public function view() { $page = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); $pageview = $page->getView(); $pagemetas = $pageview->meta; $view = $this->getView(); // The main identifier for livefyre, retrieved from within the livefyre "install" section. // Transposed to siteId $siteid = ConfigHandler::Get('/livefyre/siteid'); if (!$siteid) { $msg = 'Livefyre is not configured yet.'; if (\Core\user()->checkAccess('g:admin')) { $msg .= ' Please <a href="' . \Core\resolve_link('/livefyre') . '">configure it now</a>'; } return $msg; } // The "article" is the base url. This doesn't change despite changing URLs. // Transposed to articleId $article = $page->getBaseURL(); // The title, used in the collectionMeta. // Transposed to title $title = $pageview->title; // The canonical URL, used in the collectionMeta. $url = $pageview->canonicalurl; $view->assign('siteId', $siteid); $view->assign('articleId', $article); $view->assign('title', $title); $view->assign('url', $url); }
public static function Catch404Hook(View $view){ $request = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); // All the exact matches, in the order of precedence. $exactmatches = []; // The first search I want do is for the full URL exactly as submitted. // This is because the user can submit URLs with GET parameters attached to them. // It needs to act in a google-esque manner, where if the user requested x=1&y=2... then give them x=1 and y=2! $exactmatches[] = '/' . substr($request->uri, strlen(ROOT_WDIR)); // This one is the resolved URL, without any GET parameters. It's still a very common and very specific rewrite choice. $exactmatches[] = $request->uriresolved; // Now, look for them! foreach($exactmatches as $incomingurl){ // Look for it! $maps = RewriteMapModel::Find(array('rewriteurl' => $incomingurl)); // Did I get one did I get one did I get one? if(sizeof($maps)){ // Grab the first one, that'll be the latest, (should multiple exist.... somehow :/ ) $match = $maps[0]->get('baseurl'); // Resolve that to the new rewriteurl and redirect! $newpage = PageModel::Construct($match); \core\redirect($newpage->get('rewriteurl'), 301); } } // Else, no match was found... maybe it's a fuzzy page! // Since this page will have no longer existed, I can't just use the builtin logic :( $fuzzy = $request->uriresolved; do{ $fuzzy = substr($fuzzy, 0, strrpos($fuzzy, '/')); $fuzzymaps = RewriteMapModel::Find(array('rewriteurl' => $fuzzy, 'fuzzy' => '1')); if(sizeof($fuzzymaps)){ // Yay! // Don't forget to throw on the rest of the url. $match = $fuzzymaps[0]->get('baseurl'); $newpage = PageModel::Construct($match); $url = $newpage->get('rewriteurl'); if($newpage->get('fuzzy')){ // Only if the new page is fuzzy too. $url .= substr($incomingurl, strlen($fuzzy)); } \core\redirect($url, 301); } } while($fuzzy); // Sigh, guess this page didn't make the cut. // There is no return necessary, this hook will simply silently continue to the next. }
/** * Widget to display a simple site search box */ public function execute(){ $view = $this->getView(); $urlbase = '/page/search'; $url = \Core\resolve_link($urlbase); if(PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getBaseURL() == $urlbase && PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getParameter('q')){ $query = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getParameter('q'); } else{ $query = null; } $view->assign('title', $this->getSetting('title')); $view->assign('url', $url); $view->assign('query', $query); }
/** * Function to record activity, ie: a page view. * * @static * */ public static function RecordActivity(){ $request = \PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); $view = $request->getView(); if(!$view->record) return true; try{ $processingtime = (round(Profiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->getTime(), 3) * 1000); $log = new \UserActivityModel(); $log->setFromArray( [ 'datetime' => microtime(true), 'session_id' => session_id(), 'user_id' => \Core\user()->get('id'), 'ip_addr' => REMOTE_IP, 'useragent' => $request->useragent, 'referrer' => $request->referrer, 'type' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'request' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'baseurl' => $request->getBaseURL(), 'status' => $view->error, 'db_reads' => DatamodelProfiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->readCount(), 'db_writes' => (DatamodelProfiler::GetDefaultProfiler()->writeCount() + 1), 'processing_time' => $processingtime, ] ); if(defined('XHPROF_RUN') && defined('XHPROF_SOURCE')){ $log->set('xhprof_run', XHPROF_RUN); $log->set('xhprof_source', XHPROF_SOURCE); } $log->save(); } catch(\Exception $e){ // I don't actually care if it couldn't save. // This could happen if the user refreshes the page twice with in a second. // (and with a system that responds in about 100ms, it's very possible). \Core\ErrorManagement\exception_handler($e); } }
