public function testWithOrphanedHasManyRelations() {
		$page = new Page();
		$page->Title = 'Page1';
		$pageID = $page->ID;
		for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
			$comment = new PageComment();
			$comment->Name = "Snowball {$i}";
			$comment->Comment = "Comment #{$i}!";
			$comment->ParentID = $pageID;
		$task = new DataObjectRetroactiveCleanerTask();
		$this->assertFalse((bool)DataObject::get('PageComment', "ParentID = {$pageID}"),
			"PageComment not cleaned properly (retroactively)");
 function testCommenterURLWrite()
     $comment = new PageComment();
     // We only care about the CommenterURL, so only set that
     // Check a http and https URL. Add more test urls here as needed.
     $protocols = array('Http', 'Https');
     $url = '://';
     foreach ($protocols as $protocol) {
         $comment->CommenterURL = $protocol . $url;
         // The protocol should stay as if, assuming it is valid
         $this->assertEquals($comment->CommenterURL, $protocol . $url, $protocol . ':// is a valid protocol');
 function doUpload($data, $form)
     // Gets a blog holders ID
     $blogHolderID = $data['BlogHolderID'];
     // Checks if a file is uploaded
     if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['XMLFile']['tmp_name'])) {
         echo '<p>Processing...<br/></p>';
         $file = $_FILES['XMLFile'];
         // check file type. only xml file is allowed
         if ($file['type'] != 'text/xml') {
             echo 'Please select Wordpress XML file';
         $wp = new WpParser($file['tmp_name']);
         $posts = $wp->parse();
         // For testing only
         // TODO: remove $count
         $count = 0;
         echo $count;
         foreach ($posts as $post) {
             $comments = $post['Comments'];
             // create a blog entry
             $entry = new BlogEntry();
             $entry->ParentID = $blogHolderID;
             // $posts array and $entry have the same key/field names
             // so we can use update here.
             $entry->publish("Stage", "Live");
             // page comment(s)
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                 $page_comment = new PageComment();
                 $page_comment->ParentID = $entry->ID;
             // count is used for testing only
             // TODO: remove the next 2 lines
         // delete the temporaray uploaded file
         // print sucess message
         echo 'Complete!<br/>';
         echo 'Please refresh the admin page to see the new blog entries.';
	public function testDataObjectDeleteWithNullableHasOneRelation() {
		$page = new Page();
		$page->Title = 'Page';
		$pageID = $page->ID;
		$author = new Member();
		$author->Email = '*****@*****.**';
		$author->Password = '******';
		$authorID = $author->ID;
		$comment = new PageComment();
		$comment->ParentID = $page->ID;
		$comment->AuthorID = $author->ID;
		$commentID = $comment->ID;
		$comment = DataObject::get_by_id('PageComment', $commentID);
		$this->assertInstanceOf('PageComment', $comment);
			"PageComment AuthorID not set to null when the author was deleted");
예제 #5
 function postcomment($data)
     // Spam filtering
     Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Name", $data['Name']);
     Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_CommenterURL", $data['CommenterURL']);
     Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Comment", $data['Comment']);
     if (SSAkismet::isEnabled()) {
         try {
             $akismet = new SSAkismet();
             if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
                 if (SSAkismet::getSaveSpam()) {
                     $comment = Object::create('PageComment');
                     $comment->setField("IsSpam", true);
                 echo "<b>" . _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.SPAMDETECTED', 'Spam detected!!') . "</b><br /><br />";
                 printf("If you believe this was in error, please email %s.", ereg_replace("@", " _(at)_", Email::getAdminEmail()));
                 echo "<br /><br />" . _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.MSGYOUPOSTED', 'The message you posted was:') . "<br /><br />";
                 echo $data['Comment'];
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Akismet didn't work, continue without spam check
     //check if spam question was right.
     if (MathSpamProtection::isEnabled()) {
         if (!MathSpamProtection::correctAnswer($data['Math'])) {
             if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
             return "spamprotectionfailed";
             //used by javascript for checking if the spam question was wrong
     // If commenting can only be done by logged in users, make sure the user is logged in
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (PageCommentInterface::CanPostComment() && $member) {
         $this->Fields()->push(new HiddenField("AuthorID", "Author ID", $member->ID));
     } elseif (!PageCommentInterface::CanPostComment()) {
         echo "You're not able to post comments to this page. Please ensure you are logged in and have an appropriate permission level.";
     $comment = Object::create('PageComment');
     // Store the Session ID if needed for Spamprotection
     if ($session = Session::get('mollom_user_session_id')) {
         $comment->SessionID = $session;
     $comment->IsSpam = false;
     $comment->NeedsModeration = PageComment::moderationEnabled();
     Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Comment", '');
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         if ($comment->NeedsModeration) {
             echo _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.AWAITINGMODERATION', "Your comment has been submitted and is now awaiting moderation.");
         } else {
             echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment');
     } else {
         // since it is not ajax redirect user down to their comment since it has been posted
         // get the pages url off the comments parent ID.
         if ($comment->ParentID) {
             $page = DataObject::get_by_id("Page", $comment->ParentID);
             if ($page) {
                 // Redirect to the actual post on the page.
                 return Director::redirect(Director::baseURL() . $page->URLSegment . '#PageComment_' . $comment->ID);
         return Director::redirectBack();
         // worst case, just go back to the page
예제 #6
 static function enableBBCode()
     self::$bbcode = true;
 public function ins()
     $pid = isset($_GET['pid']) ? addslashes($_GET['pid']) : die("no pid");
     $tex = isset($_POST['tex']) ? addslashes($_POST['tex']) : die("no pid");
     $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? addslashes($_GET['type']) : "page";
     $json = array();
     $json['bool'] = 0;
     $pc = new PageComment();
     $pc->comment_text = $tex;
     $pc->comment_date = leap_mysqldate();
     $pc->comment_author = Account::getMyID();
     $pc->comment_page_id = $pid;
     $pc->comment_type = $type;
     $json['bool'] = $pc->save();
예제 #8
	 * Imports blog entries and comments from a Potgres-based typo installation into a SilverStripe blog
	function import(){
		// some of the guys in the contents table are articles, some are contents. Distinguished by type = "Article" or "Comment"
		// fields are: id, title, author, body, body_html, extended, excerpt, keywords, created_at, updated_at, extended_html, user_id, permalink, guid, [13]
		// 			   text_filter_id, whiteboard, type, article_id, email, url, ip, blog_name, name, published, allow_pings, allow_comments, blog_id
        //             published_at, state, status_confirmed

