예제 #1

$response = array();
$response['messages'] = array();
$response['errors'] = array();
$is_ajax = isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) ? true : false;
$pidm = (int) $_GET['pidm'];
// check for invalid pidm
if (!$GLOBALS['BannerGeneral']->isValidPidm($pidm)) {
    $response['errors'] = sprintf('PIDM "%d" is invalid.', $pidm);
// where should redirects go?
$redirect_url = $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $pidm;
if ($_GET['synchronize_ldi'] == 1) {
    // TODO: replace LDI sync code with REST API call to POST user/sync/ldi/[:id]/[:source] Where ":source" is the username of the synchronizer
    $person = new PSUPerson($pidm);
    if ($person->sync_ldi($_SESSION['username'] ?: 'ape')) {
        $response['messages'][] = 'Synchronization has been queued.';
    } else {
        $response['errors'][] = 'LDISync() failed, contact MIS.';
    action_cleanup($redirect_url, $response, $is_ajax);
} elseif ($_GET['synchronize_ad']) {
    $GLOBALS['LOG']->write('Active Directory Sync', PSU::get('idmobject')->getIdentifier($pidm, 'pid', 'username'));
    require_once 'PSUadLDAP.class.php';
    $GLOBALS['AD'] = new PSUadLDAP();
    $response['messages'][] = 'Synchronization has been queued.';
    action_cleanup($redirect_url, $response, $is_ajax);
//end elseif