/** * Get the page request for the current page. * * @return PageRequest */ protected function getPageRequest() { if ($this->_request === null) { $this->_request = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); } return $this->_request; }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ /** * Include the system bootstrap. * This basically does everything..... */ // When working on the core, it's best to switch this back to core/bootstrap.php! // Set this to true to skip checking for the compiled version. $skipcompiled = true; try{ if(!$skipcompiled && file_exists('core/bootstrap.compiled.php')) require_once('core/bootstrap.compiled.php'); else require_once('core/bootstrap.php'); $request = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); $request->execute(); $request->render(); } catch(Exception $e){ if(function_exists('\\Core\\ErrorManagement\\exception_handler')){ \Core\ErrorManagement\exception_handler($e, true); } }
public static function Init(){ if(self::$IsLoaded){ return; } self::$DefaultLanguage = \ConfigHandler::Get('/core/language/site_default'); // What locales are currently available on the system? $localesAvailable = self::GetLocalesAvailable(); // The first value is all I want, as that is the user's preference. $preferred = \PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getPreferredLocale(); // If this language is not available on the local system, then revert back to the system default! if(!isset($localesAvailable[$preferred])){ $preferred = self::$DefaultLanguage; } $preferredAlt = $preferred . '.utf-8'; // Try to allow for variations of the different charsets. // We don't actually care too much about which charset is used. // With this preferred value, set PHP's preference so its internal functions have the correct language. $res1 = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $preferred, $preferredAlt); $res2 = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $preferred, $preferredAlt); $res3 = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $preferred, $preferredAlt); $res4 = setlocale(LC_TIME, $preferred, $preferredAlt); $res5 = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $preferred, $preferredAlt); // DEBUG var_dump($preferred, $localesAvailable, $res1, $res2, $res3, $res4, $res5); die(); // Currency does not get set to follow the user's preference, as the site admin determines what format to save and display currencies in. // Remember what the user's preferred language is so that I don't have to query the systemRequest again self::$UserLanguage = $preferred; // Cache this so number_format and money_format have the data available. self::$LocaleConv = localeconv(); self::$IsLoaded = true; $cachekey = 'core-i18n-strings'; $cached = Cache::Get($cachekey, 604800); // Cache here is good for one week. if(!DEVELOPMENT_MODE && $cached){ // If the site is NOT in development mode and there is a valid cache, return the cached version! // The development mode check is to allow devs to update i18n strings without purging cache every two minutes. self::$Strings = $cached; return; } $files = []; $dirChecks = []; foreach(\Core::GetComponents() as $c){ /** @var \Component_2_1 $c */ if($c->getName() == 'core'){ $dir = ROOT_PDIR . 'core/i18n/'; } else{ $dir = $c->getBaseDir() . 'i18n/'; } $dirChecks[] = $dir; } // Include the active theme and custom overrides $t = \ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected'); $dirChecks[] = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/' . $t . '/i18n/'; $dirChecks[] = ROOT_PDIR . 'themes/custom/i18n/'; foreach($dirChecks as $dir){ if(!is_dir($dir)){ // No i18n directory defined in this component, simply skip over. continue; } $dh = opendir($dir); if(!