function test_get_social_icons_links() { $this->assertEmpty(PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links()); $array_to_test = array(99 => new stdClass(), 'pw-test' => 'test', 'pw-two' => 'test2', 'hey-two' => 'test2', 'foo' => null, 0 => 123); $this->assertEquals(array('pw-two' => 'test2', 'pw-test' => 'test'), PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links($array_to_test), 'return only entries with keys starting with default: pw-'); $this->assertEquals(array('hey-two' => 'test2'), PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links($array_to_test, 'hey'), 'return only entries with keys starting with some custom string'); $this->assertEmpty(PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links($array_to_test, 'primoz'), 'test with the starting key that doesnt exist'); $this->assertEmpty(PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links($array_to_test, 'foo'), 'empty values should not be included'); $array_to_test['foo'] = 42; $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 42), PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links($array_to_test, 'foo'), 'now the foo can be included'); }
/** * Front-end display of widget. */ public function widget($args, $instance) { // Prepare data for mustache template $selected_user_id = intval($instance['selected_user_id']); $social_icons = array(); if (is_callable('PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links')) { $icons = PW_Functions::get_social_icons_links(get_user_meta($selected_user_id)); foreach ($icons as $service => $url) { $service_icon = substr($service, 3); array_push($social_icons, array('icon' => $service_icon, 'url' => $url[0])); } } // Mustache author-widget template rendering echo $this->mustache->render(apply_filters('pw/widget_author_view', 'widget-author'), array('args' => $args, 'author-avatar' => get_avatar($selected_user_id, 90), 'author-posts' => get_author_posts_url($selected_user_id), 'author-meta-name' => $args['before_title'] . get_the_author_meta('display_name', $selected_user_id) . $args['after_title'], 'author-meta-description' => wpautop(get_the_author_meta('description', $selected_user_id)), 'author-meta-user-url' => get_the_author_meta('user_url', $selected_user_id), 'social-icons' => intval(count($social_icons)), 'social-icons-list' => $social_icons)); }
/** * Front-end display of widget. * * @see WP_Widget::widget() * * @param array $args * @param array $instance */ public function widget($args, $instance) { // Prepare the data for mustache template $counters = isset($instance['counters']) ? array_values($instance['counters']) : array(); foreach ($counters as $key => $counter) { $counters[$key]['title'] = esc_html($counter['title']); $counters[$key]['number'] = absint($counter['number']); $counters[$key]['leading_zeros'] = esc_html(PW_Functions::leading_zeros(strlen($counter['number']))); if ($this->fields['icon']) { $counters[$key]['icon'] = esc_attr($counter['icon']); } } // Mustache widget-number-counter template rendering echo $this->mustache->render(apply_filters('pw/widget_number_counter_view', 'widget-number-counter'), array('args' => $args, 'instance' => $instance, 'counters' => $counters)); }
public function register_shortcode($atts, $content = null) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array('layout' => 'block', 'order_number' => 1, 'order_number_from' => 1, 'order_number_to' => 3, 'show_more_link' => ''), $atts); $instance = array('type' => $atts['layout'], 'from' => absint($atts['order_number']), 'to' => absint($atts['order_number']), 'more_news' => $atts['show_more_link']); // If the inline layout is selected then set the from and to variables if ('inline' === $atts['layout']) { $instance['from'] = absint($atts['order_number_from']); $instance['to'] = absint($atts['order_number_to']); } // Bound from and to between 1 and max_post_number $instance['from'] = PW_Functions::bound($instance['from'], 1, $this->max_post_number); $instance['to'] = PW_Functions::bound($instance['to'], 1, $this->max_post_number); // to can't be lower than from if ($instance['from'] > $instance['to']) { $instance['to'] = $instance['from']; } ob_start(); the_widget('PW_Latest_News', $instance); return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Sanitize widget form values as they are saved. * * @param array $new_instance The new options * @param array $old_instance The previous options */ public function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { $instance = array(); $instance['type'] = sanitize_key($new_instance['type']); $instance['from'] = sanitize_text_field($new_instance['from']); $instance['to'] = sanitize_text_field($new_instance['to']); if (!empty($new_instance['more_news'])) { $instance['more_news'] = sanitize_text_field($new_instance['more_news']); } else { $instance['more_news'] = ''; } // Bound from and to between 1 and max_post_number $instance['from'] = PW_Functions::bound($instance['from'], 1, $this->max_post_number); $instance['to'] = PW_Functions::bound($instance['to'], 1, $this->max_post_number); // to can't be lower than from if ($instance['from'] > $instance['to']) { $instance['to'] = $instance['from']; } $instance['read_more_text'] = sanitize_text_field($new_instance['read_more_text']); return $instance; }
/** * Front-end display of widget. * * @see WP_Widget::widget() * * @param array $args * @param array $instance */ public function widget($args, $instance) { // Prepare data for mustache template $page_id = absint($instance['page_id']); /** * Support for the Polylang plugin. * * */ if (function_exists('pll_get_post')) { $page_id = pll_get_post($page_id); } $instance['layout'] = sanitize_key($instance['layout']); $instance['read_more_text'] = empty($instance['read_more_text']) ? esc_html__('Read more', 'proteuswidgets') : sanitize_text_field($instance['read_more_text']); $thumbnail_size = 'inline' === $instance['layout'] ? 'pw-inline' : 'pw-page-box'; // Get basic page info if ($page_id) { $page = (array) get_post($page_id); } // Prepare the excerpt text $excerpt = !empty($page['post_excerpt']) ? $page['post_excerpt'] : $page['post_content']; if ('inline' === $instance['layout'] && strlen($excerpt) > $this->excerpt_lengths['inline_excerpt']) { $strpos = strpos($excerpt, ' ', $this->excerpt_lengths['inline_excerpt']); $excerpt = false !== $strpos ? substr($excerpt, 0, $strpos) . ' …' : $excerpt; } elseif (strlen($excerpt) > $this->excerpt_lengths['block_excerpt']) { $strpos = strpos($excerpt, ' ', $this->excerpt_lengths['block_excerpt']); $excerpt = false !== $strpos ? substr($excerpt, 0, $strpos) . ' …' : $excerpt; } $page['post_excerpt'] = sanitize_text_field($excerpt); $page['link'] = get_permalink($page_id); $page['thumbnail'] = get_the_post_thumbnail($page_id, $thumbnail_size); if ('block' === $instance['layout']) { $attachment_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($page_id); $attachment_image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_image_id, 'pw-page-box'); $page['image_url'] = $attachment_image_data[0]; $page['image_width'] = $attachment_image_data[1]; $page['image_height'] = $attachment_image_data[2]; $page['srcset'] = PW_Functions::get_attachment_image_srcs($attachment_image_id, array('pw-page-box', 'full')); } // Mustache widget-featured-page template rendering echo $this->mustache->render(apply_filters('pw/widget_featured_page_view', 'widget-featured-page'), array('args' => $args, 'page' => $page, 'instance' => $instance, 'block' => 'block' === $instance['layout'])); }