/** * Displays print view of literature list */ public function print_view_action() { PageLayout::removeStylesheet('style.css'); PageLayout::addStylesheet('print.css'); // use special stylesheet for printing $_range_id = Request::option('_range_id'); if ($_range_id != $GLOBALS['user']->id && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('user', $_range_id)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $_the_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance("StudipLitList", $_range_id); $this->title = sprintf(_("Literatur %s"), $_the_tree->root_name); $this->list = StudipLitList::GetFormattedListsByRange($_range_id, false, false); }
?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <? if ($quick_view_mode === 'no_nav' || Request::get('print_view')) { PageLayout::disableHeader(); } if (Request::get('print_view')){ PageLayout::removeStylesheet('style.css'); PageLayout::addStylesheet('print.css'); // use special stylesheet for printing } Sidebar::get()->setImage('sidebar/resources-sidebar.png'); // Add clipboard if neccessary (another hack meets the core) if (is_object($clipObj)) { $form = $clipObj->getFormObject(); $action = $quick_view ? URLHelper::getLink('', compact('quick_view', 'quick_view_mode')) : URLHelper::getLink('', compact('view', 'quick_view_mode')); ob_start(); echo $form->getFormStart($action); $clipObj->showClip(false, '100%');
/** * Display wiki page for print. * * @param string keyword WikiPage name * @param string version WikiPage version * **/ function printWikiPage($keyword, $version) { global $SessSemName; $wikiData=getWikiPage($keyword, $version); PageLayout::removeStylesheet('style.css'); PageLayout::addStylesheet('print.css'); // use special stylesheet for printing include ('lib/include/html_head.inc.php'); // Output of html head echo "<p><em>" . htmlReady($SessSemName['header_line']) ."</em></p>"; echo "<h1>" . htmlReady($keyword) ."</h1>"; echo "<p><em>"; echo sprintf(_("Version %s, letzte Änderung %s von %s."), $wikiData['version'], date("d.m.Y, H:i", $wikiData['chdate']), get_fullname($wikiData['user_id'], 'full', 1)); echo "</em></p>"; echo "<hr>"; echo wikiReady($wikiData['body'], TRUE, FALSE, "none"); echo "<hr><p><font size=-1>created by Stud.IP Wiki-Module "; echo date("d.m.Y, H:i", time()); echo " </font></p>"; include ('lib/include/html_end.inc.php'); }