$dh){ // Couldn't open directory, skip. continue; } while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { // I only want ini files here. if(substr($file, -4) != '.ini'){ continue; } $files[] = $dir . $file; } closedir($dh); } self::$Strings = []; foreach($files as $f){ $ini = parse_ini_file($f, true); foreach($ini as $lang => $dat){ if(!isset(self::$Strings[$lang])){ self::$Strings[$lang] = $dat; } else{ self::$Strings[$lang] = array_merge(self::$Strings[$lang], $dat); } } } // Make sure that each language set has all base directives set too! /*foreach(self::$Strings as $k => $dat){ //if(strpos($k, '_') === false){ // Skip the root language setting itself. // continue; //} $base = substr($k, 0, strpos($k, '_')); if(!isset(self::$Strings[$base])){ self::$Strings[$base] = []; } foreach($dat as $s => $t){ if(!isset(self::$Strings[$base][$s])){ self::$Strings[$base][$s] = $t; } } }*/ Cache::Set($cachekey, self::$Strings, 604800); // Cache here is good for one week. }
/** * @todo Finish documentation of smarty_function_widgetarea * @param array $params Associative (and/or indexed) array of smarty parameters passed in from the template * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $smarty Parent Smarty template object * * @return string|void */ function smarty_function_widgetarea($params, $smarty) { // Get all widgets set to load in this area. $body = ''; $baseurl = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getBaseURL(); $template = $smarty->template_resource; $tmpl = $smarty->getTemplateVars('__core_template'); $topview = ($tmpl instanceof \Core\Templates\TemplateInterface) ? $tmpl->getView() : \Core\view(); $parameters = []; $name = null; $installable = null; $assign = null; foreach($params as $k => $v){ switch($k){ case 'name': $name = $v; break; case 'installable': $installable = $v; break; case 'assign': $assign = $v; break; default: $parameters[$k] = $v; break; } } // I need to resolve the page template down to the base version in order for the lookup to work. foreach(Core\Templates\Template::GetPaths() as $base){ if(strpos($template, $base) === 0){ $template = substr($template, strlen($base)); break; } } // Given support for page-level widgets, this logic gets slightly more difficult... $factory = new ModelFactory('WidgetInstanceModel'); $factory->order('weight'); if(Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::IsEnabled()){ $factory->whereGroup('or', ['site = -1', 'site = ' . MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()]); } $subwhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $subwhere->setSeparator('OR'); // First, the skin-level where clause. $skinwhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $skinwhere->setSeparator('AND'); $skinwhere->addWhere('template = ' . $template); $skinwhere->addWhere('widgetarea = ' . $name); $subwhere->addWhere($skinwhere); // And second, the page-level where clause. if($baseurl){ $pagewhere = new Core\Datamodel\DatasetWhereClause(); $pagewhere->setSeparator('AND'); $pagewhere->addWhere('page_baseurl = ' . $baseurl); $pagewhere->addWhere('widgetarea = ' . $name); $subwhere->addWhere($pagewhere); } $factory->where($subwhere); $widgetcount = 0; try{ $widgets = $factory->get(); } catch(Exception $e){ if(DEVELOPMENT_MODE){ $body .= '<p class="message-error">Exception while trying to load widget area ' . $name . '!</p>'; $body .= '<pre class="xdebug-var-dump">' . $e->getMessage() . '</pre>'; } else{ \Core\ErrorManagement\exception_handler($e, false); } $widgets = []; ++$widgetcount; } foreach ($widgets as $wi) { /** @var $wi WidgetInstanceModel */ // User cannot access this widget? Don't display it... if(!\Core\user()){ continue; } if (!\Core\user()->checkAccess($wi->get('access'))){ continue; } if($installable){ $wi->set('installable', $installable); } $view = $wi->execute($parameters); // Some widgets may return simply a blank string. Those should just be ignored. if ($view == ''){ continue; } // If it's just a string, return that. if (is_string($view)) { $contents = $view; } elseif($view->error == View::ERROR_NOERROR){ // Ensure that the widget's View knows it's linked to a parent! $view->parent = $topview; $contents = $view->fetch(); } else{ $contents = 'Error displaying widget [' . $wi->get('baseurl') . '], returned error [' . $view->error . ']'; } ++$widgetcount; // Does this widget have controls attached to it? $widget = $wi->getWidget(); if($widget->controls instanceof ViewControls && $widget->controls->hasLinks()){ $contents = '<div class="widget-controls-wrapper">' . '<menu id="widget-controls-' . $wi->get('id') . '">' . $widget->controls->fetch() . '</menu>' . '</div>' . $contents; } $body .= '<div class="widget">' . $contents . '</div>'; } // Do some sanitizing for the css data $class = 'widgetarea-' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $name)); $html = '<div class="widgetarea ' . $class . '" widgetarea="' . $name . '">' . $body . '</div>'; // No widgets, no inner content! if($widgetcount == 0){ $html = ''; } if($assign){ $smarty->assign($assign, $html); } else{ return $html; } }
