate()); $paragraph->SetOrder($para_order); $paragraph->SetUser($para_user_id); $paragraph->SetPage($para_page_id); if ($paragraph->Update()) { $message_position = 6; $message = $screen_module_name . " alterado com sucesso."; } else { $message_position = 6; $message = "Problemas na operação."; } } } if ($action == 4) { $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->SetDatabase($database); $paragraph->SetId($para_id); if ($paragraph->Delete()) { $date = new Date(); $message_position = 6; $message = $screen_module_name . " excluído com sucesso."; $para_id = ""; $para_text = ""; $para_date = $date->GetNowFull(); $para_order = ""; $para_user_id = $guardian->GetUserId(); $para_page_id = ""; } else { $message_position = 6; $message = "Problemas na operação.";
* doQueryOrder.php * * Query order for paragraphs page. * * Written by: Bruno Schifer Bernardi * Last Updated: September 27, 2007 */ ?> <?php require '../constants/cdConstants.php'; require '../src/cdDatabase.php'; require '../src/cdParagraph.php'; ?> <?php $page_id = $_GET["p_para_page_id"]; $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->SetDatabase($database); $paragraph->SetPage($page_id); $next_order = $paragraph->SelectNextOrder(); ?> <script language="Javascript"> parent.document.form_admin.p_para_order.value = "<?php echo $next_order; ?> "; </script>
if ($arti_id != "") { $page->SetArticle($arti_id); $page->SelectFirstPageByArticle($arti_id); } } $page_id = $page->GetId(); echo "Página: " . $page->GetNumber() . "<br>"; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="left" width="100%"><br> <?php $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->SetDatabase($database); $paragraph->SetPage($page_id); $result = $paragraph->SelectByPage(); while ($data = $database->FetchArray($result)) { echo $data["para_text"]; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center" width="100%"> <?php
/** * Executes paragraphCreate action * * @param sfRequest $request A request object */ public function createNewParagraph($id) { $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->setIdContent($id); $paragraph->save(); if (!$paragraph->getId()) { // action on error exit; } return $paragraph; }
/** * @dataProvider dataProviderTestGetDefines */ public function testGetDefines($string, $count, array $getDefines) { $paragraph = new Paragraph($string); $this->assertSame($count, $paragraph->getCount()); $this->assertSame($getDefines, array_keys($paragraph->getDefines())); }
function DropTables() { $moderator = new Moderator(); $moderator->SetDatabase($this); $moderator->Drop(); $message = new Message(); $message->SetDatabase($this); $message->Drop(); $topic = new Topic(); $topic->SetDatabase($this); $topic->Drop(); $user_info = new UserInfo(); $user_info->SetDatabase($this); $user_info->Drop(); $session = new Session(); $session->SetDatabase($this); $session->Drop(); $new = new News(); $new->SetDatabase($this); $new->Drop(); $shout = new Shout(); $shout->SetDatabase($this); $shout->Drop(); $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->SetDatabase($this); $paragraph->Drop(); $privilege = new Privilege(); $privilege->SetDatabase($this); $privilege->Drop(); $role = new Role(); $role->SetDatabase($this); $role->Drop(); $menu_item = new MenuItem(); $menu_item->SetDatabase($this); $menu_item->Drop(); $module = new Module(); $module->SetDatabase($this); $module->Drop(); $page = new Page(); $page->SetDatabase($this); $page->Drop(); $article = new Article(); $article->SetDatabase($this); $article->Drop(); $subject = new Subject(); $subject->SetDatabase($this); $subject->Drop(); $menu = new Menu(); $menu->SetDatabase($this); $menu->Drop(); $profile = new Profile(); $profile->SetDatabase($this); $profile->Drop(); $user = new User(); $user->SetDatabase($this); $user->Drop(); }
/** * Adds a \ValidFormBuilder\Paragraph object to the internal elements collection. * * This renders a paragraph inside the form. Formfields can be added before and after the paragraph. * **Example:** * * ```php * $objForm->addField("name", "Your Name", ValidForm::VFORM_STRING); * $objForm->addParagraph("Next, you should enter your last name.", "Enter your name!"); * $objForm->addField("last-name", "Last Name", ValidForm::VFORM_STRING); * ``` * * @param string $strBody Paragraph body * @param string $strHeader Optional header above the paragraph * @param array $meta Custom meta array * @return \ValidFormBuilder\Paragraph */ public function addParagraph($strBody, $strHeader = "", $meta = array()) { $objParagraph = new Paragraph($strHeader, $strBody, $meta); // *** Fieldset already defined? $objFieldset = $this->__elements->getLast("ValidFormBuilder\\Fieldset"); if ($this->__elements->count() == 0 || !is_object($objFieldset)) { $objFieldset = $this->addFieldset(); } $objParagraph->setMeta("parent", $objFieldset, true); // *** Add field to the fieldset. $objFieldset->addField($objParagraph); return $objParagraph; }
$page = new Page(); $page->SetDatabase($database); $page->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $menu = new Menu(); $menu->SetDatabase($database); $menu->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $module = new Module(); $module->SetDatabase($database); $module->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $new = new News(); $new->SetDatabase($database); $new->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $profile = new Profile(); $profile->SetDatabase($database); $profile->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->SetDatabase($database); $paragraph->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $privilege = new Privilege(); $privilege->SetDatabase($database); $privilege->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $role = new Role(); $role->SetDatabase($database); $role->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $menu_item = new MenuItem(); $menu_item->SetDatabase($database); $menu_item->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $shout = new Shout(); $shout->SetDatabase($database); $shout->Backup($handle1, $handle2); $user_info = new UserInfo();
public function createParagraph($paragraphNum = 1) { $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->setIdDocument($this->getIdDocument()); $paragraph->setDocumentOrder($paragraphNum); $paragraph->save(); return $paragraph; }
public function testIsValid() { $ia = InstantArticle::create()->withCanonicalURL('http://wp.localtest.me/2016/04/12/stress-on-earth/')->enableAutomaticAdPlacement()->withHeader(Header::create()->withTitle(H1::create()->appendText('Peace on <b>earth</b>'))->addAuthor(Author::create()->withName('bill'))->withPublishTime(Time::create(Time::PUBLISHED)->withDatetime(\DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y G:i:s', '14-Aug-1984 19:30:00'))))->addChild(Paragraph::create()->appendText('Yes, peace is good for everybody!')->appendText(LineBreak::create())->appendText(' Man kind.')); $this->assertTrue($ia->isValid()); }
$module = new Module(); $module->SetDatabase($database); $module->Create(); break; case 10: $new = new News(); $new->SetDatabase($database); $new->Create(); break; case 11: $profile = new Profile(); $profile->SetDatabase($database); $profile->Create(); break; case 12: $paragraph = new Paragraph(); $paragraph->SetDatabase($database); $paragraph->Create(); break; case 13: $privilege = new Privilege(); $privilege->SetDatabase($database); $privilege->Create(); break; case 14: $role = new Role(); $role->SetDatabase($database); $role->Create(); break; case 15: $menu_item = new MenuItem();
protected function build_translation($translation) { $lang_term = $this->get_translation_language($translation); if (empty($lang_term)) { return; } $p_mods = array('lang' => $lang_term->slug, 'misc' => array('id' => $lang_term->slug)); if ($lang_term->description === 'rtl') { $p_mods['misc']['dir'] = 'rtl'; } $p = new Paragraph($translation['translation_text'], $this->element, $p_mods); $this->output .= $p->embed(); }