		$dbconn = pg_connect("host=orwell port=5432 dbname=typo_prod user=postgres password=possty");

		// create a new blogholder and call it "imported blog"
		$bholder = new BlogHolder(); 
		$bholder->Title = "imported blog";
		// write it!
		$bholder->publish("Stage", "Live");
		// get the typo articles 
		$result = pg_query($dbconn, "SELECT * FROM contents WHERE type='Article'");
		while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
			// title [1]
			// author [2]
			// body [3]
			// body_html [4] (type rendered and cached the html here. This is the preferred blog entry content for migration) 
			// keywords (space separated) [7] (tags table is just a list of the unique variants of these keywords)
			// created_at [8]
			// permalink [12] (this is like the url in sitetree, prolly not needed)
			// email [18] (address of the commenter)
			// url [19] (url of the commenter)
			$title = $row[1];
			$author = $row[2];
			$blog_entry = $row[4];
			$keywords = $row[7];
			$created_at = $row[8];
			// sometimes it's empty. If it is, grab the body
			if ($blog_entry == ""){
				// use "body"
				$blog_entry = $row[3];
			echo "blog_entry: $blog_entry";
  			echo "<br />\n";
  			// put the typo blog entry in the SS database
			$newEntry = new BlogEntry();
			$newEntry->Title = $title;
			$newEntry->Author = $author;
			$newEntry->Content = $blog_entry;
			$newEntry->Tags = $keywords;
			$newEntry->Date = $created_at;
			// tie each blog entry back to the blogholder we created initially
			$newEntry->ParentID = $bholder->ID;
			// write it!
			$newEntry->publish("Stage", "Live");
			// grab the id so we can get the comments
  			$old_article_id = $row[0];

  			// get the comments
			$result2 = pg_query($dbconn, "SELECT * FROM contents WHERE type = 'Comment' AND article_id = $old_article_id");

			while ($row2 = pg_fetch_row($result2)) {
				// grab the body_html
				$comment = $row2[4];
				// sometimes it's empty. If it is, grab the body
				if ($comment == ""){
					// use "body"
					$comment = $row2[3];
				$Cauthor = $row2[2];
				$Ccreated_at = $row2[8];
	  			// 	put the typo blog comment in the SS database
				$newCEntry = new PageComment();
				$newCEntry->Name = $Cauthor;	
				$newCEntry->Comment = $comment;
				$newCEntry->Created = $created_at;
				// need to grab the newly inserted blog entry's id
				$newCEntry->ParentID = $newEntry->ID;
				// write it!

				echo "comment: $comment";
	  			echo "<br />\n";
			// fix up the specialchars
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#215;\", \"x\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8217;\", \"&rsquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8216;\", \"&lsquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#151;\", \"&mdash;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8220;\", \"&ldquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8221;\", \"&rdquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8211;\", \"&ndash;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8212;\", \"&mdash;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8230;\", \"&hellip;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#8482;\", \"&trade;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE SiteTree SET Content = REPLACE(Content, \"&#38;\", \"&amp;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#215;\", \"x\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8217;\", \"&rsquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8216;\", \"&lsquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#151;\", \"&mdash;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8220;\", \"&ldquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8221;\", \"&rdquo;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8211;\", \"&ndash;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8212;\", \"&mdash;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8230;\", \"&hellip;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#8482;\", \"&trade;\")");
			pg_query($dbconn, "UPDATE PageComment SET Comment = REPLACE(Comment, \"&#38;\", \"&amp;\")");
	} // end function
예제 #9
 function postcomment($data)
     // Spam filtering
     if (SSAkismet::isEnabled()) {
         try {
             $akismet = new SSAkismet();
             if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
                 if (SSAkismet::getSaveSpam()) {
                     $comment = Object::create('PageComment');
                     $comment->setField("IsSpam", true);
                 echo "<b>" . _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.SPAMDETECTED', 'Spam detected!!') . "</b><br /><br />";
                 printf("If you believe this was in error, please email %s.", ereg_replace("@", " _(at)_", Email::getAdminEmail()));
                 echo "<br /><br />" . _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.MSGYOUPOSTED', 'The message you posted was:') . "<br /><br />";
                 echo $data['Comment'];
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Akismet didn't work, continue without spam check
     //check if spam question was right.
     if (MathSpamProtection::isEnabled()) {
         if (!MathSpamProtection::correctAnswer($data['Math'])) {
             if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
             return "spamprotectionfalied";
             //used by javascript for checking if the spam question was wrong
     Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Name", $data['Name']);
     $comment = Object::create('PageComment');
     $comment->IsSpam = false;
     $comment->NeedsModeration = PageComment::moderationEnabled();
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         if ($comment->NeedsModeration) {
             echo _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.AWAITINGMODERATION', "Your comment has been submitted and is now awating moderation.");
         } else {
             echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment');
     } else {