/** * This is a widget to display children of the current page * * The page is dynamic based on the currently viewed page. * * @return int */ public function children() { $view = $this->getView(); $current = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); $model = $current->getPageModel(); if (!$model) { return ''; } $baseurl = $model->get('baseurl'); // Give me all the siblings of that baseurl. $pages = PageModel::Find(['parenturl' => $baseurl, 'selectable' => 1], null, 'title'); $entries = []; foreach ($pages as $page) { $subpages = PageModel::Find(['parenturl' => $page->get('baseurl'), 'selectable' => 1], null, 'title'); $subentries = []; foreach ($subpages as $subpage) { $subentries[] = ['obj' => $subpage, 'children' => [], 'class' => '']; } $entries[] = ['obj' => $page, 'children' => $subentries, 'class' => 'active']; } $view->assign('entries', $entries); }
/** * Primary method for a block of user-customizable content inside a template. * * Insertables are the core method of injecting blocks of user-customizable content into a template. * * An insertable must be on a template that has a registered page URL, as the baseurl is what is tracked as one of the main primary keys. * The other PK is the insertable's name, which must be unique on that one template. * * #### Smarty Parameters * * * name * * The key name of this input value, must be present and unique on this template. * * assign * * Assign the value instead of outputting to the screen. * * title * * When editing the insertable, the title displayed along side the input field. * * type * * #### Example Usage * * <pre> * {insertable name="body" title="Body Content"} * <p> * This is some example content! * </p> * {/insertable} * </pre> * * <pre> * {insertable name="img1" title="Large Image" assign="img1"} * {img src="`$img1`" placeholder="generic" dimensions="800x400"} * {/insertable} * </pre> * * @param array $params Associative (and/or indexed) array of smarty parameters passed in from the template * @param string|null $content Null on opening pass, rendered source of the contents inside the block on closing pass * @param Smarty $smarty Parent Smarty template object * @param boolean $repeat True at the first call of the block-function (the opening tag) and * false on all subsequent calls to the block function (the block's closing tag). * Each time the function implementation returns with $repeat being TRUE, * the contents between {func}...{/func} are evaluated and the function implementation * is called again with the new block contents in the parameter $content. * * @return string */ function smarty_block_insertable($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat){ $assign = (isset($params['assign']))? $params['assign'] : false; // This only needs to be called once. // If a value is being assigned, then it's on the first pass so the value will be assigned by the time the content is hit. if($assign){ if($repeat){ // Running the first time with an assign variable, OK! } else{ return $content; } } else{ // No assign requested, run on the second only. if($repeat){ return ''; } else{ // Continue! } } $page = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getPageModel(); // I need to use the parent to lookup the current base url. $baseurl = PageRequest::GetSystemRequest()->getBaseURL(); if(!isset($params['name'])) return ''; $i = InsertableModel::Construct($page->get('site'), $baseurl, $params['name']); if($i->exists()){ $value = $i->get('value'); } else{ $value = $content; } if(isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] == 'markdown'){ // Convert this markdown code to HTML via the built-in Michielf library. $value = Core\MarkdownProcessor::defaultTransform($value); //$value = Michelf\MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($value); } else{ // Coreify the string $value = \Core\parse_html($value); } if($assign){ $smarty->assign($assign, $value); } else{ return $value; } }
/** * Get the system page request * * @return \PageRequest */ function page_request(){ return \PageRequest::GetSystemRequest(); }