예제 #1
function pageform()
    global $session;
    $process = new ProcessForm();
    $validate = $process::validate();
    $postdata = new Page("pages");
    $user = new User("users");
    $uid = $user::findRow("Id={$session->userid}");
    //change this to login session id when login is activated
    $id = $postdata::$id = isset($GLOBALS["id"]) ? "Id=" . $GLOBALS["id"] : null;
    //id recieved form querystring
    if ($GLOBALS["action"] == "editpage") {
        $edit = $postdata::findRow($id);
        $title = $edit->Title;
        $category = $edit->Position;
        $source = $edit->Source;
        $pgcontent = $edit->Content;
        $published = $edit->Published;
        $featured = $edit->Featured;
        $authorid = $uid->Id;
        //image to upload
        $pgimage = "";
        $imgcaption = "";
    } else {
        $title = "";
        $category = "";
        $source = "";
        $pgcontent = "";
        $published = "";
        $featured = "";
        $authorid = $uid->Id;
        //image to upload
        $pgimage = "";
        $imgcaption = "";
    //Process Page Form
    //Process Image Uploads here
    $upload_path = "../";
    $upload = new UploadFiles($upload_path . PAGEIMG_DIR, $upload_path . TEMP_DIR);
    if ($process->submitForm()) {
        /*@setting validation rules*/
        $upload->Mimetype = array('image/pjpeg' => "jpeg", 'image/jpeg' => "jpeg", 'image/png' => "png", 'image/gif' => "gif");
        $required = array("title", "page_content", "source");
        $process->errorinfo = array_merge($process->errorinfo, $validate->check_requiredFields($required));
        $check_invalidchars = array("title", "source");
        $process->errorinfo = array_merge($process->errorinfo, $validate->check_invalidChars($check_invalidchars));
        $requiredlen = array("title" => 100);
        $process->errorinfo = array_merge($process->errorinfo, $validate->check_FieldLength($requiredlen));
        $selectedindex = array("category" => "--Select Category--");
        $process->errorinfo = array_merge($process->errorinfo, $validate->check_selectField($selectedindex));
        if ($id == null) {
            $getrow = $postdata::fieldExists("Title={$_POST["title"]}");
            if ($getrow) {
                $process->errorinfo["title"] = $_POST["title"] . " already exist";
        /* upload info on validation ,//Sucess*/
        $massage = $process->message("Page has been successfully submmited.");
        if ($process->successflag) {
            //put database table here
            $postdata::$tablefields = array("Title" => $_POST["title"], "Content" => $_POST["page_content"], "Source" => $_POST["source"], "Postedby" => $_POST["authorid"], "Position" => $_POST["category"], "Published" => $_POST["publish"], "Featured" => $_POST["feature"]);
            /*saved to database*/
            //echo "new recored was added with id=".$postdata->lastInsertedId();
            //echo "<br> success happened and all fields are sent to database, Thank you ! :)";
            /*uploads info*/
            //upolads an image
            if ($upload->Upload_status == true) {
                $postimg = new Image("pageimgs");
                $pageid = $id != null ? $id : $postdata->lastInsertedId();
                $postimg::$tablefields = array("Imgname" => $upload->Newfilename, "Width" => $upload->Width, "Height" => $upload->Height, "Imgcaption" => $_POST["imgcaption"], "Mimetype" => $upload->Filetype, "Extention" => $upload->File_ext, "Pageid" => $pageid);
                //check and delete old image record in pageimg table
                $pid = $postimg->findRow("Pageid=" . $pageid);
                if ($pid != null) {
                    $upload->deleteFile($upload_path . PAGEIMG_DIR . $pid->Imgname . "." . $pid->Extention);
                    $upload->deleteFile($upload_path . PAGEIMG_DIR . "thumbnails/" . $pid->Imgname . "." . $pid->Extention);
                // }
        //upload image
    $form = new Form("Pageform", filter_var($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?" . filter_var($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "post", "enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"\n");
    $form->setFormField("", $form->addFormInfo("<h2>Use this form add new Page..</h2><p>Required Fields are labelled with asterics (*)</p><hr/>"));
    //Page Title
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("title", "*Title"), $form->inputField("text", "title", $process->post("title", $title)), $validate->displayErrorField($process->errorinfo, "title"));
    $pgcategory = function () {
        $category = new GetTableRecord("pagecategory");
        $category_options = $category::findAllRecords();
        $options[] = "--Select Category--";
        foreach ($category_options as $opt) {
            $options[$opt->Position] = $opt->Category;
        return $options;
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("category", "*Category"), $form->selectOptions("category", $pgcategory(), $process->post("category", $category)), $validate->displayErrorField($process->errorinfo, "category"));
    //Page Source
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("source", "*Source"), $form->inputField("text", "source", $process->post("source", $source)), $validate->displayErrorField($process->errorinfo, "source"));
    // Page Content
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("page_content", "*Content"), $form->textAreaField("page_content", $process->post("page_content", $pgcontent), "10", "50", "class=\"ckeditor\""), $validate->displayErrorField($process->errorinfo, "page_content"));
    //Upload Image
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("uploadimg", "Upload Image"), $form->uploadField("uploadimg[]", "uploadimg") . "<br>" . $form->textAreaField("imgcaption", $process->post("imgcaption", $imgcaption), "1", "45", 'placeholder="Image Caption"') . $form->inputField("hidden", "MAX_FILE_SIZE", "40000000"), $validate->displayErrorField($process->errorinfo, "uploadimg"));
    //Radio for Visible/
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("publish", "Publish"), $form->radioButton("Yes", "publish", "Y", $process->post("publish", $published) == "Y" ? true : false) . $form->radioButton("No", "publish", "N", $process->post("publish", $published) == "N" ? true : false));
    //Featured Page
    $form->setFormField($form->inputLabel("feature", "Feature"), $form->radioButton("Yes", "feature", "Y", $process->post("feature", $featured) == "Y" ? true : false) . $form->radioButton("No", "feature", "N", $process->post("feature", $featured) == "N" ? true : false));
    //Submit Form
    $form->setFormField(null, $form->inputField("hidden", "authorid", $process->post("authorid", $authorid)) . $form->inputField("submit", "send", "Save"));
    return $form->DisplayFields($GLOBALS["form_labling"], $process->message);